Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3)

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Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3) Page 5

by Cala Riley

  I ponder his words. “Maybe, but I don’t think I could live with the guilt of another person dying for me.” I turn to him and paste on a fake smile. “So, try not to die, okay?”

  I take off running. While I enjoyed the conversation, it became too much for me. Thinking about death always does this to me. It reminds me of a past I have been trying to overcome.

  Dante cusses behind me, but I keep running. I’m at the front of the park before I realize he’s not as close behind me as I thought. I turn the corner leading out of the park, planning on stopping, when I crash into a man. He attempts to grab my arms to steady me as we both fall to the ground. He misses me as I land on my ass and scrape my hands, breaking my fall.

  “Shit.” I hiss as pain fills my hands and tailbone.

  “Are you okay?” the man asks.

  I look up and find an extremely attractive man sitting next to me. My words catch in my throat as he picks up my hand closest to him up. He winces as he looks at it, but lets it fall away into a smile as he looks up at me.

  “I’m so sorry. Let me make this up to you.”

  I grin back as Dante rounds the corner and immediately pulls his gun on the stranger.

  “Dante! Put the gun down. There are tons of people here.”

  He hesitates but concedes when I say my next words. “I ran into this man and knocked him down. He’s no threat. I am.” I look back to the man and find his eyes slightly wider. He schools his expression quickly as he stands and offers me his hand. Dante steps in front of him and helps me up.

  “What’s your name?” I ask the man as I move to the side of Dante so I can see the stranger clearly.

  “Kevin. Sorry that you’re hurt. Let me make it up to you.”

  I smile, but Dante steps between us again and narrows his eyes at the man. “Are you okay, Miss Isabella?”

  “Of course, it was my mistake. Kevin, I’m sorry for taking you down.” I step around Dante, much to his displeasure.

  “No excuse needed, Isabella.”

  I question his use of my name, but then remember that Dante had just used it. For a second, a small flag almost waved, but thankfully it has been put away.

  “Maybe I will run into you again, Isabella.”

  “Maybe.” I wink as I turn and walk away.

  Dante is hot on my heels, but I don’t stop.

  “What was that, Miss Isabella? You could have been hurt. I told you to stay with me.”

  “It’s not my fault you didn’t keep up. I thought you were right there. I didn’t realize you had fallen behind.”

  The lies fall easily from my lips, but the guilt eats at me. The image of Johnny pops into my head. I can barely live with myself now. If Dante gets hurt because of something I did, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. This is something I’m sure of.

  “You took off without warning me.”

  I sigh. “I know. I’m just tired. Sorry.”

  He stares ahead as we continue to walk. He hasn’t said anything, which only makes me feel worse. Just as I’m about to say something, he speaks. “No need to be sorry. I failed at my job. I promised you that I would protect you, and I didn’t. It’s my fault, not yours.”

  “How about we agree to disagree? Sounds like a plan.”

  He grunts in disagreement. “It’s not safe for you to talk to strangers, Miss Isabella.”

  The disapproval in his voice cuts me.

  “I’m a single woman, Dante. How am I going to find someone to date if I don’t talk to strange men? Isn’t that how this works? You talk to a stranger until he’s no longer a stranger?”

  “It’s not a safe world. You can’t trust anyone. Friend or stranger. It’s safer that way.”

  I stop abruptly and stare at him. Standing in the middle of the sidewalk, I let his words hit me.

  You can’t trust anyone.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Isabella. I was out of line. Forgive me. You can trust me. I will protect you.” He stands in front of me, trying to reassure me.

  “You’re right, Dante. You can’t trust anyone. I know that better than anyone.” I move past him and continue walking. It isn’t until we reach my house that he stops me and speaks again.

  “I didn’t mean it the way it sounds. I will protect you. You can trust me. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  “You’re wrong. I appreciate the thought, but you’re only here because Bash ordered you to be. If he called right now and ordered you to be somewhere else, you would go without hesitation. If he ordered you to put a bullet in my head, you would do it without blinking. Don’t think I’m naïve. I know how the family works.”

