Thunder Clan #1: Story of Starkit

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Thunder Clan #1: Story of Starkit Page 5

by megan deitterick

  A monstew? Starkit thought, shaking with fear. First kit-nappers, then Shadow Clan, a Swift Clanner, owls from Moonlight Clan, and now a monster? How bad could things get?

  Starkit heard a pawstep. Then another. She could tell that the monster was getting closer. EternalStar must have, too, because he started growling.

  Out of the darkness came an unusually blue wolf with black stars all over him, carrying now weapons. “This is my cave! I am the monster!”

  EternalStar made his growl a bit silent, but still did it. Starkit’s mouth dropped open when she saw this “monster”, was nothing but an old wolf.

  “YOU are the monster?” EternalStar asked, finally stopping growling, and he got to his feet.

  “Yes! And I do not enjoy visitors either! Leave at once!”

  EternalStar and Starkit stood there, still shocked that this monster was a blue wolf.

  “Please, sir, we just need to stay here for one day! Owls want this little wolf pup here, her name is Starkit-” EternalStar started.

  “StarKIT? Did you just say StarKIT?” The old wolf asked, sitting down. Starkit was worried, because he thought he wanted to kit-nap her, too.

  “Yes, monster, StarKIT.” EternalStar looked a little frustrated.

  “Tell me, young warrior, why must they call wolf pups KITS? I have never been in the main wolf world since I was a young warrior myself.” The wolf said.

  “Fine, I will tell you the story you want, then YOU tell me how you were drove out here.” EternalStar nodded, and the wolf nodded back. “Well, old wolf, my name is EternalStar, I’ll start out with that. And I have the reason why they call wolf pups, ‘kits.’

  “It all started decades ago, further back then anyone could imagine. Back then, wolves were bigger than we are now; much bigger. They called wolf pups, ‘kits,’ because they would act like cats a lot back then. The, ‘kits’, whenever an enemy invaded, fought them like cats; biting and scratching, tails twitching like one, earning the name, ‘kits.’

  “In honor of our ancestors, we still call wolf pups, ‘kits,’ today. Some do not know of the legend that makes the wolf pups, ‘kits,’ and they think that means we are cats, which is very insulting to lots of us. Some evil wolves call our pups cats, and the kits then bite and scratch like cats, like their ancestors, out of anger.”

  The monster-wolf nodded after EternalStar had stopped speaking. “But don’t you think,” He began, “That even though they act like cats and fight like them, they should not be named kits, still? That is why your enemies underestimate these pups and pup-nap more often than they would in my old clan. My old clan called the pups the proper name in which they should be called.”

  EternalStar nodded at the wolf’s suggestion, showing that he agreed. Starkit thought of what her name would sound like. StarPup, Starpup. It sounded pretty good. And she did not like the sound of being called cats. From what she heard, cats were very small and acted lazily. She heard they had ears standing up like a wolf, a flat nose, mysterious eyes, and small paws with tail. They seem a lot like wolves, Starkit thought when she reminded herself how they looked.

  “Old wolf, can you tell us your story?” EternalStar asked, and the monster-wolf hesitated, but finally nodded, slowly. Then he began-

  “I am a very old wolf, so old I wish not to speak of it. But I may live longer than other wolves due to something that happened to me. I will get on with my story now.

  “I was born back when dragons and owls had not yet came into our land, but Shadow Clan, Thunder Clan and Dragon Clan were around back then. These wolves were bigger than average, and battles were more deadly. As a pup, I eyed the warriors enviously, waiting my turn to become an apprentice. It seemed like years, although it was only 6 moons, when I became an apprentice named Blue. As an apprentice, I trained hard and never seemed to stop, only to eat. I wanted to be the best warrior, and was determined.

  “Younger pups would look up at me in awe, and always talked of how great I was. Other apprentices were jealous. But I did not let all of this get to my head.

  “After a short time of training (I was a quick learner), I became a warrior, and got the name BluePelt.”

  “So when I was a warrior, I was second best- first was LeopardFang, who is still alive today. Since me and LeopardFang were the best warriors (and best friends), we were called by our leader named BlackScar. He gave us herbs which he got from our medicine wolf, which was supposed to help us live forever. We both ate it; it tasted very terrible though.

