Her Sinful Marine

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Her Sinful Marine Page 3

by Makenna Jameison

  Her sister whimpered on the other end of the line. “I have a bad feeling. Something’s just not right. Brody’s been deployed four times. I’ve never gotten a call like this before. Never.”

  “Well of course you’re worried,” Melissa soothed, heat finally coming through the vents of her SUV. She relaxed slightly into her seat. “I would be, too. But missing? I mean, what happened? Was he injured or something like that? Could they even tell you any details?”

  “Nope. Operational security and what not. I don’t know if his whole team’s gone or just Brody or what.”

  “Bastards,” Melissa spat out.

  Her sister sniffled through her laughter. “I understand, I suppose. I mean what if someone else had been injured? I wouldn’t want Brody in harm’s way just because their spouse or significant other demanded to immediately know exactly what happened.”

  “So when will they update you?”

  “I don’t know. His CO just called me a little while ago. Honestly, it was the last call I expected. I mean, if I saw MPs pull up in my driveway, I would’ve lost my shit. But this? It wasn’t even on my radar. I was going ready to go out and meet some friends for dinner later on. Then I get this call that could potentially change my entire life.”

  “Do you want me to fly out there?” Melissa asked. “I can catch a redeye out of Dulles or Reagan National. I’m sure I could find something, even last minute.”

  “No, no, don’t come out here yet. I’ll be fine. I just panicked you know? I’ll be with my friends tonight, and they can wait with me for updates. And you’re right, he’s probably fine and I’m just blowing this way out of proportion.”

  “Right,” Melissa said. “He’s a strong guy. He has to be fine. Maybe there was some kind of fire fight and he’s just hunkered down somewhere. And I haven’t heard anything on the news about it, so it’s probably a minor thing. I mean, if several Marines were injured or killed, it’d be on the news right?”

  Becky blew out a sigh. “I guess. Maybe. Where are you anyway? I could barely hear you when I first called.”

  “The bar in town. I met up with Amy and Jason for drinks tonight. I’m in the car now though. It was so loud in there.”

  “God. Brody was supposed to be getting out of the military soon. How could he be fine for years and have this happen now?”

  “He probably is fine,” Melissa soothed. “They probably just want you in the loop. I mean God knows, when Michael and I were together, I would’ve wanted an update on him. Even if it turned out to be nothing, I’d want to know as soon as possible.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Go back to your friends. I didn’t mean to totally ruin your Saturday night.”

  “You did not ruin my Saturday night. And you know you can call me anytime.”

  “I know, I know. I’ll call you if I hear anything else. I think I just needed to talk myself down off the ledge. I mean, he’s fine, right? He has to be.”

  “Exactly,” Melissa agreed. “Of course he’s fine.”

  The two said their goodbyes, and Melissa tucked her phone back into her sequined clutch. Goodness. If that didn’t kill her mood to drink with her friends. Her sister was all the way on the other side of the country scared out of her mind. Worried that her own fiancé would never make it home from Afghanistan to her. It was bad enough that Melissa’s relationship had ended so badly, but Becky and Brody were madly in love. Pretty much the perfect couple.

  She climbed out of her SUV and hurried back across the parking lot, her heart pounding in her chest. It felt like she’d just dodged a bullet or something, and they didn’t even know how Brody was. If he was okay.

  Amazing how one little phone call could completely rattle you. The news from Becky had sent a shock straight through her system.

  She no longer felt like hanging out with Amy and Jason or dealing with Tyler’s cocky attitude. She had work to do for tomorrow. Confirming the list of photos she’d need of the house. Listings to go through for her other clients. Potential houses for Tyler.

  Goodness, she had her own sister to worry about. Her sister’s fiancé.

  She’d tell Amy she was leaving and just call it a night.

  Pulling open the door to the bar and striding back in, Melissa did a double take as Tyler was suddenly right at her side. Even in her stilettos he still towered above her, but instead of feeling relief or excited nervousness at seeing him, she just felt sad. Defeated.

