Love's Journey

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Love's Journey Page 5

by Carrie Carr

  "Oh, sweetheart, every day without you is an eternity. The house--each day--everything feels so empty without you." He closed his eyes and choked back a sob. "I don't think I have the strength to do this, Lanie."

  "Sure you do," a subdued voice said from behind him.

  Travis spun around quickly. "What--?"

  Lex and Amanda stood together, arms around each other. "That's why you need to come home with us. We'll help you." His granddaughter stepped forward and held out her hands. "I think that's what Grandma wants, too."

  He accepted her hands and pulled the young woman to his chest. "Lexie--"

  "Come home with us," Lex slowly escorted him back to the car. "At least for a little while, so I can find out more about my family."

  He had no real argument against that. Travis allowed the two women to help him into the limousine, even though he was more than capable of doing it on his own. "I don't know, girls. The last thing you need is an old coot underfoot."

  Amanda sat on one side of him, her partner on the other. "You're right." She waved off Lex's shocked look. "Thankfully, you're not an old coot, so we don't have a thing to worry about, do we?"

  "She's right," Lex agreed. "At least think about it. There's no rush."

  "That, I can do." Travis leaned back into the seat with a heavy sigh. I'm getting too old to be traipsing around the countryside, Lanie. Maybe they have a point. "How long can you girls stay?"

  Lex exchanged glances with Amanda, who shook her head. She took Travis' hand and squeezed. "I'm afraid we'll have to go back tomorrow. I've got a lot of things to do at the ranch, and Amanda has to get back to work." Lex was about to say something else when her cell phone rang, causing her to jump. She released Travis' hand. "Damn!" She pulled the small phone out of her pocket and flipped it open. "Yes?"

  "Lexie?" Martha's voice sounded very far away, and there was an echo on the line.

  "I'm sorry, Martha. We must be in a bad spot. You're not coming in very clearly. What's wrong?"

  "Hubert called, and he--" The housekeeper's voice faded away.

  "Martha? I don't know if you can hear me, but I'll call you as soon as we get back to the house." Both Travis and Amanda watched as Lex pulled the phone from her ear and slammed it closed. "Damned thing." She jammed it back into her pocket.

  "What's wrong?" Amanda asked, feeling Travis squeeze her hand.

  Lex shook her head. "I don't know. Martha said something about Hubert, and I lost the signal."

  Travis squeezed Amanda's hand and released it, then crossed over to the opposite seat. He wanted to sit across from Lex so he could see her face. "Hubert? What in God's name is he up to now?"

  At his question, she rolled her eyes. "What isn't he up to?" Lex grumbled, leaning back with a disgusted grunt. "What a jackass."

  Amanda rubbed her lover's leg in sympathy. "Shhh. Don't let him upset you, honey." She answered Travis' question. "He got a lawyer to help him try to get control of the ranch."

  "Why is he after the ranch? He's hated it since he was old enough to whine about it." Travis shook his head angrily. "And, considering some of the stunts he has pulled, it makes me wonder if he's even right in the head. Be very careful, Lexie. Especially now."

  Amanda gripped Lex's hand tightly and asked, "Why now?"

  Travis leaned forward until he had Lex's undivided attention, answering Amanda's question but directing his words to his granddaughter. "When your mother passed away, her trust was divided into equal shares and allotted to you three children and your father. It was to be used for the education of her children and to provide for the care of the ranch." He waited until Lex nodded her understanding. "As soon as your father left and put you in charge of the ranch, he relinquished all rights to the trust. His share was divided among you, Louis, and Hubert. When your younger brother died," he ached at seeing the pain in the eyes across from him, "his share was divided between you and Hubert."

  "So, basically, Hubert and I are partners in Mother's trust now?" Lex asked. She felt a little confused. "All this legal stuff gives me a headache."

  Travis patted her leg in sympathy. "Not exactly. Your mother wanted to make certain you all would be well educated, and would always have a home. The moment your brother moved off the ranch, his share went back into the primary trust. Since you didn't use any of the monies to go to college, it's to be used for the running of the ranch. The only way your brother could possibly get his hands on any of it again is either by moving back to the ranch, or by something happening to you. If you were out of the picture, he would have control, and the lawyer in charge of the trust would have a hard time keeping track of how Hubert spent the money," Travis finished quietly. He saw the look of fear on Amanda's face and inwardly cursed himself.