  “But many battles past, and with our herbs, we could only be killed by injury. The herbs give us 3 lives, and I lost one in a battle with Shadowruler’s ancestor, GrayKing. He put up a bad fight, but in the end, he died. I survived, him not knowing I was granted 3 lives and a herb.

  “But there comes a time in every wolf’s live which they retire as warriors, and mine came along. I lived in the clan, but only sat around. I did not catch prey; others did. But soon our clan was broke apart by GrayKing’s apprentice out of revenge. We all became loners, and I went out here. I’ve lived here ever since the clan broke apart.”

  “Do you like being able to live forever?” EternalStar asked.

  BluePelt turned his way. “Young warrior, there are times in which I wish I were safe in the animal heaven. I’d be with BlackScar, my brothers and sisters, and many other loved ones. But I ate that herb; and it cannot be un-done. I must live forever, unless I am slain by another wolf. Same with LeopardFang.”

  “Whewe is LeopawdFang?” Starkit asked.

  “Young pup, LeopardFang is on the other side of the land. I know his smell like I know mine; he smells of fire.”

  “Fire?” Starkit echoed.


  “BluePelt, we are only here for one day. Moonlight Clan wants Starkit. But, is it ok if you come with us to our Thunder Clan?” EternalStar asked.

  BluePelt looked as though he could cry at the words, “Thunder Clan”. But he gave out a shaky sigh. “Thunder Clan...that clan was my clan. I miss it. I miss the old days.”

  Starkit looked at EternalStar. His face showed sadness for the old warrior. “Um, BluePelt, will you come?”

  BluePelt answered, “If I can join, I will. I would like to be a warrior. No need to re-train me; I still remember my skills.”

  EternalStar smiled; to Starkit, it seemed as though he was happy to have another warrior in the can. “Then BluePelt, we shall sleep for one night, then return tomorrow.”

  Starkit felt happy at the words, “sleep”. She was exhausted. Starkit walked in circles, then lay down on the cold, hard floor. She drifted off to sleep instantly.


  When Starkit woke up, she saw EternalStar and BluePelt talking.

  “When I battled a Shadow Clan warrior named WindFace,” EternalStar began, and Starkit quickly remembered that WindFace was the one who killed her parents, “I showed no mercy. WindFace was said to be a very fierce warrior despite he was young, but to me he seemed like he was a coyote. I used my sword and cut the black necklace that hung around his neck. He pounced, but I dodged. I slashed my sword against his, forcing him to the ground. His front paw hit my nose, but I tackled him, sending him running back to Shadow Clan’s place.”

  “Ahh.” BluePelt nodded wisely. “Yes, very good, but when WindFace hit your nose, you should have bitten his paw! A paw can be a weak spot for some of us.”

  EternalStar looked at the ground, nodding at BluePelt’s advice.

  Starkit got to her feet.

  “Morning, Starkit!” EternalStar smiled.

  “Yes, good morning young Starpup.” BluePelt nodded, still liking for pups to not be called kits. “Shall we set off now?”

  “I brought a dead owl,” EternalStar nodded toward a dead body, “It’d be nice to eat first.”

  With that said, all three wolves padded forward, bending down to eat the owl. In under 10 minutes, only the owl’s hide and bones remained. Then all three wolves ventured ou
t of the cave.

  EternalStar sniffed the air, trying to re-trace their pawsteps, and darted off, Starkit and BluePelt following. When they were in the forest (not the one near Shadow Clan; a forest near the desert-forest), they all began to walk. The next area was a mountain area, and a lake was at the bottom of the mountains. They paused for a drink there, then continued.

  After a few hours, they finally reached Thunder Clan’s camp. Inside, everyone, even WolfClaw and Deathwolf, were inside. As the three entered, everyone called out to them. The kits all happened to be downstairs, too.

  “Starkit! EternalStar!” Everyone cheered, running to them. Lynxkit nuzzled Starkit, and Starkit nuzzled back. But everyone looked at BluePelt, curious to who he was.

  “Heya, Starkit and EternalStar! Along with the stranger...” Lighteye began. “You’ve been gone for a moon! We’re all downstairs for a meeting. We were about to set out and find you!”

  EternalStar nodded. “This is BluePelt. He is very old and was a great warrior in the old Thunder Clan, when BlackScar was leader.”

  At the name of Thunder Clan’s old leader, everyone began murmuring. Who was BlackScar?

  “So, what do you bring this BluePelt back for?” WolfClaw asked.

