Trey Roberts and the Ancient Relics

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Trey Roberts and the Ancient Relics Page 13

by Lee Magnus

  In just under three hours, they arrived at Emil’s.

  “You weren’t kidding, Seth. The Mediterranean coast is beautiful. I’ll have to come back one day for vacation,” Nick pondered.

  Nick looked out over the white sandy beach to the clear blue sea while Seth and Emil caught up over a cup of coffee at his coastal cottage near Sidi Abd El-Rahman.

  “This would be a great place to take your old lady,” Clievan said to Nick.

  “No old lady for this guy.”

  “You mean a striking human as yourself doesn’t have a woman back home?”

  Nick looked at him strangely, “No. But if I had one, she would love to come here. It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

  “Ehh. I prefer the city. People are more fun when they’re stressed out and overly concerned about unimportant stuff.”

  Nick gave him a sideways look and said, “You’re a weird dude, Clievan.”

  “You know it!” He then strutted off toward the beach leaving Nick to relax in a chair on the back porch – enjoying the brisk morning breeze.

  “Really? The Order attacked you?” asked Emil as he sat heavily in a cushioned wooden chair. His light blue button up shirt decorated in multi-colored flowers bunched around elastic waisted white pants. He wore a thick black moustache that seemed more like a filter for the foamy coffee than an aesthetic facial feature.

  “I believe so,” said Seth to Emil. “At least one of them had the mark.”

  “That’s unbelievable, cousin. They haven’t been active for centuries.”

  “I know! I was also surprised. But this guy, Nick, there’s something about him. Something a little interesting but mostly naive. I’m not sure he understands what he’s looking for. He’s very confident and can handle himself in a fight. He’s also super smart. I know he can help recover the stone. But what is it that he’s looking for that has the Order out to stop him?”

  “The order, maybe. But most likely it’s a directive of the Phoenix. Whatever it is, I hope you don’t find it,” said Emil gravely. “It might be easier for you to look for the stone separately. Leave this American to his business. At least you won’t have the order or the Phoenix to deal with.”

  “Well, that’s not exactly true. You know what the stone is. The Order doesn’t want that to fall into the wrong hands either.”

  “True. The stone also doesn’t need to be in the possession of the Phoenix. You’re screwed either way so you should just work as a team, find out what he’s searching for and deal with it then. Why do you think Soliman is looking for the talisman?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think he knows what it is. I get the impression he is acquiring it for someone else, but I don’t know who.”

  “Who else could possibly know about it? Do you think it’s the Phoenix?”

  “I don’t think so. Why would he be seeking out the artifacts. That would go against all protocol. He would surely be discovered. However if so, I hope I find it before they do.”

  “You know, you two look alike. Not quite twins but very similar,” Nick said entering the room.

  Seth and Emil shared a chuckle.

  Emil responded, “What are you talking about? We look nothing alike. His, er, feet are a completely different shape.”

  “Mine were always bigger and more spectacular,” Seth added.

  “But mine are stronger and faster. You never could beat me in a race.”

  “Pshhh, whatever. You only wish your, uh, feet were as beautiful as mine.”

  “Hey guys, can we stop comparing feet now? Shouldn’t we be moving on?” added Nick then turned toward the car.

  “Yeah, let’s get going,” said Seth. “Where’s Clievan?”

  “Clieeevaaaan!” Seth yelled. Nothing. “Clieevaaaan!”

  “Yes Seth,” Clievan said about three inches from Seth’s ear.

  “Jeeess! Stop doing that,” Seth exclaimed.

  Clievan walked toward the car snickering.

  “Is it time to go yet?” Clievan rebuked. “I’m tired of waiting on y’all,” he said with a sly smile and terrible cowboy accent.

  “It’s been a while since you’ve been down there, Seth. Things have changed dramatically with all the political drama in Cairo and Tripoli. You should have no trouble moving around in the city. However, if you are to get stopped, tell them you’re looking for Jessie, but by no means should you seek him out. If you can avoid interactions with him, you will be doing us all a favor.”

  “Note taken.”

