L.A. Metro

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L.A. Metro Page 25

by R J Nolan

  Jess turned her back on Donny and Karen to hide her grin. "All yours, Dr. Donovan."

  She tossed the scalpel in and then scooped up the open suture kit. As she moved past Kim, she lowered her voice, "Good luck with your cat. As you know, I'm much more a dog person myself."

  Jess pulled off her gown and tossed it into the marked hamper near the door. She glanced back at one of the nurses. "Check the pulses in that leg every five minutes until ortho arrives to take him to the OR. If there is any change before they get here, page me."

  "Sure thing, Dr. McKenna."

  Jess's stomach growled, reminding her it was time for lunch. She had gotten pulled into a trauma right after leaving Kim and Karen.

  Wonder how Kim did with her cat.

  She turned the corner and headed for her office. An automatic smile blossomed when she spotted Kim ahead of her in the corridor. "Dr. Donovan."

  Kim stopped and waited for her to catch up.

  "How did it go with Donny?" Jess asked as they resumed walking.

  "I can't believe you did that," Kim said, nudging her with an elbow.

  "Hey. I never touched him."

  "True." Kim shook her head. "Well, it was certainly effective, I'll give you that. Once he started talking, I didn't think I was ever going to get him to quit."

  "Did you street him?" Jess asked.

  "No. He's not a bad guy. He lost his mother and then their apartment. He just made bad choices."

  Ah. I'm not surprised. You always go that extra mile for your patients.

  "I contacted the Homeless Services Authority," Kim said. "They'll get him situated temporarily and then find a therapist to work with him."

  The sound of raised voices interrupted.

  What the…? Jess lengthened her stride.

  As Jess neared the junction of the two corridors, Karen's voice became clear. "Knock it off, Peter. No one wants to hear that garbage. Who cares if they're together? More power to them."

  "You're just pissed 'cause Donovan wouldn't give you the time of day," Terrell said.

  Jess stopped just short of the corner. She glanced back at Kim and could tell from her expression she had heard what had been said.

  Without a word, they quickly backtracked down the hall and took a different route to Jess's office.

  Kim spoke up as soon as the office door closed behind them. "I'm sorry. I wish you didn't have to put up with all this." She sighed. "But I don't see any way to stop it."

  "It's not just about me. I don't want you to have to put up with this either." Jess gave Kim's arm a gentle squeeze. "Once everyone figures out that we're not making any attempt to hide the fact that you're my girlfriend, it'll be no big deal anymore. They'll move on to the next hot gossip."

  Kim stared at Jess for several stunned seconds. A brilliant smile lit her face. "Your girlfriend?"

  Jess realized she had talked about their future, but never actually told Kim that was how she thought of her. She knew her smile rivaled Kim's. "If you'll have me?" She's a lot more than your girlfriend. You need to tell her how you feel.

  Moving close, Kim said, "Girlfriend. I like that."

  Jess closed the small distance between them. "Me too." She brushed her lips softly against Kim's, then stepped back before she gave in to temptation. Jess wondered if Kim had any idea the power she held over her. If she knew how much I lov — no. Jess cut the thought short; she wasn't ready to acknowledge that just yet.

  Kim walked over to the couch and flopped down gracelessly. "We still have to deal with this crap until word spreads throughout the hospital."

  "Well, we know the word is out in the ER." Jess joined Kim on the couch. "Heck, two of my residents are even sticking up for us." She nudged Kim in the side and smiled. "How I feel about you wouldn't change even if they weren't, but it's still nice."

  "You're right. I just don't want you to get sick of dealing with this," Kim said. She met Jess's gaze.

  Jess could see the worry and vulnerability in her eyes. "I won't." After finding out the full extent of Anna's mistreatment of Kim, anger and sorrow warred within Jess. She did not want Kim to ever feel like that again, not even for a moment. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

  What else can I do?

  Her eyes popped open. "Come on." Jess stood and held her hand out.

  "Where are we going?" Kim asked even as she put her hand in Jess's.

  "The cafeteria."