  “WolfClaw, he wishes to join and be a warrior. He says according to his old leader, he was the second-best warrior. First was his friend LeopardFang.” EternalStar explained.

  “I’ve heard of LeopardFang! But this BluePelt and LeopardFang lived centuries ago!” Deathwolf shouted among the crowd, making everyone whisper to each other.

  EternalStar allowed BluePelt to step forward and tell his story. WolfClaw silenced the crowd, and BluePelt told everything in which he told EternalStar and Starkit. Everyone leaned forward, listening. They all gasped when they heard the part about the herbs.

  “Why aren’t those herbs around? All warriors should have them!” WaterClaw demanded at the end of the story.

  “BluePelt, that’s WaterClaw,” EternalStar whispered. “He’s fierce and disagrees a lot, usually criticizing apprentices and other warriors.”

  “They are very ancient!” Called out a medicine wolf, WingLeaf. Everyone turned her way. “The ingredients are extinct, WaterClaw, that is why they are no longer around.”

  WaterClaw nodded, a bit embarrassed.

  Suddenly, there was a pow, making BluePelt and EternalStar fall to the ground, knocked out. But Starkit dodged it and ran just in time.

  In the entrance stood SkyWing, demanding, “Where is Starkit?”

  Chapter Eight: SkyWing vs. Starkit

  Many gasped at SkyWing mentioning Starkit’s name once again. They knew he was after her. But they had never guessed him to return.

  EternalStar and BluePelt did not wake up. They were so still you’d think they were dead.

  SkyWing surveyed the room, as SandLeaf pulled EternalStar and BluePelt toward the Med Room.

  Finally, SkyWing’s gaze landed on Starkit. He smirked when he saw her. “So,” He began, “Starkit is there. Still here. But I have not changed my mind; Starkit is coming with me!”

  Starkit did not hesitate; she ran. Ran upstairs. RainWolf and Foxkit ran after her to help.

  SkyWing flew down, swooped over the clan quickly, then followed Starkit. The rest of the clan remained behind to make sure no other owls, or any other dangers, entered camp.

  Starkit was sweating and panting nervously, knowing SkyWing was on her tail. She also knew Foxkit and RainWolf were helping, but still, she felt doomed.

  “Get back here, you scrawny kit!” SkyWing bellowed.

  Starkit ran into the prisoner room, where WindyWolf woke up to the commotion. Starkit hid in the corner, Foxkit and RainWolf following. Just as RainWolf reached for her sword, SkyWing entered.

  RainWolf jumped forward, biting SkyWing’s tail. SkyWing shook himself, throwing RainWolf to the ground, knocking her out unconscious.

  It’s just me and Foxkit now, Thought Starkit. SkyWing did not hesitate, and flew to Starkit. His talons dug into Starkit’s back as she felt a sharp pain from them. It felt like needles. Starkit tried shaking SkyWing off, but he would not let go. The pain was worse than Starkit imagined it’d be. She groaned in pain.

  Foxkit did not want to try and stop SkyWing, but he finally jumped toward SkyWing, trying to bite him. But SkyWing flew higher, Starkit now being picked up. It made the pain feel worse.

  Now Starkit was very angry. She thrashed about, making SkyWing let go. Her back still stung. But SkyWing was off.

  Starkit turned around. SkyWing was heading for her again. No, Starkit thought. Not this time. Starkit jumped up and bit SkyWing’s tail, but she slipped off.

  One of SkyWing’s talons hit Starkit by the eye, and this felt worse than his talons on the back. Starkit looked down, making SkyWing let go, and he flew backwards. The pain stayed there, but even though Starkit was weak and she knew it, she jumped at SkyWing, now outraged.

  SkyWing was not prepared for Starkit’s attack. Again, Starkit attempted to bite SkyWing’s tail, and she did. She bit it and hung on this time. SkyWing tried shaking her off, but she kept hanging on. She heard a rip, and fell to the floor, a big part of SkyWing’s tail in her mouth. She spat it out.

  SkyWing looked as though he would cry, his face looking like he suffered a lot of pain.

  SkyWing hung back for a bit, and Starkit panted. She looked at WindyWolf, who crept back into the left corner. Then she looked back at SkyWing, who was panting hard.

  He was aiming his talons for Starkit again. But just then, WolfClaw came in and jumped a magnificent jump, going high enough to push SkyWing down into the floor.

