Daisy and the Dead (Book 4): Elijah and the New World

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Daisy and the Dead (Book 4): Elijah and the New World Page 2

by Bale, Sarah

  When we were done eating, Elijah pulled me aside.

  “I want to show you something. Bring a blanket.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows. “I like the way this is sounding.”

  He laughed and waited as I grabbed a blanket. Hand-in-hand, he led me through the wooded area until I couldn’t hear our campsite.

  “Norm told me about this. They found it while scouting.”

  We stopped in front of a large tree. I looked around.

  “Found what?”

  He smiled. “Look up.”

  Above us, high in the tree was a treehouse. Elijah led me to the other side of the tree where wooden planks had been nailed into the trunk.

  “Are you sure it’s safe?”

  He nodded. “The guys checked it out earlier. Come on.”

  He tossed the blanket over his shoulder and climbed. None of the planks seemed flimsy under his weight, so I went after him. He entered the treehouse through a hole in the bottom of the floor and helped me in.

  The treehouse was empty on the inside except for two curtains made out of faded camouflage material that fluttered in the wind.

  Elijah pushed a piece of wood over the opening in the floor. “There. That should keep us safe tonight.”


  He grinned at me. “Told the guys not to expect us until the morning.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. “Thought after our romp earlier that you deserved some pampering.”

  I kissed him back and said, “By pampering I hope you mean treehouse sex.”

  His chest rumbled as he laughed. “Of course.”

  “Won’t Norm be mad that he didn’t get to use the treehouse with Jo?”

  He replied, “I told him we’d be in this area for a few more days. I’m sure he’ll manage to steal Jo away.”

  This was the first I’d heard about us staying here longer than a day.

  “Any reason we aren’t going on?”

  His forehead crinkled as he frowned. “Grey wanted to let Kat rest. She was spotting again.”

  Pregnancy in the apocalypse was dangerous in so many ways. If she were to have a miscarriage, then her life would be in danger. Traveling was hard on Kat and I felt bad for her. On the other hand, we needed to get back to Oklahoma as soon as possible so we could prepare for the birth, especially before winter set in.

  He squeezed my arm. “You were a million miles away.”

  I smiled, though it was only half-heartedly. “I worry about her.”

  And any other woman, really. I didn’t voice this thought because it would only worry him, too, and then he wouldn’t want to have sex. I mean, we were basically playing Russian roulette every time he came inside of me.

  He said, “I know you do. And I know Grey does, too. That’s why I said we’d stay for a few days.” He sighed. “Besides, it’s not like we’re rushing back to a guaranteed home. There’s still a chance that this will all be for nothing.”

  Ah. So that’s what had been on his mind earlier.

  “We knew that going into this.”

  He gazed down at me. “I know, but the closer we get the more pressure I feel. There are so many people depending on me.”

  “On us,” I corrected him. “And everyone knows what they’re getting in to. They’re coming because they believe that this will work out.”

  His lips lifted into a smile. “You always know what to say to make me feel better.”

  “Show me how much you like that.”

  His laugh filled the space around us and made me feel better.

  He cupped my face with his hands. “I love you, Daisy.”

  “I love you, too.”

  His lips brushed against mine as he said, “You are my world. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  His hand brushed over my breasts through my shirt. The slight contact sent shivers of anticipation through my body. Somewhere nearby an owl hooted. The wind blew through the curtains, cooling my heated skin. In this moment there was nowhere else I’d rather be.

  Elijah helped me undress, taking his time. Moments like this were rare – ones where we could each show the other how much we cared. Up here, in this treehouse, we were safe. Nothing could hurt us. And that felt pretty damn good.

  When we were both naked, I laid back onto the blanket. Elijah stared at me.


  “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  He dipped his head, catching my lips in a kiss. I couldn’t help but move my hands over his chest and stomach. My Elijah was so strong. When my fingertips moved over the scar on his shoulder air hissed through his lips. I knew that was a sensitive spot because of his previous injuries.

  “You don’t have to touch it if you don’t want to.”

  “Why wouldn’t I want to touch it?”

  His cheeks darkened. “I know it’s not easy on the eyes.”

  Leaning up, I kissed the scarred skin that crept over his shoulder. “I love everything about you, Elijah, even your battle scars.”

  His eyes flashed and he kissed me again. He moved lower, his lips covering my nipple with tantalizing possessiveness. I moaned softly at the contact. His hands seared a path down my stomach, to the apex of my thighs. When he touched me between my legs, I jumped at the contact.

  “God. Yes. That feels so good.”

  He smiled and continued stroking me. My heavy breathing filled the space around us until I came apart. His body moved, partially covering mine. When he slid into me, we both moaned. Being with him always made me feel so complete. Like a piece of my soul had been found. In this moment it was flesh against flesh, man against woman. Just as it should be.

  We took our time to explore, arouse, and to give each other pleasure in that little treehouse. Finally, I couldn’t take any more and shattered around him. He came, too, and we rode out the waves of our orgasms together. My chest rose and fell as I caught my breath.

  He brushed a piece of my hair from my face. “I love you.”

