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Affliction Page 6

by Marilee Brothers

  I persist. “Where is she? Which funeral home?”

  “Oh, man, this is awkward,” Darrell says, rolling his eyes.

  “Why is it awkward?”

  “You tell her, Eddie.”

  Eddie stares at the tabletop. “She was cremated this afternoon.”

  Shock waves radiate through my body like an electrical current. There are so many things I want to say. Why so fast? What about her father? Couldn’t you wait until after he gets here? What about me? I wanted—no—I needed to see her.

  I think about her beautiful soul dancing in the sunlight and, once again, wonder if she was reaching out to me.

  I stiffen my spine and arrange my face into a neutral expression. I say none of the things I’m thinking. Instead, I pull the order pad from my pocket and clear my throat. “What can I get for you two?”

  Billy comes in later, greeted with delighted cries of “Kid!”

  He’s with a woman. I experience an unaccustomed surge of jealousy and have to talk myself down. You don’t really know this man. He might have a dozen girlfriends. He might even have a couple of wives. So chill!

  Trailed by the woman, he follows me into the Corral. I act like I don’t know he’s behind me.

  “Hey, Minnie, I want you to meet someone.”

  Can’t very well pretend to be deaf as well as blind, so I turn to face him. I check out the woman. Tall and lean. Reddish brown hair. Her eyes are hazel, but swollen and red like she’s been crying. God, you’re such a fool, Mel.

  I smile at her. “You must be Kendra. Ignore what your brother told you. My name is Mel, not Minnie.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Could be worse. He calls me Bugs.”

  Billy grins. “She likes carrots.”

  His gaze travels over my body, leaving a tingle in its wake. Somehow, it doesn’t feel invasive like it does with some guys. He leans close. “Have you taken your dinner break?”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “I’ll talk to Nick.”

  He spins on his heel, ready to ride to my rescue on his white charger. Before he takes off, I grab his arm and hiss, “I’ll handle it. Go find a table. I’ll take care of Nick.”

  Kendra shoots him an amused glance. “Guess she told you, big brother.”

  I join them fifteen minutes later. Billy is sipping a beer. An untouched Coke sets on the table in front of Kendra.

  I hesitate before I dig into my mac and cheese. “You’re not eating?”

  Kendra says, “We already ate. We’re here to talk about Dani.”

  I wave a fork in the direction of Darrell’s table. “Eddie’s here.”

  Kendra’s eyes flash in anger. “Asshole had Dani cremated this afternoon.”

  “So he told me. Where’s Destiny?”

  “Good question,” she says. “‘With friends,’ he tells me. When I ask who, he says, ‘You don’t know them.’ He’s a lying piece of crap.”

  Her voice breaks and the tears begin to flow. It’s all I can do not to join in. Billy pats her shoulder and picks up the story line. “Kendra didn’t believe him from the start. And now, with the cremation thing…why so fast?”

  “Not to mention the brand new truck,” I add.

  “Exactly.” Kendra says, blowing her nose on a napkin. “Dani said they were always strapped for money.”

  “Maybe they have good credit,” Billy says.

  Kendra shakes her head. “I doubt it. Dani was looking for a job to help out.”

  She turns her head and glares in Eddie’s direction. “I’d like to go over there right now and rip him a new one.”

  “Me too,” I say. “But then I’d lose my job.”

  “Probably a better way to handle it,” Billy says. “Let me do some poking around. See how he paid for the truck.”

  “Will Dani’s dad be at the service?” Kendra asks.

  “I hope so,” I say. “I asked my mom to call him.”

  “Maybe he’ll want the baby.”

  I shrug. “Maybe, but he and Dani aren’t close. After Dani’s mother took off, he got re-married and had a bunch of kids with his second wife. I doubt he’ll want to start over with a grandkid.”

  Billy adds, “Not his choice. Eddie’s the father.”

  “Asshole.” Kendra repeats, ripping the paper off her straw. She plunks it into the soda and slurps noisily.

  I know how she feels. I want to join her and smash a wrecking ball into the person who more than likely knows the exact cause of Dani’s death. But I’d defended her once before and got into big trouble. There had to be a better way.