  Now, SkyWing was unconscious.

  Starkit, although she did not bring SkyWing down, felt triumph. She had injured Moonlight Clan’s leader. After he went away for a while, he may come back for revenge, but so what? He at least would not be back for a long time.

  Deathwolf just entered and spotted SkyWing at the ground, then looked at Starkit. “Did you...?”

  “WolfClaw did.” Starkit said. She was panting hard. But pain still went through her veins, and she fainted.


  Looking around, everything looked like there was two of each. Two herb buckets. Two paws in front of her. Two SandLeafs.

  Suddenly, Starkit came to. She was in the Med Den, laying in a bunch of mats. BluePelt, RainWolf and EternalStar were in there as well. SandLeaf was standing in front of her.

  “Hello, sleepyhead!” SandLeaf said cheerfully.

  “Wh-What happened?” Starkit asked.

  “SkyWing was knocked out, remember? But WolfClaw took you to the Med Den. You have been here for three days, knocked out by the pain SkyWing gave you. Your back is healing. But SkyWing left a nasty scar on your forehead that will be there forever. But that scar is honor. It shows you were in a fierce battle, and you are only a kit. Across the land, you shall be known for your bravery.” SandLeaf informed Starkit.

  Starkit looked at the other warriors. They looked as though they had been awake, and smiled at Starkit, who smiled back.

  Starkit looked toward the entrance, where Foxkit, WolfClaw, Deathwolf, Lynxkit and Moonkit were entering. They stood next to SandLeaf.

  “Hi.” Starkit whispered.

  “Hi, Starkit! You feeling good? You’ve been in here for three days.” Foxkit smiled, happy to see his friend.

  “I am fine, but tired.” Starkit groaned.

  “You did a fine job battling a leader, for a kit!” WolfClaw nodded.

  Starkit, not feeling like talking, nodded back her thanks.

  “Hi sister!” Lynxkit nuzzled Starkit. Moonkit did the same. But Starkit could not find the energy to nuzzle back. Although she was awake, she still felt weak from the battle.

  “I hope you’ll feel better; I see you do not feel like talking.” Deathwolf simply said.

  Starkit nodded at those words.

  “Starkit, you’ll be in the Med Den for a couple more days,” SandLeaf tol
d Starkit. “Rest up. Other warriors will be catching food for all four of you.” She added, looking at the RainWolf, BluePelt and EternalStar.

  “Ok, Starkit, we’re going to leave you for a couple days. But you should be proud of yourself.” WolfClaw whispered, and the visitors left. SandLeaf used her nose to close the door behind them.

  WolfClaw was right. Starkit should feel proud of herself. But she was too weak to feel anything. Starkit had helped taken down a leader. Even some warriors could never do that.

  Starkit, smiling, closed her eyes and fell asleep on the mats.

  And that, my friend, is the start of Starkit’s life.

  Other Thunder Clan Books

  - - - - - - -

  Book #2- Dragon Destiny

  Book #3- War of Secrets

  Book #4- Revenge Seekers

  Book #5- The Death Storm


  (Where the ideas came from)

  Well, all of my ideas came from a popular online game I played called Animal Jam. In this game, we would hang out with friends, but some of us played clan things. We all were animals, but I was in a den in the username of madjaster, who I changed a bit and made it become MadWOLF.

  RainWolf was based off of a white wolf (although in the game, that was not her name), who would guard the kit nursery. I played as a kit, but madjaster closed his den when my character, Starkit should have became an apprentice.

  Lighteye was based off of the Animal Jam RainWolf’s sister. Like RainWolf, Lighteye was not her name on Animal Jam. But she looked exactly like she was described in this book.

  EternalStar was based off of a warrior, and like RainWolf and Lighteye, his name on Animal Jam was not EternalStar. But he acted like a tough warrior and was a very concerned wolf.

  SkyWing came from a wolf who looked like an owl. He tried kit-napping my character Starkit before, but for a different reason.

  Dragons were a made-up animal on Animal Jam. Crocs would put on dragon stuff and be the dragons. They ate and kit-napped kits, like in the story.

  Shadow Clan also came from Animal Jam. They were all cruel and attacked my clan, Thunder Clan, often.

  Some out-clanners were kit-nappers. They kit-napped all of those who played as the kits. Even some Shadow Clanners were kit-nappers.


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