Through the Eyes of the Phoenix

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Through the Eyes of the Phoenix Page 7

by Martin W Francis

  “If it comes to that, yes. Until then you’ll have to humor me on not taking your life just yet.”

  Jess waved Roberto’s group over. She ordered them to help carry him to the hotel. They appeared distraught and objectionable at the thought of being that near to someone about to turn. She bent down throwing one of Roberto’s arms around her shoulder attempting to lift him herself. A look of shame came over several of their faces as they rushed in to help.

  Ten minutes later Roberto was lying in a bed with armed guards at the door. The men and women that knew him best sat around inside the room conversing. Jess appeared at the doorway with a needle in hand.

  “What’s that one for?” A woman sitting close by the bed holding one of Roberto’s hands stared at the needle.

  “Carla right? I see Roberto is sleeping already from the sedative. Are you his girlfriend?”


  “Hardly any resemblance other than hair color. I would have never guessed.”

  “He takes after dad. I take after mom.”

  “Well Carla, this shot is something that might actually save his life. We both know the alternative if we wait. Since you’re a relative I am going to ask for your permission.”

  “Yes! Of course. Please.” Carla stared at Jess with disbelief, but also with a small hope. Jess quickly administered the injection. “Is it a cure from turning into one of those things?”

  The room went quiet as all of their attention was focused on listening for a response. Jessie sat down in an empty chair crossing her legs.

  “Can’t exactly keep it secret if it works, but if it does we need to keep it safe until it can be produced into a large enough quantity. I don’t know who in this room can be trusted, but I don’t really see any other choice. It is my belief that the J23 serum has saved one other life recently. There is always a chance that their body naturally evolved to fight the infection. I’m hoping it is the real thing. Roberto risked his life for all of us out there. I decided it was the right thing to do regardless of my objections that the safety of it would be compromised.”

  Jess went on to explain in detail about the origins of J23. She continued to describe everything that led up to its most recent use. She also made sure to let them know that one of her brother-in-laws had not turned after dying. She wanted them to understand that the scientist recently bitten might have been one of the rare people that were immune to the infection. She didn’t want them to be furious at her or think she was simply insane if J23 did not save his life.

  “Those in this room were all handpicked by my brother. He trusts each of them with his life. That is why they were specifically selected for this particular trip outside the compound. He wanted there to be no issues between our communities. If this J23 works then you will have saved Roberto’s life for starters. Second, I’m sure we all agree that its safety is of immense importance to all of the human race. Not only could it save lives, but there is a chance that it could be used to put an end to the Fallen once and for good!”

  “That is why we spent years trying get it right. I knew if we could find the antidote that we would have the first tool combat the virus and them. One step at a time though. Even if none in this room shares the secret, there is one other problem. How are you going to endlessly cover up Roberto’s bite marks?”

  “We will be here a couple months to help with the rebuild. Clothing, bandages, and excuses will hide the scars for a while after that. However, Roland will likely suspect something pretty quickly.”

  “Who’s Roland?’

  “The man in charge. He’s a good man that has good intentions. He immediately ordered supplies to be gathered when he heard Alpine needed help. He sent us out on the road without hesitation. The problem is if he found out about J23. He would know exactly how important it is to humankind. There is a chance he might be willing to risk war simply for the fact that he believed its safety shouldn’t be left in the hands of someone else. I know your colony is bigger, but he could very easily gain the support of other colonies to assist him. He has a lot of pull as well as favors owed to him by various communities.”

  “And he wouldn’t just want some of the vials right?”

  “There is a chance that could appease him. Then again, he might want them all. He might even want you if he found out the circumstances of where the cure derived. Don’t get me wrong, he isn’t evil or maniacal. It is simply the way he examines things in the greater perspective of helping the majority. He might take into consideration that potentially things could occur outside of his control. That would make him greatly consider not keeping all the eggs in one henhouse with so many wolves about. Or what if he went to war only to find out that you destroyed all research before simply vanishing. Considering that possibility might make him attempt to be more cordial. It is hard to say exactly what he would do in the end is all I’m saying.”

