Ravenous, A Tame Quantum Novel: Quantum Series, Book 5

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Ravenous, A Tame Quantum Novel: Quantum Series, Book 5 Page 17

by Force, Marie

I leave Ellie’s office feeling dejected after the conversation with Hayden, but my spirits lift considerably when I think about the trip I have planned with Ellie—the trip that’s going to set me free to live the life I want rather than the one that was planned for me.

  Chapter 16

  After getting stuck at work later than expected, I’m running around throwing clothes into a bag ten minutes before Jasper is due to pick me up. Thankfully, Flynn and Natalie agreed to take over my babysitting gig tomorrow after I told him I had a conflict. I’m free and clear to go with Jasper on this important trip, and I’m so excited about the time away with him that my usually formidable packing skills aren’t up to par. Thankfully, I don’t need anything fancy. At this rate, I’m apt to end up without a toothbrush.

  Randy rubs up against me, letting me know he’s worried about where I’m going. Suitcases always freak him out, the poor guy. My dad is coming to pick him up after we leave, so I take a moment to reassure him. “I won’t be gone long this time, buddy, and Pappy is coming to get you in a little while.”

  He whines and licks my cheek, and I give him a hug. Whoever said dogs don’t like to be hugged hasn’t met mine. He burrows into my embrace and lets me hold him for as long as I want, which is far longer than I have time for, but hey, he’s my baby.

  I’m still snuggling Randy when Jasper comes through the door looking ridiculously sexy in khakis and a white shirt rolled up to expose his forearms. Even his forearms are sexy.

  “Am I interrupting something, darling?”

  I sigh. The voice. It just does it for me. “Randy’s feeling a little sad about Mama going away again.”

  “He can come along. We’re flying private. He won’t be able to get off the plane when we get there, though. The UK is freaky about keeping rabies off our pristine shores.”

  “I think my baby would be better off with Grammy and Pappy than cooped up on a plane for so many hours.” I kiss Randy’s sweet face. “I just need a couple minutes.” I leave Randy in his favorite spot on the sofa and go into my bedroom to finish packing. I’m in the bathroom gathering essential cosmetics when Jasper joins me, molding his body to the back of mine, his arms encircling my waist and his lips finding my neck. That’s all it takes to make me weak in the knees.

  “Today was the single longest day of my entire life.” The soft caress of his breath on my neck sends goose bumps scurrying down my back.

  “Mine, too.”

  “I’m so glad you’re coming with me. You’ll help me keep my mind off the reason for this mission.”

  “And how will I do that?” I ask, meeting his gaze in the mirror.

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

  A shudder ripples through my body, converging in an almost painful throb between my legs.

  Jasper’s hands drop to the hem of my dress that falls to mid-thigh. He drags it up, slowly, his fingertips light on my sensitive skin. “Are you wet for me, Ellie?”


  His low growl is like gas thrown on my already out-of-control fire.

  I push my ass into his hard cock, letting him know what I want.

  “Is someone feeling impatient?”

  “You’re the one who said it’s been a long day.”

  He slides his fingers up my inner thigh to press against my core. Only the thin silk of my panties separates his skin from mine. A sound escapes from my tightly clenched jaw that’s not quite a moan and not quite a groan. It’s a needy, desperate sound I’ve never made before in my life. I’m about to come, and he’s barely touched me. Then he withdraws, and I cry out in despair.

  “Easy, darling.”

  I look over my shoulder to find him quickly unbuckling his belt and freeing his cock. My skirt is raised and my panties pulled aside as he moves my legs farther apart. All this happens in the span of seconds, making me feel like I’m on the most thrilling of rides at the best of amusement parks. I’m breathless, and my heart is beating so fast, I’d be worried about a heart attack if I didn’t know for sure that he is the cause.