  I head up the steps and go to unlock the door, but his voice stops me.

  “You’re wrong, Miss Isabella.” He brushes past me and finishes unlocking the door. “Let me clear the house. Wait here in the hall.”

  I wait as he clears each room of the house. Then he comes back and stands in front of me.

  “It’s safe. I will be outside if you need anything.” He brushes past me before shutting the door behind me and using his own key to lock the door. I slide down the wall and sit on the floor, thinking about what he said.

  Trust is an illusion. You can never trust anyone 100 percent. Not even yourself.


  “Thank you so much for this, Gio. I appreciate being able to get out.”

  I grimace at Greer. The way she’s dressed screams a bunch of trouble coming my way tonight.

  Thankfully, her guard Enzo is coming, along with Matt.

  “Anything for you, piccolo. Let’s go.”

  Enzo walks into the room and frowns. “Greer, I have to insist that you change. Your clothes are inappropriate.”

  I watch as she throws a smile over her shoulder at him.

  “Insist away, but I’m not changing. I adore this outfit.” She turns and looks at herself in the mirror one more time. Apparently content with her look, she flips her hair over her shoulder and saunters over to Enzo. “Thank you for grabbing my purse, dear.” She leans up and kisses him on the cheek before walking past him. “Let’s get going, boys.”

  Enzo groans and mumbles in Italian under his breath. I chuckle at him.

  This woman will be the death of me.

  Greer’s a force to be reckoned with, always has been and always will be. Aunt Catrina thinks that marrying her off to some higher-up in the family or into another family will tame the wild side she has. I know different. She will always be a wild child. She needs someone to complement that side, not tame it.

  “Let’s get this night over with, boys. Remember the plan.”

  The plan being we have several guards to watch her at the club on top of us three being by her side. It’s my way of letting her go a little wild but keeping her safe.

  Within minutes we’re loaded up into two SUVs on our way to Ivory. Ivory isn’t my favorite club of ours, but it’s the safest and the closest.

  “So, which one of you boys is going to be my dance partner tonight?”

  I catch a groan from the front, making me smile.

  “I’ll dance with you.” I chuckle as I watch her expression turn into one of disgust.

  “Ew! You’re my cousin. No way.”

  “What kind of dancing are you thinking? I was thinking of appropriate dancing for cousins. You have a dirty mind, bambina.”

  She smacks me hard on the chest.

  “Don’t you dare call me that! I hate nicknames,” Greer grumbles.

  “Simmer down, firecracker. I’m sure you will have no trouble finding a dance partner. With that being said, remember that while you find me to be a cool cousin, your brother will still gut any man who touches you. So, keep it PG. Got it?”

  What she doesn’t know is that we already have a couple of our men lined up to offer to dance with her, some of the newbies who have yet to be marked. A test for them, but Greer will be none the wiser.

  “Bash is such a killjoy. Why can’t he just let me live my life? I’m ninetee
n. I’m a woman, not a child.”

  I chuckle. This is the same argument she has every time you bring up her big brother. She resents his position in the family because of how it affects her. She can be a bit selfish at times.

  “Stop laughing at me, Giovanni. It’s not funny. I’m being serious here. He ships me off to Italy and pretty much forgets I exist. Then when I do come back, he doesn’t let me out of his sight. It’s suffocating.” She crosses her arms, finishing the spoiled brat look.

  “He sent you to Italy because you couldn’t stay out of trouble here. The all-girls school didn’t hurt. As for him not letting you out of his sight, well, I don’t see him around now. Unless you think he’s hiding in the back somewhere.” I peek over the back seat and chuckle.

  “You’re a jerk, Giovanni Vito Catalini. I don’t know why I even bother talking to you.”

  I tickle her side and chuckle at her giggles.

  “You talk to me because I’m your favorite. You love me even when I pick on you. Now, are we going to keep whining like children or are we going to party?”

  That changes her tune quickly.

