Revved to the Maxx

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Revved to the Maxx Page 18

by Melanie Moreland

“Your email box is filled with inquiries about taking on motorcycle restorations,” she said.

  “I know. I saw a bunch before I left the hotel.” I smiled at her. “That iPad of yours came in very handy for the presentations and keeping up with email. Thanks.”

  “We should get you one. I could find a used one for you. Great to take pictures I can access easily.”

  I nodded in agreement. “Sure—do that.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Okay, I will.”

  I sat back, regarding her. “I’ll talk to Brett. With the interest about hiring me for bike restorations from the conference, plus the fact that they asked if I would do another event with them, you’re right. I’m going to need help. If he’s willing to stay on for a while, with me supervising when needed, I can concentrate on that aspect of the business.”

  Her eyes grew round. “They did? Maxx, that is amazing!”

  “I was surprised,” I admitted. “But pleased.”

  “So, the conference was great?”

  “Many aspects, yes. I enjoyed giving my talks, I met some great connections, and I bought some things for the shop that are being shipped.”

  “What aspects weren’t so great?”

  I hesitated. “It was hot and crowded. Made me miss home. There were a few people I didn’t enjoy meeting as much as others. I’m going to leave it at that.”

  “Told you the biker chicks would be after you.”

  “Charly,” I growled in warning. “Leave it.”

  As usual, she ignored my warnings. “You don’t like being chased. You’re too alpha.”

  “Alpha? What the hell does that mean?”

  “You like to be in control.”

  I had no response. She wasn’t wrong about that.

  “Were they pushy?” she asked.

  “Like you, you mean?”

  She huffed. “I’m not pushy, I’m interested. I worry about your poor morals being compromised.”

  I burst out laughing. “Compromised?”

  “Whatever. I bet you beat them off with a stick.”

  “My dipstick, you mean?”

  She stood with her own growl, stomping to the counter. I watched her, kind of enjoying her reaction. She was acting almost—jealous?

  She opened the cupboard, grabbing a plate. “I’ll give you your pie and go get my things.”

  Like an invisible thread drawing me to her, I followed, once again trapping her against the counter. “No.”

  She looked over her shoulder, peering up at me. “No?”

  I spun her, caging her in. “You stay in your room—in the house—from now on.”

  She looked uncertain.

  “I’m going to ask Brett to stay on. You said he liked the room. He can stay there. You stay upstairs.”

  “Is that a good idea?”

  I sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re safer there.” I really couldn’t believe I had made her stay in that room behind the garage. I should have given her a room in the house right away, regardless of the pull I felt toward her.

  “We’re adults.” I pointed out.

  “Sort of my point, Professor. We get to do whatever we want to do. Sort of like your time in LA.”

  I touched her chin, running my finger back and forth along the soft skin. “I had nothing to do with any woman while I was there, Red. Nothing.”

  “You didn’t?”

  I wanted to tell her I had no interest as long as she was around. She was the only woman I could see. But I held back those words, knowing how she would interpret them.

  “No. I did my job, I talked to a lot of people, and I came home.” Two more words slipped from my mouth without thinking. “To you.”

  “Maxx,” she whispered.

  I hung my head, then met her gaze. “I know there’s…something between us, Charly. But I think it’s different for each of us.”

  “How so?”

  “You’re looking for your life. Your place. I’m not it. This is just a stop on your road. This place is my life. I’m happy here. Alone,” I added before she could say anything. “You want a relationship.”

  “What do you want?”

  I shrugged. “Not what you deserve.”

  “So, sex without attachments? No feelings?”

  I couldn’t lie to her. Not anymore. “I do feel things. I think you’re amazing. Sexy. Funny. But I am not looking for that to be a permanent thing.”

  “What if I’m not either?”

  I cocked my head. “Are you sure of that?”

  She jutted out her chin. “Yes. Maybe I just want you for sex too.”

  I tapped her stubborn little chin. “Little fibber.”

