Centauri Honor

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Centauri Honor Page 10

by Skyler Grant

  "Leave us a jump. There isn't a station in this system. Shift everything else to a reserve tank," Quinn said.

  "On it, Captain," Melody said, hurrying to a set of valves.

  "Still don't change the fact that I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know where we're going," Jinx said.

  Mara tapped away at her wristcomm and brought up a star chart.

  "I, at least, have been asking questions. Our destination is in red, now outside of the current Runestone network," Mara said.

  "So it used to be connected? Can Runestones be destroyed?" Quinn asked.

  "Shielded, encased in Entonite. Any system that came into contact with the divide was evacuated and closed off," Mara said.

  "Reserve fuel in tank three, Captain," Melody said, loosening several seals and opening the top of the tank.

  The liquefied mana shimmered with a blue glow. What they had extra filled about three quarters of the tank.

  "You should be okay to touch it. Me or Quinn would get burned, but it should recognize you," Mara told Jinx.

  Jinx peered dubiously into the tank, but at Mara's urging extended a hand into the cylinder to brush her finger against the liquid. Light flared, and the faint impression of magical sigils shifted beneath Jinx's flesh.

  The fuel in the tank had gone. It had taken less than a second. That much should have been enough for a full jump, perhaps two.

  Jinx was taking in deep breaths, steadying herself against the tank.

  "You okay?" Quinn asked.

  "Yeah. It is just, woah. Not bad, but a serious head rush and I'm ten different sorts of dizzy," Jinx said.

  "Well, take a moment. Get your bearings."

  "Quinn, either it worked or it didn't, and as everyone keeps reminding me we don't have time," Jinx said, moving away from the tank and almost stumbling. Quinn rushed over to wrap an arm around her waist.

  Jinx gave him a wry look. "Right. Not getting anywhere if I bash my head in. Help me over to the sphere."

  Quinn did and Jinx knelt, brushing her fingertips against the surface.

  When before nothing had happened, now there was a spark of blue, almost like static electricity, jumping from her to the glass. Inside the sphere a rune appeared lit by a blue glow. After a moment it was joined by another, and then more swirling around each other.

  "Well, you're doing something," Mara said.

  "Are the runes a language?" Quinn asked.

  "A good guess, but no. Or at least not one Imperium linguists have ever been able to make sense of. Not mathematics either," Mara said.

  "I don't think either is quite true. There is some sort of meaning there," Jinx said, before shaking her head. "But if I try to focus it slips away."

  "Most abilities are intuitive. Like you said, fixing broken flesh and bone is just feeling it being broken. Try focusing on our destination," Mara said.

  Jinx closed her eyes. Within the sphere the runes began to swirl faster, a dizzying blur for a moment with most flying off into the distance. Eventually only five remained, pulsing.

  Quinn felt dizzy, reality blurring and distorting around him. It was like an extended jump but so much worse. Quinn again was living another life, this time married to Mara. He'd never left the Marshalls and instead of fleeing the corruption had fought it. Mara saved his life after he'd been shot by his comrades and left in an alley to die. Hazy recollections of what might have been, the trial of his peers. The publicity catapulting him into a commanding role, then so much more. Death in another alley, mere months ago, killed by another group of the corrupt and this time without rescue.

  After what seemed an eternity the visions broke and Quinn found himself doing something from a jump he hadn't done in a long time, the heaves wracking his body.


  Quinn ran to the bridge. Dela was wiping ineffectually at a mess on the controls—she hadn't done much better. Quinn rather doubted anyone had. It took time to acclimatize to any new level of jumping, this kind would be no different.

  "Wasn't me," Dela said.

  "I know. Jinx figured it out," Quinn said.

  Dela moved to stand but Quinn gestured for her to keep her place as he slid into the much cleaner copilot station. He said, "You can keep that one for the moment."

  Quinn pulled up sensors and had a look outside.

  "Ships, a lot of them," Dela said.