  As they approached the entrance to the cafeteria, Kim's stomach fluttered. This was a big step for both of them. It was almost like coming out at work all over again. She glanced over at Jess. The resolved but calm look on her face helped Kim's nerves settle. This is what you wanted.

  Jess pushed open the swinging door. "Ready?"

  "You don't have a scalpel, do you?"

  Laughing, they stepped into the cafeteria together.

  Their entrance immediately attracted attention.

  As they made their way through the food line, heads turned and people started to whisper.

  Jess paid for their lunch. "Come on."

  Kim's steps faltered for a moment when she realized where Jess planned for them to sit. The two-person tables in the back corner of the room were routinely used by couples seeking a little privacy.

  "Are you sure about this?" Kim asked quietly.

  "Yes." Jess's gaze and voice were rock-solid. She set the tray on the small table and sat down. She smiled at Kim as she joined her. "This should pretty much assure that word gets out to the greatest number of people."

  You are amazing. Just when I think I have you figured out, you surprise the hell out of me. Kim shook her head.

  "What?" Jess asked.

  "You never cease to surprise me."

  "That's a good thing... right?"

  Kim gave Jess's arm a quick squeeze. "So far."

  "Well, then let's see if I can keep my streak going."

  Kim tensed. She had learned to be a little wary of just what Jess might do when that little half smirk appeared.

  Jess laughed. "Gotcha."

  Scowling, Kim looked around. As she suspected several people were staring.

  A tug on her sleeve brought her attention back to Jess.

  "Ignore them." Jess suddenly looked a little nervous. "I did have something I wanted to ask you." She cleared her throat. "Will you come with me to San Diego to meet Sam?"

  You are just full of surprises today. "Sure. When?"

  Jess fiddled with the tray. "Well, Christmas is on a Friday, and as you know I'm working. But I'm going to Sam's on Saturday. Come with me?"

  Wow. Christmas? "Are you sure you want me to go then? I mean won't Sam mind me barging in on your Christmas celebration?"

  "Heck, no. She's been pestering me to meet you." Jess clasped her hands together. "Unless you have other plans?"

  Kim smiled. "You know I don't. I'd really like to meet Sam."

  "Then it's settled."

  As if on cue, Jess's pager shrilled. She glanced down at it. "Back to the trenches."


  JESS RESTED HER chin on Kim's shoulder. "It really is a beautiful tree."

  "Yes, it is." Kim patted Jess's hand that was resting on her belly. I can't wait to see your face when you find your present from Santa under it.

  After an early Christmas Eve dinner, they had retired to the couch to relax until Jess had to leave. Kim was on her side with Jess spooned behind her. A dancing fire provided the only illumination besides the tree.

  Kim looked over at Thor. She could just make out his form in the darkened room. He was curled up in a tight ball on his bed. "Although I don't think Thor is very fond of it."

  Thor's tail had hit a glass ornament earlier. It exploded with a resounding pop when it hit the wood floor.

  "Are you sure he's okay?" Kim asked. Jess had checked him out to make sure he had not cut his tail or his pads. But he had not moved out of his bed since the ornament broke.

  "He's fine." Jess lifted up. "Come here,
you big baby."

  Thor jumped up and charged across the room. He tried to push his way onto the couch in front of Kim, all the while licking any spot he could reach on both women.

  Laughing, they tried to fend him off.

  He scored a direct hit on Kim's lips.

  "Blech." Kim pushed on his broad chest. "Thor, off."

  He got off the couch but stood right in front of Kim, panting in her face, his tail wagging non-stop.

  "Okay. I believe you," Kim said.

  Jess laughed. "Thor, down."

  He flopped down right next to the couch.

  Kim leaned down and patted him.

  Jess settled in place behind Kim again and sighed.

  "What's wrong?" Kim asked.

  "Wish I didn't have to work."

  That makes two of us. But she was determined not to make this any harder on Jess than it had to be. Kim captured Jess's hand and hugged it to her chest. "We'll celebrate after."

  Jess lifted up and placed a kiss on Kim's temple. "Are you sure you don't mind looking after Thor? I could probably still get him in at the kennel."