  “A leader has to take all possibilities into consideration while doing what is best for their people.”


  “Does anyone else in this room have any advice, opinions, or suggestions?”

  They all shook their heads in unison that they did not. After a moment pondering one of the men suggested that it was best to ask Roberto. He stated that he knew Roland better than anyone.

  Chapter 4



  The following day we began to rebuild. A full week passed as everyone got to work. Large construction vehicles were brought in (bulldozers, dump trucks, concrete mixers, and others). Hammers pounded on nails all throughout the day. Fences were extended as was the electricity lines. Aurora returned with the parts to get the oil refinery running again. New crops were planted a few blocks from the hotel where an area had been cleared. The large garden was enclosed with cyclone fencing. Everyone slept soundly at night usually still exhausted when they awoke.

  The following day after receiving the J23 serum he was overcome with a fever. He seemed to be in an unrelenting coma. Some meds were given to bring down is temperature. Jess explained that she had a similar experience. She hoped that it was simply the body fighting the infection. When he first opened his eyes there were several gasps of amazement. Roberto was kept guarded in his room as the hours, days, and nearly a week passed by. Roberto frustrated constantly argued about his confinement. He wanted to get out of the room to help rebuild Alpine.

  On the sixth day I went with Jess to pay him a visit. Carla sat across from Roberto at a small dining table. They were playing a game with a handful of dice and a jar full of pennies divided between the two of them.

  “Have a seat girls. You’re making me nervous standing around. You’re messing up my winning streak.”

  “Don’t mind him, he was losing well before you came in.”

  “Hey! You don’t have to make me look bad in front of guests.”

  “You do that all by yourself big brother.”

  We joined Carla in laughter as we took seats at the table.

  “Since I’m already losing more than winning I think we should stop for a while. Is it kosher to discuss Roland in front of your daughter?”

  “Yes, there are no secrets between us. Feel free to speak openly. Just try to keep the cussing to a minimum if possible.”

  “Gotcha. Well, I think I may have come up with a solution to the J23 issue. I’m not positive how Roland will take it, but I owe you my life. I’m going to resign as second in command before notifying him that we are transferring to Alpine permanently.”

  “I’m guessing that you mean Carla when you say we? Are the two of you alright with the idea of moving here? I wouldn’t want either of you to feel forced into the situation.”

  “We are already at war with the Fallen. It seems ludicrous to begin a war among the few survivors that are left. It is a fact that you have in your possession a cure whether you’re ready to believe that or not. It derives from your own blood. You are the one person that could potentially fix our planet for future gen
erations. I don’t believe in coincidences! I have been here long enough to know the strength and unity of your people. I see the kinship, the group working together as a family, and has the endurance to overcome anything thrown at them. Every person here carves their dreams, hopes, and destiny into stone. They believe that every life is as precious as the next. I’m willing to become a part of that.”

  “I think what Roberto is trying to say is that we currently live in a decent place with decent people ran by a decent leader that has a good heart. However, somehow this place feels more like home to the both of us.”

  “After the incident a week ago with the Fallen I’m sure that the council would happily welcome you into the community. I will of course highly recommend they do exactly that.”

  “Glad to hear it. There is still the problem of how to tell Roland though. I don’t want him to take it personal. It is important to choose the right words I tell him. The wrong words even if simply taken out of context might cause friction for those returning to live there.”

  “Actually, there is another option that I thought of which might solve several problems including that one. Question is how good Roland is at reading people.”

  “I suppose anyone could be convincing with a lie, but he wouldn’t be the leader if he couldn’t read people. He would know something wasn’t right.”

  “Hmm, there is one other way. Have you discussed your thoughts about staying with the others in your group?”

  “Not yet, since we wanted to discuss things with you first. Just been tossing ideas around between the two of us.”

