The Diversity Myth

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The Diversity Myth Page 40

by David O Sacks

  chalkboard list at, 175

  demonstration at, 180

  homosexual faculty member at, 149

  military recruiters and, 178–79

  Multicultural Council of, 142

  Rabois at, 173

  Stanford News Service, alumni magazine by, 207–8

  Stanford Observer, The, 121n61, 207

  Stanford Review, The

  Chicano community and, 196n70

  destruction of, 177

  multiculturalists and, 179

  Reges in, 147

  Stanford Shopping Center, 74, 198

  Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP), 74

  Stansky, Peter, 209

  “Statement by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies,” 15–16

  Steering Committee, 147

  STEP. See Stanford Teacher Education Program

  Stern Hall, date rape at, 110

  Stone, Sandy, 66

  Student conduct code, 165

  Student Senate

  multiculturalism and, 28–29

  “student-of-color” organizations and, 36

  “Students First,” 91n115

  Student Workshops On Political and Social Issues (SWOPSI), courses by, 75, 90n93

  Subjective selection, 108

  “Subordinate” groups, speech code and, 166

  Sunday Night Flicks, incident at, 156

  “Superordinate” groups, speech code and, 166

  Supton, Alice, 97, 98

  homosexual RAs and, 100

  Sweet, Janet: Biddle and, 202

  Swimming Pool-Library, The (Hollinghurst), 66

  SWOPSI. See Student Workshops On Political and Social Issues

  “Take Back the Night” march, 153

  “Talking ‘Terrorism’: Ideologies and Paradigms in a Postmodern World” conference, 76–77

  Tamiesie, Suzanne: on condom dispensers, 120n55

  Tan, Ken: Asian American studies and, 226

  Taylor, Cheryl: on Ujamaa incident, 44

  Tempest, A (Cesaire), 8–12

  Tempest, The (Shakespeare), tempest over, 8–13

  Terrorism, teaching about, 76–77

  Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston), 6

  This Bridge Called My Back: Writings By Radical Women Of Color, 76

  Thomas, Stuart, 112, 115, 116

  charges against, 110, 111

  Thompson, David, 121n61

  Time Magazine

  on Bobbitts, 236

  King in, 3

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 84

  Tolerance, 145, 146

  Tongues Untied, 66

  Transcultural framework, 247

  Transformation, multicultural, 26, 33, 37, 201, 208, 230, 240

  Trask, Haunani-Kay: revolutionary credentials of, 78–80

  Tresidder Union, institutional racism at, 142

  Tristan, Flora, 20n20

  Trowbridge, John, 121n61

  Tuesday Night Flicks, X-rated movies at, 102

  Tuition hikes, 201

  20/20 (ABC), Kennedy on, 204

  Tyrrell, R. Emmett: on Stanford politicization, 51

  UCMI. See University Committee on Minority Issues

  UFW. See United Farm Workers

  Ujamaa House, 108, 132

  incident at, 41–45, 138, 140, 165, 167, 168, 169

  Undergraduate Scholars Program, minority students and, 73

  United Campus Christian Ministry, 177

  United Farm Workers (UFW), grapes and, 36

  United Stanford Workers’ Union, 132

  U.S. Bill of Rights, Car Buyer Bill of Rights and, 7

  U.S. News and World Report, on Stanford, xx

  Universalism, 3, 19n11, 40

  University Committee on Minority Issues (UCMI), 28–29, 30, 39

  University Task Force on Fraternities and Sororities, subjective selection and, 108

  Values, Technology, Science, and Society (VTSS), 59

  Varnedoe, Kirk: on art/authoritarians, 95

  Vengeance, 175–79

  Verjee, Aman: survey by, 37–38

  Vice, Vivian: on rape, 111

  Vice-Presidential Representatives, multiculturalism and, 25

  Victimization, 72, 127, 128, 155, 212

  culture of, 231–39

  focus on, 190

  homosexuals and, 145, 146

  multiculturalists and, 164, 189–90

  proclamation of, 163–64

  revenge and, 191

  Victimizers, 136, 164, 179, 234

  victims and, 236, 240, 245

  Victimology, multicultural, 156–57, 166, 190

  Victims, 164, 186, 187, 191n4

  Judeo-Christian tradition and, 190–91

  nonconforming, 182–84

  rape, 112

  rehabilitation of, 230–31

  victimizers and, 236, 240, 245

  Victim status, 72–74, 156–57, 233

  Victoria (yacht), 197, 204

  Voucher system, xi

  VTSS. See Values, Technology, Science, and Society

  Wagner, Peter: multiculturalism and, 47–48n19

  Wall Street Journal, The, 207

  Washington Post, The: Chace in, 17

  Washington Times, 235

  Wasow, Omar: on racial identity, 136

  Wasow, Thomas

  on Faculty Senate/CIV, 15–16

  letter from, 15

  Western Culture program and, 16

  Weaver, Heather, 209

  Weisberg, Robert, 209

  CUE and, 224

  Western Civilization program, 15, 191, 246–47

  indictment of, xii, 18n5, 230

  Judeo-Christian core of, 19n11

  liberation from, 247

  replacement of, 17

  revision of, ix, x

  Western Culture program, 3, 15, 246–47

  debate over, 106, 207

  elements of, 244

  liberation from, 247

  protests against, 1–3, 188, 206

  replacement of, 3, 17

  supporters for, 16, 21n37

  Whites, identity for, 136

  Wiesen, Rachel, 142

  Wilson, Pete: homosexual activists and, 146

  Wilson, Robert, 104

  Winfrey, Oprah, 234

  culture of victimization and, 232, 233

  Witch-hunts, 173–74, 175

  multicultural, 186

  With His Pistol in His Hand (Parades), 6

  Woman's Guide to Stanford, A, 89n73, 122–23n92, 152

  “Women and Organizations” (Feminist Studies 135), 70

  Women Defending Ourselves Collective, 75

  “Women of Color and the Law” conference, 77–80, 132

  Women's movement, multiculturalism and, 155

  Woodward, Bob: on Clinton, 238–39

  Wyden, Ron, 205

  Wyle, Susan, 86n22

  Wynter, Sylvia: on “Black” identity, 135–36

  Yanagisako, Sylvia: feminist studies and, 69–70

  Yarus, Alyson, 75

  Yniguez, Juan: MEChA and, 183–84

  Zambrano, Mark, 121n61

  Zonana, Kathy: on rape, 113




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