  She glared. “How do you know that?”

  “You have a major tell when you attempt to lie. And I mean attempt because you’re horrible at it. It’s easy to tell when you try.”

  “How?” she demanded.

  I ran my finger over her cheek. “When you get upset, you go pale. Really pale. These little dots are like a Morse code on your skin, screaming your feelings.”

  “What does that have to do with lying?”

  “It upsets you to lie. I’ve watched you try—even to a customer. You simply can’t do it. You went as white as a ghost when you said you just want sex.”

  “Well, fudge.”

  “I’ll sleep with you anytime you want, Red. Say the word. Arch that sexy eyebrow my way, and I’m yours. But it’s only for now. I can’t make that any plainer.”

  She chewed her lip, her silence saying it all.

  “Go to bed, Charly. You must be exhausted with everything you’ve done. In fact, take tomorrow off. Sleep in, go into town shopping, see Mary. Take the day and enjoy it.”

  “But I wanted to show you the website and the logo and everything.”

  “Tomorrow night after supper. And no more eating on your own. If Brett’s around, he can eat with us too. If not, you and me.”


  “Yeah, it’s nice to have someone to talk to while I eat.”

  “Okay, we’ll see how it goes.”

  “How it goes?” I repeated.

  “You’ll probably get tired of me prattling on and decide you want to eat alone again.”

  “I doubt it, but we’ll see what happens. Now, go. I’ll leave your paycheck on the desk. Grab it before you go.”

  “All right. Um, I’ve been using the claw-foot tub at night.”

  “Not a problem.”

  She ducked under my arm, making me realize I had been touching her face throughout our whole conversation. She paused at the foot of the steps. “Night, Maxx.”


  I wasn’t surprised she’d backed away after my honesty. No matter what she said, she wasn’t a love them and leave them girl. She felt deeply. Cared too much.

  And I had already accepted far too much from her to let her think a physical relationship would change anything. We’d both wind up hurt.

  Still, watching her disappear up the stairs was one of the hardest things I had ever done.

  Chapter 18


  It felt awesome to be in my own bed, but I didn’t sleep as well as I thought I would. I tossed and turned a great deal in the night, finally giving up and heading to the garage around five. I wrote out some checks, including one to top up the petty cash. I would ask Charly to stop by the bank while she was in town. I also wrote out one for groceries because Charly mentioned she was planning on shopping today since she’d been too busy while I was gone. She could just give me the receipts—she had proven herself more than trustworthy on so many levels.

  I glanced around the small office. Somehow, she had managed to spruce it up as well. I hadn’t even looked in here yesterday. She’d painted the room, shifted the desk and file cabinets, and added a few items on the walls. I tried not to grin when I realized the pictures in here were taken more recently and were mostly of me with a motorcycle. She was surrounding herself with me.

  And I liked it more than I should.

  I was going through the emails, listing the assorted requests, and wondering if Charly could somehow figure out a way of sorting and detailing the various offers, when Brett walked in. It was just after seven, but I somehow wasn’t shocked he would arrive early.

  He poured a cup of coffee, took a sip, and grimaced. “Obviously, Charly didn’t make this.”

  “I gave her the day off, so you’re stuck with my tar.”

  He sat down. “She deserves the day.”

  I looked around. “I have no idea how she did all this in such a short time.”

  “She worked nonstop,” Brett stated. “Sweet-talked everyone she could into helping. Handed out oil changes and tune-ups like candy. Bartered like a pro.” He chuckled. “Watching her delve into boxes and come up with the most obscure items and get so excited about using them—” he shook his head in amusement “—she was a little force unto herself. You’re lucky to have her.”

  “She’s a great asset to the garage,” I admitted. “An amazing assistant.”

  He snorted and drained his mug. “I think she’s more than that, judging from the phone conversation I had to endure.”

