Their Human Vessel

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Their Human Vessel Page 12

by Lizzy Bequin

  Xalleus chuckled. Indeed, he was impressed the youngster had managed to hold out as long as he had.

  “There’s no need to hold back, Grekh. There’s plenty of pleasure to be had inside this human’s holes. Besides, she needs the healing power of your seed.”

  Grekh’s face was twisted in agony as the human’s bobbing head slurped on his erect penis.

  “Give her what she needs, Grekh. Fill her belly with your fluid.”

  The youngster gripped the female’s head tightly and thrust, driving his prong deep into her throat. It must have been halfway down the creature’s esophagus at that point.

  The human squealed and squirmed with discomfort, but Grekh held tight. He wasn’t going to let her go until the last drop of his pleasure had been expended down her throat.

  Xalleus felt his own release drawing near as well. That old familiar tingle at the deep inner root of his cock which he had experienced over and over again in his cylinder at the human milking facility.

  This time, however, would be different.

  This time, his member was planted deep in a human cunt.

  As Grekh continued coming down the female’s throat, her body shuddered. The walls of her channel suddenly constricted around Xalleus’s pumping dick, squeezing and undulating as if trying to draw his fluid. He could not resist that delicious vaginal suction. His testicles throbbed, his member pulsed, and his seed erupted in an explosion of total ecstasy.

  Xalleus threw back his head and roared. It was a brutal sound of animal conquest that reverberated down the branching tunnels of the caves, a frenzied chorus of warrior voices answering his bellow of lust.

  He had never experienced such pleasure in all his days.

  Xalleus continued to slam his hard cock into the human’s wet cunt. The solid muscles of his pelvis hammered her soft, sex-slathered cheeks, making them jiggle. With each violent, conquering thrust, he spewed more and more of his hot semen into her depths, painting her innards with his spawn-seed until it overflowed, spilling from the rim of her well-fucked hole with squishy sounds and falling in thick globs to the cavern floor.

  All the while, the female’s body convulsed as she achieved her own climax multiple times until her limbs went limp with exhaustion.

  Together, Grekh and Xalleus steadied her wilted and shivering body and lowered her to the floor.

  When Xalleus finally slid his numb-hard penis from inside her, a river of hot cum flowed out, churned and mixed with the human female’s own rich, buttery cervical excretions.

  None, however, spilled from her mouth. Every drop of the youngster’s fluid had sluiced down the female’s throat.

  Good. That was a nice big dose.

  They rolled the female onto her back. She lay on the stone floor, panting with exhaustion. She seemed barely conscious. Her supple flesh was sheened with sweat. It ran from her in rivulets and pooled in the recesses and divets, between her breasts, in the thimble of her belly button. The skin between her legs was slippery with cum and vaginal mucus.

  Grekh and Xalleus stared down at their shared conquest while Vorne looked on approvingly.

  Xalleus growled with satisfaction. His bandaged side hurt. He had exerted himself more than he should have. But with such an exquisite piece of meat, how could he resist.

  Already, he could feel his throbbing testicles refilling with seed, and his pulsing cock remained hard in anticipation of filling the human a second time.

  But Xalleus knew he mustn’t be selfish with this precious human gift.

  “Come on, Grekh,” he said to his new comrade. “Let’s switch ends.”

  The youngster’s eyes glowed a little brighter with renewed lust.


  When Corrie fully came too, she was reclining in Vorne’s lap. Xalleus and Grekh were on either side, stroking and admiring the mess they had made on her flesh. Corrie’s muscles were weak and her mouth was dry.

  “Water,” she rasped.

  Immediately Grekh was there with a fresh jug that he had already fetched for her. He lifted it to her lips, and Corrie drank deeply, not caring when some of the cool, clear fluid dribbled down her chin and splashed onto her chest. After all, her skin was already spattered with other fluids, some of it the aliens and some of it, shamefully, her own.

  The past hours had gone by like a fever dream of carnal lust.

