Daxon's Heart (Ravenwood Panthers Book 3)

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Daxon's Heart (Ravenwood Panthers Book 3) Page 12

by Lynn Howard

  Daxon’s face relaxed, the lines around his mouth and eyes smoothed. His entire body seemed to melt into the chair now that Ryanne wasn’t ready to run away from Daxon and slaughter two teenaged kids.

  He watched her for a few minutes. There were so many things left unsaid. But, for the moment, they’d have to remain that way. Stress or no stress, she was starving.

  When Ryanne picked up her burger and took a big bite, Daxon did the same. It was like he had been waiting for her to eat first. She’d also been the one to kiss him first. And pretty much every move since.

  He had told her as much the first time they’d kissed. He’d told her she would have to make the first move. Did that mean he’d had strong feelings for her the whole time she’d had them for him but couldn’t say it?

  Did that also mean she would have to be the one to broach the subject about permanently mating? And could she bring herself to do that?

  Ryanne had never considered herself shy, not in life, not in relationships, not in anything. She wasn’t exactly an extrovert, but she always made sure she made herself clear as to what she wanted. But she wasn’t used to being the pursuer when it came to dating. Or whatever the hell it was they were currently doing.

  Definitely not dating. This was so much more intense than simply dating.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said after a few minutes of silently eating his meal. “I should have told you before I sent them over. I should have told you who they were. I’m sorry.”

  “You apologize a lot,” she said around a mouthful of sweet potato fries.

  “Not really,” he said with a huff of laughter. “I apparently only do that with you.”

  “You probably should have warned me, but I think I overreacted a little.”

  They were skirting around each other’s admissions. That might be for the best. No reason to talk about such personal things in front of such a large audience.

  A comfortable silence engulfed them as they finished their meal. She caught him watching her a few times, but other than that, neither of them spoke.

  Once they were both done, Ryanne pushed her basket forward. “You want the rest of my fries?”

  “Nah. I’m full.” He wiped his mouth with a napkin and tossed it on top of his basket, then stacked it on hers. “You want another beer?”

  “I should really get back. I don’t want to risk Penny waking up when I’m not there.”

  He nodded. “Next time, we’ll introduce her to Beth. Those girls would have a blast. Beth loves kids and always offers to babysit.”

  Daxon paid the bill while Ryanne slid her purse over her shoulder. Watching him standing at the bar, she let her eyes wander from his broad shoulders, to his narrow waist, then finally settled on his adorable butt. She wished more men wore their jeans like him; there was something about a good butt encased in worn denim.

  Was it too late for him to come back to her house? They could sit on the porch and talk or sprawl out on the couch and watch a movie.

  He met her at the door, an unsure look on his face.

  “Did you want to come hang out for a while?” she asked.

  His brows shot up his forehead.

  “I mean, it’s still early. And…Penny shouldn’t be awake for a few hours.”

  Was that way too direct? She wasn’t specifically asking for anything but some companionship, but after the time they’d had on her couch last night, she was more than ready to feel and see his whole body.

  “If you’re okay with it, I’d love to hang out for a little longer.” The smile that stretched on his face was breathtaking. She had to wonder if anyone saw the softer side of him the way she did.

  Daxon walked her to her car and opened the door for her. After she was settled in and buckled up, he jogged to his truck, then followed her home. It was kind of comforting to see his headlights following her closely, like she had her own bodyguard against the world.

  Silly, she knew. She had taken care of herself and Penny this long without anyone. But sometimes, it was nice to have a little help.

  He trusted his friends. He trusted those two teenagers at her house. Could she learn to trust all these people, too? Could she possibly learn she didn’t have to do it all by herself?

  Chapter Nine

  Ryanne jumped from her car the second she killed the engine. She needed to get inside to make sure everything was okay.

  Rationally, she knew Penny was safe. But there was that constant edge of paranoia that made her think everyone was out to get the two of them.

  Jamie sat at the table, his eyes glued to his phone. Beth was on the couch, a Pixar movie playing on almost silent.

  They both turned when Ryanne opened the door.

  “Did you have fun?” Beth whispered.

  Jamie still didn’t smile. From the moment the two teens had arrived at her house, he’d seemed tense and on edge. From the little bit Ryanne had learned about their past, she could understand why.

  “I did. Thank you,” Ryanne answered, her heart softening to the girl. Part of her wanted to take her in and protect her, too.

  But she’d had a big brother and had still been taken.

  “Did you guys eat?”

  “We’re fine. Thanks, though,” Jamie said, his butt still glued to the chair.

  Beth jumped from the couch and hurried to Ryanne. “Can I babysit again sometime? I swear I don’t charge.”

  “You realize that makes you sound crazy,” her big brother chimed in.

  “Does not. It makes me look like a girl who likes kids.”

  “Yeah. Like I said. Crazy.”

  Ryanne chuckled softly at their banter. She had never had that since Penny was so young. She knew, one day, they would be on more of a peer level, but for now, she was the mom of the two.

  “Let me give you something for watching her,” Ryanne said, digging a twenty out of her purse.

  “Nope. I was serious. I just like to hang out with kids.”

