Eden Palms Murder

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by Dorothy Francis

  Table of Contents


  Eden Palms Murder

  For my family




































  Eden Palms Murder

  By Dorothy Francis

  Copyright 2016 by Dorothy Francis

  Cover Copyright 2016 by Untreed Reads Publishing

  Cover Design by Ginny Glass

  The author is hereby established as the sole holder of the copyright. Either the publisher (Untreed Reads) or author may enforce copyrights to the fullest extent.

  Previously published in print, 2010.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, dialogue and events in this book are wholly fictional, and any resemblance to companies and actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Also by Dorothy Francis and Untreed Reads Publishing

  Pier Pressure

  Daiquiri Dock Murder

  Killer in Control

  Conch Shell Murder

  Cold Case Killer


  Eden Palms Murder

  Dorothy Francis

  For my family


  Monday afternoon

  The midafternoon storm arrived without notice. Lightning slashed through black thunderheads, and wind screamed in from Hawk Channel, threatening Key West on this wintry day. Palms bent in the onslaught. Surprised gulls fluttered a moment then dropped like stones onto the beach where they huddled together for protection. The weather matched my mood. I turned my back to the wind and strode away from the sea, heading toward Eden Palms.

  I had no trouble entering the Shipton mansion in Old Town. Locals throughout the island knew Francine Shipton as an outgoing hostess who welcomed friends and family whether or not they called ahead to announce their impending arrival. But gaining access to the upstairs, the home’s second-floor suite that Francine claimed as her private quarters, was sometimes difficult for some, but not for me.

  “Hello, hello,” Francine called through her front doorway when she saw me on her veranda. “Do come inside. I’m getting ready for this evening’s meeting—plumping the pillows and all that. This cold snap’s supposed to blow itself out quickly.” She gave me a puzzled look. “Is there some problem?”

  “Not at all.” The wind blew the screen door with a bang when I stepped into the spacious foyer and bent to kiss her cheek. “You’ve a big evening ahead of you and I wondered if you might need some help before your guests arrive.” I glanced around, seeing nothing amiss. “Need chairs carried into the solarium? Extra ice toted to the freezer? How many people are you expecting?”

  “Just a handful—my near neighbors. Of course they’re among the strongest protestors. Want to convince them to see the situation from my viewpoint.”

  I looked up the curving stairway. On the balcony, I saw the thing I’d expected to see—the teakwood table Francine always used to serve coffee to a small group. The situation couldn’t have been more perfect.

  “I know you’re counting on using that card table, Francine. You shouldn’t try to carry something that heavy and awkward down the stairs. Let me give you a hand.” Francine smiled and I started toward the second floor before she could argue. Counting each polished step from one to twenty-three helped divert my thoughts from the horror I knew was to come.

  “That would be a help. You’re such a dear friend.”

  Francine followed me up the steps. At the top of the staircase she picked up a blue cloth lying on the table.

  “I started to dust, but I got sidetracked.” She began swishing the cloth across the inlaid teak.

  I took the cloth from her. “Let me do that for you, please.” I took my time brushing nonexistent dust from the table legs, all the time nudging her ever so slightly to ease her in the best position possible.

  “Oh, look, downstairs.” I nodded toward the veranda doorway. “You have more guests.”

  She looked, and in that nanosecond I acted. Placing both my hands on her hipbones, I gave her a hard shove. Her scream gurgled into silence when her head cracked against the banister and her body thudded down, down, down the glossy steps. Now I clutched the pistol I’d hidden in my jacket pocket. I waited. Her head lay skewed at an impossible angle and she didn’t move. Blood poured from her nose and trickled from her left ear. I wouldn’t need the gun.

  I dashed down the stairs, felt for her pulse, found none. Then reaching into my other pocket, I pulled out the dead blacksnake and smiled. The medical examiner would know she hadn’t died from snakebite or suffocation, but the shock value of seeing the snake would give both the police and the town gossips much to speculate about in the days to come. Who hated socialite Francine Shipton enough to murder her? Who?

  I wrapped the blacksnake around her neck twice before I pried her mouth open and stuffed the snake’s head between her teeth and down her throat. The wind had died by the time I stepped back onto the veranda.

  In an unusual stillness, I headed for home.


  Monday evening—Key West International Airport

  Later, I told myself that if I’d flown to Key West on a morning flight I might have saved everyone at Eden Palms a lot of trouble. But it didn’t happen that way.

  I’m Bailey Green, wannabe blues vocalist and songwriter. On this Monday night, I landed at Key West International at seven-thirty as scheduled, expecting our family friend, Francine Shipton, to meet me. She planned to drive me to her Eden Palms estate and the guest cottage that I’d rent for a nominal fee. I looked forward to working part-time as her secretary and gofer, helping her implement some project she’d devised to aid indigent people on the island. The rest of the time I’d be free to pursue my music career.

