Best Friend’s Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

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Best Friend’s Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy Page 7

by Callahan, Kelli

  “Good morning my bonnie lass.” I smiled and pressed my lips to her forehead.

  “Good morning to you too.” She looked up at me and smiled. “How late is it?”

  “Pretty late.” I chuckled under my breath. “Why don’t ye take a bath while I go downstairs and make breakfast. We should probably go get ye car before we get started on the house today.”

  “I might need a sick day.” She leaned up. “Or whatever you call it when you wake up so sore you’re not sure you can walk.”

  “Maybe we’ll take a break from the house today.” I sat up next to her. “But we definitely need to eat—we missed dinner, and I worked up quite an appetite.”

  “Me too.” She grinned and leaned her head against my shoulder. “That was—incredible.”

  “Aye.” I put my arm around her. “It was.”

  We stayed cuddled in bed for a few more minutes before we finally broke our embrace. I barely waited for the coffee to finish brewing or the bacon to finish frying before I tore into it. I was starving. I was already on my second plate when Madie finally came downstairs. We ate breakfast and discussed our plans for the day. Madie wasn’t eager to go back to her apartment, and I definitely didn’t want her to leave. She decided to swing by her apartment, pick up a few more clothes, and come back to my place. She definitely wasn’t going to be sleeping in the bed downstairs—she belonged in mine.

  I drove her to the repair shop, and we kissed one last time before she got behind the wheel of her car and drove off. I missed her immediately. Whatever it was inside of me that finally cracked through the wall was already starting to long for her. When I got back to my place, I had a message from Anna on my phone, so I called her back. Things were going great at school and she wanted to visit in a couple of weeks. That gave me a quick reminder that the woman I shared my bed with was still my daughter’s best friend, but I didn’t focus on that. I wasn’t sure how we were going to address that part of our lives. It didn’t matter in the moment—I cared about Madie too much to let her go, even if our relationship was still new.

  We’ll have to tell Anna at some point. She probably won’t be happy, but hopefully we can convince her that there’s more to our relationship than what she will see on the surface—her father sleeping with her best friend.

  I started to miss Madie once I hung up with Anna and sat down in the living room alone. I had spent a lot of lonely nights at home by myself. I got used to the loneliness, even if it wasn’t always pleasant. I battled my demons in broad daylight and my failed marriage was the biggest one of all. I kept asking myself what I did wrong—what I could have done differently—and why my ex-wife wanted out. I had a new sense of clarity after holding Madie in my arms. I wasn’t the one that was broken.

  I certainly had my fair share of mistakes, but I was always devoted. My wife just didn’t like the man I became. The boy I was when we met had a blind sense of love, and once we had a bairn on the way, there was no turning back. We were never truly happily married—she wasn’t at least. I did my absolute best to conform to what she wanted in a husband, but I stifled the man I was in the process. I didn’t have to do that with Madie. That sweet freedom was like an addiction on my breath, and I wanted more.

  “I’m back!” Madie interrupted my train of thought when she opened the front door.

  “Walking in like ye own the place?” I walked around the corner and greeted her with a smile.

  “It wasn’t locked.” She walked to me, and we hugged.

  After a quick hug, and a kiss that lasted long enough to leave us both gasping for air, I led Madie into the den. I pulled her into an embrace as we sat down on the couch, and we just enjoyed the peace and tranquility of being together. Normally, I would have been anxious not to work on the house at all but having Madie in my arms was enough to push those thoughts away. There was silence for a while—then a little teasing—and a few more long, passionate kisses. It had been a long time since I had just savored a moment like that. It was an incredible feeling—two people letting go and enjoying the fall—with nothing to hold onto but each other.

  “I talked to Anna after I got back home.” I pressed my lips to Madie’s forehead.

  “You didn’t—tell her, right?” Madie’s eyes reflected concern immediately when she heard my daughter’s name.

