Joint Venture

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Joint Venture Page 34

by Tey Holden

  They arrived at school and Alex got out. “Have a good day.”

  “Thanks, sweetie.”

  “Remember that Uncle James is going to pick you up today, please text me when he does.”

  “Yes, M’Addy. I will.”

  Alex walked into the school and when they no longer saw her, Addy continued to drive. On the way to the hospital Karen’s eyes welled and she looked out the window remembering all the wonderful things that had become her life. From Karen’s demeanor, Addy knew what was going through her head. She had studied her every expression and every mood for so many years, she knew every one of her gestures. Addy took her hand and immediately Karen’s fingers tightened around hers.

  They made it to the hospital. “Okay, Blondie. Let’s get this over with!”

  In the parking lot of the hospital, Karen grabbed Addy by the arm and brought her close to her. “Hey, gorgeous brunette, come here.”

  “Green eyes, I need to remind you that we are in public, so unless you want to be arrested for indecent acts don’t rattle my cage. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve made love in the back seat of a car!”

  Karen grinned. She knew too well what Addy was talking about. “I love you, Latin woman! You rattle my cage every day! I love you more than life.”

  “I know! Why do you think I’ve kept you all these years?” She kissed her. “Come on, babe. Let’s go do this and put it behind us. We need to get on with our lives.” She untangled herself from Karen and started to walk towards the building.

  Karen checked in and they took a seat in the waiting area. Soon after, a nurse came out to get Karen. They looked at each other, exchanged another hug, and Karen turned and followed the nurse. Addy remained seated. She had tried to put on a happy face, and to be strong for Karen, but inside she was dying. She had said many prayers and had also done her share of crying in the shower when Karen couldn’t see her.

  She got up to walk and found herself in front of the chapel. Although she was not a practicing Christian, going into a place of worship always gave her peace. She went in and knelt to pray. What could she ask God that He didn’t already know? She leaned her head against of the pew in front of her and placed herself and her loved one in the hands of God.

  A while later, she went back to waiting room area. Soon after, a nurse came out and told her that all had gone well and that Karen was in the recovery area.

  “Can I see her?”

  “I will come and get you when you can.” A little less than an hour later the nurse was back.

  “You can come with me now.”

  When Karen saw her, she grinned. Addy came to her side and leaned in to kiss her. Karen could tell that Addy was anxious. Addy’s face was very close to hers. “Gorgeous! Don’t take advantage of me!” Karen whispered and grinned.

  Addy smiled back, still holding her hand. “No. I won’t now, I’ll wait till later.”

  “I’ll be out of commission for a while now, until this thing heals.”

  “I’m in no hurry. You know I like it slow!” She raised her eyebrows suggestively and then winked. Karen melted into a sweet smile.

  “Would that wink ever not rattle me?”

  “I hope not!”

  When the doctor came to talk to them, Addy stood up to listen to him. “We need to wait until tomorrow for full lab results, but I didn’t see anything wrong with what I removed. I think everything is fine. I will release you to the care of this lovely lady here. The nurse will give you all the instructions for care, and a prescription for pain medication. Take the pain medication as needed.”

  “Thank you, doctor.” The doctor’s comment gave them some peace. “Hon, he wouldn’t have said that if he had found something strange. I think all is good.” Addy felt some relief after hearing the doctor’s statement.

  “I hope so.” Karen was still a bit skeptical. She worked with facts, and until the lab results were in, she wouldn’t be convinced that all was all right.

  Getting the instructions and the medications at the hospital’s pharmacy took quite a while. “There’s got to be something wrong when getting released takes as long as the procedure itself!” Addy protested as they left the medical facility.

  “Hush! Take me home, baby. Did Alex text?”

  “Of course, do you think I’d be so calm, if she hadn’t?” Addy opened the car door for Karen, and helped her with her seat belt. Before she went around to the driver’s seat, she ran her hand through Karen’s blonde hair, and kissed her on the lips. Grinning, she walked around and entered the car. “I’m going to drive slowly because I don’t want to go over any bumps on the road.” Having said that, two minutes later the car hit the first pothole. “Shit! Sorry, babe.”