  “She wants to pretend she’s a normal sixteen-year-old,” Jamie said as he stood and headed to the door the same time Daxon walked in. “Except she refuses to get her driver’s license.”

  Beth scowled at her brother. “I can be a normal sixteen-year-old without driving a machine of death.”

  “I take it you’re scared to drive?” Ryanne asked.

  Beth shrugged. “A little. I’m more scared of plowing the car I’m driving head on into another car or a tree.”

  “Maybe practice in a parking lot a little bit until you’re more comfortable. That’s how I taught myself to drive.”

  “You taught yourself to drive?” Beth asked with a confused look on her face.

  “Yeah. Long story. Maybe next time you babysit I’ll fill you in.”

  “Yes!” Beth said, pumping her arm in the air. “You said next time. Thank you!”

  Beth leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Ryanne’s middle since she was a good six inches shorter.

  Hugging her back, Ryanne smiled at Daxon. For a brief second, Beth felt more like a family member instead of a girl she’d only met tonight.

  “See you later,” Beth said, smiling at Daxon. She didn’t hug him the way she did Ryanne. But more and more she was beginning to understand the dynamics of the panthers and their ways.

  Jamie nodded at them both and followed his sister through the door, his eyes on the trees and surrounding property.

  Why was he looking at the trees? Did he think someone would jump off one of the branches and attack?

  Daxon stood at the border of the kitchen and living room, his look intense as he also watched the two siblings get in their car. When he turned his attention to Ryanne, his eyes glowed a vibrant gold.

  “You okay?” she asked. The glow was from strong emotion, but which one? They hadn’t done anything for him to be turned on yet – unless he’d had the same thought she did back at the bar – and there was nothing for him to be angry about.

  “Yeah. Fine,” he said. But the growl
lacing his words said otherwise.

  “Is there something you want to talk about?” She couldn’t fathom what had pissed him off about the two kids leaving. Jamie barely even looked at Ryanne when he left, so there was nothing for Daxon to be jealous about.

  His chuckle was mildly surprised and sardonic. “There’s a lot I want to talk about.”

  She motioned to the kitchen table, expecting…well, she didn’t know what to expect. There was no way he was going to try to break up with her. She knew damn well he felt the same connection she did. It was nearly impossible to walk away from the mating bond, even before it was completed.

  Daxon’s chuckle turned more sincere. “I don’t mean we need to sit down and have some long, serious conversation. I just meant there’s always something to say and we rarely have the opportunity to talk without little ears listening in.”

  Ah. He wanted to talk grown up stuff.

  “You want to sit on the porch instead?” she asked. She’d been thinking about being with him out there only hours ago.

  “That’ll work.”

  Ryanne led the way outside and caught Daxon checking out her butt when she turned to sit.

  He shrugged when she cocked an eyebrow. “Can’t help it.”

  The fact the glow was slowly intensifying wasn’t lost on Ryanne.

  Sitting on the first step, she scooted to the side to give Daxon room to lower next to her. She wasn’t a small woman, but he practically dwarfed her with his height and broad shoulders. Everything about him was big…everything.

  The crickets and frogs croaked and twanged and sang. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance. She heard the steps of a deer roaming through the woods. The birds that had visited her before were gone, so she assumed they had moved on to another area.

  Shame. For a second, she’d thought about putting out a feeder. Just because she had a feline inside didn’t mean she wanted to slaughter every bird she saw.

  “What did you want to talk about?” she asked, leaning back on her hands and watching the lightening bugs flash.

  She saw him shrug from the corner of her eye. “Nothing. Everything. That fact that I’m crazy in love with you and I’ve been struggling with my panther. He wants to mark you. As much as I do.”

  Well, then. That was blunt and to the point.

  “I feel the same way,” she admitted, glancing at him.

  Daxon reached up and pushed her curls out of her face. “I can’t believe how fucking beautiful you are.” When he said things like that, when he said it like that, she truly felt beautiful. She felt like he saw her. She felt like she was safe and cherished and loved.

  And then they were quiet again. This time, it was more of an awkward silence. Were they supposed to latch onto each other then and there? That was so unromantic. It was one of the few times in her life she’d wished her life had turned out different. She would give anything to have a whole night alone with Daxon.

  Daxon’s hand smoothed against the wood until it laid over hers.

  “Why does this feel so…weird now?” Daxon asked.

  “Because we said something. Because we admitted our feelings.”

  “But that’s normal for our kind,” Daxon said, turning his head to look at her again.

  True. “I don’t know. It didn’t feel weird at Moe’s.”

  “It’s because we’re alone,” he said, turning to look at the darkened horizon.

  “Or because we’re both thinking the same thing.” There was no way he hadn’t thought about the fact Penny was inside asleep. Outside, they would hear the little human girl. But she wouldn’t hear a thing from them.

  As if her words flipped some switch in him, Daxon leaned forward and slanted his lips over hers. It was a bruising kiss. It was a hungry kiss. And it was full of so much promise.

  And questions.

  Ryanne turned, lifting her knee onto the step so she could get closer to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smoothed one hand up his neck and tunneled through his hair. It was so soft and warm, like his lips.