  Then he’s inside me, hammering into me while his fingers tightly grip my hips, holding me still for the wildest of wild rides. I come so hard I see stars, but still he doesn’t let up. When I installed this pedestal sink, I never could’ve imagined being fucked to within an inch of my life while bent over it. The thought has me squeaking out a giggle.

  “What the hell is funny?” he asks, sounding so supremely British.

  “I’m hoping I installed the sink properly.”

  That draws a gasp of laughter from him, too, and he slows the pace ever so slightly. His arms wrap tight around my body and his teeth clamp down on my earlobe. I had no idea until that very second that my earlobe is wired to my clit.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispers gruffly. “I want to spend my entire life inside you.”

  If there have ever been sexier words uttered in the history of mankind, I’d like to know what they are. Certainly no such words have ever been said to me. I grasp his hand that’s flat against my breast and hold on for dear life as he drives into me again and again. I can hear Randy barking, but I can’t be bothered to do anything about it. Until I hear my dad’s voice and freeze.

  “No, no, no,” Jasper whispers, echoing my panic. He withdraws from me so suddenly I nearly fall over. Only his arms around my middle keep me upright. I push down my skirt, adjust my panties and run my fingers through my hair before I call to Dad. “Be right out!”

  “Take your time.”

  Jasper grimaces as he tries to zip his pants over a huge erection. “This is not happening.”

  I cover my mouth to contain my laughter.

  His scowl only makes the need to laugh even worse.

  “Do I look awful?” I ask, whispering.

  “You look beautiful and very well fucked, if I do say so myself.”

  “Stop!” The thought of my father overhearing such a comment makes me break into a sweat. “Stay here. He’ll be gone in a minute.”

  “No choice but to stay put.”

  I glance down at the “problem” in his pants.

  “You looking at it doesn’t help,” he says between gritted teeth.

  I choke back another laugh, and, as if my father didn’t just nearly catch me having sex, I go breezing into the living room where Dad is sitting next to Randy on the sofa. Randy, that traitor, has his head in Dad’s lap and is enjoying a thorough ear scratching. “Sorry! Just got out of the shower.” I hope that might explain my red face.

  “No problem,” Dad says, thankfully keeping his attention on Randy and not me. “This trip came up awfully sudden.”

  “I know! They need me to look at a property in England before they can decide on a location shoot. I’ll be back tomorrow. Flynn agreed to take the hoodlums for me until I can get there.”

  “He told me.” Dad continues to stroke Randy, who’s totally blissed out. “He hadn’t heard you were leaving town, though.”

  “Oh, well, it was something for Jasper and Kristian. I don’t think Flynn is involved in this one.” Why am I lying? Why don’t I just tell him the truth? Because I’m not ready to go public with our news, even if my dad isn’t exactly “public.” I want Jasper to have his situation resolved before I tell my family about us.

  And, selfishly, I want to keep what’s happening with Jasper between us for a little while longer. It’s so new and exciting, and I like that no one knows. For now, it only belongs to us. As soon as we tell someone, it’s not just ours anymore. I’m sure Hayden and Addie have their suspicions after last night, but that’s all they are—suspicions. They don’t know anything for certain.

  I make a big show out of checking my watch. “Oh damn! I’ve got to go! Plane to catch.”

  “You need a ride to the airport?”

  “No, I’m good. Jasper is picking me up. He’s going with me.”

  “I thought I saw his new car out front,” he says as he stands. “Come on, Randolph. Let’s go see what G
rammy is up to.” Dad stops to kiss my cheek, which has to be the deepest shade of scarlet ever invented. “Have a safe trip, honey. Send us a text to let us know you got there okay.”

  “Oh, um, yes, I will! Thanks for having Randy.”

  “Any time. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Dad calls for Randy, and he trots along behind him, with nary a look back at his mortified mommy. I sense Jasper behind me before I feel him press up against me. “Shoot me right now,” I groan. “Please, just make it fast and painless.”

  “Only if I can go with you, darling.”

  “How did I think I would get away with that? He raised four kids. He knows everything!”