  Karen chuckled. “Don’t worry.” Addy had a bad reputation for driving through potholes and also for not seeing speed bumps and running over them, making everyone jump up and down in the car.

  “Just look out for speed bumps!”

  “Oh! So, you are in a funny mood now?”

  Just then, Addy went through a speed bump. “Ooops! Sorry. I didn’t see that one!” Then there was another. “Shit! I better pay attention. Not talking anymore.”

  Karen leaned her head back and chuckled. Addy looked at her and smiled.

  “I guess it’s always bumpy with me.”

  “Yeah, but we always make it, and it’s never been a boring ride.” Karen looked at her, took her hand and smiled. Addy smiled and her eyes got watery when Karen kissed her hand. “Don’t cry now! Drive us home. And look out for cows!”

  When they arrived at home, Addy helped her out of the car because she was still groggy from the medications. “Up to bed! I’ll bring you some soup, if you are hungry. I made it yesterday.”

  “Um huh! Alex?”

  “Going to call her now to tell her that we are home, and that James can bring her home.”

  When she came back from calling Alex, she found Karen asleep. Addy undressed her and covered her with a blanket. Then she lay on her side looking at her. She remained there until she heard the door, then she went downstairs. Alex was there and James was with her.

  “Where is mom, M’Addy? Is she okay?” Alex was very smart, and she had sensed that something was not right. The morning ride had left her with an uneasy feeling.

  “Yes, she is, baby.”

  “Can I see her?”

  “She’s sleeping. Thanks for picking Alex up, James.”

  “Addy, it was our pleasure to have Alex with us.”

  “We went to Upton to eat at that new Italian place! It’s really good M’Addy. You and mom should go.”

  “I’d better head back home, Addy. Do you need anything?” As they were starting to walk towards the door James asked. “Is she going to be okay, Addy?”

  “I think so, James. The doctor said he saw nothing wrong. We’ll know more tomorrow. Thanks for everything and tell JP thanks also.”

  “No problem sweetie, you know you can always count on us.”

  When Addy came back in the house, she found Alex sitting in the kitchen eating ice cream.

  “Don’t you ever get full child?”

  “Uncle JP wouldn’t let me have dessert. He has this thing about not getting fat. I feel sorry for Uncle James sometimes. I don’t think he gets enough food at home because he always eats a lot at the restaurants.”

  “Uncle JP doesn’t want you gaining weight.”

  “But I don’t, M’Addy and you know it. I’m into a lot of sports, and I’m a growing child and need nourishment.”

  “Good nourishment, not junk!”

  “It’s not like I’m eating junk all day.” Alex defended her position with Addy still giving her the usual look.

  “So, are you going to tell me what’s wrong with mom, or am I going to be hearing this one from third parties? Look, I’m not nosey and I allow people their privacy, but I’ve seen you and mom moping, so I’m worried, okay? I think I should be told the important things that are going on around here.�

  Addy looked at her beautiful daughter who was the spitting image of her mother. She had grown so fast. Where had all the years gone? “You are just like your mother, direct and to the point. But you are mine, you know?”

  Alex looked puzzled unable to make sense of Addy’s words. Addy chuckled looking at the puzzled face. “One day, not far from now, you are going to be sitting on that same stool, and I’m going to tell you love stories that will tear your heart out. Only then will you understand why I love the sleeping beauty upstairs beyond the limits of anyone’s imagination, and you, Alexandra Marcos Larsen, are the living proof of my love and hers.”

  “Can’t you start me off now with something?” Alex made a face.

  Addy chuckled and gave her another look “Hand that ice cream over?” She took a bowl and served herself some ice cream too. Alex smiled.

  “Your mother had a mammography and they found a little something in one of her breasts. She had it removed today.”

  Alex opened her eyes in panic. “They removed her breast?”

  “No! Are you crazy? The little thing they found. It was a minor surgical procedure, outpatient. But they gave her anesthesia and that’s why she’s sleeping now.”