  It was a big responsibility. Kim knew Jess had never left Thor with anyone except Sam or at the kennel. Although she felt up to the task, maybe Jess was still uncertain of leaving him with her for an extended period alone in her house.

  "I'm more than happy to have his company. But if you'd feel better with him at the kennel —"

  "No." Jess's arm tightened across Kim's belly, pulling her more snuggly against her. "I just didn't want you to feel obligated. He loves you and would be much happier here with you. And I'd feel better too, knowing both of you are here together."

  "Good. I shouldn't be more than a couple of hours helping out Sid and Alan tonight. They really try hard to make Christmas special for the teens at the halfway house." Kim tugged Jess's hand up to her lips and placed a kiss on her palm. "Then Thor and I are going to hang out the rest of the time and wait for you to come home."

  Home? The realization shocked Kim. There was no denying it. Yes. Home. Her heart stilled as she waited for Jess's reaction.

  Seconds ticked by like minutes.

  Jess touched Kim's chin and urged her to look back at her.

  Kim met warm silvery-blue eyes, and her heart started to beat again.

  "I'll be counting the hours until I can come home to you," Jess said.

  I'll be waiting. Kim leaned in and kissed Jess's lips. Her heart was filled with love and hope for their future.


  AFTER SHIFTING THE bag in her arms to one side, Kim used her free hand to press the freight elevator button for the first floor. She had come into the hospital via the front entrance and ridden the main elevators to the second floor. That was the closest access point to the freight elevators.

  When the doors opened and revealed an empty ER hallway, she sighed in relief. She gave herself a pep talk as she used the back hallways to make her way toward Jess's office. It's Christmas morning. Jess will be glad to see you. She didn't want to leave yesterday afternoon.

  Nervousness made her stomach jittery. This had seemed like a much better idea when she was making breakfast for Jess. Kim had never come into the ER while Jess was working when she was not on call herself.

  The door to Jess's office was unlocked. She quietly opened the door and smiled at the sight that met her eyes.

  The light spilling in from the hallway showed a blanket-draped Jess, curled up on her side, asleep on the couch. Her long legs were pulled up almost to her chest to fit in the small space.

  Kim stepped inside and eased the door shut. She stood still for a few moments until her eyes adjusted to the dim room. A nightlight near the couch provided the only illumination. Once sure that she wouldn't run into anything, Kim walked over and set the bag with breakfast on Jess's desk.

  She made her way over to the couch and gazed down into Jess's face. Kim extended her hand to touch Jess, then thought better of it. She squatted down next to the couch. "Jess."

  Jess's eyes flickered, but she didn't waken.

  "Jess," Kim said, a little louder. "Time to wake up."

  When Jess's eyes fluttered open, Kim couldn't resist the urge to touch any longer. She stroked Jess's arm through the blanket.

  "Good morning."

  A pleasure-filled smile blossomed on Jess's face. "Hi. What time is it?"

  "A little after seven," Kim said.

  Jess untangled herself from the blanket and sat up. She reached out a hand and tugged Kim onto the couch with her and into her arms.

  Kim sighed into the warm embrace. "Merry Christmas, Jess."

  Pulling back a little, Jess met Kim's gaze. "Merry Christmas to you," she said and then kissed her.

  When the kiss broke, Kim snuggled against Jess. This was a good idea. A very good idea.

  The rumble of Jess's stomach broke the quiet moment.

  Jess pulled back and rubbed her belly. "Sorry. We were swamped last night. By the time we got everything cleared out, it was almost three a.m. and the cafeteria was closed. It's not much, but could I interest you in Christmas breakfast in the cafeteria?"

  Kim smiled and ran her fingers through Jess's sleep-disheveled hair. "I have a better idea."

  Jess sighed and leaned into the touch. "What?"

  "Look on your desk."

  Tilting her head, Jess peered at Kim and then over at her desk. "You brought me something?"

  You sound so surprised. I need to start doing more little things for you to make you feel cared for. "I sure did."

  "Thank you." Jess untangled herself from Kim and headed for her desk. She took a detour and turned on the overhead lights.

  They blinked in the sudden brightness.