  Yawning, I replied, “I love you, Elijah.”

  Snuggling against him, I let myself give into sleep knowing I was safe.


  Daisy stirred in my arms. I’d been watching her sleep for a while. Long enough that the sky had gone from the dark of night to the pinks and purples as dawn arrived. Daisy looked so peaceful and it made me feel better just gazing at her. She smiled at me as her eyes opened.

  I said, “Morning.”

  She groaned as she stretched, her back popping multiple times.

  “You okay?”

  She sat up, revealing her perky tits. I loved that she didn’t bother covering herself.

  “Sleeping in a treehouse sounds so romantic in theory, until you wake up the next morning with a crick in your neck.”

  I asked, “Want me to rub it out.”

  She glanced down at my cock, eyebrow raised. “Rub it out or rub one out?”

  My morning wood rested against my stomach. I didn’t try to hide it, either.

  I shrugged. “What can I say? My cock can never get enough of you.”

  It was true, though we didn’t have many chances to sneak away. Last night had been a rare treat, to say the least.

  She laughed and said, “On your back, Sir.”

  I did as she commanded and she straddled me, settling herself onto my cock. We both sighed at the contact.

  “God, you feel so good this way,” she breathed out. “So big.”

  I held onto her hips. “You feel pretty damn amazing, too.”

  She set the pace as she rode me and I was more than willing to let her. The treehouse groaned as her pace increased. Through the window, leaves fell. I’m sure our rocking was helping nature along.

  Daisy leaned forward, licking my chest. She then covered my nipple with her mouth. There was a jolt of pleasure as she nipped me with her teeth. I fucking loved it. Moaning her name, I urged her on. She swiveled her hips, leaning her head
back. Her hair was so long that it brushed against my thighs. The light sensation on my skin was almost a sensory overload, especially when she flexed her pelvic muscles.

  “Daisy,” I cried out as I filled her.

  She continued to ride me until she came. Then she fell against me, breathing heavily. After a few moments, she got off me and dressed. This was the second time she’d done that after making love. I couldn’t pinpoint it, but something about her actions just felt… off.

  “Everything okay?”

  She nodded, but didn’t meet my gaze. “Yeah. We should get back.”

  She pulled the wood from the covering and climbed down the ladder. Well shit. That was strange. I quickly dressed and followed her. She was already walking, so I had to jog to catch up to her.

  “Hey,” I said. “Talk to me.”

  She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Sorry. I’m just cranky today.”


  “Just ready to be somewhere with a real bed.” Her stomach growled. “And to have a decent meal.”

  I knew how she felt. What kind of leader did it make me when I couldn’t take care of my people and my woman?

  She touched my arm. “I’m not saying that to make you feel bad, Elijah. You asked.”

  “I know. It just makes me wish there was more I could do.”

  She replied, “I know, which is why I try not to complain. Things will get better. I know it.”

  I hoped she was right.

  When we got back to the campsite, Grey grinned at me. Daisy shook her head, cheeks flushing.

  “He better not-”

  Grey called out, “Well, well, well, looks like the rooster has returned.”

  I laughed. “At least he didn’t say-”

  Grey went on, “Such a good little cock, eh Daisy?”

  Daisy replied, “I hate you all.”

  Everyone chuckled at Grey’s teasing. I went to his side.

  “How’d everything go last night?”

  Grey handed me a mug of diluted coffee. I took a sip, wishing it was stronger.

  “Nothing to report, other than Norm’s loud snoring.”

  I asked, “How’s Kat?”

  His expression sobered. “The bleeding’s stopped, but she hasn’t felt the baby move.”

  “That doesn’t mean something bad has happened.”

  He nodded. “That’s what I keep telling her.”

  I replied, “Well, I only did one rotation in the obstetrics ward, but I’m confident I will be able to deliver a healthy baby for the two of you.”

  Grey’s eyes watered. “Maybe you could tell that to Kat? Reassure her?”

  I slapped his back. “Will do. I’ll head over to her right now.”

  Crossing the campsite, I found Kat sitting next to Jo and Faith.

  “Mind if I join you ladies?”

  Jo stood. “I’m actually going to find Norm.”

  She winked at me before taking off. When she was gone, Faith sighed.

  “Guess they’ll be gone all day. Must be nice.”

  Kat replied, “There are plenty of men here, Faith. Take your choice.”

  Faith replied, “No thanks.”

  She grabbed her book and headed to one of the cars.

  “Maybe I misjudged her,” Kat said. “Maybe she’s into chicks, which is cool, just not a lot of options here.”

  “I think she has her eye on a certain man. That’s the problem.”

  I’d noticed the way she watched Norm. It seemed harmless, so I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone.

  Kat’s eyes widened. “She better not have a thing for my man. Pregnant or not, I’ll kick her ass.”

  This made me laugh, but I knew she was also very serious. “It’s not Grey. It’s Norm.”

  “Oh. Wow. That’s pretty shitty since her best friend is with him.”

  I replied, “I think it’s a case of close quarters. I bet when we get to Oklahoma she’ll get over her crush and find someone to shack up with.”