  “No.” I shook my head back and forth. “I have no intention of hiding it though. It’s just one of those conversations that’s easier to have in person.”

  “That’s probably true.” Madie sighed and nodded. “She’s probably going to hate me.”

  “Hate ye? I figured she’d hate me…” I shrugged slightly. “Either way, I’m not ashamed of what we have, and it won’t be something I keep from her. I hope that’s okay with ye as well.”

  “I’ll need some time to think about what I’m going to say. I haven’t talked to her much lately.” Madie exhaled sharply. “It was hard to hear about her life and how great it was going when mine was falling apart.”

  “Did ye tell her what happened at school?” I titled my head slightly. “I’m sure she would have understood if ye wanted to discuss something else.”

  “No.” Madie shook her head back and forth. “I told her something happened, but I didn’t elaborate. We’ve always had the ability to sense when the other one has a weight on them—and we usually don’t pry if the other person doesn’t want to talk about it.”

  “It’s good to have friends like that.” I squeezed her a little tighter. “I’m sure it was hard to talk to anyone after the way yer parents reacted.”

  “Yeah.” Madie nodded. “It was really difficult.”

  “The pictures—ye sent them to some guy ye were interested in?” I slid my fingertips along her arm and took her hand.

  “Yes.” She turned her head and leaned against my arm. “I thought he liked me. I never expected anyone to see them but him…”

  “Dating is a little different than I remember,” I sighed. “The only pictures of naked lasses we got to see were in magazines—well, I guess we had Polaroids, but most people weren’t using them to take dirty pictures.”

  “Technology has ruined us.” Madie’s eyes closed and I thought she was going to cry, but she didn’t. “I wish my parents had been as supportive as you—it would have made things a lot different.”

  “Aye, I’m sure it would have.” I nodded in agreement.

  “I don’t know why I expected anything different from them.” Madie squeezed my hand. “They were always weird about everything. Jesus this—God that. If it was in the Bible, it might as well have been the law in my house.”

  “Does the Bible talk about dirty pictures?” I held back a chuckle, even though I found most aspects of religious radicalism pretty ridiculous.

  “People interpret it in their own way.” Madie shrugged.

  “Part of why this world is so fucked up now.” I squeezed her hand. “Ye won’t get any judgment from me. If yer honest, I’ll be supportive. I’ll give ye the same—I don’t play games.”

  “Thank you.” She tensed up for a moment but quickly seemed to relax. “When I was younger, I used to wonder what it was like to have a father like you—of course, that wasn’t the only reason I wanted to call you Daddy.”

  “Nobody calls me that.” I finally felt like a laugh wouldn’t be inappropriate. “Not even Anna when she was a wee lass. Da when she wanted to be cute or Dad when she wanted to complain—drawing out the ‘a’ as much as she could before her voice cracked.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I liked it.” She looked up at me and smiled. “I had a father—but I never really had a Daddy. He was too rigid to be loving and supportive.”

  “Well if ye want me to be yer Daddy, I really will have to tan yer hide when ye misbehave.” I gave her a gentle nudge.

  “You never did that to Anna.” She looked up at me and narrowed her eyes.

  “Anna was a sweet lass—yer a little too naughty for time out.” I chuckled and pressed my lips to her forehead.

  “I’m feeling a little naughty right now.” Madie rolled over and grinned. “Are you going to do something about it?”

  “I guess a little preemptive discipline wouldn’t hurt.” I moved my hand to her ass and squeezed it.


  “Are you going to pull down my panties and give me a spanking—Daddy?” She bit down on her lip, and her grin got a little more mischievous.

  “Aye, I most certainly am.” I sat up and pulled Madie across my knee.

  I probably would have thought it was a little strange if any other woman wanted to call me Daddy—but it was different with Madie. She seemed to need that—nobody had really taken care of her before. Having her across my knee was a turn-on for me, regardless of what she called me while she was there. Declan—Sir—Daddy. It didn’t matter. I didn’t have any kinkiness in my marriage, so it was fun to try things out with someone who seemed to like it. There was no denying that Madie enjoyed being in that position—and having a firm hand to keep her there. Her pussy was practically dripping after her first spanking.