  “Good, we are going to kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes. The fact they are unaware of your intention to stay will make it more convincing. J23 extended your life for a little while. Sadly you are going to die.”


  “The group returning will see J23 as a short extension on life expectancy, it won’t be worth going to war for. It will also allow for you to stay here permanently.”

  “Alright, I see what you are saying. It would simplify things. What about Carla?”

  “There are various solutions. Distraught she runs off leaving a note. She could be secretly kidnapped on the way back with evidence of a struggle left behind. Maybe she met someone here that she was interested in having a relationship with. After losing her brother, she wants to live here simply because she feels closer to him in Alpine where we will have to convince the others he wanted to be buried. That shouldn’t be a problem. Either of you can make the suggestion that we are going to make a monument to celebrate the hero from Eufaula, Oklahoma with a garden to surround your gravesite or something. To be honest, I don’t think Roland will make a big deal about Carla regardless of her reason to stay, no offense.”

  “None taken. I think the relationship thing would be the most convincing to the rest of the group. They all know me pretty well. That is probably the only reason I would consider staying. Only problem is finding someone to play the part of the romantic other.”

  A name popped in my head almost immediately. “There’s always Liam.”

  “Who’s Liam?”

  “He is a younger guy, kind of cute, and will go out of his way to focus all his attention on any attractive woman he thinks he might get some from.”


  “What? It’s true. If you think about it he is always playing women. It’s about time the role was reversed is all I’m saying.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know where she learns half the things she says.”

  “His pride might get hurt when he doesn’t get sex. You must not sleep with him no matter how charming he might seem or he will dump you for the next set of big boobs that passes by.”

  “Oh my god! Enough with that mouth, Ember Starlette Pendleton!”

  I sat quietly giving Jess the stare that she knew I was only speaking the truth. She gave me the angry glare for a minute before rolling her eyes at me.

  “I think she may be slightly upset at him for flirting with her girlfriend. She lacks finesse with the words she uses, however she is correct that he could be an ideal candidate. He would be easy to convince into pursuing you”

  “That’s what I said!”

  “Sounds like this Liam needs to be played like he has done with lots of women. I’m going to enjoy this immensely after hearing Ember’s thoughts on the subject,” Carla said.

  “Please don’t encourage her Carla. She may not realize you are attempting to be humorous. If I had spoken like that my Mema would have put soap in my mouth. Unfortunately we couldn’t waste soap in her younger years.”

  “Soap? I got to learn through boot camp. Nothing like running miles, push-ups, peeling potatoes, or scrubbing floors with a tooth brush to motivate a person.”

  Roberto made a snickering noise at his sister’s punishment for being a troublesome teenager.

  “You might have a point. Does boot camp sound like something you might enjoy? I’m sure we could manage to set something like that up for you Em.”

  “Not really. Think next time I’ll just keep my awesome advice to myself.”

  The adults began laughing. Not sure if they were laughing at what I said or for some reason only they understood. I decided to just smile while keeping my thoughts to myself for the rest of the visit.

  The following day Roberto faked ill while among his group. Dan gave him herbs that didn’t seem to help his condition. He seemed to get worse later that evening. He was very convincing at faking sick. He told them that if he didn’t make it he wanted to be buried here in Alpine. Carl described Jessie’s plan for a garden with a monument as way to celebrate the hero that helped the Alpine community to the others. Around two in the morning that night Dan gave Roberto something to slow his heart rate enough that he appeared to have passed away. He was actually in a deep sleep. His group was notified immediately allowing them to pay their last respects. Suggesting there was a slight chance he might still turn Jessie suggested that she would respect Roberto’s last wish to make sure he didn’t. They did not argue as they left the room to mourn while shortly hearing a gunshot after they did. Roberto’s body vanished the same day. A closed casket was placed into the cemetery after the long funeral. Tears and words of reverence were stoically chanted throughout the day of the great hero.

