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L.A. Metro

Page 22

by R J Nolan

  Jess rubbed her hands over her face as if to wipe away the blush. She finally met Kim's eyes. "What are you thanking me for? I should be thanking you."

  Kim placed a soft kiss on Jess's lips. "For trusting me. For letting me pleasure you."

  "You're welcome. It was my pleasure, believe me." Jess laughed.

  It thrilled Kim beyond measure to hear Jess's easy laughter and see the shadows lifted from her eyes. She knew one night of lovemaking could never banish all the dark memories that plagued Jess, but they had made a good start — together.


  JESS DRIFTED UP from sleep. Something felt very strange, but she wasn’t awake enough to figure it out. She opened her eyes to find her face buried in a mass of blond curls. Kim. She was spooned behind Kim, her arm draped over Kim's belly. Their naked bodies were pressed snugly together. She remembered them cuddling after they made love but not falling asleep. This is getting to be a habit. She couldn't get over the fact that she was able to sleep naked with Kim plastered against her. She's the first one — ever. Myra had complained bitterly, on the rare occasions Jess allowed her to stay, when Jess insisted on putting on her pajamas.

  That's not the only thing Kim was first at. Images from last night paraded past her mind's eye. Kim was opening a whole new world for her. First, with her unwavering friendship, and now as her lover. Not only had Kim made her feel cherished, but safe, to the point where she had been able to let Kim touch her. Even more amazing was Kim bringing her to orgasm. Jess had long ago given up on that ever happening from a lover's touch. Kim had given her that and so much more. It had been an incredible experience. And you want her to do it again.

  With the realization of just how deeply she had opened herself to Kim, Jess braced herself, waiting for fear to strike. She was determined to fight it.

  It never came.

  Jess's chest grew tight with the strength of the emotions Kim stirred in her. A sense of peace and contentment filled her. She stroked her hand along the curve of Kim's hip.

  "Good morning," Kim said in a sleep-roughened voice. "Sleep well?"

  Jess lifted up and kissed her temple, inhaling the scent of her hair. "Yes, I sure did... thanks to you."

  Kim rolled over in Jess’s arms and faced her. "So last night was really... okay?"

  "More than okay." She kissed Kim, loving the feel of her soft lips under hers. "Much, much more than okay," Jess said, interspersing each word with a feather-light kiss. The feel of Kim's breasts against hers roused her desire. She wrapped her arm around Kim's back and drew her closer. As the kiss deepened, a moan was torn from her throat.

  Jess started when Kim rolled onto her back and tried to take Jess with her. She braced an arm on the opposite side of Kim to keep her weight off of her.

  Kim grumbled in protest. "I want to feel you on top of me."

  A shiver of anticipation rippled through Jess. "Are you sure?"

  Holding Jess's gaze, Kim said, "Very sure." She pushed the covers off, baring her body. "Come over here. Please," she said as her legs spread to make room for Jess.

  Jess needed no further encouragement. The thought of Kim underneath her like that was sending her arousal into overdrive. She slid into position between Kim's thighs and settled on top of her. Oh God. Her hips jerked, pressing her belly against Kim's center.

  They both groaned.

  Jess lifted up, supporting her weight on her arms. She looked down into Kim's loving eyes. "Touch me."

  Kim's eyes went wide. She brought her hands up slowly and cupped Jess's breasts.

  Jess's hips bucked. "Yes. Just like that." She ducked down and took Kim's lips in a searing kiss. Kim's pelvis began to rock and Jess picked up the rhythm.

  The blaring of an alarm clock shattered the moment.

  Jess slumped down on top of Kim. No. Not now. She rolled off Kim with a frustrated growl and moved to the side of the bed. "I'm sorry," she said as she shut off the alarm. "I have an early meeting."

  She looked back at Kim, all warm and soft and naked in her bed. Her libido flared anew. Unable to resist, she slid back over to Kim and kissed her. She pressed her tongue into Kim's mouth. When Kim's tongue entwined with hers, she moaned. "I want you so much."

  "God. Jess. I want you too, but you have to go."

  Jess pulled away from Kim and sat on the side of the bed. The rapid beating of her heart was matched by the insistent pulse between her thighs. Work. Think about work.