  Laughing, I explained the call. He joined in my amusement, but after the laughter died, he studied me. “She’s astonishing, Maxx. Don’t write her off so lightly.”

  “I’m not in the market for what she needs.”

  “That’s a shame.” He stood and poured another cup of coffee. “I think you’re what she needs.”

  Before I could question his statement, he changed the subject.

  “So, about me staying on.”

  “Right.” I laid out my thoughts, and we discussed the future. I was surprised when he informed me he didn’t know if he wanted to return to the garage he’d been working at in Toronto.

  “I will only ever be a mechanic there. There are no rewards, no place to go, nothing to aim for, except maybe manager. I do my job and go home.” He scrubbed his face. “There’s no pride in my work, if that makes any sense.”

  “Totally does to me,” I agreed. “Where do you see yourself in a few years, Brett? Surely not sleeping in the back of a garage working for me?”

  “No, I’d like a place of my own, eventually.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll be honest, Maxx. My apartment in Toronto wasn’t much bigger than the room back there, and not as comfortable either. Plus, it didn’t include Charly’s meals. Right now, that suits me. As for working, I need to prove myself and earn your trust. Maybe one day I can be more than a hired hand. But I have to start somewhere, and I like it here.” Amusement filled his eyes. “With everything Charly has planned, plus what I hear about the offers you have, you’re going to need help.”

  I had no idea what Charly’s plans entailed, but I knew I needed help. And I liked Brett—he had always been a decent guy.

  We talked salary and hours, then shook hands. He stood and stretched. “Another guy I worked with in Toronto is looking. Name is Stefano. Amazing with carburetors. A touch like I’ve never seen. And his passion is airbrushing. Might come in handy with your expanded area.”

  I mulled over his words.

  “He’s coming to see me next week. Wouldn’t hurt to at least meet him?”

  “I suppose not.”

  “Great. I’m gonna get my stuff, throw it in my room, and get started.” He winked. “I have a couple of tune-ups coming in today, courtesy of the whirlwind named Charly.”

  I had to agree. Whirlwind described her well.

  She appeared around nine, dressed in a pair of jeans that clung to her ass in the most appealing way possible and a frilly blouse. I noticed when not in the garage, she liked girly clothes. Frilly things, with lace. Never much for such things, I did think they suited her.

  I followed her into the office, staring openly at her ass until she turned and faced me. I kept my facial expression neutral.

  “Quit ogling my ass, Maxx.”

  “I’m not.”

  She rolled her eyes and fluttered her fingers in the air. “Duh, windows all around. I watched you.”


  I bent low, meeting her eyes. “It’s a rather spectacular ass, Charly. It needs to be ogled.”

  She huffed out an exaggerated puff of air, and I grinned at her little display of annoyance. I picked up the checks and handed them to her.

  “Your paycheck, what I owe Mary, money for groceries, and if you’re at the bank, the petty cash replacement.”

  “Okay.” Then she paused. “Maxx, my check is too much.”

  “Nope. Consider it a bonus for all you’ve done. Go shopping, buy yourself something.” I flicked the lace on the sleeve of her blouse. “Maybe another frilly one of these.” I leaned closer. “To replace the one I ripped.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she slapped my hands away. “Stop it. I don’t need a bonus.”

  I leaned against the desk. “Too bad. You’re getting one.”

  “I didn’t do this to get extra money,” she protested.

  “I know,” I snarled. “I gave you the bonus because I wanted you to have it. Jesus, woman, why are you always so difficult?”

  “Why are you always so grouchy?”

  There was no thought. One second, she was talking; the next, my mouth was on hers, hard, heavy, and powerful. I kissed her until she softened under me, until my head was so full of her, I could barely break away.

  I pressed my forehead to hers. “Because you make me grouchy, Red. You make me feel a lot of things I don’t want to feel, and it pisses me off.”

  “Oh,” she replied, her breathing fast.

  “Now, take the check, put it in your account, and go shopping for god’s sake before I throw you down right here and Brett gets one hell of a show.”