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  “The lab results will be in tomorrow, but the doctor said he saw nothing wrong. Of course, your mom won’t believe anything until she gets the all-clear tomorrow.”

  “She’s been worried. I could tell. I didn’t think she wanted me to know so that’s why I didn’t ask. But she’s been looking at me funny these last few days.”

  Addy smiled. “She loves us too much.”

  “I think she loves you more than she loves me. I always wish that when I grow up, I’d find someone who loves me like you guys love each other. I think you guys are so cool! Out of this world. Hey, do you think she’ll sleep until tomorrow?”

  Addy enjoyed the conversation with her daughter. She laughed thinking that Alex thought they were ‘cool.’ She thought Alex was an amazingly open-minded child. “I hope so, Alex. She needs to rest. She’s been anxious about this thing.”

  “Tell me one of those stories you say would tear my heart out.”

  Addy smiled. “Okay, here’s one. Do you remember one time when we were talking in the car about types of love and that you didn’t believe someone could love someone so much as to not care about themselves and risk it all for the other person?”

  “Yes, you never gave me your thoughts on that one. Why?”

  “Because my opinion differed from yours.”

  “Okay, I said that type of love could not exist because doing something like that would be going against the human innate instinct of self-preservation. I’d like you to know that my belief is well-founded, M’Addy. Self-preservation is, biologically proven to take charge in aggravating circumstances. So, I’m not just making this up.” The younger blonde encyclopedic mind spoke.

  “Oh, I have no doubt, sweetheart. You are a very smart thirteen-year old, and certainly know what you are talking about.”

  “So then, what is the basis for your opposing view?” Alex said with a tone of victory in her voice, thinking that her argument was solid, and that Addy had nothing to support her position.

  Addy chuckled looking at the triumphant looking Alex and remembering Karen’s same expression. She was undeniably the blonde’s daughter. “On facts,” Addy stated.

  “What facts are you talking about?”

  “Your mom has never told you how she got that scar on her arm, has she?”

  “No. I figure that what happened must have been awful, and that she’d want to forget about it, and I didn’t want to pressure her to tell me. Why?”

  “It’s not the hurt or the scar that she wanted to forget, but what almost happened. You see, Alex. I’m here today because of your mother.” Addy then proceeded to tell her the story of her Range Rover going into the frozen lake and how Karen jumped in to save her.

  Alex was astonished. “So, Alex, somewhere in the depth of that loch, there is a Range Rover with a broken driver side window. It’s still there, it went in so deep, it has never been recovered. All the proof left is me here today, and your mother’s arm. So, whenever you see her scar again, let that be a reminder that true love does exist. I found it in your mother. She is an extraordinary woman.”


  “Wow doesn’t begin to describe your mom. She’s a lot more than wow! But I’m very partial, as you can see. Now off to bed, young lady.”

  “Call me if you need anything. Good night, M’Addy.” She hugged and kissed her mom.

  “Good night, baby. Don’t stay up too late.”

  Addy went to bed that night very mindful of her loved one. She woke up every couple of hours to check on Karen, who was sleeping like a log with all the medication she had taken. Karen had the small incision below her left breast covered. Addy smiled looking at Karen’s bare breast. Her breasts weren’t huge, but they were cute. She turned off the light and went back to sleep.

  In the morning, she was up before Karen. It was Saturday and Alex was already eating cereal. “Sorry M’Addy, I was hungry and couldn’t wait for breakfast. I can eat whatever, if you make anything, I’m still hungry. How’s mom?”

  “Mom, is still asleep, and since it looks like you have already eaten something, you are going to have to wait a bit until I can make that ‘whatever’ that you want because I’m going to make some coffee and bring it to your mom with her pills.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait.”

  “Thank you.” The phone rang. “Can you get that?”

  “Where’s the phone? Don’t worry, I found it here in the family room.”

  “Hi Laurie, how are you guys? Yes. She’s fine. She’s in the kitchen making coffee. Hold on let me get her. M’Addyyyyy!!! It’s Laurie!”