  “Party. Will you let me drink?” Her eyes look up at me hopefully. I know Bash will kill me later, but I would rather her drink with me than sneak it. As it is, she already drinks in Italy where the drinking age is lower. So, it’s nothing new to her.

  “Only a couple. If you get too drunk, Bash might have my head.”

  She hugs me tight as we pull up outside the club. “I wouldn’t let him. You’re my favorite, after all. I would protect you.”

  I sigh as she jumps out of the car without warning. She might be the death of us all.

  I jump out behind her and smirk as I listen to Enzo chastising her. The look on her face says she doesn’t care, but he still reads her the riot act about her dangerous behavior. He isn’t wrong, but I understand where she’s coming from. The suffocating lifestyle is what made me want to run away from this place.

  Once in the family, your soul is no longer your own. You’ve sold it to the devil with no hopes of getting it back.

  I take pity on Greer and stop the lecture. “Let’s go inside. It’s time to have us a party.”

  Enzo gives me a dirty look, but I simply smirk at him. He doesn’t scare me. If it wasn’t for the fact that he’s guarded Greer most of her life, I would have punched his teeth out for daring to look at me that way. His deep concern for my cousin is the only thing that keeps me smiling. If he’s willing to take me on in order to keep my cousin safe, then he can toss all the dirty looks he wants my way.

  I lead Greer deeper into the club and chuckle at how quick people move out of our way. The club has been open for hours now and its ladies’ night, so it’s packed. Most of the time, women are trying to plaster themselves to me while the men stay out of my way.

  Tonight, they are giving us a wide berth.

  “Drink first?” Greer yells up at me.

  I point up. “VIP. You can get a drink up there.”

  She looks longingly at the downstairs bar but allows me to lead her upstairs.

  “Don’t look so sad. At least you’re in a club. You know Bash would never normally let you do this. Take the inch, Greer. Don’t push for the mile.”

  She sighs and hugs my center. “You’re right. Plus, you did say I could have a drink.”

  “That I did.” I hug her back then pull away. “What will you have?”

  She bites her lip, contemplating. “I don’t know. I don’t really drink.”

  I stare at her for a minute as she stares back. After a minute, I burst out laughing. “Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding, kid? We both know you drink more than you let on. What do you want to drink?”

  She drops the innocent act and puts her hands on her hips. “Are you going to be cheap or get me the good stuff?”

  “Who do you think you’re talking to? Only the best for you, bambina.”

  She sneers at my use of the Italian term for child.

  “What? You said not to call you uccellino. You sneer at bambina. What would you prefer I call you?”

  “How about my name? I want Jameson and ginger ale.”

  I raise my eyebrow at her, waiting for her to change her mind.

  “What are you staring at?” she finally asks.

  “Nothing. Coming right up, princess.”

  “Fuck you, Gio,” she yells as I walk away.

  I saunter up to the back bar and smile at Vanessa, the bartender.

  “Hey, boss man. I haven’t seen you in a while. What can I get you? Your usual?”

  “I’ve been busy. Only a beer for me tonight and a Jameson and ginger ale. I’m on babysitting duty.” I gesture over to my shoulder.

  “Who’s the bombshell you brought with you?”

  “That’s the princess, Bastiano’s little sister. Keep an eye on her. She’s only allowed two drinks. If she comes up for more, fake it.”

  She laughs. “Yes, sir.”

  I collect our drinks and head back to the table. Greer’s pouting while Matt and Enzo stand guard around her.

  “Here you go.” I hand Greer her drink.

  “Finally. These two brutes refuse to let me dance.” She takes a drink then sets it on the table before she stands and walks over to me. “Let me dance. What’s the point of being out if I can’t even dance?” She gives me puppy dog eyes that always suckered me into doing whatever she wanted when we were kids.

  “You can dance. Up here where there’s fewer people and we can keep an eye on you.” I gesture to the dance floor on the VIP level. It’s much smaller with only a couple and a group of girls dancing.

  “Thank you!” She runs off as Enzo follows.

  “Why did we agree to this again?” Matt asks from next to me.