  “Hopefully this ride won’t be as exciting as the one from the airport,” Nick said jabbing at Seth as they pulled away from Emil’s house.

  “Only If you think sand is exciting,” Seth replied.

  Indeed, sand was all they saw. Once they turned south from Garawlah, all he saw were miles and miles of maddening sandy road broken by the occasional rock formation that gave way to more sand.

  Several hours later, they rolled into the Oasis village, which was of no surprise to Nick, comprised of sand-colored block buildings scattered palm trees surrounded by a vast desert. The sun beat down on the travelled sedan. In the center lay an ancient fortress which held a temple to the Egyptian god Amun Ra, now eroded by years of harsh desert weather. The wind blew furiously as they passed women and children scurrying for shelter.

  “What are we looking for Nick?” asked Seth.

  “It’s a shop with a sign hanging that displays a long shield with wavy horizontal lines.” Seth gave Clievan a concerned glance.

  “Alexander’s home is just around the corner. We must take cover to let this sandstorm to pass.”

  They pulled up to a commonly made sand brick structure. The three rushed in protecting their heads and eyes from pelting particles. Upon entering the home, they met a tall, burly man with a thick, black beard. He wore a purple accented beige turban.

  “Cousin!” the man exclaimed joyously upon seeing Seth. They grasped each other strongly.

  Seth pushed arm’s length away, removed one hand from Alex’s grasp then said, “Nick this my cousin, Alex. Alex, this is Nick from Washington D.C.”

  “Good to meet you, Nick from Washington D.C.,” Alex said in a deep Arabic accent. He then released Seth to offer his hand to Nick of which Nick took. “My English, not so good,” he said as he nearly crushed Nick’s fingers with a powerful grip. Nick slightly bent at the knees trying to withstand the handshake.

  “And you know Clievan,” Seth continued with the introductions.

  “Hello, Clievan! It is nice to not see you again. Eh! Hahaha!”

  “Back at ya, buddy! What ya have to eat around here?”

  “Help yourself to whatever is in kitchen, old friend.”

  “Thanks, bud!”

  Clievan strolled into the kitchen, hoping to stave his insatiable hunger.

  Alex addressed Seth, ”Welcome to Oasis! May I ask, what is reason of visit?”

  Seth explained in Arabic that Nick is looking for a specific shop but left out the details of the shield and stripes.

  “We also seek the center stone,” he whispered so only Alex could hear.

  Alex gave him an approving nod.

  “We look for shop tomorrow,” said Alex. “I have heard of this stone you seek, cousin. But is not here. A woman three year ago, a massive woman standing six feet tall, long dark hair, very lovely, brought stone to city. This amazing beauty meet with Jessie. He no help her and try to take stone. There were more than twelve men in building. Only Jessie escape. To this day, he has lookout on all corner of city watching to kill on site. Oh my she … so enchanting. I see her in my dreams, you know.” He bumped Seth on the arm.

  “Seth? What up cuz?” said Alex. “You seem,” he took a moment to think, “jumbled.”

  “A woman…six feet tall,” Seth said under his breath. “She really fought all those men…by herself?” he asked.

  “Yes, at least twelve.”

  “You say just three years ago?”

  “I am certain of time.”r />
  “It couldn’t be,” he said in a whisper.

  “Is something wrong Seth?” asked Nick.

  “Oh, no. Nothing is the… No. Nothing is…wrong. No one saw her leave, and no one knows what she did with the stone?”

  “Not that I know. People look for days. Say she ran to desert. Everyone assume she perish. Some say she drown in salt lake. No one know.”

  “Salt lake?” Seth asked.

  “Yes. Lake on west side of Oasis.”

  Suddenly a tiny decrepit old woman rasped, “She didn’t die, she can’t die. Ask Amun Ra.”

  “Shut up old woman,“ Alex yelled toward the antique woman in the corner. “Don’t listen to her. She lost mind decades ago. She think woman was a god. Been going on many year, ask Amun Ra what to do, she say. You know how old people get when end is near.” He shrugged, “They hang on to silly idea.”

  Clievan returned with a large turkey leg.