  The roughness of the kiss softened as he tilted his head and deepened the contact. He fisted her hair in one hand and wrapped the other around her back, pulling her closer. Her damn leg was in the way.

  She had to remedy that.

  Rising onto her knees, she threw one leg over his, straddling him the way she’d done last night.

  Only this time, she had less clothes in the way. And she planned on them both being naked before either one of them got off.

  But not on the porch. They had to move this out of sight in case Penny happened to wake up and look outside for her sister.

  His fingers gently pulled the strap of her dress over her shoulder. His lips left hers and pressed soft kisses across her collarbone.

  “Not here,” she breathed.

  Daxon pulled back, those bright golden eyes full of question. She knew her eyes were as bright as his, but glowed a vibrant green.

  “You sure?” he whispered.

  Ryanne pushed her hips forward, dragging her covered sex along his hard length in answer.

  Daxon moaned, then reclaimed her lips. Her body jostled as he stood, climbed down the stairs, and carried her behind the house where there was a semblance of privacy.

  Her back was pressed against the siding of her house. Some of the chipped paint scratched against the exposed skin of her shoulder. His kisses became frantic as he moved from her lips to her throat, down her shoulders, before burying his face in her ample cleavage.

  Air brushed across her skin as Daxon pulled her from the wall and lowered her to the ground. Ryanne stayed on her knees, grabbed the bottom hem of her dress and pulled it over her head, leaving her in nothing but her panties and bra.

  His eyes devoured her, that beautiful glow amplifying as his tongue darted out to moisten his lips.

  That simple motion made her want to taste him again. Only this time, she wanted to taste all of him.

  Daxon followed her lead and pulled his shirt off by the back of his collar. What was it about the way men removed their shirts that made it all that much hotter? His pants were next and the sound of his zipper ripping down was almost as loud as the nocturnal creatures singing.

  Heat pooled low in Ryanne’s belly when Daxon shoved his jeans over his hips and revealed a rather impressive cock. She undid her bra, pulling it down her arms, then shoved her panties as far as they would go before shifting from one knee to the other to remove them.

  His cock twitched at the sight of her naked body. She knew the feeling.

  Finally. She would finally feel all of Daxon. She would finally feel all those delicious muscles pushing down on her, his length pushing into her, stretching her, bringing her what she knew would be nothing less than pure pleasure.

  Leaning back on her elbows, Ryanne opened her knees in invitation. Daxon took that invitation and went face first into her sex, making love to her with his mouth, his tongue, driving her crazy and bringing her so close to the edge.

  Not yet. She didn’t want to topple over that edge until he was buried deep inside of her.

  Gripping his hair, she pulled, eliciting a growl from Daxon. She had no idea whether that growl was from arousal or frustration. All she knew was she needed him to rise up her body and give her what she ached for most.

  Daxon wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, cleaning the sheen from his lips left behind from Ryanne’s folds. That simple move made her moan and ratcheted up her need.

  It was so manly and primal.

  He climbed up her body slowly, pressing kisses to her thighs, the thatch of curls above her sex, dipped his tongue into her navel, kissed each swell of her breasts before pulling one nipple into his mouth and sucking it while flicking it with his tongue.

  Ryanne dropped her head back and threaded her fingers through his hair. His fingers moved through her folds and gently stroked her clit. He dipped one finger inside of her, only to the first knuckle or so, then withdrew. He pushed in further,
then added a second finger to the first.

  So good. All he was using was his fingers and already she was back to toeing that edge.

  Daxon continued to work her, stretching her, preparing her for his size. Probably a good idea since it had been a while since she’d had sex.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he settled between her thighs, gripping himself in one hand while holding himself up on an elbow, and positioned the head of his cock against her opening.

  Ryanne wrapped her arms around his back and reveled in the feeling of his muscles bunching and relaxing as he pushed into her inch by inch, stretching her further, and pushing her ever closer to the total loss of control.

  Or maybe it was a loss of herself.

  Didn’t matter. Nothing mattered at that moment but the feeling of fullness, the feeling of rightness with him cradled between her legs, within her arms, his hard pecs pressed against her full breasts.

  She realized at that moment how opposite they were of each other. Her skin was dark while he was on the paler side. He was covered in tattoos from shoulder to hip, while her skin had never been touched by ink. His body was hard and muscular where she was soft, and round, and feminine.

  Yet they complimented each other.

  They completed each other.

  Daxon lowered onto his elbows and began making slow circles with his hips, each pass rubbing her in all the right places.

  As his thrusts increased in speed and power, Ryanne could have sworn the world shook beneath her. Or maybe that was her body trembling as the first wave of release started low in her belly and exploded outward, sending sparks and fireworks off behind her closed lids as she threw her head back and tried to keep her moans low enough as to not wake Penny.

  Burying his head in the crook of Ryanne’s neck, Ryanne held her breath as she felt a scrape of fangs. Would he mark her now?

  Ryanne would have chuckled if she wasn’t trembling from the aftershocks of an orgasm. Neither of them had a choice. Their animals had chosen. And it was rare for a Shifter to have more than one mate in their lifetime. Not impossible, but rare.


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