The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1)

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The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1) Page 28

by Ivy Clyde

  The man’s expression faltered. “Who do you work for?”

  “Joey Marino,” I spat. “You got a beef with him, you go after him. Why the fuck are you shooting me?”

  Alexei towered over him from behind and smashed the man’s head with the rock. The distraction was enough for me to grab my gun and shoot the two companions.

  “They work for the Sullivans,” I said quickly as Alexei reached me. “They must have panicked after Tommy went missing yesterday.”

  “Shit! This complicates things.”

  “Victor won’t leave this alone, will he?”

  “My uncle won’t leave it alone,” said Alexei in a grim tone. “The Sullivan gang will be eradicated.”

  “They shouldn’t have interfered when the Sokolov gang didn’t touch their men,” I said. “Tommy was ours to discipline and punish.”

  “It’s too late now,” said Alexei. “Come on. We need to—” Before he could finish talking, another gunshot echoed around us. A harsh gasp escaped him as he stumbled backward.

  Turning around, I found a man sitting on the ground and holding a gun aimed at us. It was the same guy whose head I’d smashed only minutes ago. His arms shook as he glared at me.

  “Die!” he shouted and shot at me but the bullet missed me. He must’ve tried to kill me but had missed and shot Alexei. I shot at him before he could cause more trouble.

  “Danny,” Alexei’s harsh, panting voice drew my attention back on him.

  “Alexei...” He was holding his body at an odd angle.

  “The fucker shot me,” he hissed through clenched teeth. Next moment, he slumped forward but I was there to catch him.

  Something warm and sticky dampened my shirt and I realized Alexei was hit just below his right shoulder. The injury wouldn’t be immediately fatal but if he went into shock, it would complicate the situation.

  Gritting my teeth, I supported his weight. “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m getting us out of here. You’re going to be okay.”

  His ragged breathing was the only reply I got.

  “Come on,” I said, supporting and dragging his body.

  I took care to stay in the shadows of the trees to keep us protected from any other attackers. It slowed us down but I couldn’t risk either of us being shot again.

  It was painstakingly slow but we reached the gates of the mansion without any more obstacles. The gate was open, just the way we left it.

  Peering down the road, I found two men hanging around the silver Mercedes.

  “Rest here for a minute,” I whispered as I lowered Alexei’s body to the ground and helped him lean against the gate.

  I had to take those two men down before we could reach the car. Something told me they’d already killed the driver who drove us here.

  This was turning out to be one hell of a day and I wasn’t done killing people yet. Raising my gun, I took aim and shot at the two fellows hanging by the car. They probably didn’t think we’d survive their companions’ attack. These men should’ve known better than to be so careless.

  “Come on, Alexei,” I said. “We can go now.”

  Alexei opened his eyes. At some point, his glasses had fallen off. Pain flashed through those beautiful amber orbs as he tried to push himself to his feet. I helped him up and allowed him to lean on me heavily.

  My chest rose and fell with exertion but I couldn’t stop to take a break. I dragged Alexei’s body to the car and opened the backdoor. He hissed out as I made him climb inside.

  Closing the door behind him, I went to the front.

  As I’d expected, our driver was dead and slumped against his seat.

  Opening the door, I dragged the corpse out and placed it on the road. Part of me cringed at my careless handling of the dead body but I didn’t have time to be more respectful. I needed to worry about the living first.

  Entering the car, I started it up.

  My heart drummed in my chest as I stepped on the gas. Alexei needed to be taken to an emergency unit immediately. I could decide on my next move once he was in the hands of experienced surgeons and doctors. It was the only thing that mattered now.

  Pure adrenaline fueled me as I drove like a reckless drunk, cutting through traffic in my rush to reach the nearest hospital. Nothing mattered to me at the moment than saving the life of the man in the backseat.

  He’d saved my life when I first stepped into the Sokolov gang. There was no way I’d let him die when I was at his side.