  A couple of years ago I made a demo, and a little Internet record label wanted to sell my CD from their website. A nightclub owner in Des Moines heard it and hired me for some singing gigs at his club. I retain ownership of the recording and the deal with the Internet people was strictly for distribution and sales. The CD sold fairly well for a while. But for the past two years I’d put my singing career on hold while I cared for my cancer-ridden mother—with little help from my brother, Chet.

  When Mother passed away, grief almost overwhelmed me. Although Des Moines was only fif
ty miles from our small town, musicians in the city had forgotten about me, and I didn’t have the moxie to pursue those former contacts. When Francine offered me a job in Key West and wouldn’t take no for an answer, I wound up my affairs in Iowa and packed my things.

  Goodbye depression. Goodbye snow. Hello trade winds. I’d hoped that leaving Iowa and living in the Keys would lighten my spirits, but no. Tonight, the memory of Mother’s death left me with an inner chill I couldn’t shake. I found it hard to believe that the locals called this island Paradise.

  A flight attendant led me and the six other passengers on our feeder aircraft down a few precarious steps from the plane to the concrete runway.

  “You’ll find your luggage at the baggage claim area at the end of the terminal,” she said, pointing. “Thank you for flying Air Sunshine. We’ve enjoyed having you aboard and wish you a pleasant stay on our island.”

  “Thank you,” I murmured, then strolled toward the baggage claim area.

  No point in hurrying. A ground crew would be loading our suitcases onto a cart for the next few minutes. My comfort-food gene kicked in and I pulled a miniature Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup from my pocket, unwrapped it, and savored its chocolate fragrance before popping it into my mouth. I wished government nutritionists would relieve my guilt by naming chocolate one of the four basic food groups.

  Inhaling deeply, I hoped for a welcoming scent of night-blooming jasmine. Instead, I almost choked on a lungful of diesel exhaust. Once inside the terminal, I breathed the odor of stale cigarette smoke. I let others scramble to reclaim their bags while I scanned the waiting area and then the street outside looking for Francine.

  Night blanketed the island. Overhead a skein of clouds half-masked an almost-full moon and a sprinkling of stars, and I caught the salt aroma of the sea. I stood for a moment enjoying the cool breeze as I peered at the almost-empty parking lot. No Francine. Drat. A few taxis waited at curbside near the baggage claim exit and I ducked back into the terminal to avoid a vendor with a tray of trinkets hanging from a strap around his scrawny neck.

  I couldn’t imagine Francine running late. She always prided herself on her promptness. Others ran late—never Francine Shipton. The baggage carousel began moving, groaning a bit under its load of suitcases, golf clubs, packing boxes, fishing gear. I spotted my two green cases, and had dragged them to the floor when someone called my name.

  “Bailey? Bailey Green?”

  I whirled around. To my astonishment, the voice belonged to Francine’s friend Quinn Bahama. Quinn’s a freelance reporter for the Citizen, and she makes no secret of her goal to work up to a staff writer position. We aren’t close friends, just acquaintances who admire each other’s work. Two years ago when I visited Key West, Francine had introduced me to Quinn and given her a copy of my CD, hoping for a bit of publicity for me and my would-be career. That was a few weeks before Mother became ill. It surprised me that Quinn still remembered me.

  All the locals know Quinn. She also waits tables at the Two Friends Patio, hoping to meet a celebrity who’ll grant her an interview. Lots of service people work two jobs in their effort to pay their bills here in Paradise. Quinn also haunts the airport hoping to see some well-known people who’ll give her a few minutes of their time. Like most performers, I never run from a chance for publicity, and Quinn’s a good writer. Readers can depend on her for accuracy in the whos, whats, whens, and wheres of her articles.

  Tonight, Quinn wore a red satin caftan and matching spike-heeled sandals. The humidity made her curly hair look like a golden chrysanthemum, and her smile reached clear to her blue eyes. Looking at Quinn made most people want to smile back. And I smiled.

  “Hello, Quinn.”

  “Been away for a while?”

  Quinn eyed my green parka and my two matching bags. Successful performers tell me the best kind of advertising is word-of-mouth, so I surround myself in green in what I hope is a subtle attempt to promote my name and my CD titled Greentree Blues.

  “Been home in Iowa for quite a while. I’m surprised you remember me.” I slipped off my fleece-lined parka, tossed it over my arm, and felt like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. “It’s winter-coat cold up north.”

  “Business or pleasure trip?”

  “I’ve spent the last two years taking care of my mother. She recently passed away after a long bout with cancer.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  Quinn did look sorry and I tried to lighten the moment. “It’s really good to be back in Key West. Francine Shipton offered me a job and promised to meet me, but so far I haven’t seen her.”

  “What kind of job?”

  “Secretary. Gofer. She has some kind of a new help-the-underdog project in mind. I won’t know in-depth details until I talk with her. But whatever. I need a new scene.”

  Quinn raised an eyebrow, then asked, “Could I give you a lift somewhere?”