  Laurie chuckled at the other end of the phone having to pull it away from her ear, when Alex screamed.

  Alex brought the phone over and handed it to Addy. “Bye Laurie!”

  Addy filled Laurie in and talked to her for a few minutes only because she wanted to go see Karen who was probably up now on account of Alex’s scream.”

  When Addy went upstairs, Karen was already sitting up in bed. “Hey! How are you feeling green eyes?”

  “Like shit! It hurts.”

  “I have your pills here and some coffee.”


  “I need to go and make some breakfast. What do you want pancakes, or an omelet?”

  “What are you making for Alex?”

  “The hungry one downstairs said she’d eat whatever. So, what do you want?”

  “Then an omelet, please.”

  “Coming right up. Lay back and call if you need anything. I’ll tell her she can come to see you now, so get decent.” Addy took a T-shirt from one of the dresser’s drawer and handed it to her.

  “Hey! I’m always decent.” Addy gave her the usual look, and Karen smiled.

  After breakfast, they received a call from the doctor’s office. The test results were negative.

  Addy closed her eyes, sat on the sofa speechless, and began to decompress. “Are you okay, M’Addy?”

  “Yes, honey. I just got a call from the doctor’s office, all is good with Mommy.”

  Addy’s eyes filled with tears of joy. “M’Addy!” They hugged, and Addy kissed her daughter. “Let’s go tell her.”

  When came into the bedroom, Karen was reclined on a mountain of pillows. “Tell her, Alex.” Karen looked at both of them expectantly. “The test results were negative. You are fine, Mom.”

  The green eyes on the bed shifted from Alex to Addy and filled with tears. Alex climbed on the bed and kissed her mom. “You are okay, Mom, you are okay.” Karen looked at her daughter and welcomed her kisses, but her eyes went back to the brunette who stood reclined against the door in a severe emotional state.

  Karen extended her arm summoning Addy to come forward. She did, and hugged the two blondes o
n the bed. Alex pulled out of the embrace and noticed how emotional the moms were. “I’ll leave you two alone so that you can smooch a bit. Call me when you are done with the kissing.”

  The women chuckled. “I think we’ve damaged that child.”

  “No. I think she’s lucky to know she has parents who smooch.” Addy replied. Alex left the room smiling. She smiled even more when, barely outside the room, she overheard Karen again. “Woman of my dreams, I love you.” Alex went downstairs grinning. Yes, she was lucky, very lucky.

  Addy hugged her quietly, unable to speak. Karen knew that Addy had her usual lump in her throat that wouldn’t allow her to say a word, so she brushed Addy’s face with the back of her hand and spoke. Her green eyes looked bright and eager. “Got the lump, Huh?” Addy nodded.

  Karen smiled and spoke. “I cannot love you more than I do already.” The green eyes misted when she saw tears run from the brown ones. Then Addy kissed her, and they leaned their heads against each other and hugged and cried for a little while.

  “No more crying, Blondie. You are okay! I’d better go check on Alex. Do you need anything?”

  “No. I have everything.” Everything!


  Three days later, Karen was back to normal in terms of her psychological and emotional state of mind. “How are the tiny ones this morning?” Karen had just come downstairs and Addy was busy in the kitchen making some sort of omelet.

  Karen smiled. “After so many years, this is what you are going to call my breasts? They are fine, and they are not that tiny.” Karen stuck out her tongue.

  “True, but I came out losing in this deal. Mine are bigger.” She paused, pushed out her chest to show off her own.

  Karen smiled. “Maybe that is why I love yours more than I love mine.” She chuckled.

  “So, are the tiny ones ready for some action?” Addy continued with her jest trying to cheer up Karen in her convalescence stage.

  “No, sorry. At least one isn’t.”

  “Hum, does that mean the other one is? How interesting. I wonder if I can constrain myself.”

  Karen laughed. “Addy, stop it! You are not getting near me.”

  “Hum, let me make a note of that, this is a day to remember. What day is today?”


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