  I will protect you too, Alexei, I vowed silently.



  I wanted to sit down and get my ragged breathing under control but every second counted right now. Alexei was wheeled into an OT in the emergency ward about ten minutes ago. There was nothing else for me to do but to inform Victor of the shit we’d been through tonight, but before that, I had to call Nolan.

  I stopped a passing nurse in the hallway.

  “Is there a payphone nearby?” I asked.

  The lady’s gaze roved over the crimson patches covering my white shirt before meeting my gaze. “You can find one on the second floor.”

  “How about outside the hospital?”

  She gave me a strange look.

  “I want to get some fresh air on the way,” I lied.

  “There’s one on the street behind this building,” she said.

  I gave a nod. “Thank you.”

  She watched me hurry down the corridor but I didn’t have time to worry about her. Using a phone in the middle of a hallway was risky because of the conversation I was about to have with the chief.

  Heading out of the building’s back exit, I looked around the vast area which was also used as a parking area for ambulances and an in-house loading station.

  The pay phone booth was located on the far side of the opposite street. This late in the evening, the spot was quite deserted. Hunching against the cold wind, I jogged toward it.

  Entering the small space, I looked for coins in my wallet. Taking a few out, I dropped them into the slot and waited for a dial tone. As soon as it came on, I dialed the special number which would connect me to Nolan.

  He picked up my call on the third ring.

  “Danica?” he breathed.

  “Yeah.” Before he could say anything, I continued. “Listen, Cap. You need to send a dispatch with back-up immediately to an isolated house on Elms Street in northern Brooklyn. You’ll find a whole production line there along with massive stock. There could be armed men in the vicinity, so tell them to take every precaution before moving in.”

  “How did you find out about this?” asked Nolan in a tight voice.

  “This is Victor Sokolov’s personal business,” I said. “He sent me for a meeting with Alexei but we were ambushed by men of the Sullivan gang. Tommy Regio, Victor’s manager, was doing an under-the-table deal with the Sullivan brothers. Victor found out and had him punished yesterday but the Sullivans panicked and killed everyone who knew of their deal. They shot Alexei.” I took a shuddering breath before continuing. “More dead bodies will be turning up soon.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m not hurt but Nolan, I’ll be calling Victor in another five minutes to tell him what happened. Send your men to secure the drug house before he can send his clean-up crew.”

  I heard a sharp intake of breath. “Give me ten.”


  “I had other questions—”

  “Not now, Cap. Get our people to that location immediately.”

  Nolan was silent for a few seconds and then, disconnected the call.

  I placed the receiver back in place and heavily leaned against the wall. A blinding pain throbbed through my head. I swallowed hard. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. Breathe in...It was a struggle to calm my breaths but it had to be done or I’d risk blacking out any second.

  When my breathing turned regular, I stepped out of the phone booth and inhaled the cold night air. A screeching ambulance van with flashing lights roun
ded the corner and hurtled toward the gates of the hospital.

  I slowed down and sat down on the sidewalk. It was cold out here but was comforting because no one gave me strange, curious looks. I decided to wait out here before calling Victor.

  When ten minutes were up, I took my phone out and made the call to Victor.

  “Why are you running late?” he asked as soon as he picked up the call. “Why is Alexei not answering his phone?”

  “Alexei is in an emergency ward at St. Claire’s,” I said in a flat voice. “He took a bullet below his shoulder. He’s getting it removed as we speak.”

  “What?” His voice was soft but the rage simmering in it made my heart race again.

  “The Sullivan brothers sent their people to silence the men at the mansion,” I said. “I think they wanted to silence anyone who knew of their deal with Tommy Regio. Alexei and I were ambushed, but we managed to get out. Mr. Park, our driver, is dead though. I couldn’t get to him in time. I’m sorry, Victor.”

  “What about you, Danica? Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine but Alexei isn’t...” A sudden sob choked my throat.