  His green eyes locked with hers. “I went out on the patio to see if you were okay, beautiful. Amy was worried when you didn’t come back.”

  “My sister called.”

  “And?” He cocked an eyebrow. The dark leather jacket he had on made it seem like he was ready to leave himself. He didn’t appear at all rushed though—just completely and totally focused on her.

  Melissa’s voice wavered slightly as she tried to speak, and she cleared her throat. Swallowed. “Her fiancé is missing.”


  “He’s deployed to the Middle East. She’s out in California finishing school. His commanding officer contacted her to say that Brody was missing in action.”

  “Shit,” Tyler muttered.

  Melissa unwittingly took a step back. “That’s bad, right? I told her it was okay since the MPs didn’t show up, but people just don’t go missing in Afghanistan. Not unless it’s something serious. Oh my God, what if he was killed? Missing means they can’t find the body!”

  Tears smarted her eyes, and Tyler took a step closer to her, his hand landing on her forearm. His touch soothed her, grounding her amidst the turmoil racing through her. Anchoring her in place.

  The warmth from his touch burned through her silky blouse, sending awareness through her entire body. The heat from his large frame radiated off him. Her eyes met his.

  “It doesn’t mean anything other than what it means,” he said in a low voice. “It means we wait for news. Hope like hell for the best.”

  She sniffled, raising a trembling hand to wipe away a stray tear.

  His jaw clenched as he gazed down at her. “Hell, don’t cry, beautiful.”

  “But she’s my sister—and he’s gone. They’re engaged, and he’s just—missing. Just like that.”

  Without another word, he pulled her into his muscular embrace. She sniffled against him, finally relaxing into his touch. Inhaling his scent. He was solid and strong—a rock in the midst of chaos. The soft cotton of his shirt felt smooth and comforting beneath her cheek. The scent of his leather jacket enveloped her, mixed in with the spice of his aftershave.

  She felt safe for a brief moment—secure.

  Odd that she’d feel that way about Tyler—a man of one-night-stands and the arrogant attitude that just didn’t quit.

  He was a Marine though, just like Brody. He knew what it meant to lose someone.

  She shivered slightly against him, hoping against hope that Brody was okay, and Tyler tightened his arms around her.

  A moment later, she heard Amy and Jason beside her, her best friend asking what was wrong. Melissa pulled back from Tyler and relayed what she’d just learned from Becky. Amy’s hands rose to her face as she gasped, and Jason frowned, looking worried.

  “Are you flying out there?” Amy asked.

  “She said not to right now. I guess I’ll wait and see what happens—I’ll go if she needs me. I mean maybe it’s nothing. Maybe he’s all right and it’s just some sort of miscommunication and we’ll hear from them soon.”

  “Right, he could be totally fine,” Amy said. Jason and Tyler exchanged a glance.

  “Maybe he’ll be okay,” Melissa insisted. “They don’t know anything really. Not yet.”

  “She doesn’t want you to wait with her?” Amy asked. “I mean, just in case....”

  “I think she didn’t want me flying across the country tonight if it’s unnecessary. Becky has her friends out in California. She’ll be with them tonight. I mean, God, hopefully this is all just some big misunderstanding and he’ll be fine.
The second she wants me there, though, I’ll be on the next plane. If she doesn’t need me right now, I’ll wait.”

  Amy gave her a quick hug. “Let me know if you need anything. If Becky needs something. I know there’s not much we can do, but sitting around waiting and wondering and assuming the worst has got to be awful.”

  “Maybe I’ll try to convince her to come here—she’s got classes though,” Melissa added, thinking out loud. “She probably won’t want to drop everything and come. Not unless she has to, of course.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out from my commander on base,” Jason said. “Maybe I can get some updates that she wouldn’t be able to.”

  Melissa nodded and thanked him. “I’d appreciate it. Becky would, too. I think she just immediately assumed the worst, so any information you can find out would be great.”

  “Of course,” Jason said.