  There were, a total over three hundred in the system, many without power although a few still showed minimal readings. The Divide was visible as well, a scintillating curtain of energy in green and blue hues that divided the system in half.

  “Well ain’t that something,” Quinn said.

  “Pretty, and pretty scary,” Dela said.

  "A station too," Quinn said.

  There was power there as well, and a standard beacon broadcasting. Quinn keyed in to listen. He already suspected they must be hearing a long-dead voice.

  "Dermont Station to all Imperium vessels in range. There is a mandatory evacuation order to fall back to the Tremel system. If you have sufficient fuel do not dock, proceed immediately to the Runestone." The signal was laced with static. It repeated several times until Quinn shut it off.

  "Tremel? Isn't that ...?" Dela asked.

  "Location of the Hope's Reach colony. We’ve seen for ourselves it’s nothing as developed as all this," Quinn said. “Did they ever even get there?”

  "Why are they all just drifting?"

  "That I do not have a clue," Quinn said and hit the internal comms. "Alexis, Mara. If neither of you are watching the sensors I'd start. I'm looking at a whole lot of something weird."

  "I don’t have a clue," Alexis said.

  “I do. The Emperor purged this system towards the close of the war, an expression of his power that drained all present of their life energy. It is something he rarely did, I am not sure why it happened here,” Mara said.

  "Once again you are far too well informed, and suspiciously so," Alexis said.

  Quinn found Mara’s knowledge alarming too but at least she was talking. Despite all her talk of her secrets and keeping them, she was talking. Quinn didn't see anything dangerous now. They were beyond the range the ships pursuing them, and while the outside held a lot of mysteries it didn't suggest any immediate threats. Nothing was moving, and no dangerous radiation levels registered.

  "Whatever mysteries are out there will wait. We've all been through a long day, and if we get started on what’s out there it will just get longer. Everybody get some rest and tomorrow we'll meet to figure out how to approach this," Quinn announced.

  "You sure about this?" Dela asked.

  "I'm a heap of tired and I got shot less than some. Set the sensors to alert us if anything big changes and get some rest yourself."

  "How about a shower first?"

  "Deal," Quinn said.

  The shower in his cabin was already going when they arrived. It was no surprise with his quarters having become much less private lately. Quinn didn’t even bother to disturb who was there. Fortunately during the last refit Tamara had installed better facilities all around the ship and they went instead to one of the communal bathrooms. Here, the edges of a huge bath were lined in silver, fanciful scenes of ornamental dragons and barely dressed maidens.

  They discovered Tamara, steam rising around her as she luxuriated under a shower. Rivulets flowing down taut lines of her athletic physique.

  "I haven't seen this place since the refit. I like it," Quinn said, as he pulled at his clothes, kicking them off to the side.

  "Did you actually pick that bath? It doesn't seem your style," Dela said, undressing.

  Quinn couldn't help but to take a moment to appreciate both women. Tamara was olive-skinned and near genetic perfection, stunningly beautiful. She could have been a fashion model on any world. Dela was paler, a few inches shorter, attractive in a very natural way that was made all the more clear next to the almost sculpted look of Tamara.

  "The bath was already here, although it looked
like at some point someone had used it as a goat pen. I tried to keep the original touches when I could. I guess even our pilots weren't immune to that jump?" Tamara asked.

  Dela made a face under a nozzle, turning the handle. "Ugh. I'm sick of getting sick on jumps."

  "I didn't fare any better this time," Quinn said as he joined Dela. The study of his wives hadn't been without its effect, his erection pressing against her thigh.

  Dela reached down to curl her fingers around his length, "Well, we sure managed to get you excited in a hurry. I wonder who turned you on more?"

  Tamara clicked her tongue in a mild rebuke, brushing fingers through her hair. "Don't turn it into a competition, dear. Then I'll be obligated to win."

  Dela reached for soap, briefly releasing Quinn to lather her hand. Slick now she began to stroke, long movements up and down along his length.

  "If you two want to have a turning-me-on battle, I've got to say, I'm for it," Quinn said.