  “Because we feel bad for the girl. She’s held on such a high pedestal made of glass. Poor girl deserves a little taste of normalcy.” I watch as she immediately makes friends with the group of girls and starts dancing.

  “She does look much happier now. Must be lonely living in a glass house all alone.”

  “More than you know. When you’re in the position she is in, you can never trust the people around you. Never know who really likes you for you or who’s using you for your connections.”

  “What a sad life,” he murmurs to himself. “What the fuck?”

  I look over only to find his gaze not on Greer but down on the dance floor below. “What is it?” I ask, searching the floor. Before he answers, I see her. Izzy dancing on the floor with another man. My hands clench as I take a step forward.

  “Breathe,” Matt says as he places one hand on my shoulder. “Let me go talk to her. If you go down there as mad as you are, it will only make things worse.”

  I glance back over at Greer. Enzo has a close eye on her. I look back to Matt then Izzy. “I’m going to grab some air. Get her out of here.”

  I watch as he picks up the drink Greer abandoned and walks it over to Enzo. I don’t wait to see if he goes to Izzy. I know he will.

  I race down the back stairs and out into the alley before slamming my fist against the brick wall. My mind flashes back to Izzy with that man on the dance floor. I knew there was a possibility of her moving on one day, but I never thought the day would come. I always held on to the fact that she would come back to me eventually. I can’t even hold on to the thought of her doing it to make me jealous. I don’t think she even knows I’m here. I walk down the alley and stand at the end, staring at the front door.

  She needs to leave. If she doesn’t, I might kill a man tonight. It wouldn’t be the first time, but with how unstable I feel, it might be the last. Emotions make you sloppy.

  “Sorry!” a feminine voice says as she falls into me.

  I grab her arm and steady her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry. These shoes are killing me.” She twirls her ankle as she uses my arm to keep her balance. “Hey, are you from around here?”

  I give her a smile. “Why do you w
ant to know?”

  She giggles and flutters her eyes. “I’m looking for Lucky’s. I’m supposed to be meeting my friends there. You could come?” She poses it as a question rather than an invite.

  The woman in front of me is gorgeous, but she doesn’t hold a candle to the one who holds my heart.

  “Sorry, I’m already taken. I can give you directions though.”

  “Too bad. Handsome and loyal? You’re a real catch.”

  I chuckle. If only Izzy felt that way.

  Chapter Five


  “I didn’t expect to see you tonight,” Kevin says into my ear as we dance.

  “Small world, isn’t it?” I glance over his shoulder and meet Dante’s eyes.

  “That it is.” Kevin runs his hands over my sides before settling them on my hips.

  The music is some fast song that doesn’t really call for the closeness, but he pulled me close, and I didn’t have a reason to push him away.

  Honestly, I don’t know why I’m out right now. If you ask Dante, I should be at home. All I wanted was to be out of my quiet house. Ever since Mia started dating Lo, she’s never home. Which is great for her but lonely for me. Tonight, I just wanted to be surrounded by people, and Ivory seemed like the best option. I make eye contact with Dante who’s giving us some space yet close enough in case I need him.

  “You’re playing with fire,” Dante mouths.

  I know he’s talking about the fact Giovanni will hear about this. He probably thinks that’s the reason I chose to go out tonight.

  I couldn’t take another night at home watching TV alone yet again. I called my mom, but she had been busy and couldn’t talk. I tried Mia and Sofia, but Mia didn’t answer, and Sofia was attacked by Bash within the first five minutes of the conversation.

  Very briefly I considered calling Giovanni, but I couldn’t convince myself to do it. Next thing I knew, I was out the door and on the way to Ivory, much to Dante’s dismay.

  “This’s a nice club. I haven’t been here before. Usually I go into Manhattan and go to this club called Crimson. But I’m glad my friends convinced me to try this place.” Kevin’s hands start to travel lower onto my ass as he talks.

  “Crimson is good. Ivory is my favorite though.” I back out of his embrace and continue to dance.


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