  The savage aliens had fucked her repeatedly, taking turns at her, each new coupling lubricated by the predecessor’s semen.

  After multiple intense orgasms, Corrie had given up her attempts to keep her pleasure battened down. She had been ashamed at her body’s response to being shared by three aggressive males, but it had quickly become apparent that resistance was futile. Surrender was her only option.

  And once she had given up on restraining her climaxes, she had quickly lost count of them.

  Passed around between the three horny aliens with their perpetually aroused members, Corrie had come over and over again until each new climax folded into the next like violent waves breaking on a rocky shore amid spumes of white froth.

  And if her body had been the ocean, then her three alien mates had been the unyielding cliffs of hard stone against which she had crashed again and again.

  Now she was weak and tired.

  Her sex was tender, and the cheeks of her ass were sore from the pummeling of three hard alien pelvises. She suspected that tomorrow that soreness would only increase.

  But for now, she had bigger concerns.

  The three aliens had ejaculated inside her innumerable times now. The hole between her legs was still oozing with their semen. She still wasn’t sure if these aliens could impregnate a human, but if they could...

  Her mind drifted back to college. It had been her sophomore year. One of her first experiences with a man, barely more than a boy really, and it had set her expectations for things to come. It had been an awkward, fumbling encounter, not even slightly satisfying, and worst of all, it had ended with a broken condom.

  When Corrie’s period was several days late, she started to panic. She couldn’t concentrate on her studies. She worried how she would get the money to take care of it. She wondered if she even wanted to take care of it.

  When the blood had finally come, a full week and a half late, she had felt a wave of relief like she had never experienced before or since.

  And she doubted she would experience it again.

  These aliens clearly had one intention. To impregnate her. And even if that were not biologically possible, Corrie had no doubt that they would keep trying until their balls had run dry or her body had been pulverized into mush from their fucking.

  And she strongly doubted that the former option would happen. On either side of her, Xalleus and Grekh still somehow sported massive erections, and she could feel Vorne’s pressed against her back, drumming with the pulse of his strong, alien heart.

  How the hell did these guys do it?

  They had each unloaded inside her countless times, yet here they were, ready to continue at a moment’s notice. No wonder Galen Group was able to produce Juvanis in such incredible quantities. They had an army of these guys working around the clock in their farms.

  Working as slaves.

  That thought saddened Corrie, and it reminded her why she had even come to this planet in the first place.

  But that gave Corrie an idea.

  “Vorne?” She tilted her head back and stared up into the upside-down face of the big alien who was cradling her naked body. “Remember that I told you I’m a reporter. If I can get off this planet and back to Earth, I can tell everyone about what is happening here on Terramara. I can put an end to your people’s slavery.”

  At the mention of her leaving the planet, something flashed across Vorne’s expression. Something like pain.

  Nevertheless, he considered the idea for a moment.

  “How would you get off this planet?” he asked. “We have no ship, and the other humans want you dead.”

>   “I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Corrie muttered.

  Vorne inhaled a deep breath, held it, and let it go. Corrie’s resting head rose and fell with the expansion and contraction of his immense rib cage. She could hear, no, she could feel the thump-thump of his powerful heart.

  That sound gave her comfort.

  It shouldn’t. He was her captor, after all.

  Her captor and her tormentor.

  Yet somehow she took comfort in the rhythms of his body and in the warmth of the trio of alien warriors attending to her.

  She was losing her freaking mind. That was the only explanation. Stockholm syndrome. An emotional connection brought on by the trauma of the last day.

  So much had happened in that time.

  She had discovered the dark secret of Juvanis. She had nearly been raped and killed. Then she had been rescued. And after that...

  Now all she wanted was to go home, to return to Earth.

  “But Vorne,” she started to speak, but the alien cut her off. He sat up, raising Corrie’s tired body in the process.

  “No buts,” Vorne said. “I have spoken. Your plan is flawed. Mine is not. Therefore, we will follow my plan.”