  “That’s kind of you, but no thanks. Something important must have delayed Francine. I’m sure she’ll show in a few minutes.”

  “Would you use those minutes to give me an interview?” Quinn began rolling one of my bags toward a bench beside the wall.

  I hesitated, elated that Quinn remembered my budding career yet torn by my need to meet Francine. If I got ahead as a singer, I needed time and publicity. Francine would arrive soon, and I hoped the job she had in mind for me would allow me time for singing and composing. With luck, publicity would come later.

  “Well, okay, Quinn. Maybe we’ll have time for a quickie. And I’ll make a deal with you.” I tapped the camera I always wear around my neck. “Trade you a brief interview for a pic.” I followed her, wheeling my second bag.

  “Why would you want my picture?” Quinn asked.

  “I snap shots of eye-catching people and places. Sometimes I draw on my photos to help me create lyrics for a new song. I’m still interested in writing a lot of my own stuff.”

  Quinn smiled, posed, and I clicked a shot. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “Your Iowa nightclub gigs and your songwriting, of course.” Quinn pulled a small notepad and a ballpoint from a caftan pocket. We sat down beside each other on the bench. “Got any new titles to introduce to the public? Or maybe to a record company?”

  “No. But I’m working on a few ideas.” No point in advertising that I’d had a writer’s block during a lot of the time I’d spent caring for my mother.

  “It’s hard to make a demo and get it before the public,” Quinn said. “I really liked Greentree Blues.”

  I didn’t tell her I was a long way from recording a second CD, perhaps even from getting a nightclub gig as a singer. When I hesitated to reply, she spoke.

  “Couldn’t you have hired a part-time housekeeper to care for your mother while you worked a bit?”

  “In my mind, that was never an option.” I didn’t elaborate. I had missed singing, but family came first. Mom had needed me. “I wrote a few lyrics after Mom had retired for the night. Once I get settled at Eden Palms, I may have time to compose and sing again.”

  “Well, I suppose taking care of your mother took most of your time.”

  “Yes, it did.” I began to worry about where this interview might lead. Clearly, Quinn wanted information about my compositions and I had nothing new to offer. It saddened me to talk about my mother’s death. I didn’t dare talk about my brother, Chet, who’d left Iowa and been assigned a new identity through the Federal Witness Protection Program.

  “Can you tell me about any songs you’re planning to write?”

  I glanced at the doorway, hoping to see Francine. “Sorry Quinn, but I can’t. If I talk about a song before I write it, it weakens my desire to write.” I hesitated, afraid that Quinn might give up on me as a news source and leave. “But here’s an idea. Maybe we could talk about my life in a way that would be meaningful to other musicians as well as to other mothers and daughters.”

  “Sure,” Quinn agreed. “What do you have in mind?”

>   “Hold it a minute, okay? I need to check to see if Francine’s outside.” I walked to the doorway, stepped onto the sidewalk, and scanned the parking lot. Double drat! Still no Francine. I returned to Quinn, and for the next twenty minutes or so I told her about my growing-up years and my relationship with my mother. Would anyone be interested? I wondered.

  But when I finished my tale, Quinn flashed a thumbs-up.

  “That’s a touching story, Bailey.” She glanced at her watch then stood. “Tell you what. The Citizen’s short a staff writer this week—flu. If I get this story written and to the editor tonight, you may be able to read it in tomorrow’s paper. The publicity will be my welcome-home gift to you.”

  “Wonderful, Quinn. I’ll be looking for your article.”

  Quinn made brief notes on her notepad, then smiled. “Francine’s certainly taking her time getting here. Sure I can’t give you a ride? No problem. Everything’s close by here in Paradise.”

  “Thanks, Quinn, but as sure as I accept your generosity, Francine will arrive and be unable to find me. I’ll phone her again. Great talking to you. I’ll look forward to reading your article.”

  Quinn blew me a kiss then left the terminal.

  I keyed Francine’s number on my cell phone. Busy. Another plane landed and taxis appeared like homing pigeons. As I buried my cell phone in my purse, my fingers touched the strange note Francine had sent me in Iowa. I pulled it from its envelope, flattened it on my knee, and began rereading it while I enjoyed another peanut butter cup. She had promised to meet me, hadn’t she?

  Dear Bailey,

  I can hardly wait for your return to Key West, and I’ll meet your 7:30 plane and drive you to Eden Palms. Strange things are afoot here, occurrences I don’t understand, and I’m frightened. I’ve received threats, and mysterious events have taken place here in my home. With your creative bent, maybe you’ll be good at following clues. Maybe you can help explain some of these unusual occurrences. Maybe you can explain why I’m finding snakes in the solarium. I know you’ll be tired from traveling when you arrive, but I want you to attend an important 8:30 meeting here at Eden Palms. Tomorrow after you’ve settled into the cottage, we’ll talk about the job I have in mind for you. Bless your heart for coming to my aid.


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