A Dark Oceans Descent: (Heridian Saga, Book 1)

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A Dark Oceans Descent: (Heridian Saga, Book 1) Page 6

by Darryl J. W. Temple

  'It's quite the sight, don't you think, friend?' Varican asked, staring out of the clear walls.

  'The Sky-Station contains wonders and secrets,' Draethus replied, staring out in the same direction. 'I've spent years exploring the many walkways and passages; it's hard to imagine this pristine structure is the same fortress I know.'

  'What is the station like where you are from?'

  'Much the same, but not quite as, how should I say, complete.'

  'My guess is that you are from our future,' Varican stated. 'Seems hard to believe, but time would explain the cosmetic differences, if it has aged like you say. What of us, however? Is there any sign about what happened to the civilization here?'

  Draethus paused and considered how much information he should keep to himself. If he divulged too many details, it may affect future events. He instead turned to face the curious man. 'Varican, if you tell me what the Senechal needs from me and what I am to expect, I'll give you the answers you require.'

  This surprised Varican, and it took a few moments to consider the proposal. 'I am a negotiable person, so I accept your, how should we call it, verbal challenge. The Senechal is in charge of the Sky-Station and also the world below. He is going to want information from you about this new enemy and if we are to expect more of them.'

  'I told you what I knew in the interrogation,' Draethus added with a frown.

  Varican could feel it was his turn to earn the other's trust. 'Yes, however, the Senechal has a way of finding out… more from you. I don't mean that threateningly, just that he is our leader for a reason. I believe he wants more than anything, some guidance on how to beat this threat. He knows you are not one of them.'

  The elevator neared the top level and Draethus could sense Varican wanted to finish the conversation.

  'Why not bombard them from orbit? I saw space faring vessels docked at the Sky-Station,' Draethus asked.

  'The vessels you have seen are nothing but transports, merchants trying to make a living. Even if we could convert one into a warship, an accidental hit on the device could have dire consequences. The city is in ruins and there is no telling what the outcome would be if we damaged the device.' The elevator came to a halt. 'We have arrived; please leave the talking to me at first until the Senechal asks you to speak. We will talk later on my query.'

  The doors slid open and Varican quickly exited, followed closely by the taller and much larger Draethus. They walked along a narrow walkway which led to the center of a round room. The walkway retracted behind them and disappeared, leaving the two men standing alone on a small hovering platform. Soldiers positioned themselves around the edge of the room, a ledge protected by railings, spaced evenly apart with their laser rifles in hand. With a faint humming, another platform hovered down from an opening in the ceiling and the Senechal appeared. His own platform came to a halt a few meters in front of Draethus.

  'You have the stare of a warrior,' the Senechal said in a deep voice.

  Varican stepped forwards, lowered his eyes and replied. 'My lord, I have brought you the warrior, Draethus as requested.'

  'Thank you, Captain Varican,' Senechal said, still holding Draethus' gaze. 'Now tell me soldier, tell me of this foe we are facing.'

  Draethus stood up straight, unlike Varican who still knelt. 'They are the Heridians, menacing robotic, insect like creatures of unknown origin. What do you need to know specifically about them?'

  'That's Lord to you, warrior!' said a voice from another platform. It hovered down to their position and joined the Senechal, ridden by a new face.

  'That is quite enough Tremon, you are my new bodyguard, not my spokesperson,' the Senechal replied as he adjusted his dark green robes.

  'Yes, my Lord,' Tremon answered as he lowered his gaze.

  The Senechal took a step back so he could get the soldier fully in his view. 'I want to know their weakness, something that we can exploit so we can rid the planet of this menace.'

  'The Heridians have no weaknesses, and only conventional weaponry can destroy them. They will strengthen and increase their intelligent however, when they take a human mind into themselves,' said Draethus.

  'Yes, I have seen this in the reports,' the Senechal said, becoming impatient. 'What we need to know is if there is anything we can do on a larger scale, a way to wipe them out in a single strike? Are there enemy reinforcements arriving that we are not aware of?'