  Kim moved to sit next to her. "I should get going too."

  The thought of leaving Kim sleeping in her bed was strangely appealing. "It's early. Let me reset the alarm for you." Jess reached out and stroked a silky thigh. She lost herself in the vivid blue depths of Kim's eyes. She didn't realize how high her hand had gone until her fingers slipped into wet heat.

  Kim grabbed her wrist. "God. We have to stop. Work... shower... late." She panted.

  This was something Jess had never dealt with before, the need to control her libido. Blowing out a breath, she removed her fingers from their warm haven. It took every ounce of willpower she could muster to make herself stand and move away from Kim. "Right. I'll go grab a shower. Relax. You don't have to run off." She scrubbed her hands over her face and groaned.

  "Shower, work, late," Jess muttered as she turned to walk away.

  Kim flopped back onto the bed with a frustrated growl. She refused to watch Jess walk away. The temptation of seeing that firm ass flex was more than she could take.

  Now that her brain was clearer, she was thrilled by how comfortable Jess had been this morning in allowing her to touch her, even encouraging her. And very comfortable touching you. The memory of the brief touch of Jess's fingers between her thighs sent her pulse higher.

  Enough of that. You have to get through all day at work without touching her.

  The thought of work gave Kim an idea. Jess has been taking such good care of you, now it's your turn. She got out of the bed and glanced around the room. She grabbed her shirt and pants from the night before and slipped them on.

  She padded barefoot toward the kitchen.

  When Thor spotted her, he jumped out of his bed and trotted over, tail wagging.

  "Hey, there." Kim gave the big dog a warm hug. She managed to dodge a tongue in the mouth when he greeted her. "Come on. I'm going to make your mom some coffee and a bagel. You can show me where everything is."

  Thor followed her into the kitchen but was no help whatsoever in pointing out where things were. Kim searched the kitchen for what she needed. She knew that she didn't have a lot of time.

  She had the coffee brewing and the bagels in the toaster when Thor approached and bumped her arm. "What? No coffee or bagels for you."

  He bumped her again and woofed.

  Kim jumped. "I'm sorry. I don't know what you want."

  Thor stared into her eyes as if he was trying to communicate what he wanted.

  "Help me out here."

  Thor took several steps away from Kim, then looked back over his shoulder.

  Taking the hint, Kim followed him. He led her to the sliding glass door. She had seen Jess let him out this door previously. Hoping she was doing the right thing, Kim opened the door.

  Thor woofed softly as if in thanks and trotted out onto the deck.

  Kim followed him out onto the deck, her toes curled at the feel of the ice-cold wood under her bare feet.

  He crossed the deck and went down a set of steps Kim had not noticed last night. The steps led to a small fenced area.

  Satisfied that he was safe, she scampered back into the warm house.

  In the process of putting the lid on Jess's travel mug, Kim's hands froze mid-turn. Ah, shit. Her gazed darted around the kitchen. She had been so focused on doing something nice for Jess, she had not stopped to think about how Jess would view it. This is Jess's kitchen and you just took over.

  A subtle tingling of her senses alerted her to Jess's presence. She looked up to find Jess standing in the doorway of the kitchen wi
th an unreadable expression on her face.

  As Jess walked across the kitchen, Kim formulated and discarded apologies. Sorry, didn't mean to play Susie homemaker. Sorry for invading your kitchen without asking. Sorry, I'm an idiot.

  Jess stopped opposite her with the center island between them.

  Kim was so caught up in trying to come up with an apology, it took her a moment to realize Jess wasn't looking at her face.

  She looked down to see what had garnered Jess's attention. It wasn't her breakfast. She grinned and her knees went weak with relief. When she had grabbed her clothes, she had forgone her bra. What she hadn't realized was in her hurry to dress, she had left quite a few shirt buttons undone.

  Jess's gaze was locked on her exposed cleavage. She chose that moment to finally look up.

  Kim gulped. The desire in Jess's gaze sent a flood of warmth to her core. Work. She has to go to work. As much as Kim wanted to step around the counter that separated them and answer the call in Jess's eyes, she knew she couldn't. They would both regret it. Her earlier nervousness returned. "I know you don't have a lot of time. So, I made you some coffee and a bagel to take with you."