  “Ask Amun Ra! He knows everything! Put the gift in the bowl!” she said louder before closing her eyes and losing consciousness.

  Startled at the outburst and subsequent limpness of the woman, Nick asked, “Is she ok?“ He looked closer then said, “Is she still alive?”

  “Amun RAAAAA!” she bursted as her body flailed before finally tipping over to rest on the bench.

  Clievan who was creeping toward the woman to check jumped back with a shriek. He dropped his mostly eaten snack. “What the heck is with that crazy old lady?”

  “Just ignore her,” Alex replied. “I don’t know how to help you. But you welcome to stay as long as you want.”

  Clievan picked the turkey leg off the floor, examined it with a bulging eye then finished it off.

  “Maybe just a day or two to give us time to think about what to do next,” said Seth.

  “Ok. It is good to have you back in my home.”

  “It’s great to be back, Cuz.”

  They exchanged an embrace.

  Seth turned to Clievan, “You sure did scream like a little girl.”

  Defending his actions Clievan said, “What that? No. I was just, uh, you know I was preparing to…arrrgg!”

  Everyone had a good laugh.

  They all caught up over a dinner of a crisp flaky pie stuffed with a salty meat of unknown origin and a layer of crushed cinnamon toasted almonds. Afterward, Nick and Seth sat together with a cup of tea.

  “I can’t stop thinking about the woman,” Nick said.

  “I know, she creeps me out too.”

  “No, not that. Well, yeah, she’s creepy, but it’s what she said that I can’t get out of my mind. Ask Amun Ra, gift in the bowl. What does it mean?”

  “It means you are jetlagged and need to rest, my friend. She’s just a senseless old lady. Let it go,” Seth said.

  “Maybe you’re right. I’ll try to get some rest. Can’t go anywhere at this time anyway.”

  He made his way to the couch which was prepared for him with a handmade quilt and comfy pillow then closed his eyes and slept.

  “Ask, ask,” Nick heard as he felt something bumping his arm in his sleep.

  He opened his eyes to find the old woman squatting next to him saying, “Ask, ask, you must ask.”

  She handed him a bowl, then said, “gift”.

  Confused, he took the bowl and said thank you. She smiled, then disappeared into the dark.

  Nick’s eyes brightened. He hurried over to Seth.

  He shook him then whispered urgently, “Seth, wake up!”

  Seth slowly opened his eyes.

  Nick stood over him and said, “Maybe the old lady is daft but what if she isn’t? I have an idea, get Clievan and Alex, we’re going to the Temple of Amun Ra!”

  As they left the house early that morning, Nick dropped a few dates into his pocket. Clievan dropped a few into his mouth along with the other turkey leg, a sandwich and a glass of camel’s milk.

  They walked to the center of town toward the dilapidated old fortress worn from years of desert erosion.

  “Temple recently improved but overall, badly eroded,” said Alex. “Many tourist come and go from area. What could possibly be here that will help find what you look for?”

  “I’m not sure, Alex. I just have a hunch,” he replied as he scoured the decaying ruins.

  They entered the fortress, then traversed a courtyard. They turned left into a crumbling stone structure then entered the open court.

  “Where would one go to speak to god?” Nick asked uncomfortably.

  “Maybe sanctuary?” questioned Alex unsure of himself.

  They moved through two rooms when Alex said, “This is sanctuary.”

  Feeling along the walls and sweeping away debris the group looked to Nick for answers.

  “No, it’s not here,” said Nick.

  They also found no clues elsewhere within the temple.

  “Is there nowhere else people once used for worship?”

  “Yes. Is other place. I should have thought in beginning,” Alex said excitedly.

  -Alex rushed out of the room, then ran to an area with several large stones surrounding one standing wall. The rest followed close behind.

  “This wall,” Alex said using wide sweeping arms, “all that stand of alter to Amun Ra. Many year ago was destroyed for the stone.”

  “That one,” said Nick pointing to a large stone. “Help me stand it up. This looks like an alter stone or perhaps a pedestal of some sort.”

  Three of them were unable to budge it. Once Clievan stepped in, they easily lifted and steadied it on a makeshift base.