  I’d seen it happen before. Hell, that’s one of the reasons I’d hooked up with some of the women in my past.

  Kat nodded. “You’re probably right.”

  “Speaking of Oklahoma, I wanted to talk to you. About your birthing plan.”

  Her face paled. “Not sure I’ll need it. I’m guessing Grey spoke to you?”

  I nodded. “He did. I’ll tell you what I told him. Just because you’re not feeling anything right now doesn’t mean something terrible has happened.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, Boss, but it’s hard not to jump to the worst conclusions.”

  I took her hand. “Just know that there’s still hope. And when we get to Oklahoma you’re going to need a birthing plan. That’s where I come in.”

  She sniffled. “Damn hormones. Got me all choked up.”

  I let her gather her composure, knowing how much she hated showing emotions in front of others.

  Finally, she said, “I thought you were a bone doctor or something. How do you figure you’re going to be able to help me?”

  “Orthopedic surgeon,” I corrected. “But I also did a rotation in obstetrics during my residency.”

  “Have you actually delivered a baby before?”

  I nodded. “Two.”

  “Two’s not very many.”

  “It’s more than anyone else around here has delivered.”

  She dipped her head once. “You got me there. But didn’t you have all that fancy equipment?”

  I wasn’t going to tell her that I did, because that wouldn’t solve anything. I was going to do my best to help her. That’s all I could offer.

  “Kat, everything is going to be fine. I promise we’ll get through this.”

  She looked around before leaning in. “I trust that you’ll do everything in your powers to help me.”

  She paused and my gut felt heavy.

  “But… I need you to promise me something.”

  I didn’t want to ask, but I did. “What’s that?”

  Her eyes were bright as she said, “If something goes bad during the delivery you have to be the one to put me and the baby down. Don’t let Grey. He won’t be able to live with himself.”

  And there it was. The words that made my stomach feel as if I’d eaten something sour.

  I shook my head. “Kat, you can’t think like that.”

  “Boss, one of us has to. I need you to swear that you’ll do what needs to be done, even if it’s not what you want to do. Promise me.”

  I did the only thing I could.

  “I promise.”

  Her shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank you. That helps more than you know.”

  She stood, patting me on the back as she passed. I watched as everyone moved around the camp and the weight of these lives on my shoulders became more real than ever. Every choice I made affected them. The good and the bad. And now there were future lives on the line.

  Standing, I strolled through the trees, heading away from everyone. A tree branch broke and I turned, finding Daisy there. Without a word, she took my hand and walked at my side. We made our way down a ravine, our shoes crunching on leaves. In another time it would have been picturesque. Leaves of reds, yellows, and gold. The woman I loved at my side. The crisp air, minus the scent of death that lingered everywhere-

  “This reminds me of the time of year when you found me,” she said.

  I replied, “I was thinking the same thing.”

  We reached a creek and stopped on the banks. The water was murky and smelled.

  Daisy looked upstream. “Must be a biter stuck somewhere. Hope no one is drinking this stuff downstream.”

  Because it would mean certain death for them.

  She picked up a rock, tossing it into the water. “I was worried when I saw you walking off.”

  “Just needed to catch my breath.”

  “Did something happen?”

  I glanced down at her and replied, “Grey wanted me to talk to Kat about the baby.”


  “So I did. But then she asked me to do something for her.”

  Daisy turned to face me. “I’m glad she finally mentioned it. It’s been on her mind.”

  This surprised me. “You knew she was going to ask?”

  “I didn’t mention it because I was hoping she would change her mind or at least let me do it, if it comes down to that.”

  I didn’t want to do it, but I damn sure didn’t want Daisy living with that kind of choice.

  Sighing, I said, “That’s a lot to ask of someone.”

  “That’s the world that we live in.”

  She was right.

  She touched my arm. “Elijah, I would ask someone to do the same for me. I wouldn’t want you to be the one to put me or, heaven forbid, our child down.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about this, Daisy.”

  “I know it’s not easy, but-”

  Turning from her I said, “We should head back.”

  It was a dick move, but I meant what I said. I didn’t want to talk about that because the thought of living without her was unbearable.



  Elijah was distant the rest of the day. It didn’t surprise me, but it still stung. Jo and Norm came back around dinner, huge grins on their faces. Grey embarrassed them as he’d done to Elijah and me.

  Kat snorted. “He’s being passive aggressive since I won’t give him sex right now.”

  I asked in a low tone, “Are you feeling okay?”

  Her face paled. “Still haven’t felt the baby.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t know that.”

  She was right and it wasn’t fair to say things I wasn’t sure would come true. She might not ever feel her baby again, which wasn’t something I wanted to think about.

  Elijah got everyone’s attention. “We’re going to head out after diner. We’ll take it slow. Switch drivers as often as you need. The last thing we want is for someone to fall asleep behind the wheel.”

  Kat asked me, “Did you know we were leaving tonight?”

  “No. This is news to me.” Standing, I went over to Elijah. “Did something happen?”

  His expression was grim. “Grey spotted a horde coming this way. We’re going to try to beat them.”


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