  The other two aliens were watching intently as they conversed. Xalleus’s expression was one of uncomprehending curiosity. Perhaps Grekh understood a little, though Corrie doubted he was able to pick up much.

  “You keep talking about this so-called plan,” she said. “Do you care to clue me in on the details?”

  “There are no details. It is a very simple plan. We mean to breed you, woman. You will be our vessel. Our seedbearer. You will be the Mother of the New World as the Listener has foretold.”

  Vessel? Corrie’s heart rate spiked.

  “And what if I say no?”

  “There is no choice, human. The matter is too dire. The fate of my entire species hangs in the balance. Your men decimated my people, but now we shall return to our former glory, and it is all because of you.”

  This was madness. Did these three aliens really expect to use her body to replenish the population of their oppressed planet? How many children could a woman even have in one lifetime? Corrie tried to run through the mental math in her head, trying to factor in the possibility of twins, triplets, a conservative estimate for the onset of menopause, but she quickly gave up.

  Even if she could get knocked up by these aliens, there was no chance she could bear an entire army for them.


  She struggled to disentangle herself from Vorne’s grasp, but he only held her tighter.

  One of his hands clutched Corrie’s throat in its terrifying grasp. One squeeze of those powerful fingers could easily crush the life out of her.

  “Don’t struggle,” Vorne whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you, Corrie.”

  His tone was soft, gentle even. That gentleness was in jarring juxtaposition to the implied violence of the hand on her throat and the menacing words.

  “You won’t hurt me,” Corrie stammered. “You said yourself that I’m important, valuable.”

  “I won’t damage you, but there are other ways to punish a disobedient pet, if necessary.”

  Corrie chose not to test him on that. She settled back into his protective, possessive embrace. She hated herself for enjoying the comfort it provided.

  “You’re as bad as the people the Juvanis farm,” she hissed. “You’re keeping me captive because of what my body can provide you.”

  Vorne’s muscles tensed beneath her. Something in her words had gotten to him.

  “Good and bad don’t matter to me, human. All that matters is my duty to my people. Your body will be used for our replenishment. But there is more to it than that. Much more.”

  “What do you mean?” Corrie asked.

  “Now is not the time for discussion. It is late, and we all need to rest. Tomorrow we ride to Ashlar. There we will speak to the Listener. She will know what to do.”

  “Ashlar? Listener?”

  “Tomorrow,” Vorne answered. “Now it is time for sleeping.”

  Vorne lifted Corrie’s arms, which were still bound at the wrists, and looped them over Grekh’s neck. Though the younger alien tried to hide it, he was clearly overjoyed that he was being given the honor of gazing at Corrie as they slept. He held onto her and carefully lowered both of their bodies to the floor. A thick growth of faintly incandescent moss provided a cushion, and Grekh provided his well muscled biceps as a firm, warm pillow.

  Corrie couldn’t deny she was comfortable like this, but then, after the day she’d had, even a dirty bench in Central Park would have looked appealing.

  Grekh gazed into her face, studying her Corrie’s features. She hadn’t realized until now just how handsome the young alien was.

  His face grew serious. His brow furrowed with concentration as his lips struggled to form words. It would almost have been cute, under different circumstances.

  “Eyes,” Grekh said reverentially. “Beauty eyes.”

  Despite herself, Corrie found herself blushing at the primitive compliment. Guys had told her she had pretty eyes before, but it always felt phony, like they were just trying to get into her pants.

  Grekh, however, clearly wasn’t concerned about that at this point. That line had already been crossed and recrossed many times.

  “Thank you,” Corrie murmured, pronouncing the words slowly and clearly so Grekh could understand.

  He smiled, his wild, white fangs almost phosphorescent between his dark lips—lips which had kissed every inch of Corrie’s body in the preceding hours. Every inch.

  “Ga’aliset,” Grekh added.

  Corrie frowned with confusion. Then Vorne’s voice came from behind.