  “You can spank me harder than you did last time…” She shifted her hips until she was comfortable. “Obviously, I didn’t learn my lesson—if I’m back here again.”

  “I’ll decide what kind of spanking yer going to get.” I unbuttoned her jeans and started sliding them down.

  If she wants to be a naughty lass, then maybe she needs to be spanked like one.



  There was something about that position—being so vulnerable and exposed—that went deeper than just physically turning me on. I had a glimpse of it the first time I was over his knee, but I didn’t know what to expect then. My body was crying out for discipline—and my emotions needed to latch onto that too. I wasn’t sure how Declan would react when I told him that I wanted to call him Daddy. If he thought it was too weird, I would have respected that—but he seemed to be okay with it. I tested the waters with Sir—that felt natural. Calling him Daddy made the spanking I was about to receive feel more authentic and it turned me on—it really was the best of both worlds.

  “Alright naughty lass, these are coming down too.” He slid his fingers into the waistband of my panties and slid them down my ass.

  “I’ve been that bad, huh?” I looked over my shoulder and grinned.

  “Aye.” He nodded and lifted his hand. “Ye have.”


  “Ow…” I squirmed on his knee.

  That’s definitely harder than last time.

  “Yer gonna be saying that a lot before I’m done with ye.” He lifted his hand again.


  “I can already tell I’m in a lot more trouble this time!” I kicked my feet when I felt the sting resonate underneath his hand.

  “Aye, this lesson won’t be forgotten as easily as the last one.” He rubbed my ass for a moment, and then his hand pulled away.


  “Ow—ouch!” I whimpered and exhaled sharply. “I’m sorry!”

  “What are ye sorry for lass?” He let his hand rest on my ass.

  “Being naughty…” I squirmed on his knee.


  “A little color should correct that behavior real quick.” His tone was quite firm—and that was incredibly hot.


  “Ow! Yes sir! I’m sorry, Daddy!” I squealed when the last few landed in the same spot—right in the middle of my ass.

  I could feel my pussy getting wet as he spanked me, but the emotional connection was even better. I allowed me to let go of everything and connect with the sting—the sting that was starting to burn. The spanking hurt more than the first one I got, and it was taking me to a different place in my head. Desire and turmoil came together to form something new—a fire that wanted to be stoked until all of my mistakes were consumed by it. There was one I hadn’t told Declan the truth about, and I felt like I needed to be punished for it. I just—couldn’t confess that truth. It would stay in my soul until I drew my last dying breath.


  “Ouch…” A whimper echoed in my throat.

  “Yer going to be quite red when this is over.” He let his hand rest on my ass for a moment. “And ye probably won’t sit comfortably for a little bit.”

  “It’s what I deserve.” I exhaled sharply. “Even if it hurts…”

  I deserve it more than you’ll ever know.


  “Oh god…” My body jerked forward, and I felt my eyes try to water, but I refused to cry.


  “Alright, I think that’s about enough, lass.” He patted my ass and rubbed it. “I don’t want to hear any complaints about a sore bottom when it’s time for ye to work tomorrow, either. Otherwise, I’ll give ye a reason to complain.”

  “No sir!” I shook my head back and forth.

  Declan pulled me into his arms and held me for several minutes, but the passion was already lingering on my breath—it was a need that had to be satiated. The spanking had brought it to life as the emotions were purged. I found his lips and started kissing him. My fingers fumbled with his belt while I kicked my jeans the rest of the way off. He helped with his pants once his belt was unbuckled, and I didn’t even give him a chance to get them off. I stroked his cock until it was engorged, and then guided it to the entrance of my pussy. I was so wet that it didn’t take much more than a slight rub against the outer lips for me to sink down on his shaft. I gasped immediately—feeling the ache from the previous night and the bliss of having him inside me at the exact same moment.