  Kendra pushes her drink away and reaches for my hand. “She loved you, you know. She talked about you all the time.”

  Now it’s my turn to tear up. “I know. I loved her too. I’m not going anywhere until I figure out what happened.”

  Kendra glances over at Billy and then back at me. “I know someone who’ll be happy to hear that.”

  Billy gives her a playful cuff on the side of her head. “Shut the hell up, little sister.”

  I don’t mention the letter from Dani. Not sure why. Maybe because it feels like a betrayal to our friendship. Dani and I always trusted each other with our secrets. Maybe she and Kendra did too. But, this is different. Dani’s gone. The letter will be her final words to me and I’m unwilling to share until I’ve read them.

  Billy and Kendra leave when my dinner break is over. Billy’s parting words are, “See you tomorrow.”

  My raging hormones scream, “Tomorrow? What about tonight, big boy?”

  Fortunately, my hormones don’t have vocal cords.

  Chapter Eleven

  Brett shows up around seven the next night while I’m at work. Instead of handing over the letter, he looks apologetic and says, “Your mom says I have to check out your living space before I give this to you.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You do realize you could lie about it, don’t you? Or, are you wearing a wire? Trust me, my living arrangements are just fine.”

  Brett flushes. “Sorry, Mel. I’m not a very good liar and your mom, um, well she scares me. She can sniff out a lie in a New York minute. Like I told you before, I need this job.”

  Okay, now I know why Sandra sent Dani’s letter via Cutie Pie Brett.

  I hold up a finger. “Give me a sec.”

  I seek out Nick, explain the situation and ask for fifteen minutes.

  “Mama Bear checking on her cub, huh?”

  I pinch my lips together in disgust and nod.

  Nick cuts his eyes at Brett who gives him a friendly salute. “Hurry back.”

  I unlock Number Twelve, step back and wave Brett through the door, which I leave open for decorum’s sake. Then I realize my action is a bit silly. Hadn’t I done everything but rip my panties off in order to seduce this guy just a few days ago? Talk about mixed messages. Hopefully Brett is too simple minded to put it all together. Turns out he isn’t.

  He gives the room a brief scan before checking out the bathroom.

  “Satisfied?” I ask. “Since you now know I’m not in a crack house or brothel?”

  “Not quite.” He steps up close to me, puts his hands on my shoulders and gives them a little squeeze. “Guess what I brought?”

  I frown at him. “Hopefully the letter my mother gave you.”

  “Yeah, I’ve got it.”

  He pauses and gives me a significant look.

  I decide to play dumb. “Then I’ve got no clue.”

  He leans close and presses his lower body against mine. It soon becomes obvious he’s glad to see me. He nuzzles my ear. “A rubber. I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Is your offer still on the table?”

  I step away from him. “Uh, not really. I have to get back to work.”

  He clamps his hands around my waist and pulls me tight against his body. His lips graze my cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll hurry.”

  Aggravated, I push against his chest. “As difficult as it is to turn down your offer of speed, l really do have to go
. Remember the part about needing a job? You mentioned it earlier. I need this job.”

  But Brett, who appears to be in a lust-induced coma, has apparently lost his ability to process language. His hands roam up and down my body like he can somehow knead my flesh into willingness. Still locked in his grip, I’m aware he’s walking me back toward the bed.

  I’d just drawn a breath and was about to yell, “Stop!” when I hear a deep voice drawl, “Excuse me, folks. The door was open. Didn’t know you needed privacy.”

  Brett stiffens in surprise, releases me and pivots toward the door, now filled by Billy the Kid. He’s wearing his scary face.

  My cheeks burn with embarrassment as I struggle to explain. “Brett drives truck for my step dad. He dropped by with something my mom wanted him to deliver.”

  “Yeah,” says the eloquent Brett.

  “Oh, is that right?” Billy steps into the room and shuts the door. With two large men eyeing each other like mongrel male dogs, my room seems to shrink in size. I start to worry. Should I open the door? Try for a better explanation?

  “Let me get this straight.” Billy gives Brett an appraising look. His hands curl into fists. “Your mom sent this guy to do what? Grope you? Take you to bed?”