  'The only way they will get reinforcements,' Draethus replied, 'is if that machine you are working on down there, falls into the hands of the Heridians. If they get that device working, they will have access to any space-time location they chose.'

  Varican stood, 'Spectalin theorizes the enemy cannot get the machine working, they probably don't possess the knowledge. They behave like wild animals with limited intellect.'

  'And if the creatures have taken the scientist's minds into themselves?' asked Draethus. He looked strongly into the Senechal's eyes, held his gaze and said, 'They will use it. That is how they will call reinforcements and destroy this planet and the Sky-Station along with it. Once they have harvested every life form on this world to increase their capability, they will grow and move on to the next world.'

  The Senechal looked concerned, 'I cannot and will not allow this. It is our duty to stop this from proceeding any further.' He raised his hands and a three dimensional holographic image appeared over them, displaying the city.

  'This,' the Senechal said, 'is the situation to this very moment.' More displays appeared and represented the friendly and enemy troops.

  The Senechal continued, 'As you can see, the Heridians have our troops cut off from the device and have gone to ground. Come!' he yelled and waved his hand. Small flying devices appeared from the walls and hovered in front of the group. They were drones carrying visors.

  'Put them on,' ordered the Senechal to the men.

  Draethus acted as requested and put the visor on his face. Without warning, he was in the heat of battle, looking through the eyes of the soldiers fighting at the front line.

  'What you are seeing here is occurring at this very moment on the front line.' The Senechal was hard to hear over the deafening roar of gunfire and explosions. 'Our troops are holding off the enemy but are running out of time. If what you say is correct, soldier, then we need to break the stalemate before the enemy can complete the device.'

  'Have you found no other way through?' Draethus asked, scanning his eyes around the building, watching the enemy fire towards his location.

  'Our imaging can only see so much,' Tremon added, 'so we have sent infiltrators behind enemy lines and none have returned. If our soldiers cannot sneak into their battle zone, then no one can.'

  Draethus, being the tallest of the group, looked down on the man standing virtually beside him. 'What of an air assault? Surely you have some kind of air transports that can insert us behind the lines, detected or otherwise?'

  'If you want to run a suicide mission, Soldier,' Tremon replied with venom. He held Draethus' gaze, determined not to look the inferior. 'Even our fighting machines cannot break through; the Heridian equivalents are very good in close quarters and much stronger. They also possess anti-aircraft weaponry that would slice you out of the sky in seconds.' Tremon finished.

  'What would be your course of action if you were back with your army, Draethus?' Varican asked. 'Would you have launched an aerial insertion?'

  'That is correct. We would have launched a quick decisive blow from above and dropped troops in under the covering fire from support craft. We have experience fighting the creatures,' Draethus answered.

  Again Tremon spoke up, feeling the need to win the conversation. 'Assuming we had the aerial ability to get you and a small strike force behind the lines, how do we know you won't betray us and join the enemy?'

  The Senechal walked forwards and held his hand up in a motion to stop the accusation. 'We are in a unique position where we have to trust an outsider, so you will have to excuse Tremon for his accusa

  Tremon angrily lowered his head as his Lord silenced him.

  The Senechal continued, 'That is why he will lead this mission. It's good to have someone who's mind is on the security of our forces here, don't you think?'

  Draethus nodded his head in agreement. 'What aerial craft do you have available?'

  'Tremon,' the Senechal ordered, 'take our soldier friend here with you, down to the launch bays, and show him the drop fighters. I want you to brief him, in full, on our military capability.'

  'Yes, my Lord,' Tremon replied, bowing as he backed away.

  Draethus took off his visor and crossed over to Tremon's platform, then turned to look at the others. As the platform slowly moved away, Draethus gave the Senechal a nod of the head.


  'How well do you think they will work together, my lord?' Varican asked as his brown hair flicked across his face, caused by the breeze of the artificial air.