  “Fuck me—Daddy.” I pressed my lips to his neck and slid them up to his ear. “Fuck me like that bad girl that I am.”

  I don’t know why those words left my lips as quickly as they did. I certainly never had any sort of fantasy about the man that raised me. It was the substitution that drew me into the embrace of something that felt taboo and forbidden. Declan was different in every way—yet he was what I craved in the image of the one who threw me away. Discipline and passion. Firmness and his gentle touch. They resonated inside one man and I needed him to be all of those things—at the same time. Being treated like garbage by the ones I trusted most broke me—I needed to find something new in the chaos that I had endured.

  “I’ll fuck ye alright.” He grabbed my hips and started thrusting his cock into my pussy while I bounced on it. “I’ll fuck ye until you forget how to come.”

  “Yes! Oh god, yes!” I nodded against his shoulder and felt the pleasure surge through my veins.

  Declan’s cock slammed into me with every thrust. It started harder and faster than it did the previous night. I wasn’t a virgin anymore, even if my pussy still had the ache that the loss of my innocence left behind. I had found the things that could give me salvation. Declan—with discipline and passion that melded with the forbidden. I didn’t feel like a failure in his arms. I didn’t feel like a bad girl—or naughty lass, as he put it—yet I still wanted him to treat me like one. I wanted him to destroy me in every beautiful way possible. I could trust him to put the pieces back together instead of abandoning me when I made mistakes.

  “Ye feel so fucking good…” Declan growled into my ear, and that primal lust made my whole body shake. “Yer going to come for me, aren’t ye?”

  “Yes Daddy!” I dug my nails into his back and squealed.

  The orgasm didn’t take long. There was too much desire churning inside of me and the spanking brought me so close the edge I was surprised I didn’t erupt the instant he was inside me. I clung to him for dear life and bounc
ed on his thrusts until my shaking body couldn’t take anymore. The pressure swelled inside me and then it popped like a balloon. My pussy spasmed on his length and the bliss of his cock hammering my g-spot made me squeal with pleasure. The orgasm started to fade, and I still needed more. I tried to pick up the pace as I chased another release. Declan started to throb inside me. He was getting close too, but I wouldn’t be satisfied with just one primal release from his thick cock. I wanted so much more.

  “Come inside me, Daddy.” I dug my nails in a little deeper. “Then keep fucking me—just keep fucking me!”

  “Oh god!” Declan exhaled into my ear, and I felt his cock pulsate.

  The pressure built for the second time. It was met by Declan’s throbbing cock. He slammed into me until I was on the edge of ultimate bliss, and then I tumbled into euphoria. I felt him begin to pulsate harder, then he roared as his lust tasted mine. My pussy spasmed on him as the orgasm seized control. I felt the first explosion of his seed like a cannon—then thick ropes of lust filled me while my orgasm tried to milk him dry. My muscles started to get weak, but I wanted to keep going. I tried to use my arms to push through the soreness and lift my body. Declan grabbed my ass with both hands, lifted me slightly and then started hammering me as hard as he could with quick upward thrusts.

  “Oh fuck!” I threw my head back and melted into the moment—he was doing all the work and it felt amazing.

  Declan seemed to be driven into a frenzy like a wild beast that was getting his first taste of what he truly craved. There was no stopping his fury. He slammed his cock into my pussy until my third orgasm was ripped from my soul. That still wasn’t enough to satiate his hunger—he finally had the same gnaw inside him that was clawing at me. The third orgasm barely started when the pressure built towards the fourth. I saw stars—constellations even—all of them were reflections of Declan’s bluish-gray eyes—eyes that had become filled with obsessive desire. My third and fourth orgasm stacked on top of each other—they sapped my strength until I felt like I was floating on a cloud.


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