  “He thinks your eyes look like ga’aliset. I don’t know the human word for this. It’s a gemstome with a deep brown color.”


  But Corrie’s eyes weren’t brown.

  Suddenly she remembered that she was still wearing the contact lenses—the replicas of Waylon Burgess’s irises.

  “Oh shit,” Corrie exclaimed. “Vorne, they are not my real eyes. They’re contacts. Please, I need to take them out before I go to sleep.”

  Already, now that she had become aware of them again, the lenses had begun to sting her eyes.

  “Contacts?” Vorne grunted. “I don’t understand.”

  “They’re like...fake eyes.”

  “Why do you wear fake eyes?”

  Corrie sighed and then explained the whole story as best she could. She had already told him about how she had snuck onto this planet to investigate Galen Group and the Juvanis facility. Now she explained about how she used the contact lenses to gain access to the facility, along with the vocoder device and her fingerprints.

  Vorne grunted again.

  “Why do you need to remove the contacts?”

  “If I sleep with them in, it will hurt me,” she said, and then, for good measure, she added, “and it could damage my reproductive ability.”

  Vorne considered this for a moment.

  “Very well. You may remove them.”

  He helped Corrie unloop her bound hands from Grekh’s neck, then he sat her up. She plucked one of the lenses out, feeling a combination of sting and relief.

  “Let me see,” Vorne commanded.

  Corrie set the lens in his open palm, and he studied it curiously. Once she had the other one removed, she placed it beside the other.

  Vorne seemed to be thinking very hard about what she had said—about how she had used the lenses to get inside the facility.

  He lifted his eyes to meet hers, and when he did, he smiled mysteriously. Corrie wondered what that was about.

  “I’m going to keep these,” Vorne said, nodding toward the lenses.

  “Fine with me,” Corrie answered. “I’ve got no use for them anymore.”

  Vorne rose and crossed the glowing grotto. As he strode away from her, Corrie mentally chastised herself for admiring the sexy workin
gs of his thick, muscular ass.

  God, he had a booty though. She had to give him that.

  Vorne went to where his loincloth lay flopped on the stone floor. There was a small storage pouch attached to one side. That was where he had stored the vocoder device earlier. Now he put the contacts inside that pouch too. When that was done, he returned. Corrie tried not to look at the long, thick member swinging with each step, tried not to stare at his perfectly notched abdominals, his heavily muscled arms.

  She raised her tied wrists.

  “Please,” she begged. “Take these off of me at least.”

  “No,” Vorne said coldly.

  He took her bound arms and looped them once again around Grekh’s neck. Bandaged Xalleus was behind him, already starting to doze. Vorne slid into positions behind her, spooning her with his naked dick wedged against her bare ass.

  Briefly, Corrie considered protesting.

  However, the sudden weariness that surged over her was too great. It overwhelmed her, and within moments the world around her—the three aliens, the ghostly light of the grotto, the cool stirrings of the breeze and distant echoes of trickling water—all of it folded in upon itself, and Corrie’s consciousness disappeared into a most welcome slumber.


  Despite all of his exercise, Grekh barely slept the night through.

  He preferred to study the pretty little human who lay sleeping in his arms. His eyes meandered over every detail of her beautiful face, down the delicate ridge of her nose, along the plump pink petals of her lips, across her smooth, ruddy cheeks lined with just the faintest little follicles of mammalian fur.

  The sound of her breathing was quiet, nearly inaudible. Her soft scent was intoxicating. Her eyes rolled beneath their fringed lids and she whimpered lightly.

  The human was dreaming.

  She was such a fascinating creature. Her anatomy was not so different from his species. She had two eyes, two legs, two arms. But there was the color of her skin, so pale and creamy.

  But the biggest difference was her softness—the way her pillowed flesh yielded to his touch. In particular, there was her plump, rounded ass and those pink-tipped mounds on her chest, just the right size for Grekh to cup his palms over them.


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