  Pulling open the bag, Jess inhaled the escaping aromas. Her stomach growled louder than before.

  Kim moved over to the desk and tugged the bag toward herself. "One official Christmas breakfast coming up."

  Jess set their empty plates on her desk and then returned to the couch. She sat down close enough to Kim that their thighs brushed. She patted her stomach and sighed. "That was wonderful. Thank you again."

  It was wonderful that you let me take care of you for a change without protest. Kim stroked Jess's thigh. "I'm glad you liked it."

  The office door flew open.

  Fuck. No. Kim jerked her hand off Jess's leg.

  Rodman barged into the room.

  He stared at them for a moment, then sneered. "Well, isn't this cozy."

  Kim resisted the urge to move away from Jess. We aren't doing anything wrong. Clasping her hands in her lap, she projected a calm demeanor, as if it was a normal thing for Rodman to find them together.

  Jess took her time standing. "What can I do for you?" she asked, her voice totally devoid of the warmth present just moments before.

  "My sister is bringing my niece in. She's got a hot appendix. Make sure she gets taken care of as soon as she arrives. Don't do anything except get her checked in and her paperwork done." Rodman pointed a finger at Jess. "And keep your residents away from her. I'm going up to alert the OR. I'll be back down to get consent." After one last withering look, he spun on his heel and headed for the door. He stopped short and turned back. "Have her ready to go to the OR by the time I get back."

  The door slammed shut behind him with a resounding boom.

  The sound brought Kim off the couch like a shot. Dread settled like a lead weight in her stomach. People knowing that they were dating was one thing, but having Rodman find them together in Jess's office when Kim wasn't working was quite another. So much for my discreet visit to the ER.

  Kim chanced a glance at Jess and winced. Jess's hands were clenched at her sides, and Kim swore she could hear Jess's teeth grinding together. Damn it.

  "I should go," Kim said. She couldn't keep the sadness out of her voice. That's the end of what was a great first Christmas morning together. It was nice while it lasted.

  Jess turned and faced her. The warmth rapidly r
eturned to Jess's eyes. "No. Stay. I'll be back as soon as I take care of this."

  "But Rodman..."

  "Rodman can shove it. We weren't doing anything wrong." Jess stepped close and wrapped her arms around Kim. She brought their lips together in a sweet, gentle kiss. When the kiss broke, she stroked Kim's cheek. "Wait for me."

  Scanning the intake sheet, Jess made her way to the exam room. She didn't care what Rodman said. He might be Chief of Staff, but his niece was on her turf now. There was no way she was going to send anyone to the OR without, at a minimum, a complete history and physical. Anything less was substandard patient care, and she would not be part of that.

  Jess entered the room and did a double take. Did I get the room number wrong?

  A young Asian woman was lying on the gurney. An impeccably dressed, white-haired Caucasian woman stood next to her, holding her hand. She looked old enough to be Rodman's mother.

  Jess moved next to the gurney. "Beatrice Hartford?"

  The young woman nodded.

  Beatrice looked younger than her listed age of twenty-two.

  "I'm Dr. McKenna. I'll be taking care of you this morning." She met the older woman's gaze. "Mrs. Hartford?"

  "Eleanor Hartford," she said with an unexpectedly strong New England accent. She politely offered her hand to Jess across the gurney. "I am Beatrice's mother." When Jess took her hand, Mrs. Hartford clasped Jess's hand in both of hers. "Thank you for seeing to Beatrice so promptly. I've been terribly worried."

  What a pleasant surprise. Jess had been bracing herself for the female version of Rodman.

  Beatrice cried out and clutched her abdomen.

  Jess placed a gentle hand on Beatrice's shoulder. "Is the pain getting worse?"

  Beatrice nodded.

  "How long has this been going on?" Jess asked.

  Beatrice glanced at her mother, then back at Jess. "Off and on for a couple of days... I guess."

  "Have you had a fever? Or any nausea or vomiting?"

  She darted a look at her mother before answering. "I've been sick to my stomach and stuff..."

  Jess frowned. Does she not want her mother in the room? Before Jess could suggest Mrs. Hartford step out, Beatrice cried out again.


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