  Jess blinked rapidly several times, then shook her head as if trying to clear it. She smiled. "You didn't have to do that. Thank you." She looked around the kitchen and her brow furrowed. "Thor's not in here with you?"

  "I let him outside. I hope that was okay?" Kim asked.

  A brilliant smile blazed across Jess's face.

  Huh? Okay. I guess it was all right to let him out. But it's not that big a deal.

  "He didn't give you a hard time about going out?"

  "No. Actually, he kind of asked." She explained to Jess what had happened.

  Jess's eyes sparkled with pleasure. "That's great." As if noticing Kim's confusion, she said, "He never listened to Myra..." Her face contorted for just an instant. "My ex. She used to get furious with him. He wouldn't go out for her or even stay in the same room with her if I wasn't present." Her mouth twisted with chagrin. "Guess I should have trusted his judgment, instead of my own." Jess's expression turned serious. "He knows you belong here." The words were barely out of her mouth when she seemed to realize the significance of what she had said. A deep blush suffused her face.

  Kim came around the counter to stand before Jess. She gently cupped her face. Meeting Jess's gaze, she let her own emotions show. "That makes me very happy to hear." And it wasn't just about Thor. This was the first time Jess had shared any details of her past.

  "Me too," Jess whispered. She brushed her lips gently over Kim's, then pulled back. "I don't want to, but I have to get moving." She glanced at her watch. "I still need to feed Thor."

  "I could do that. If you wanted," Kim said. Her heart sank a little at Jess's wide-eyed reaction. That was pushing too much.

  "You would? You really wouldn't mind?" Jess asked, her amazement clear in her tone.

  Oh... that's it. Wow. Myra must have given her an incredibly hard time about Thor. "Of course, I don't mind. I love the big guy. You know that."

  "Yeah. I do." Jess's smile returned. "Okay. His food is in that bin over there." She pointed to a large lidded bin. "The scoop is inside. He only gets one." Jess wagged her finger. "Don't let him convince you otherwise."

  Kim laughed. "Only one scoop. Got it."

  Another glance at her watch made Jess grimace. "Damn. Okay. I'm out of here." She snapped her fingers. "Oh wait." Turning on her heel, she scurried out of the room.

  What is she doing?

  Jess returned several moments later with Thor right behind her. "Here you go." She extended her closed fist.

  Kim held out her hand. She stared in disbelief at the keys Jess placed in her hand. She's giving me a set of keys. Her more pragmatic side spoke up. No way. She's going to want them back.

  "I really have to go. Please, make yourself at home." Jess scooped up her travel mug and the bagel. "Thank you again for this and for taking care of Thor." She gave Kim a quick kiss. "I'll see you later at work." Taking a moment, Jess patted Thor. "You be a good boy for Kim."

  A quick wave and she was gone.

  Kim stood where she was for several moments. A sense of elation washed over her that Jess felt at ease enough to leave her alone in her house. This was a big step for both of them. She had to admit, after all it had taken for them to get to this point, it was a much more comfortable morning-after than she would have imagined. Or that she had ever shared with anyone else.

  Although she couldn't help being a little apprehensive with the responsibility Jess was entrusting her with. She looked down at Thor when he leaned against her. He met her gaze with calm confidence. She hugged him around the neck and got a kiss for her efforts. "Well, it's just you and me, big guy. How would you like some breakfast?"

  Jess lengthened her strides as she neared the ER. The meeting had gone on longer than expected. She was anxious to get back to her ER. And see Kim. Just the thought of Kim made her heart feel light.

  This morning had been surprising on many fronts. Seeing Kim ensconced in her kitchen had not bothered her in the least. You were much more interested in her cleavage. The thought brought a flush to her cheeks. But it was much more than that and Jess knew it. She had come to trust Kim during the months they had spent building a friendship. Being cared for felt amazing.

  Wonder how she did with Thor? She had no doubt that Kim loved the big dog and was confident she would keep him safe. Unlike Myra, who had alternated between faking affection for him and barely tolerating his presence.