  Amanda shook her head. "You don't actually think--?" She felt Lex wrap an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned back gratefully.

  Lex pulled her lover close. "Of course not, sweetheart. My brother is a big-mouthed jackass, who doesn't have the guts or the brains to do anything sinister. Right?"

  "I wouldn't count him out completely, Lexie." A scene of a past cruelty from Hubert's childhood flashed in Travis' mind.

  It was Lexington's third birthday, and her father left the ranch to buy cattle. This allowed Melanie and Travis to come out to the ranch to spend some time with their daughter. They had been in the den drinking coffee, when Travis excused himself to check on a noise upstairs. He found his granddaughter swinging in her open closet, her hands frantically gripping a rope around her neck, the other end tied to the clothes bar. After he removed the rope, she explained how she and Hubert had been playing, and she was the "bad guy." There were rope burns on her wrists, but she somehow been able to wriggle free from them. It scared him how close the little girl had come to dying, and by her own brother's hand.

  Seeing her grandfather upset, Lex became concerned. "Are you okay?" She leaned over and put her hand on his knee. "What's the matter?"

  Travis refrained from sharing the memory with Lex, determined to allow it to remain buried in her subconscious mind. "I'm fine, Lex. However, I mean it when I say Hubert is not to be trusted. Don't turn your back on him, please."

  "Don't worry. I'm not about to. I have a lawyer checking his claim to the ranch right now. The last I heard, he didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding." Lex leaned back with a satisfied sigh. "You should have read that so-called legal document. Some of the words were misspelled, and most of it didn't make any sense whatsoever."

  "Do you honestly think he'll stop with just serving you legal papers? He only got a small amount of money from your grandmother," Travis worried. "Maybe I should--"

  "You should do nothing. I've been fighting with Hubert, one way or another, for as long as I can remember . I don't want to get anyone else involved in this mess. It's bad enough he's making Amanda an issue. I don't want him to target you, as well."

  "What does Amanda have to do with the ranch? I know she lives there, but," Travis looked at Amanda apologetically. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean any offense."

  "None taken. Lex gave me power of attorney for her, medically and legally." Amanda snuggled a little closer to Lex. "Talk about surprised. You could have knocked me over with a feather."

  Lex fought the urge to kiss the head under her chin. "I just wanted to make sure if anything happened to me, Amanda and Martha would be taken care of. I have my own money put away, separate from the trust that goes with the ranch." A moment of silent communication passed between granddaughter and grandfather. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family. That goes for you too, now, Grandpa.

  He nodded as if he read her thoughts, and made a promise of his own. I'll make sure of that, Lexie, he vowed wordlessly. I wasn't there for you when you were growing up, but I'll damn sure be here for you now.

  Chapter Four

  LEX WAS FUMING. They had to cut their trip short, and she was driving the truck back to the ranch in silence. She gently rebuffed her partner's attempts to d
raw her out of her bad mood, more than content to sit and stew over Hubert's latest scheme. She gripped the steering wheel tighter as she thought back to her conversation with Martha. Upon their return from the cemetery, Lex went upstairs to their room and returned the housekeeper's call.

  Sheriff Charlie Bristol had arrived at the ranch in an official capacity, to serve Lex with a subpoena from Judge Packer for her to appear in his court the following morning. Lex assured Martha they were on their way back to the ranch, and told her to make up the guest room for her grandfather, who was returning with them.

  "Lex?" Amanda squeezed her lover's shoulder, interrupting her thoughts. She saw the faraway look fade as Lex turned to study her. "It won't help, you know."

  "What?" Lex began to smile at the look on Amanda's face. She's just so damned cute. When she noticed her lips moving, she shook her head. "Huh?"

  "I said, thinking about Hubert won't help matters any." She felt Lex's forehead. "Are you feeling all right? You're not coming down with something, are you?"

  From the back seat, Travis watched the interaction between the two women. He chuckled to himself at the way Amanda handled his granddaughter. Poor Lexie doesn't stand a chance.