  "Be careful what you wish for," Tamara said, stepping forward to graze her teeth against one of his earlobes and a hand sliding around his buttock. "But not today. I'm serious about not looking for a fight, and you obviously know who you came here with."

  Dela leaned her body against his other side as her hands continued the motions. It put Quinn between the two women, a pair of wet breasts pressing into each arm.

  Dela told Tamara, "I really can't figure you out sometimes. Some of the time you're the most stuck-up and outright cut-throat bitch I've ever seen and sometimes ..." She decided to keep it at that.

  Tamara kept one hand squeezing one of Quinn's buttocks as the other pushed past Dela's, her warm fingertips caressing and massaging at his balls.

  "And other times I'm helping you give our husband a handjob?" Tamara asked.

  Quinn felt he should probably contribute to the conversation somehow, but truly, he was having trouble thinking of much to say at the moment.

  "Exactly that. Is just one of you real, Tamara? Or both?" Dela asked.

  "Really weird time to be having this discussion," Quinn managed.

  Tamara leaned in and brushed a kiss across his cheek, "Family business, dear. My call, just relax and enjoy. I can't turn off the cut-throat, it is who I am, but I realize I'm with family now. Quinn is my husband, and even if your preferences keep us from enjoying each other, you are my wife, Dela."

  "I still don't know how that’s supposed to work. I still don't know what you were thinking," Dela said, as her hand began to quicken its pace, her thumb trailing a circle along the tip of his length.

  "You know what I was thinking. I was thinking this charming but stubborn oaf between us was too damned committed to a romantic memory and needed a way out. We all needed a way out," Tamara said, drifted a finger up from Quinn's buttock and along his spine.

  "But you didn't need a way out, not really. You've already got your law license back. You've got money, you've got some of your accounts," Dela said, her pumping becoming a blur.

  Quinn felt the heat rising inside him, the sensation of the water and the feel of their bodies against him all drowning into a pleasurable daze.

  "A firm that hates me, a legacy that is certainly denied me. Everything I truly care about now is on this ship. I needed saving as much as any of you, I still do," Tamara said with a sudden, brittle sort of honesty.

  Dela admitted, "I'm happy. It was weird, it is still weird, but I'm happy. I'm not dressing up in gray and trying to get fucking Monk to notice me anymore. I think of anywhere else I could be and I realize how unsatisfied I'd feel, how much I'd miss everyone. You too?"

  Quinn could feel the tremble building in his legs, the flush growing across his skin.

  "I've lost a lot. Even with what I've gotten back it’s still so much I never imagined I'd be without. I'm not ... I'm not where you are, not yet. If I could turn back the clock, I might. What about you, Quinn? Are you unsatisfied?" Tamara asked, teasing now as she cupped his balls and gave a light squeeze.

  Dela redoubled her efforts. It was all the encouragement that Quinn needed as he left little doubt in the minds of his wives that in this moment, he was most definitely satisfied.


  Quinn didn't exactly wind up getting a lot of sleep during the night. Kara woke up from the stupor induced after her healing, and nearly dying had made her insatiable. Still, that was something about Kara—no matter how much a night with her should exhaust him, the next day saw Quinn full of energy. Perhaps that was another attribute of alien physiology.

  Everyone gathered around the breakfast table. Melody had made waffles and stacks of fried reptile meat.

  "This is great, thanks, Mel," Taki said.

  "How much time is it going to take for you to get that transponder off my ship?" Quinn asked.

  "Three days? Quicker if we dock at that station and get power," Melody said.

  Alexis said, "I'd like to investigate the station anyways. The logs could be a big help in finding what I'm looking for."

  “Melody needs your help. I know you want to play explorer and we’re grateful you are here. Fix my ship and you can go play. Until then we’ll provide you a copy of any logs we find, you have my word,” Quinn said.

  Alexis scowled but after a moment nodded, “You’d better.”

  Quinn also still wanted to find the vessel Sofia had been after. Besides answering some questions it might provide some leverage against her.