  “Do you think he heard us having a hump? If he did, I’m never showing my face at your parents’ home again.”

  I turn to face him. “Having a hump? Is that what we were doing?”

  “That’s most definitely what we were doing, and only one of us got to finish—twice. I’d say that puts you deep in debt, my love. How ever shall I collect my payment?”

  “So this means you’re over my dad possibly catching us ‘having a hump’?”

  He caresses my cheek with his finger. “I’ll be over it the minute my cock bumps up against the back of your throat on the plane.”

  * * *

  I’m buckled into my seat on the private jet, and we’ve just taken off from Burbank for our twelve-hour flight to London. Normally, I take something to knock me out on long flights, but I want to be alert for this one. I still can’t believe what he said to me before we left my house. Picturing myself on my knees, his cock in my mouth bumping up against my throat makes me hot for more of what we were doing before my father showed up.

  Never before has the thought of giving a man a blow job turned me on, but I can’t wait to see if Jasper follows through on his “threat.”

  A chime dings, and the pilot lets us know we’ve reached our cruising altitude. We’re free to move around the cabin, but he recommends keeping our seat belts on when we’re seated.

  “I want you to go into the bedroom. Get naked. Stretch out on the bed with your arms over your head and your eyes closed. Your legs should be spread as far apart as you can get them. I’ll be in shortly. Any questions?”

  Remember that accent I’ve told you about a time or two? Yeah, well… I’ll have to ask him if he would mind recording what he just said so I can listen to it on playback every day for the rest of my life. In addition to my reaction to how he said it, I’m so stunned by what he said, I can barely breathe, let alone speak. He honestly expects me to do all that just because he told me to?

  A quick glance at his unyielding expression tells me he does, in fact, expect me to follow his instructions.

  “The choice is always yours,” he reminds me, his tone softer, more conciliatory. “Say the word.”

  He’s referring to the word “baby” that we agreed upon last night. It occurs to me that I’d be a baby if I used it before I know what he has planned. His orders alone have me so turned on I can’t see straight. I release the clasp on my seat belt and get up slowly, testing my legs to ensure they’ll hold me up before I begin moving toward the back of the plane where the bedroom is located.

  This is utter decadence. Flying on a private jet with a sexy man who wants to dominate me at thirty-five thousand feet. How has this become my life? Only a few weeks ago, my idea of an exciting evening might’ve been a run on the boardwalk with Randy, followed by a movie in bed with him snuggled up to me. As much as I love Randy, and I love him irrationally, this is a whole other level of excitement.

  I’m so excited, in fact, that my hands are shaking as I freshen up in the tiny bathroom before removing my dress. The cool air pumping through the plane’s vents feels extra chilled against my heated skin as I step into the bedroom completely naked.

  I stretch out on the bed, arms over my head, eyes closed, legs spread. My muscles are trembling from anticipation and desire and a kind of elation I’ve never experienced before. How long will he make me wait? What will he do to me? How will it feel? Will I be scared?

  No. I won’t be scared. Not with Jasper. I can’t conceive of doing something like this with anyone but him. I trust him completely, and that trust frees me to enjoy whatever is about to happen.

  Will we make a baby on this plane? Did we already make a baby last night? How soon can I find out? I need to ask Dr. Breslow about that.

  What transpires in the cabin of that airplane can only be called life changing. He’s showing me a side of myself that I never knew existed, and I love everything we do together.

  “Was it good for you, too?” I ask him as I wrap my hand around his hard cock.

  His eyes, which had closed while I stroked him, pop open, his gaze locking on mine. “Do you honestly have to ask?”

  “I guess I do.”

  “Darling… My sweet, sexy Ellie… Nothing has ever been better for me than being completely myself with you.”

  “I always want you to be yourself with me.”

  “You have no idea what an amazing, incredible gift that is to me. Not every woman would be strong enough to give herself over to me the way you just did.”

