Five Little Peppers Midway

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Five Little Peppers Midway Page 19

by Margaret Sidney



  But Polly was not to be told yet. When Papa Fisher walked in to dinner,the merry party around the oak table were waiting over the ices andcoffee for his appearance.

  "Oh, Papa Fisher!" cried Polly in dismay, turning from one of Alexia'ssallies, and dropping her spoon. "Now you're all tired out--too bad!"

  Mother Fisher flushed up, and set her lips closely together. Ben lookeddisapproval across the board, and Polly knew that the wrong thing hadbeen said.

  "Oh! I didn't mean--of course you must take care of the sick people,"she said impulsively.

  "Yes, I must," said Dr. Fisher wearily, and pushing up the shock ofgray hair to a stiffer brush over his brow. "That's what I set out todo, I believe."

  "But that's no reason why you should tire yourself to death, and breakdown the first year," said Mr. King, eyeing him sharply. "Zounds, man,that isn't what I brought you up from the country for."

  Dr. Fisher looked into his wife's eyes and smiled. "I believe youbrought me," the smile said. But he kept his tongue still.

  "And you must get accustomed to seeing suffering that you can't help.Why, man alive, the town's full of it; you can't expect to stop italone."

  "I'll do what I can to help," said the little doctor between his teeth,and taking a long draught of the coffee his wife put by his plate. "Isuppose there's no objection to that. Now, that's good," smacking hislips in a pleased way.

  "Of course not, if you help in the right way," said old Mr. Kingstoutly, "but I'll wager anything that you're picking up all sorts ofodd jobs among the poor, that belong to the young doctors. Your placeis considerably higher, where you can pick and choose your patients."

  Dr. Fisher laughed--an odd little laugh, that along with its pleasantnote, carried the ring of a strong will.

  "Oh! well, you know, I'm too old to learn new ways," he said. "Betterlet me wag on at the old ones."

  Mr. King gave an exclamation of disapproval. "It's lucky your time isshort," he said grimly, and the secret was nearly out!

  "Phronsie is coming downstairs to-morrow, isn't she?" asked Jasperquickly, over to the doctor.

  "Oh! no, indeed, I think not," answered Mr. King before Dr. Fisher hadtime to reply. "She would better wait a day or two longer. Isn't thatso, Doctor?" at last appealing to him.

  "I don't agree with you," the little doctor drew off his attention fromhis plate. "You see she has regained her strength remarkably. Now thequicker she is in the family life again, the better for her."

  "Oh, good! good!" cried Polly, delighted at the safe withdrawal fromthe precipice of dangerous argument. "Alexia, now you must help usthink up something to celebrate her coming downstairs."

  "Not so fast, Polly." The little doctor beamed at her in a waysurprising to see after the morning's affair. "Phronsie won't be readyfor any celebration before next week. Then I think you may venture."

  Alexia pouted and played with her spoon.

  "O dear!" cried Dick dolefully, "what's the reason we must wait a wholeweek, pray tell?"

  "Because Father Fisher says so," replied Ben across the table; "that'sthe principal reason--and it doesn't need any more to support it"--

  "Well, I tell you," broke in Polly in her brightest way, "let us thinkup perfectly splendid things. It's best as it is, for it will take us aweek to get ready."

  "I shall get her a new doll," declared Mr. King. The rest shouted. "Herothers must be quite worn out."

  "What could you get her," cried Mr. Whitney, "in the way of a doll? Dotell us, for I really do not see."

  "Why, one of those phonograph dolls, to be sure," cried Mr. Kingpromptly.

  "Are they on sale yet?" asked Jasper. "I thought they had not perfectedthem enough for the market."

  "I think I know where one can be bought," said his father. "They mustbe perfected--it's all nonsense that I can't find one if Phronsie wantsit! Yes, she shall have a phonograph doll."

  "That will be perfectly elegant," exclaimed Polly, with sparkling eyes."Won't Phronsie be delighted when she hears it talk?"

  "She ought to have a Punch and Judy show," said Mrs. Whitney, "she'salways so pleased with them, father."

  Mr. King pushed away his coffee-cup, and pulled out his note-book.

  "'Punch and Judy,' down that goes," he said, noting it after"phonograph doll." "What else?"

  "Can't we have some of those boys up from the Orphan Asylum?" askedPolly, after a minute in which everybody had done a bit of hardthinking. "Phronsie loves to hear them sing when she goes there. Oh!they are so cunning."

  "She'll want to give them her best toys and load them down with all herpossessions. You see if she doesn't," warned Jasper.

  "Well, she won't give away her new doll, anyway," cried Polly.

  "No, she never gives away one of the dolls you've given her, father,"said Mrs. Whitney slowly, "not a single one. I tried her one day,asking her to give me one to bestow on a poor child, and she quitereproached me by the look in her brown eyes. I haven't asked her since."

  "What did she say?" asked Mr. King abruptly.