  Now, he’s making me mad. “Don’t be an ass. Of course not. Dani wrote me a letter. It arrived after I left. Brett brought it to me. That’s it.”

  “So what I just saw…?”

  Brett finally finds his voice. “Total screw-up on my part, man. I thought I had a chance with her. Looks like I was wrong.”

  He pulls a small manila envelope from his coat pocket and thrusts it into my hands. “See ya, Mel. Good luck.”

  He makes a wide circle around Billy and bails through the door.

  An uncomfortable silence follows. I stare at the envelope in my hands like I’ve never seen such an amazing object in my entire life. I feel Billy’s gaze on me. My emotions fluctuate between embarrassment, shame and anger. I know my previous encounter with Brett has set in motion his actions of tonight. He had every reason to believe I’d be willing. And then there’s Billy. What right does he have to act like he owns me? I guess some women delight in the idea of two men wanting them. I’m not one of those women.

  Finally Billy growls, “Aren’t you going to open Dani’s letter?”

  As much as I’m dying to know what’s in the letter, I stuff it in my apron pocket. “Later. I have to get back to work.”

  I try to duck around him, but he takes hold of my arm. “Want to talk about the other guy?”

  The anger kicks in and I jerk free. “I told you, there is no other guy.” I glance up at him. “What’s it to you, anyway?”

  Amusement dances in his eyes. “Tough little chick, aren’t you, Minnie? Gonna try some of those special moves on me?”

  “Don’t think I haven’t considered it. No time right now.”

  He reaches out and touches the tiny mole next to my mouth and then traces the outline of my cheek. I can’t help it. I shiver.

  His voice softens. “Maybe after work. Will you have time then?”

  “You’re in an awful big hurry to get hurt.” My voice sounds rusty. Like it hasn’t been used in a while.

  He gives me a half grin. “I’ve got a few moves of my own.”

  I brush by him. “Yeah, I bet you do. Shut the door when you leave.”

  He follows me out of the room. “Later?”

  “Possibly,” I say.

  Who the hell are you kidding, Mel?


  At half past midnight, the place begins to clear out. A few hard-core drinkers remain, but the kitchen’s closed so I’m able to take a quick break. I find a quiet corner and open the envelope from Dani. Several pictures tumble out along with a hand-written letter. I study the pictures first. Eddie’s pick-up truck. A wide-angle shot of a sprawling palatial home. A commercial building with the words Medical Clinic printed on the door.

  I unfold the letter, dated a few days before I arrived in 3 Peaks.


  I’m scared to death and not sure what to do. Eddie’s up to something and it’s not another woman. It started a couple months ago. After dinner, he’d take off and be gone for a couple of hours. At first, I thought he was out drinking, but then he told me he was helping his buddy re-build an engine. I soon figured out he was lying but didn’t let on. I started following him. Check out the pictures I sent you. The big house. The medical clinic. That’s where he was going. Totally weird. Shortly after, Eddie buys a brand new pick-up. When I asked where he got the money, he said, “Don’t worry about it.” So obviously, I figured Eddie was into something shady.

  That’s not the worst part. One Saturday afternoon I asked him to watch the baby while I went grocery shopping. When I got home, Eddie and Destiny were gone. I called his cell. He got mad and said, “Can’t I take my daughter for a ride without you acting like a bitch?” The thing is, Mel, he’s not a hands-on father. In fact, he’s pretty much ignored Destiny since she was born. And suddenly, he wants to spend time with her? Doesn’t make sense.

  I went into deep denial and tried to convince myself Eddie was finally bonding with his daughter. Then something happened yesterday that freaked me out. Destiny’s birth certificate is gone. When I asked Eddie if he’d seen it, he blew me off. “You’re such a ditz, you probably lost it.” I know I didn’t. I’m real careful about stuff like that. Tomorrow, I’m going to the house in the picture, knock on the door and try to get some answers. I’m so scared, Mel. Eddie’s up to something bad and I think it involves Destiny. So glad you’re coming to 3 Peaks. Between the two of us, we’ll figure it out. Don’t mess with Danimal…right?