  “I liked giving myself over to you. I was a little scared at the beginning, but I kept reminding myself that I was with you and that you’d keep me safe.”

  “I’ll always keep you safe, my love. You can count on that.”

  “I’m starting to believe I can.”

  “Believe it. Now that I have you in my arms and in my bed, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I still can’t believe you wanted me and never said so.”

  “And how would I have gone about saying so? At work? In the midst of our group of friends?”

  “You could’ve called me.”

  “Like on the phone? Do people still do that?”

  I laugh at his scandalized expression. “I think some people do.”

  “You want to know the truth, darling?”


  “I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure you’d want me the way I wanted you, and because of who you are to me, who your brother is to me and who your family is to me, I didn’t want to risk making things awkward between us if you didn’t feel the same way I do. We spend too much time together to take that risk.”

  I drag a finger through his chest hair, loving the soft texture and the moan that escapes from him when I touch his nipple. “I’m sorry you never said anything.”

  He draws me in closer, kissing the top of my head. “Trust me, so am I.”

  “I’d listen to you in meetings at work or when you tell a funny story when we’re all together somewhere. Afterward, I wouldn’t be able to tell you what you said. I was so dazzled by how you said it. I’d fantasize about being in bed with you while you said filthy things to me in that beautiful voice.”

  He slides his leg between mine, the friction of his hairy leg against my skin electrifying. “I wish I’d known you had those thoughts. I could’ve been saying filthy things to you for years now.”

  “We might not have been ready before now.”

  “Probably not.”

  “Are you nervous about seeing your father?”

  “I’m more resigned than nervous. It’s way past time that I dealt with this situation once and for all.”

  “What do you think he’ll say?”

  “He’ll be bloody furious. He’ll rant about me shirking my obligations. The usual tirade. But I’m not backing down.” He tightens his arms around me. “This is what I want. My life in LA is what I want. I’m never going back to London, and it’s time he knew that.”

  “I’m so proud of you for standing up for what you want, Jasper.”

  “That means so much to me, love. I should’ve done it years ago, but you’ve given me the best reason I’ve ever had, not to mention the courage I’ve lacked.”

  “How can you say you’ve lacked courage? You stood up to him at eighteen and fough
t to attend the school of your choice, to pursue the career of your choice. That took incredible courage—and balls.”

  “I guess, but what does it say about me that I’ve let him cast a shadow over my entire life by making it clear that I’m expected to step up when the time comes? I swear his latest daredevil stage is all about making me sweat. Every time he climbs a mountain or goes off on some quest for a record in an experimental aircraft, he knows I’m holding my breath the whole time. I bet he fucking loves that, the sadistic bastard.”

  “After this, you never have to see him again if you don’t want to.”

  “I definitely don’t want to, and he’s not going to want to see me either.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve had such a difficult relationship with your father. It makes me feel extra lucky to have had Max Godfrey as my dad.”

  “You’re so lucky. He’s the best dad I know.”

  “You’re going to be a wonderful father, too.”

  “I hope so. I have no earthly idea how to do it.”

  “You know how not to do it. That’s a good place to start.”

  “I suppose that’s true.”

  “Try not to worry too much,” I whisper when I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. “No matter what happens, I’ll be right here to help you through it.”

  “That means everything to me, darling.”

  We arrive at Heathrow late in the morning local time. A car service whisks us into town, where I’ve booked a room at Claridge’s, located in the exclusive Mayfair neighborhood and a short walk to my father’s office. We worked extra hard on the baby-making project on the flight, and other than a few catnaps, we haven’t slept.

  I can’t wait to get my business done so I can get back to her and pick up where we left off on the plane. She’s yawning continuously by the time we reach our room. I help her out of her clothes, tuck her into bed and sit next to her, gazing down at her lovely face and drawing energy from the adoring way in which she looks at me.

  “Get some rest, darling. I’ll take you to afternoon tea when I return. You’ll love it.”


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