  Lex captured the hand on her forehead and pulled it to her lips, kissing it gently. "I'm just fine, sweetheart. Don't worry so much." She turned her attention to her grandfather. "What's so funny?"

  "You two." Travis leaned forward to place a hand on each woman's shoulder. "Amanda, you remind me so much of my Lanie. She wouldn't let me get away with anything, either."

  "What did you do about it?" Lex asked.

  Travis laughed. "I sat back, grinned, and enjoyed the ride." He studied the face in the mirror carefully. She looks completely worn out. I bet she won't stop anywhere to give herself a break, either. "Lexie?"

  She turned her head slightly. "Yes, sir?" Old habits died hard. Martha taught Lex well, instilling respect in her at an early age.

  "You think we could stop for a few minutes? I'd like to stretch my legs." Travis could almost hear his late wife's gentle laughter. I know, my love, but it's for her own good.

  "Sure. You should have said something sooner. Do you have enough legroom back there?" The four-door Dodge Ram pickup was big, but Travis was a tall man.

  Amanda turned around in her seat. "You're more than welcome to sit here," she gave him a stern look, "like I offered before we started back."

  He raised his hands in defeat. "No, no. I'm perfectly comfortable back here. Just have old joints that need to stretch for a few minutes every now and then or they stick."

  Lex did not look convinced. "Uh-huh. Whatever you say. There's a small town about two miles ahead." She yawned and cursed inwardly at her lack of stamina. "I could use a break myself," she admitted, missing the look exchanged between her two companions as she fought off another yawn.

  Travis patted his granddaughter on the shoulder. "Thanks, Lexie. I know you're eager to get home. Sorry to be such a bother."

  "You're not a bother. I need to fill the gas tank, anyway." She steered the truck into a well-lighted gas station that had a fast food restaurant and a large convenience store. Lex stopped beside a gas pump and opened the door. "This looks like a good place. You two want to grab some munchies or a burger while we're here?"

  Amanda wrinkled her nose. "Umm, I think I'll see if they have some fresh fruit or something." She closed her door and reached for Travis' hand. "Want to help me?"

  "Sure." He looked over the hood of the truck. "Do you want us to get you anything, Lexie?"

  Lex yawned again as she began to clean the windows while the vehicle filled with fuel. "I think I could use a cup of coffee, if you two don't mind. And maybe some Buttercups?" The vanilla pastry was a favorite of hers. Buttercups were yellow cupcakes with white creamy filling and buttery frosting on top. Every time Martha and Amanda made out a shopping list, Lex begged for the treats, looking as pitiable as possible until they gave in.

  "All right." Amanda acquiesced but rolled her eyes. She pulled Travis through the doors of the convenience store, mumbling conspiratorially, "I swear she's going to turn into a blasted Buttercup if she continues to eat them all the darned time."

  A short time later, Lex was sitting in the back seat of the truck, her arms crossed over her chest. "I can't believe you did that," she grumbled, a near-pout on her tired face.

  "Don't blame Amanda, it was my idea." Travis turned in the front passenger seat so he could look at his agitated granddaughter. They waited until Lex was finished with the truck, and when she went inside to wash her hands, each climbed into a front seat. "Is it so wrong for us to want you to get a little rest? Just lean back and relax, Lexie. I'll wake you when we get to the ranch."

  Lex sighed heavily. Grow up, Lexington. She could almost hear Martha's stern voice admonishing her. "Quit upsetting your grandfather." "Well, I could use a little nap," she acknowledged. "Sorry." She obediently closed her eyes, but not before she winked at Amanda, who watched her from the rearview mirror.

  THE DAY DAWNED bright but bitterly cold as a strong north wind howled through the bare trees surrounding the ranch house. Amanda stood at the French doors in the master bedroom trembling slightly when the high winds rattled the glass. Warm hands on her shoulders startled her. "Oh!"

  "Sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you." Lex's low voice tickled her ear. "What are you looking at?" She peeked over Amanda's head.

  "Nothing in particular." Amanda turned around and snuggled into the welcoming arms. "It even looks cold out there."

  Lex chuckled and led her away from the glass and over to the fireplace. "I know. And I can think of a lot better things to do than driving into town and fighting with Hubert and his cronies." She sat on an oversized chair, pulling Amanda easily into her lap.