  "Good morning, Dr. McKenna."

  Jess's heart sped up at the sight of Kim standing at the nurses' station. Face it. You are so gone on this woman. She smiled. "Good morning, Dr. Donovan." She stopped at the counter, opposite Kim.

  Penny peered at them from farther down the counter.

  "I have that article I told you about in my office," Jess said. "If you're not too busy, why don't you come and get it." She could see the momentary confusion in Kim's eyes before she got it.

  "Great. I've been looking forward to reading it." Kim walked out from behind the nurses' station and joined Jess. She turned back to Penny. "Penny. Psych will be down to pick up Mr. Gale. If they don't arrive within the next half an hour, please page me."

  Penny grunted an acknowledgment.

  Kim shook her head and then smiled at Jess. "Lead the way."

  Neither spoke as they made their way to Jess's office.

  Jess held open the door for Kim. "After you." She was being polite, but it was also nice to be able to enjoy the view without guilt.

  As soon as the office door closed, she made her way over to Kim and enveloped her in her arms. "I missed you." She groaned at the sight of Kim's enticing lips so close to her own. Unmindful of where they were, she gave in to the urge to kiss Kim. It quickly turned passionate and she moaned into Kim's mouth. Her hands went down to grasp Kim's ass.

  They broke apart, gasping for air.

  "God. We can't do this here," Kim said.

  Are you crazy? Anyone could walk in. Jess pulled away. "I'm sorry. I don't —"

  "Stop." Kim put her finger to Jess's lips and smiled. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I wanted to kiss you the second I saw you at the nurses' station."

  Jess grimaced. Rodman would go apeshit. "That would have sent the gossip flying at warp speed." She scrubbed her hands over her face. "We need to be very careful." What's this we stuff? You're the one who can't keep her lips to herself.

  Kim moved back a step and her expression closed off.

  Shit. Of course, that would remind Kim of how her ex acted after they were lovers. Jess closed the distance between them. "New rules. No matter how much I might want to. No making out at work. Other than that, nothing is going to change. We work together. We go to lunch together. We share an office."

  Tears glimmered at the edge of Kim's eyes.

  Jess cupped Kim's face in her hands and kissed the corner of each eye. Then placed a gentle kiss on h
er lips.

  Kim smiled. "I thought there was no kissing at work."

  "Special exception," Jess said. "Better?" A tight hug was her answer. "Good."

  When Kim released her, Jess moved away and perched on the edge of her desk to avoid further temptation.

  Jess bit her lip. Ask her. She readied herself to be disappointed, determined not to show it. "So did you get your tree?"

  Kim shook her head, making her blond curls bounce. "No. You promised you'd help me pick it out."

  She waited for me. They had planned on picking out the tree earlier in the week, but work demands on Jess had precluded that. "Tomorrow. I promise. We'll go tree shopping first and then the festival of lights in the evening." Jess grinned, unable to hide her eagerness.

  Moving to lean against Jess's desk, Kim said, "Sounds like a plan."

  "Well... I was just thinking..." Jess shoved her hands into her lab coat pockets. Come on. The worst she can say is no. "If you wanted, you could stay over tonight. So we could get an early start on Christmas tree shopping. And then maybe we could decorate it before going to the light festival." Please say yes.

  "I'd like that, Jess..." Kim's voice dropped, becoming soft and husky. "A lot."

  Jess was blindsided by a flash of Kim, lying naked under her that morning. She met Kim's eyes and flushed. It's going to be a long day. "Well, I guess I better get back to work."

  "Me too." Kim moved toward the door and then stopped. "I almost forgot." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys. "I got Thor all settled and made sure the house was locked up." She offered the keys to Jess.

  Jess shook her head. "Keep them. You never know when you might need them again." She smiled when Kim clutched the keys to her chest as if she had been given a special gift.

  Kim's shocked expression had been hard to miss when she had given the keys to her earlier. And the fact that she was offering them back to her was reason enough to let her keep them. Myra had repeatedly asked for a set of keys from almost the first night they spent together. Jess had never given them to her. Just as it had when she had given them to Kim that morning, it felt right to let her keep them.


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