  'Hopefully well enough to secure that device, Captain,' the Senechal replied. He followed the platform with his eyes as it disappeared high into the ceiling. 'I need you to do something for me in the meantime, Varican.'

  'I am at your command, my lord.'

  'The device the Heridians have control of was reverse engineered from what appeared in the dock many years ago. You know of this, I expect?' The Senechal looked Varican in the eyes with a stern gaze as he continued, all Varican could do was nod slowly. 'I need you to take a small detachment of men and reinforce that position. If that device is important to the enemy, then I suspect what we are guarding will be as well.'

  'As you wish my Lord Senechal, I shall carry it out in full.' Varican bowed with a nod of the head, turned on his heal and walked towards the door as his platform hovered back to the entrance. He walked into the elevator and looked at his leader. The Great Senechal Praefectus had an aura about him, tall and aged with long green robes which moved elegantly in the breeze. As the doors closed, he saw his lord put the visor back on and continue to watch the ongoing battle that raged on the surface below.

  Captain Varican now had a role to play.


  Craft of Despair.

  Of the many wonders in the universe, the flagship of the pirates was amongst the greatest. Tens of kilometers across and twice in length, it silently slipped through space, dark sails extended, capturing the solar energy from a nearby sun. Known by many names depending on which world it plundered, other races learned to fear it.

  To the pirates it was the heart of the fleet, the Wing of Vidar and the center of military force. The class of capital vessel was undetermined, a hybrid of carrier, super dreadnought and world ship that bristled with thousands of weapons and could hold a myriad of fighters and escorts.

  Raeson slowly maneuvered his fighter in line with the holographic docking lines that displayed in his eyes, generated from the small lasers attached to his helmet. As he shifted the control stick of his craft, the lines would match up and show he was on course. In the distance he could see the docking bay doors of the great ship open, ready to receive his Widowmaker.

  'This is Reaper to dock 412, I am on course, and estimate time of arrival is one minute. Do you receive?'

  A feminine voice replied over the coms. It was lively and full of energy. 'Raeson is that you? I was wondering when you would come back and visit!'

  Raeson smiled to himself as the voice triggered memories of the childhood friend he grew up with. They were both inducted into the pirates together, but followed different paths after being assigned different roles. Rel had always loved the mechanics behind making things work and followed the technician path, whereas Raeson chose the fighter pilot.

  Raeson spoke into the coms again, 'Rel? What is a tech doing answering the docking call of a fighter?'

  'The docking chief got called away, and I was the only one available to take command… me taking command, strange don't you think?' Rel replied.

  'As long as you don't close the doors on me, I'm sure you will be fine.'

  The coms crackled again as Rel continued, 'I've changed a lot, I'll have you know, and that was an accident! Anyway, your path and trajectory are clear and you have the all clear to dock.'

  'Acknowledged,' Raeson replied.

  His fighter stayed on course and moved through the opening in the doors. As it entered the large space behind them, four large docking clamps extended out and connected with the craft. Bringing the fighter closer, it clicked into place underneath a large mechanism attached to a rail. When it finished, the mechanism and the craft were as one and it quickly sped up further into the depths of the pirate flagship.

  Raeson could see the bright light at the end of the darkness as the mechanism slowed and changed direction. It diverted ninety degrees sideways towards the docking bay and Raeson's destination. The robotic arms extended again and placed the ship in the docking bay, lowering it down to the platform below.

  Raeson popped the canopy and began climbing out of his fighter, greeted instantly by Rel. Before he could finish climbing down, she gave him a big hug which almost threw him to the ground.

  'Still the same Rel, I see,' he said with a smile.

  'Still the same brooding warrior, I see,' Rel teased back.

  Grease and oil covered her skin, and her dark green and gray technician clothes looked old and worn. Despite her attire, the male crew of the ship regarded her with affection. She was half human and Elismorus like Raeson himself, however her ears and facial features were more human than his. She wore a mechanical head piece which comprised microphone, optical lenses and various other devices. Long bright red hair flowed back behind her with a fringe covering a small part of her face and down the sides of her ears.