  “Do you feel like getting a table? It’s kind of loud in the bar area,” Amy said. “Maybe something a little quieter would be better.”

  “I think I’m just going to call it a night. I’m not in the mood for drinks anymore.”

  Amy nodded sympathetically. “Are you sure you don’t want something to eat?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ll let you know if I find out anything else. And Tyler, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, assuming my sister doesn’t need me to come out there.”

  “We can reschedule. I understand if you need to go stay with her.”

  “No, I’ll pull the specs in the morning when I’m meeting with the photographer. I have to let him into the home to take the photos, but I can work while I wait. We can see a few houses in the afternoon.”

  He nodded. “All right. I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “I’m right outside,” she protested.

  “Then it’ll be a short walk,” he quipped, wrapping his arm around her shoulder to guide her toward the door.

  She gripped her clutch in one hand, allowing him to guide her out. “Oh, I never paid for my drink!” she said, suddenly stopping. “I should go back.”

  “I already got it,” he said easily.


  “I paid for your drink, beautiful. When you were on a call with your sister. No need to thank me.”

  She frowned as she walked ahead of him outside, the slight breeze ruffling her hair. This entire night was starting to feel surreal. Her sister’s fiancé was missing. Tyler was acting concerned about her after his cocky attitude earlier when they’d first met.

  He’d insisted on walking her out.

  What was next?

  Maybe she’d stumble and break a heel, ruining her favorite pair of stilettos.

  “Melissa,” a male voice said, distracting her from her thoughts, and she spun to the left, halting in her tracks. Her heart pounded in her chest as her mouth dropped open in surprise. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” he said.

  Chapter 4

  Michael stood a few feet away, his brow crinkling in confusion as Tyler came to a stop beside her. He hadn’t shaved in a couple days, and while she used to like the ruggedly sexy look on him, now he looked unappealing as hell.

  Amazing how a man calling off your wedding could do that sort of thing to a girl.

  A few months ago, she’d thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to her. A man no one else could live up to.

  And now?

  Just standing near him put a sour taste in her mouth.

  Michael’s gaze swept between her and Tyler, realization crossing his face. His gaze briefly trailed over her clingy blouse and full breasts. Tracked back up to meet her gaze. “I didn’t realize you were seeing anyone.”

  Melissa stiffened, leaning ever-so-slightly into Tyler.

  How was she supposed to explain this? She didn’t exactly want to tell her ex that he was just her client. That he was friends with Jason and Amy.

  Tyler wrapped his arm her shoulder, pulling her close. “You must be the ex-fiancé,” he said with a smirk. “I’ve heard all about you.”

  Michael frowned.

  “Tyler Braxton,” Tyler said, holding out a muscled hand.

  Michael cleared his throat, finally gripping Tyler’s hand and introducing himself.

  “We were just headed out, right, beautiful?” Tyler said.

  Melissa recovered, plastering a smile on her face. “That’s right, snookums,” she said sweetly as Tyler choked back a laugh. She slid her arm around his waist, nestling into his solid frame. “We should get going. I know you’re tired after being up all last night. You’re insatiable, aren’t you?”

  She glanced up at him and smiled, amusement twinkling in Tyler’s eyes.

  “Some people say that,” he admitted.

  “I should get going,” Michael choked out.

  “Absolutely,” Tyler agreed. “I prefer having Melissa all to myself.”

  He smirked as Michael clenched his jaw, and then they were continuing on their way, Tyler seeming to know where she was parked. Melissa glanced back over her shoulder, watching her ex hurry away. He nearly bumped into a couple leaving the bar in his haste to get inside.

  “How’d you know this was my car?” she asked Tyler.

  “I saw it this morning. Did you forget you’d parked right in the driveway?”

  Melissa blew out an exasperated sigh, pulling away from him. She instantly missed the warmth of his body, but that didn’t mean they needed to stand here in the parking lot with their arms around each other.

  They weren’t dating or something.

  They weren’t anything.