  Amanda spun around and wrapped her arms around Lex's neck. "Me, too. Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" She gazed deeply into the eyes that were so close to hers. "I don't like the idea of you going there alone." She contemplated going in to work, but her grandmother told her over the phone not to bother. Business was still slow, anyway.

  "I won't be alone, sweetheart. Mel's going to be there." Melvin Taft, the grandson of her family's original lawyer, passed the State Bar a couple of years earlier. However, because of his age and the way the small town worked, he was having trouble getting new business. Lex had known him for years and, because of his integrity and good nature, she decided to retain the earnest young man as her counsel in this action.

  "I'm sure Mr. Taft will do his best, honey, but don't you think you'll need some moral support?" Amanda was afraid without someone there to help Lex stay calm, she would lose her temper with her brother and get into serious trouble. "We can start on the Christmas decorations when we get back."

  "No, I'll be fine." Lex pulled Amanda close and began to nibble on her neck. She paused for a moment. "Besides, Martha is all excited about the decorating this year. It would be a shame to tell her she'll have to postpone it." The housekeeper was more than thrilled with Amanda's living at the ranch. She had commented the previous night about how pleased she was that someone would help with the decorations and not grumble about it all day. Besides, I have to pick up someone while I'm in town. No sense ruining a good surprise.

  Amanda sighed and rested her forehead on Lex's shoulder. "I hate it when you're right." She gasped when a callused hand went inside her shirt and began to tickle her ribs. "Hey!"

  Lex stopped tickling and reluctantly removed her hand. She nodded at the smile her partner now wore. "That's better. Unfortunately, I need to get going." She stood up, carrying Amanda with her. Strong legs wrapped around her waist, trapping Lex. "It's going to be kind of hard to drive like this, love," Lex teased. "And we'll probably end up falling down the stairs."

  "Oh, okay." Amanda relented, releasing the grip her legs had on Lex. Regaining her feet, she kept her arms wrapped around her lover's neck. "I'm going to have to start wearing heels if I want to be able to
do this," she joked, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.

  "Hey." Lex watched as Amanda's eyes filled with tears. "What are these for?" She caught the falling drops with her thumbs.

  Amanda sniffled a bit and blinked. "I don't know. Just being silly, I guess." Given Travis' warning, she didn't want Lex to leave her sight, even for a few hours. "Be careful. And try to stay calm." She pulled her hands away from Lex's neck and stroked the tan cheeks gently. "I have this awful feeling, Lex. Something doesn't feel right about this whole thing."

  "It's just a hearing to see if they have a case. I'll probably be back before lunch, sweetheart. There's nothing to worry about." Lex leaned down and covered Amanda's lips with her own. When they broke apart, she whispered, "I love you."

  "I love you, too." Amanda rubbed her face against Lex's shirt, happily inhaling her scent. She opened her eyes. "Is this a new one?" The heavy cotton maroon shirt was crisply ironed and looked as if it had never been worn.

  "Not exactly. But Martha told me I wasn't going to meet with the judge looking like a common cowhand." Lex stepped back selfconsciously and ran her hands down the front of her pants.

  Amanda blinked, not accepting what her eyes were seeing. Lex is wearing slacks? Wow. She stood staring for a long moment, until a hand waved in front of her face. "Mmm--"

  Lex blushed and ran a nervous hand through her hair. "I know. I feel ridiculous." She brushed the top of her thighs with her hands again. The black dress slacks were made from heavy cotton, and fit her long legs very well. Even her black boots had been polished to a high shine. "I hate trying to look like something I'm not, but Martha was insistent I show respect to the court and said my usual clothes wouldn't do."

  "You look great." Amanda moved in closer and wrapped her arms around the slim waist. She rose up on her toes and whispered into her lover's ear, "Good enough to eat," then bit down gently on Lex's earlobe.

  A surge of desire ran through Lex's body, and she felt her legs go weak as Amanda continued to nibble on her neck. She was only able to stay on her feet by grabbing Amanda's hips and hanging onto them tightly. "Whoa. I can't believe how easily you can do that to me. Can I take a rain check on that offer?" Lex backed up slightly, grasped her partner's hand, and led her from the room.


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