The Esquimau's depression continued. After flinging down the few bitsof wood he looked across the cavern to where the friends were huddledtogether, but did not speak. Then he glanced at the crevice, now socompletely blocked with snow that they were protected against any moredrifting in upon them.
The three respected his silence, and held their peace. He stood aminute or two, looking gloomily into the fire, which he replenished,partly from the scant supply he had brought. While it was gainingstrength he drew his knife, deftly cut a number of pieces from thefrozen body of the wolf, and proceeded to cook them over the blaze.Had he been alone he would have devoured them raw, but he knew thesentiments of his companions.
"Well, Docak," said Jack, feeling that the silence ought not tocontinue, "it looks as if we are in for a long stay. We shall haveenough to keep us alive a good while, and, when you're ready, you cancome and snuggle down beside us."
"Not now," he replied, continuing his culinary work, with what seemeda wasteful disregard of fuel until he was through.
When nothing more remained worth attention he held up a piece,considerably scorched, and, looking at the others, asked:
"Eat now?"
"No; we'll wait till morning," replied Rob, speaking for the rest.
"All right."
But he was not disposed to wait if they were. He made quite a meal,with as much evident enjoyment as if it had been upon the choicestpart of the musk ox. He took care, however, to leave a good supplyagainst the "rainy day" that he felt no doubt would come to them all.
The dismal day wore slowly away, and with a feeling of unutterableloneliness they saw the second night of their enforced stay in thecavern close around them. The cold seemed to intensify with theapproach of darkness, and the supply of wood had grown so slight thatthe warmth was barely perceptible.
The blizzard raged with unabated fury. The gale shrieked around therocks, the blinding snow whirled and eddied until it seemed that itmust bury them out of sight, and the outlook was woeful enough tochill the bravest heart. The three in the corner adhered to theirresolution not to eat any of the food prepared before the morrow. Theymight need it then to aid their systems in withstanding the terrificstrain, but, as in the case of the bear on the iceberg, it must be thelast resort.
The Esquimau declined their invitation to join them in the corner. Hewas thickly clad, and was so accustomed to the rigors of the Arcticwinter that he needed no such help. He seated himself near by, andtalked a little, until, at a late hour, troubled sleep settled overall.
A gleam of hope came with the break of day. Docak was the first toawake, and, without disturbing the others, he forced his way throughthe entrance and took a survey of the weather and his surroundings.
The blizzard was over. The fall of snow had ceased, little wind wasstirring, but the cold was terrible. Toughened as he was, he shrankwhen first exposed to it. The party had been walled in so tightly thatthe warmth of their bodies was of more help than would be suspected.
Quick to note the change in the weather the native studied the skywith its numerous signs in the effort to learn what was likely to comein the near future.
Great as was his skill at this it was now taxed to the utmost. The sunwas not visible, and the difficulty became the greater; but he tarrieduntil he had perfected his theory.
The discouraging feature which the native saw about the matter wasthat the blizzard had ceased for a time only. He believed it wouldsoon resume its fury, fully as great, if not greater than before, andit might continue for days and possibly weeks. If, when that timeshould come, it found them in the cavern they were doomed beyond thepower of mortal man to save themselves.
But the prospect was equally hopeless, if the lull lasted only a fewhours, for, when it should break forth again it would overtake them inthe open plain (provided they made the start he had in mind), where noscreen against its resistless power could be secured.
It should be understood that Docak's solicitude was on account of hisfriends. Had he been alone he would not have hesitated to set out forthe coast, and with every reason, too, to believe he could make it,even, if the battle of the elements were renewed when but a small partof the way thither.
But he had three others in charge, and it was hard to decide whetherto urge them to make the attempt now or wait awhile, in the hope thathe could settle with certainty the extent of the cessation of theblizzard.
The additional snow was between two and three feet deep, where it hadnot been drifted by the gale. With the help of snow-shoes it wouldhave been an easy matter to skim over it, but there were no snow-shoesto be had, as has been shown, the new fall was of such fine characterthat they would sink its full depth when essaying to walk upon it.
When he turned about and re-entered the cavern his friends were astir.Their appetites had assumed that edge that they eagerly attacked someof the meat prepared the night before. The few embers had been stirredinto a sickly blaze, but not another stick remained. The warmth wasonly perceptible when the chilled hands were held almost against it.
The Esquimau smiled grimly when he saw what they were doing, but withthe reticence that had marked his course since refuge was taken in thecavern, he held his peace. Jack greeted him pleasantly, and he noddedin return, and then again passed outside.
The sailor and lads had peeped after him, and discovered that the fallof snow was over, and the wind was not blowing. This gave themconsiderable hope, inasmuch as they were unable to read its fullmeaning like the native.
"It's easy enough to see what he has on his mind," remarked Jack.
"What is it?" queried Rob.
"He is considering whether we shall make a start now for the coast orwait awhile longer."
"What's the use of waiting," asked Rob, "when it can't be any betterand may grow worse? The snow that has fallen will stay where it is formonths, so we can gain nothing there. I'm in favor of starting forhome while it is yet morning."
"That's the way it strikes me, but he'll make up his mind, andwhatever he says we'll do. He isn't in the mood to take any advicefrom us; I never seed him so glum before."
"We're quite well protected," added Fred, who was eager to be off ifthat should be the decision; "we have the thickest kind of clothing,heavy shoes, and warm undergarments. Then we mustn't forget that whenwe start through the snow the labor will help to warm us. Fact is, Idon't understand why Docak hesitates."
The Esquimau used less time than they supposed in reaching hisconclusion. But, with a view of giving him a hint of their wishes,Jack and the boys prepared themselves as if it had been settled thatthey should venture at once upon the perilous attempt. They carefullyadjusted their clothing, tying the lower parts of their trousers abouttheir ankles, so as to keep out the snow, buttoned their heavy coatsto their chins, pulled up the collars more carefully, and fixed theircaps in place, though all this had been done to a certain extentbefore.
When nothing remained they ranged themselves in a row beside theentrance and awaited the appearance of their guide.
He came in the course of a few minutes. He started slightly when heread the meaning of it all.
"We're ready," said Jack, with a smile.
"All right--we go--foller me--come on!" and he led the way out, andthey turned their backs on the cavern forever.
Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle Page 28