  “I’ll finish the bastards who did this to him,” said Victor, his voice dripping with venom. “They will pay for daring to do this to my men. To my family.”

  “Will you send someone to come here, please? I am kinda low on cash. They haven’t asked for payment yet but I think surgery would cost a lot and what if he needs blood transfusions and medicines—”

  “Breathe, Danica,” said Victor in a tight voice. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll get there right away. Just hold on a little longer, okay?”

  I gave a nod, then realized he couldn’t see me right now. “Okay. I’ll wait.”

  “Good. I am coming over right now.”

  I took a deep breath, pulling the phone away from my ear. Relief spread through me, warming my insides despite the chilly breeze blowing all around me.

  It was strange how hearing Victor’s voice instantly calmed me. Even speaking to my chief didn’t have that effect. Just knowing he’d be here soon sent warmth shooting through me.

  Stretching my legs out, I leaned back on my elbow and thought of the day I’d had. There was a time I doubted the gang would even allow me to carry a gun. Today, I was not only carrying one but used it to kill people and protect myself.

  I imagined my team scouring the big house and collecting bags of coke and other drugs. They’d find bodies belonging to men of both Sokolov and Sullivan gangs. Nolan’s superiors would be happy with the win and the media would have a field day reporting the news.

  Victor was going to be so mad but both he and his dad would be busy dealing with the Sullivans. A little stint like the discovery of their drug den wouldn’t affect them much in the long run.

  I looked up toward the sky and exhaled a long sigh.

  Sudden movement along the corner of my eye made me turn my head toward the hospital building. A nondescript black SUV had come to a stop in a dark spot by the exit gate.

  I focused my attention on it as the vehicle didn’t belong to the hospital authorities. No one came out of the car. It simply stood there, the driver watching the scene without making a move to get out.

  My mind went to Alexei. More than an hour had passed since he was wheeled away for surgery. The surgeon might even be done patching him up by now.

  Getting to my feet, I patted my butt and walked back toward the building. My gut told me to stay close to him. With no one else around, I was still responsible for protecting Alexei.

  When I passed by the car, I noticed the windows to be tinted. Not good, I thought, noticing two similar vehicles parked right behind the car.

  My gut instincts told me to stay wary. One of the men I shot could’ve come around and made a call to their bosses, giving away the fact Alexei and I escaped. The Sullivans could have just sent their men to keep watch over the closest hospitals in the area.

  They don’t want us to stay alive, I realized. Sprinting forward, I headed back inside the hospital through the back entrance.

  Taking my phone out, I dialed Victor again but this time, I couldn’t get through to him. The call kept diverting me to voicemail.

  “Shit!” I muttered as I waited for the elevator to open its doors.

  “Hey! You!”

  My head whirled to the side and spotted a group of men in cheap black suits coming my way. The elevator door opened at that instant.

  Rushing inside, I shoved two orderlies out of the way and forced the doors to slide shut. My heart pounded in my chest, knowing those men were after me. The large patches of drying blood on my shirt must’ve caught their attention when I was passing by their cars.

  My fingers clutched my phone as I waited for the elevator to take me to the third floor where Alexei was having his surgery. When the doors slid open again, I rushed out and ran down the long empty corridor.

  A familiar nurse came in my view just as I was rounding a corner.

  “What happened to the patient who was in surgery an hour ago?” I asked, panting harshly.

  She was the same woman who’d told me about the payphones. Her eyes went wide with alarm as she stared up at me.

  “I—I don’t know.” Her eyes darted around the corridor like she was waiting for someone else to appear there.

  “Did you tell someone about the patient who was getting a bullet removed?” I asked in a grim tone. Leaning closer, I looked at the name tag on her chest. “Isabella Marrero,” I read aloud. “I’ll remember that name if something happens to my friend.”

  She swallowed hard and looked back in the direction I’d come from. Her hands were balled at her sides as if she was doing her best not to succumb to the fear flooding her body right now.