  Love you lots. Big hugs,


  Dani’s words send a chill through my body and leave me with more questions than answers. Questions she’ll never be able to answer. Had she gone to the big house in the picture? If so, what did she find? Or, had Eddie put a stop to it? Does Eddie have the baby’s birth certificate? Why? The obvious answer is so horrible I can hardly bear to let it float across my mind. Would a father sell his own child even if he had to get rid of his wife to do it? I’ve never liked the look of Eddie’s soul; but mostly, I thought he was a dumb shit, not truly evil. But souls can change. Dani’s for example.

  I gather up the pictures and letter and get back to work. For the first time since I arrived in 3 Peaks, I know what I’m meant to do. Dani’s gone. Nothing will bring her back. But, I will find the answers to her questions and if my suspicions are true, God help the person who has her baby.

  Such is my state of mind when my shift is over. We catch a break because the place empties out before closing time. I’m deeply immersed in my thoughts of revenge as I trot through the courtyard toward Number Twelve. As I approach the door, a tall, lanky figure steps from the shadows of my doorway.


  As promised.

  Chapter Twelve

  My hand is shaking when I try to insert the key into the lock. Billy, close on my heels, notices and can’t let it pass.

  “Nervous?” His mouth is next to my ear. The warmth of his breath curls through my body like a slow-moving fire.

  With a little snort of derision, I say, “Why would I be nervous? You said earlier you want to see my moves. Well, get ready. I’ve taken down guys twice your size.”

  This is a bald-faced lie. There are no guys twice Billy’s size. Plus, I’ve never grappled in a motel room with a guy whose clothes I want to rip off. But, Billy doesn’t need to know any of that.

  He chuckles. I feel the vibration in his chest as he presses against my back. I push the door open. He follows me in and turns the deadbolt. I switch on the light and remove my apron. The bed looms large. Billy leans against the door, arms folded across his chest, amusement dancing in his eyes.

  Because I hate long, awkward silences, I decide to proceed with our playacting. In a slight crouch, I begin advancing toward him slowly, arms relaxed and ready. Weight forwa
rd on the balls of my feet. Maintain eye contact. (I try not to get distracted by the red-hot embers I see smoldering in his soul). My coach’s words echo through my mind. Show no fear. Make your opponent lose focus and you will prevail.

  “So,” I inch closer. “You were a football star in high school. Since you’re a big guy, you probably played basketball. Right?”

  “Nope.” Billy pushes away from the door. “Wrestler.” He winks at me. “You want up or down?”

  I take a step back. “Huh?

  “In wrestling, there’s a coin toss. If you lose, you start the match on your knees. If you win, you get to be on top. Since I’m a gentleman, I’m giving you a choice. Up or down?”

  Damn! Now I’m getting flustered. Who would have thought Billy, with a perfect build for basketball, would have wrestling experience.

  I stand up straight, put my hands on my hips and glare. “Neither one. I’m not a wrestler. I grapple.”

  Billy frowns, playing his role. “So, am I allowed to defend myself or not?”

  I hold up a hand. “Maybe we need a few ground rules, like—”

  Before I can finish my sentence, Billy lunges at me. My training kicks in and I react instinctively, ducking under his outstretched arms. I slam into his right leg and wrap both arms around his knee. I get my feet under me for leverage and yank his knee sideways, a move that should result in Billy toppling over. It doesn’t. He’s as immovable as a giant redwood and grinning down at me like I’m a Chihuahua nipping at his ankles.

  “Well, damn,” I mutter.

  “Are we done?” Billy says.

  “We’re just getting started.”

  “You’re wrong.” The heat in his eyes ignites a firestorm that touches every nerve ending in my body. My grip on his knee loosens.

  His voice lowers to a husky rasp. “No way have we started. Let go of my knee and I’ll prove it.”

  I still have my pride so I hold on tighter. “Do you submit?”

  “Hell, yeah. All you had to do was ask, Minnie.”

  He leans over and bumps the top of his head against mine. “Now, let go of my leg. Please.”

  I release him, get my feet under me and bounce up to a standing position. In doing so, the top of my head smacks into his chin. His head snaps back and he yelps in pain.


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