  She blinked at me, her eyes still unfocused. She reached for the checks and stuffed them in her purse.

  “Okay, boss. Good talk. Thanks. The bank. Yeah, okay. Easy peasy.”

  “Oh and, Charly?”


  “Order the computer and the software, as well as the iPad. Whatever one you want.”

  “Really?” she breathed.

  “Yep. I can hardly wait to see what you do with it.”

  She was almost vibrating with excitement, which amused me. Then she turned and walked into the wall. She yelped, and I reached out to steady her. “Careful.”

  She shook off my hold. “No more touching, gosh dang it. Kissing, computers… You mess with my head, Maxx.”

  “You do the same,” I murmured.

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She walked out, my gaze following her long after she disappeared.

  She had no idea how much she messed with my head. Or what she did to my heart.

  I wasn’t sure which one was more dangerous.


  I had coffee with Mary, enjoying the unexpected day off and the time to sit and do nothing for a change. I gave her the check, and she wasn’t surprised when I handed it to her. “Maxx is just like his father. He hates to owe anyone. Thomas Reynolds hated credit,” she explained. “Yet he never hesitated to extend it to someone who couldn’t afford to pay their bill all at once.”

  “Maxx said something about hating to owe money.”

  “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” She leaned forward. “What did he say?”

  “I think he was so shocked, I haven’t seen his entire reaction yet. But what he took in, he liked.”

  “The new logo?”

  “We’re going to discuss that tonight. He hired Brett today, so that is a good step.”

  “It is. For Maxx, it’s huge.”

  I finished my coffee and carried the cup to the sink. “I’m going to Lomand to the bank and the store. Anything you need?”

  “I’d appreciate some milk.”

  “Sure. I’ll drop it off on my way back. Easy peasy.”

  I drove to town, listening to some music. I stopped at the bank, opened an account,
then got the petty cash and grocery checks cashed and put the money back into the envelope the checks came from. I held the envelope in my hand, heading to my car, thinking over what I needed at the store when I ran into something, or as it happened, someone.

  My purse fell to the ground, the envelope slipping from my hand and landing on the gravel. I fell on my ass, then scrambled quickly to my knees, looking up to see what, or whom, I had hit. I met the smarmy smirk of Wes Donner, and I had to resist rolling my eyes. The idiot simply didn’t get it.

  “Excuse me,” I stated, gathering up the items that fell from my purse. He didn’t move, watching me from above with a shit-eating grin on his face. I tugged at the envelope he had placed his foot on, holding it against the ground. Reining in my anger, I looked up. “Move your foot.”

  His grin got wider, making it all the uglier somehow.

  “You look good on your knees in front of me.”

  I tugged on the envelope, trying not to show my revulsion. He slid his foot forward, trapping more of the packet under his sneaker.

  “I bet you’re good on your knees, aren’t you?” he muttered. He peered down, focusing on the logo on the corner of the envelope. “Reynolds Restorations. Is that where you’re hiding?”

  I tugged on the paper, even though I knew it wasn’t going to budge until he lifted his foot. And that wouldn’t be until he decided he’d intimidated me enough. I glanced around the parking lot. It was empty except for my car and the few that belonged to employees. The lot was tucked at the back of the bank, so there was no one else around.

  “I’m not hiding. I work there. And I’m expected back any minute, so unless you want Mr. Reynolds to rearrange your face, I suggest you lift your foot.”

  “Mr. Reynolds,” he drawled. “Is that what you call him as he fucks you? How often does he have you on your knees? I bet he likes it like that.”

  His tone and his questions were so filled with hate that a long shiver went down my spine. He wasn’t going to stop, and I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. Good thing I had practice.

  I lifted my free hand and ran it up his leg, feeling his jolt of surprise as I touched him. “Is that what you like?” I asked. “Being called mister?” I moved my hand higher, fighting the revulsion I felt.


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