  “Look at that, it can’t be,” said Nick in amazement.

  He pulled the bowl the old woman gave him out of his pack and placed it in an indenture in the surface. It fit perfectly. The four stood waiting, but nothing happened.

  “Oh yeah, the offering!” Nick remembered.

  He removed the dates, then placed them in the bowl. Nothing happened.

  “Date? You think he like date?” Alex asked mockingly.

  “I saw them on the way out. They looked tasty. I thought they would make a nice gift,” said Nick.

  “That right! She said gift,” said Alex. “Date not great gift here. We in desert. What is best gift to receive in desert?”

  They all said together, “Water!”

  “Give me your water,” Nick urged to Seth.

  He grabbed the dates from the bowl, started to throw them on the ground, then looked up at Clievan.

  “Yeah, I’m famished dude. Send ‘em this way!” Clievan said in response to Nick’s implied offer.

  Clievan plucked the dates one by one from Nick’s hand and tossed each into his mouth successively as if he were a juggler finishing a routine.

  Nick slowly poured the water into the bowl. They all waited in anticipation.

  The bowl sank into the stone which drew a resounding “Ahh” from the group.

  Gradually, the water drained from the bowl. An image slowly appeared on the stone surface as if the draining water carefully etched each precise detail.

  “Look, that City Lake, and smaller salt lake to west I mentioned before,” said Alex.

  “And that must be where the geode is located,” Nick said, pointing to a cluster of buildings far west of the image of the Oasis with water spewing from a small hole in one of the structures.

  “That is the city on the Libya side of the border. It will be tricky getting us all there,” said Seth.

  The water irregularly spurted from the hole making a sound like a water hose as it prepares to fulfil its purpose. It then spattered and spewed a thin stream. The stream rose higher and broadened. Suddenly, it stopped and became silent. The group edged in to see what happened just as it rushed out high above the onlookers in a massive gush – narrow at the bottom and wide at the top. Clievan pointed and looked around as if he were the only one to notice that the water wasn’t coming back down. The surge wobbled and wafted in several ill-defined forms. Then, like it had been there all along, the vertical f
lood took the shape of a thick flying serpent that from its watery mouth violently sprayed them with a gush of warm liquid before bursting like a water balloon. The group reactively jumped back as it rained out over the stone eroding the entire podium until it completely disintegrated before their eyes.

  “That was freaky!” Clievan exclaimed. “Did everyone else see that?” he continued looking at the group individually.

  Nick fought to catch his breath. “I’m the only one that needs to go,” he replied still startled by the serpent’s warning.

  Seth responded, “Okay. You and I can go. But first, let’s check out the lake on the way.”

  Nick nodded in agreement.

  Alex pulled Seth aside and spoke to him in Arabic. “You must not search for the item. This was a grave warning. It is unwise to continue.”

  “I’ll be careful, cousin.”

  “I know you will, but you are messing with old magic unseen for millennia. This is more serious than you let on earlier.”

  “You knew these days would come. We must continue.” Seth then walked a few steps back to Nick and Clievan and said, “Let’s get back to the house.”

  “You got any more of those dates in your pocket?” Clievan questioned to Nick as they all exited the ruins.

  Back at the house, Seth removed a sword from the back of the vehicle.

  “We’re going to a tiny lake, not to a medieval battle,” said Nick.

  “Yes, I know,” said Seth excitedly examining the sleek flawless weapon. “But this is the sword from the sea troll’s cave. It was with the talisman I lost to the old man. You see here at the pommel? That hole is the exact size of the talisman. I think it goes with the sword. That’s why I tried to get both the first time. I recently went back for the sword.”

  “Sea troll? What?”

  Seth replied evasively, “Nothing. I just meant cave.”

  “No. You clearly said sea troll.

  “It’s, ahhh, you know… just an expression. In our folk tales, sea trolls protect items for humans, so we sometimes use the term in that way.”

  “As expressions go, it’s a strange one. I can’t see how a sword will help us retrieve the stone if it’s there, but I guess we can bring it anyway,” said Nick. They joined everyone else in the house except for Clievan who wandered aimlessly outside.


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