  “I didn’t realize you had such a memory for detail. Thank you for walking me to my car,” she said, her gaze darting back to the restaurant as the doors swung shut behind Michael.

  Tyler raised a brow. “And you’re welcome for rescuing you back there.”

  “Hmmph. I could’ve handled it myself.”

  “You could have,” he agreed. “Maybe I have a thing for damsels in distress.”

  “Maybe I’m not in distress,” she countered.

  His full lips quirked. “Maybe not. Doesn’t mean I minded holding you close. I’ll see you tomorrow, beautiful. Drive safely.”

  Her mouth dropped open in surprise, and he chuckled. “I never imagined you as the type to be rendered speechless.”

  “I never imagined you as the type to have manners.”

  He chuckled, taking the keys from her. His fingers briefly caressed hers, and she startled at his touch. At the warmth of his skin brushing against hers. Tyler clicked the key fob and opened the door to her SUV, gently guiding her inside before handing the keys back over. “You’re cold,” he said in a low voice. “And it’s been a long night.”

  She opened her mouth, but before she could even utter a response, he was shutting the door. Turning away.

  She locked the doors and then started the engine, watching in the rearview mirror as Tyler disappeared into the parking lot. He was a puzzle, that one. Shoot, knowing him, he was probably heading back into the bar for another beer and a new woman for the night. And not that she knew him.

  He seemed to enjoy that silly little act they’d put on for Michael. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. Never mind that their little performance was over the second it started.

  She had enough to worry about without letting her ex get under her skin.

  So what if he thought she’d moved on already. It served him right.

  Pulling her phone from her clutch, she sent her sister a text.

  Call me the moment you hear anything. Day or night. I’m headed home. Xoxo

  Her phone buzzed almost immediately with Becky’s reply.

  I will. I just keep telling myself this is all a misunderstanding. That Brody is fine.

  Melissa nodded to herself, thumbing a quick response.

  Of course he’s fine. He has to be.

  Becky didn’t respond immediately, and she sighed. Not knowing had to be worse than knowing the truth, didn’
t it?


  Tyler sauntered across the parking lot, grumbling. Since when did he help a woman into her car and then leave? That wasn’t exactly his style. Ever. Normally he’d be taking a woman home from the bar, not sending her on her merry way. Hell, hadn’t he done exactly that last night?

  Jason and Amy were still inside, ordering dinner, but once Melissa had said she was leaving, he’d decided to call it a night, too.

  And wasn’t that unexpected.

  Jason wouldn’t have been surprised in the least if Tyler had gone back in and chatted up a woman. He just wasn’t in the mood for a random hookup though. Not when the memory of Melissa in his arms was emblazoned in his brain.

  Her soft curves pressed up against him.

  Her silky red hair swishing around every time she moved.

  Women like that were dangerous—used to attracting men wherever they went. If he wasn’t careful, she’d have him eating right out of her hand.

  Odd that he felt protective of her though. Despite the façade she put on for the world, he sensed there was something more vulnerable and fragile beneath. Maybe it was that her ex had called off their wedding. Maybe it was something else.

  Not that he’d ever find out. He’d meet her tomorrow, hopefully find a home in the next week or so, and then move on with his life. Move in to his house, meet a new woman every week. Continue on as life had always been.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out, answering in a low voice.

  “Tyler, bro, we’re all down at the pool hall,” his friend Braden said. Tyler heard voices and the crack of the cue ball in the background, followed by a round of laughter. “I thought you were meeting us here.”

  Tyler muttered a curse. That had been the plan—until Jason had mentioned Melissa’s name. He wouldn’t normally hang out with his buddy and girlfriend, but when they’d mentioned her?

  Game over.

  He’d ditched his buddies just to see the look on her face when she’d shown up at the bar.

  And hell it had been worth it.

  Wide eyes. Full breasts bouncing as she moved. Those pink lips he couldn’t get enough of. And that gorgeous red hair. “I swung by the bar for a drink. Met up with Jason and a couple of others. I’ll be there in thirty.”


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