  "'I can't, Auntie; dear Grandpapa gave them to me himself.' Then sheran for her savings bank, and poured out the money in my lap. 'Let's goout and buy the poor child a doll,' she begged, and I really had to doit. And there must be at least two hundred dolls in this house."

  "Two hundred dolls!" cried Alexia in astonishment, and raising herhands.

  "Why, yes; father has been bringing Phronsie dolls for the last fiveyears, with the greatest faithfulness, till her family has increased toa painful extent."

  "O dear me!" cried Alexia, with great emphasis. "I should think they'dbe under foot in every room."

  "Well, indeed they're not," said Polly; "she keeps them up in herplayroom."

  "And the playroom closet," said Mrs. Whitney, "that is full. I peepedin there yesterday, and the dolls are ranged according to the timeswhen father gave them to her."

  "And the baby-house is just crowded," laughed Jasper. "I know, becauseI saw her moving out her chairs and tables to make room."

  "O dear me!" exclaimed Alexia again, for want of something else to say.

  "I just hate dolls," exploded Dick. "Faugh! how can girls play withthem; they're so silly. And Phronsie always has something to do forhers, so she can't come when I want her to. I wish they were burnedup," he added vindictively.

  Mr. King rubbed his forehead in a puzzled way. "Perhaps she hasenough," he said at last. "Yet what shall I give her if I don't buy adoll?"

  "I'd give her the phonograph one, father," said Mrs. Whitney, "anyway."

  "Yes, of course; but after that, what shall I do?"

  He looked so troubled that Mrs. Whitney hastened to say, "Oh, well,father! you know when you are abr"--and the secret Was nearly out forthe second time!

  But they were saved by the appearance of Alexia's father, who oftendropped in on the edge of the dinner hour, for a second cup of coffee.

  The next morning Phronsie was waiting for Grandpapa King, who insistedthat no one else should carry her downstairs, the remainder of thehousehold in various stages of delight and expectation, revolvingaround her, and curbing their impatience as best they might, in halland on staircase.

  "Oh, Grandpapa! do hurry," begged Dick, kicking his heels on the stairs.

  "Hush, Dicky boy," said mamma. "Grandpapa can't come till his agent isgone. Don't you hear them talking in the library?"

  "Well I wish Mr. Frazer would take himself off; he's a nuisance,"declared the boy. "He's been here a whole hour."

  "Here comes Grandpapa!" announced Polly gleefully, from a stationnearer the library. "Hush, now, Mr. Frazer's going!"

  The library door opening at this announcement, and a few sentencescharged with business floating up the staircase, the bustle aroundPhronsie became joyfully intense.

  "Mamsie, don't you think she ought to have a shawl on?" cried Pollyanxiously, running over the stairs. "She's been shut up so long!"

  "No," said Mo
ther Fisher. "Doctor told me particularly not to bundleher up. It was the last thing he said before he went to his office."

  "Well," said Polly with a sigh, "then there isn't absolutely anythingmore to do for her. Why doesn't Grandpapa come?"

  "You are worse than Dicky," said Mrs. Fisher with a little laugh. "Dearme, Polly, just think how old you are."

  Phronsie stood quite still in the middle of the floor and folded herhands. "I want to see Grandpapa all alone when he comes up," she said.

  "What for?" cried Polly, pausing in astonishment.

  "Do you want us all to go out, Phronsie?" asked her mother slowly.

  "Yes," said Phronsie, shaking her yellow head with great decision,"please every single one go out, Mamsie. I want to see Grandpapa quitealone."

  "All right, child," said Mrs. Fisher, with a look at Polly. So after alittle demur and consequent delay on the part of the others, the doorwas closed and she was left standing all alone.

  Phronsie drew a long breath. "I wish Grandpapa would come," she said toherself.

  "And so you wanted me, did you, dear?" cried Mr. King joyfully, as hehurried in and closed the door carefully. "Well, now, see if I canguess what you want to tell me."

  "Grandpapa," said Phronsie, standing quite still and turning a puzzledface toward him, "I don't want to tell you anything; I want to ask yousomething."

  "Well, well, dear, what is it?" Old Mr. King, not stopping for a chair,leaned over her and stroked her yellow head. "Now, then, look up, andask me right off, Phronsie."

  "Must a person keep a promise?" asked Phronsie, "a really and trulypromise, Grandpapa?"

  "Yes, yes," said the old gentleman with great abruptness, "to be sureone must, Phronsie. To be sure. So now if any one has promised youanything, do you make him stick to it. It's mean enough to break yourword, child."

  Phronsie drew a long breath.

  "That's all, Grandpapa," she said, and lifting up her arms; "now takeme downstairs, please." She laid a cool little cheek against his, as heraised her to his shoulder.