  Reaching inside my pocket, I took out my gun and held it to her head.

  “Please, no—”

  Her feet stumbled backward but I advanced on her and thrust the gun at her forehead. “Tell me where Alexei Sokolov was moved or I’ll shoot you right here.”

  Her lips trembled, but I held her gaze unblinkingly.

  “Ward 302,” she said. “Th-the patient got shifted there after the surgery.”

  “Did you tell anyone else where he is?”

  She shook her head.

  “Don’t tell anyone,” I said, keeping the gun held to her head. “If you want to live, get out of the hospital and don’t come back until tomorrow morning. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “You’ll die if I see you talking to anyone on your way out. I’ll be checking the camera feeds to make sure of that. You’ll die if you make any calls on your phone tonight. Don’t do anything sneaky or I’ll find you and kill you. Get it?”


  I gestured down the corridor. “Get going.”

  The woman gave me a fearful look and rushed away without a backward look.

  My breathing became erratic once more as I raced down another corridor to reach the ward where they’d placed Alexei. Finding it, I slid the door open and entered it.

  Alexei was lying on the bed, still unconscious while a male nurse stood at the foot of his bed, jotting down something on his clipboard.

  He turned around as soon as I entered the room. “You can’t be here!” the man scolded me at once.

  I pointed the gun at him. “Get out of here.”

  The man raised his arms at once.

  “Don’t tell anyone about me being here,” I said, glaring at the man. “Do you understand? No one can find us.”

  He looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was, but I wasn’t taking a chance with Alexei’s life when the enemy was so close at our heels.

  “Go,” I said. “Don’t come back here.”

  I shut the door as soon as the nurse walked out. My heart hammered in my chest as I looked back at Alexei. The faintly beeping machinery told me his heartbeat was steady, unlike mine.

  How long would it be until those thugs threatened the admin staff downsta
irs to reach us here? Would I fail to keep my promise of protecting Alexei? Would I die tonight?

  To my surprise, Victor and River’s faces flashed through my mind. Why the hell was I thinking of them at this moment?

  Squeezing eyes shut tightly, I swallowed the fear choking my throat. No matter what happened, I wasn’t going to let them take Alexei without a fight.

  Distant sounds of gunshots reached me through the closed walls of the hospital ward. My heart beat harder as I stood before Alexei’s bed and faced the door.

  They were coming for us.

  My chest rose and fell rapidly as I held my gun before me. Despite the fear clawing my insides, my arms stayed steady. Whoever came in my way would be pumped by the remaining bullets in my gun.

  I didn’t know how much time passed but the sound of approaching footsteps made me tighten my grip on my gun. My finger coiled around the trigger.

  The door was slid open.

  My finger jumped away from the trigger as soon as my gaze fell on the intruder. “Victor,” I breathed, lowering the gun immediately.

  He stepped in but before he could slide the door shut, I glimpsed a battalion of men in black suits filling the corridor outside.

  I panted hard as adrenaline pumped through my bloodstream. Reaching me, Victor wrapped his arms around me. He held my trembling frame against his hard, firm body. The heat seeping in from his skin drove away the chills that had settled deep inside me.

  Victor didn’t say a single word but his way of quietly comforting me was enough to calm me down again. Stepping away, I looked up into those familiar silvery eyes.

  “You came,” I said.

  “Of course, I came.”

  My eyes closed in pure relief. Looking back at him, I added, “I heard gunshots earlier.”

  “The people tailing you were killed,” he replied in a hard, grim tone. “I’m taking you and Alexei home now. We can deal with everything else tomorrow.”

  “I’m sorry about everything,” I said. “I couldn’t protect him.”

  “It’s not your fault,” he said. His eyes blazed with barely contained fury. “It’s a god-damn miracle you were able to get out of there with him. You didn’t abandon him. You were ready to die protecting my family. I will never forget this, Danica.”


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