  The day prior to Roberto pretending to become ill, Carla got Liam to notice her by wearing a tight dress that easily caught his attention. He followed her around like a lost puppy all that evening. The day that Roberto got sick she had Liam console her while crying in the sight of a couple people from the group. He was there for her during the funeral comforting her openly in public. The days that followed she created a noticeable courtship between the two of them. She made excuses anytime that he attempted to make advances.

  Two months passed as the Alpine community boundaries grew back to half its original size. Construction was nonstop, but not as demanding over time. Everyone worked shifts occasionally allowing time off to relax. Jessie gathered the Eufaula group together at City Hall (a few minor repairs were underway inside the building at the time) at the end of the two months. She thanked them for their help telling them that there would be a small party later that night. She relayed that they were welcome to return home to Eufaula tomorrow if they chose to leave. After hearing her words there was an obvious excitement among the group. Many had relatives or loved ones back in Eufaula they couldn’t wait to see again. The talk was followed by handshakes, pats on the back, and cheerful talk about what they planned to do when they returned home. Jessie apologized for about the tenth time that the cure hadn’t worked. They simply waved it off thanking her for being able to spend more time with Roberto before he passed away. Carla whistled loudly grabbing their attention. She let them know that she wasn’t going back. She didn’t really have to go into much detail since all of them had noticed the growing relationship with Liam. They wished her happiness. They were all glad that Carla was able to move past the grief that she had openl
y shown for weeks after Roberto convincingly passed away. They expressed that they would explain everything to Roland leaving out the fact that J23 had extended Roberto’s life for a short period of time. Jessie told them to tell Roland what had happened if they chose to. She explained that Roland likely would not start war over something that gave a person a short extension on life. They agreed he likely would not, but stated that they had promised to take the secret to their graves. It had been one of Roberto’s last wishes that they would gladly take to heart.

  The big party that night was unfortunately only for the adults so the details are unspecific. There were farewells that followed the next day. The group leaving was told that they were always welcome here in Alpine.

  “Just radio us if you ever decide to come visit so some yahoo doesn’t start shooting. We haven’t seen raiders in years, but the fear will always exist among those that have been through those tough years following the spread of the virus.”

  “Will do Jess. Take care of Carla for us,” One of the men named Justin said.

  Later that night, Aurora was sent out to a secluded secure house a mile from Alpine to retrieve Roberto. Knowing that she couldn’t hide the truth forever, Jess called a town meeting. She repeated the entire story of J23 to the community. She explained why it would be dangerous for others to know about its existence. The scientist who had worked at the laboratory being bitten came forward. He showed his scars telling what he had experienced. He also backed the importance of secrecy telling the citizens. He stated that the cure could be used to finally put an end to the virus, turning when being bitten if able to escape, and most importantly the possible annihilation of the Fallen. Voices got loud from excitement and doubts. Jess had a difficult time quieting the room.

  “I know it is a lot to take in. Let me ask you all something. If there was an individual who came from another community to fight against all odds to save your lives only to be bitten, would you chance that secret to save them? What would you do to keep the secret? How far would you go to avoid a potential war with the other communities over the cure? Raise your hands if you would save this hero’s life despite everything?” Almost everyone raised their hands as whispers began making way around the room. Only a few seemed to think it was a trick question or simply abstained. However, no hands were raised when asked who would let him die. “Let’s say that hero was so thankful they promised to keep the secret. How would you convince their group and their leader that J23 didn’t work? Like I said before there could be war. Don’t we already have enough to deal with? Do we want to lose more lives? Am I supposed to give myself and the cure freely over to someone else hoping they finish what we have so hardly worked on for many years? What do you believe the best action to take would be? Who here might do something they had no other choice in doing to protect the secret of J23? Please raise your hands.” The majority slowly raised their hands. “Since it unanimous by majority vote I think I made the right choice in what I have done. I want all of you to welcome a new citizen other than Carla to Alpine. You all remember how valiantly he fought. You recall that he was willing to sacrifice his own life for people he barely knew. He is a recently deceased hero, Carla’s brother, and someone that I look forward to working with…Roberto.”


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