  "Remember what I say, Phronsie," laughed Mr. King, his mind more intenton the delightful fact that he was carrying down the longed-for burdento the family life, than on what he was saying, "and if any one haspromised you anything, keep him up sharp to pay you. I verily believeit is that scamp Dick. Here goes!" and reaching the door he threw itwide. "Forward, march!"

  "Well, is the important conference over?" asked Polly, with a keen lookat them both.

  Mrs. Fisher's eyes did their duty, but she said nothing.

  "Yes, indeed," declared Mr. King, marching on gaily. "Now clear the waythere, all you good people. Here, you Dick, drumming your heels, goahead, sir."

  "I'm glad enough to," shouted Dick, racing down the remainder of thestairs. "Halloo, Phronsie," waving his hand at her, "three cheers and atiger! Bother! Here comes Mrs. Chatterton."

  Which was quite true. To every one's astonishment the door of thatlady's apartment opened slowly, disclosing her in new morning wrapper,preparing to join the cavalcade.

  "Good morning, Cousin Eunice," cried Mr. King gaily. He could be merrywith any one this day. "Come on, this is a festal occasion, you see;Phronsie's going downstairs for the first time. Fall into line!"

  "I'm not able to go down," said Mrs. Chatterton, coming slowly out intothe hall, "but I'll stand here and see the parade."

  "Bully!" exploded Dick softly, peering up from the foot of the stairs.

  Phronsie looked over Mr. King's shoulder at her as she was borne downthe stairs, and, putting out her hand, "I'm all well now," she said.

  "Yes, I see," said Mrs. Chatterton. Then she pulled up her white shawlwith a shiver. "It's rather cold here," she said; "after all, I believeI must get back to my room."

  Nobody noticed when she crept back, the hilarity now being so greatbelow stairs.

  "I certainly am losing ground," she muttered, "every little thingaffects me so. I'll step into Bartram's office next time I go down townand set that little matter straight, since I've made up my mind to doit. It never would do to let him come to the house. Horatio wouldsuspect something to see my lawyer here, and the whole householdimagine I was going to die right off. No, no; I must go there, that'sclear. Then if it's attended to, I'll live all the longer, with nothingon my mind."

  Phronsie, meanwhile, was going around from room to room in a pleasedway, and touching different objects gently "Everything's new, isn't it,Polly," she said at last, "when you stay upstairs? Oh! there's mykittens in the basket," pointing to a bisque vase on the table.

  "Yes," said Polly; "Mamsie brought it in here. And we've some flowers;Alexia sent them over. They're out in the back hall; we saved them foryou to put in yourself."

  "Oh!" exclaimed Phronsie, "that's so good in you, Polly."

  "Don't stop now," cried Dick in disgust. "Faugh! you can fix flowersany time. Come out into the dining-room--and you'll see somethingyou'll like."

  Phronsie smothered a sigh, and turned slowly away from the kittenswaiting in their basket for Alexia's flowers. "Come on!" shouted Dick,seizing her hand. "You never can guess what it is, in all this world."

  "Is it a new dog?" asked Phronsie fearfully, whose memory of Dick'slatest purchase was not altogether happy.

  "No," said Dick, pulling her on, "better than that."

  "Don't hurry her so," said Polly. "What have you got, Dick?"

  "Now, do you mind, sir," cried Jasper, "else well stop your prettyplan."

  "I won't hurry her," said Dick, slackening his gait. "Well, here weare," opening the dining-room door. "Why, Jane has let it out!"

  Phronsie fell back a step at this and tried to cover her feet with hergown, searching the floor for the "it."

  "Lookout!" cried Dick suddenly. "There he goes!" And something whirredover Phronsie's head.

  "Oh! what is it?" she cried, tumbling into Jasper's arms and claspinghis neck. "Oh! oh!"

  "Why, it's a swallow," cried Dick, in the babel that ensued, "abeautiful one, too. I've just caught him, and I made Jane let me bringit in here to surprise you," he added proudly.

  "Well, you've succeeded," cried Jasper, holding Phronsie close. "There,there, child, it's all right. It's a bird, Phronsie, and he's goneupstairs."

  "He'll frighten my dolls," cried Phronsie in new alarm, hanging toJasper's neck. "Oh! do let us go upstairs, and tell them he's only abird."

  "Run along, Dick, and catch your old bird," cried Jasper, "and clearout with him--quick now!"

  "He's the best thing there is in this house," cried Dick, going overthe back stairs two at a time. "Girls are so silly."

  "Bring him down," said Polly, moving along to the foot, "and I'll showhim to Phronsie, and tell her about him. Then she'll like him, Dick."

  "I'll like him, Dick," echoed Phronsie, "if he doesn't frighten mydolls."

  This episode taking the family life to the rear of the house, no onenoticed that soft footsteps were passing through the open front door,that Jane, who was sweeping the vestibule, had left ajar to run andtell Dick that she had not let the bird out of the dining-room. So theuninvited guest to the household let himself up easily to the scene ofhis hopes--the location of the ladies' jewel-boxes.


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