  'You still have that hair, I thought that command would have ordered you to cut it, considering the danger it holds around equipment,' Raeson said, smiling as she pulled away from his arms.

  'No, they let me keep it,' she said. 'I'm not really sure why though.'

  'Well, I'm happy you're well, we will have to get together after my meeting,' he suggested.

  'What is the meeting about?' Rel had a curious look in her eyes, as if she was expecting Raeson to hold something back from her.

  Raeson tapped her cheek twice; something he knew irritated his childhood friend, something only he could get away with. 'I have not been told, possibly something to do with the last mission I would expect. So how did you end up on the Vidar?'

  'They transferred me here after a minor incident I had with one the commanders escorting the vessel I was on.'

  'Really?' Raeson replied, his grin growing with every word.

  'Don't look at me like that, "Mr. Broody I can shoot down anything that's in front of me",' Rel had a tendency to let her temper fire up quickly.

  'And behind me and next to me,' he said, laughing.

  'You love this a little too much, I think…' Rel stopped mid-sentence as Raeson held his hands up as if surrendering.

  'Well,' she continued, 'This commander ordered his men to take off from the docking bay in an emergency scramble, even though half of the ships were not ready and some were barley even functional.'

  'I think I know the commander you speak of,' added Raeson.

  'Yes, well, I would not let some rookie pilots die because of a power stupid commander, so I gave him a piece of my mind, and my fist,' she said holding her fist up in rage.

  'And the big metal heavy tool you were using at the time I heard,' replied a voice walking up behind the two laughing.

  'Zekhal, my friend!' Raeson smiled as he turned to greet his long-time comrade at arms. The two mutually grabbed each other's wrists and shook hands.

  'Rel,' Zekhal added, 'good to see you too. They sent me to escort you to see… someone.'

  Rel spoke up again, never one to be quiet, 'Good to see you as well Zekhal, who are you going to see?'

  Zekhal turned, looked down on Rel and just smiled, knowing that she would understand what he meant by saying nothing.

  'Alright,' she said, 'Just come and see me before you leave Raeson, you promise?'

  'I promise Rel, I will come and see you.'

  'Well, you better because I haven't cooked for anyone in a long time.'

  Raeson laughed as he walked away alongside Zekhal, giving no reply. As he exited the docking bay, he turned and watched as Rel began working on his ship. He knew she would check over every molecule of his fighter to make sure that it was safe.

  That was Rel; although slightly younger than himself, she always looked out for him.

  It is rather strange for leadership to want to speak to me, Raeson thought to himself. It can't be because of the last mission; I've run hundreds of them before without being summoned. Something political, maybe? Or have they discovered information about the assassination attempt on me? Whatever the reason, something is missing.

  Raeson and Zekhal stood at the doors leading to the Khans strategic observatory, a room the leader could use for tactical planning and official meetings. The steel doors slid open and instantly both men met the steel gaze of the battle hardened leader. They both instantly lowered their gaze and silently stared down at the floor.

  'You may enter,' the Khan bellowed, his voice deep, though Raeson could hear the aged tone.

  Standing, the two approached their leader. The man produced such presence it made Raeson feel uneasy.

  'My Khan,' the men said in unison.

  'You are wondering why I summoned you both, yes?' the Khan replied. 'You both have performed well beyond the expectation of your current positions and therefore I am promoting you'.

  'Thank you, Sir!' Zekhal blurted out, so excited he couldn't hold it in. Zekhal had been after command of more than just a squadron since his days as a rookie. He used to talk about leading a capital ship and always told Raeson that he hoped to one day command a dreadnaught class vessel.

  'I would not thank me yet, however I admire your enthusiasm,' the Khan smiled. 'You, Amus Zekhal, will command the Dying Nova; I believe Raison had experience with this ship?'


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