  "We'll try to dock then. It sounds like we're going to have at least a few days here, as long as it’s safe. Anyone got anything else pressing that needs doing?" Quinn asked.

  Mara raised her hand. "Apologies, Captain. I'm willing to help with something if you need me, but there is a lot I'd like to investigate on my own."

  Tamara set down her fork and looked across the table at Mara. "Actually, on that note I'd like to say something. This will be off-topic but related."

  "You disapprove," Mara said, meeting her gaze steadily.

  "Yes, but not quite as you mean. This entire crew has put themselves on the line for each other, made commitments to each other, and we've made you an offer—but you just keep putting it off. Stop putting it off. In or out," Tamara said.

  "Why does she have to decide right now?" Dela asked her.

  "Because last night reminded me of some things. I think I see a little bit of Quinn in her. If she commits herself to us, she'll mean it. Right now she can tell us, and herself, that she’s on our side all she wants, but she doesn't have to mean it."

  "That is unfair. I've done right by you many number of times," Mara said, turning to look at Quinn. "I saved your life."

  It was true, she had. But Quinn also knew full well that she'd done it for a price, the return of her sisters. If Tamara was right and Mara was a bit like him, then this was the right approach. Quinn felt a sort of loyalty to see Tamara and Jinx to their destination, but once they'd become family the depth and nature of that loyalty changed entirely. Even if this was family business for everyone to discuss, he could probably speak up and put a stop to it, or at least insist that ship business come first.

  No, best to let this play out.

  "I stand with Tamara on this," Quinn said.

  Tamara shot him a quick smile, faint and pleased.

  Mara was quiet, pensive.

  Dela rose to her feet. "Last time we did this, we went around. We said what it was we needed, and what we have to offer. Thought maybe this time we'd do it with Mara in mind. You're a total badass, I don't know if you are a super-spy, or a member of some secret society or both, but I’m a girl who just wanted to get away and have adventures and I really want you in my family. You should join. I'm smart, I give pretty good advice."

  Jinx bounced up as soon as Dela was done. "You know things about magic. I know you do, and probably about my family, and the Emperor's family, and I'm just so overwhelmed. I might not like it, but you seem to think it’s good that I'm royal blood along with all that goes with that. I need you. Maybe that means something to
you, if so, please, stay close."

  Tamara stood. "I don't want just want to be number one, I want to be the best and that requires a foil. You are as genetically engineered as I am, and your implants are on par or even greater. If I need one, perhaps you do as well."

  Melody was next. "I think you're really nice. And if you have a favorite dish I'll make it for you whenever you want."

  Taki reluctantly got up. "I don't like this. I love that man and although I've warmed to this a bit, the thought of sharing him with yet another woman brings me some pain. But I agree with Dela, you're a badass and I’m well aware that we're sailing into a storm. Have our backs and we'll have yours."

  Alexis stayed seated but cleared her throat. "Can I just say that an actual functioning Centauri is fascinating to observe."

  Kara pushed back her chair and declared, "You have big guns—and I mean your breasts and the shooty sort. We have some seriously killer orgies now. Join up and we can totally kill people together and have sex."

  Finally Quinn stood up. "Just me, then. I like you Mara, I like you a lot and I don't think it one-sided. I know you've got your sisters, but we're a home and family here, one that will always welcome you back and be happy to see you. I think that’s probably something you haven't had a lot of in your life."

  This had left everyone but Alexis and Mara sitting. Uncomfortable seconds passed and finally Mara rose to her feet.

  "I think a lot of you are right. I am a complete badass and the storm that’s coming is mighty. I don't think any of you except Tamara realize just how much you've turned towards that storm. I can offer my council and my skills, and I need ..." Mara hesitated. "I don't know what I need. I've worn one mask after another for so long I don't know where they end. If there is a truth in all my lies, I need help finding it. May I join your family?"

  "Aye," Tamara said. "Welcome her, everyone."

  Mara was nearly crushed to death by hugs that went on for several minutes, Jinx and Dela got a little weepy and then everyone was sitting back down.


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