Hunting Darkness: Hunting her Lovers (Demon Hunter Book 1)

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Hunting Darkness: Hunting her Lovers (Demon Hunter Book 1) Page 12

by Savannah Rose

  I’m about to say something again when Merlidon steps up next to me. I sense rather than hear Brotus come behind me. Large demon. Light feet. Again, I’m not surprised.

  “Jezebel isn’t a demon,” Merlidon says. He’s playing with a thin bladed dagger, twirling the handle around between his fingertips while the dangerous end comes dangerously close to his face. I’m pretty sure that if it makes contact, he wouldn’t be happy. He doesn’t seem like the type to take kindly to battle scars, no matter how coolly they are obtained. No scarring up that demon’s pretty face.

  “Then what is she if she’s not a demon?”

  His eyes dart to Lucifer before he says, “She’s human.”

  Those two words manage to suck all the air from my lungs.


  “Human? In Hell? You guys must be shitting me.”

  Merlidon chuckles lightly, still twirling the dagger so vigorously now, I half expect it to fly right out his hands. “Funny as it sounds, that’s exactly the case. Jezebel is very much blood and flesh like you are. She’s human.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. How the heck would a human be in Hell? And how did she manage to put a ward on Natalia’s mind if she’s just human? That isn’t something we can do.”

  The religious folks have it all wrong. Humans can’t go to Hell. Once they die, that’s just it. Death. Blackness. Nothing. Demons are the only beings capable of inhabiting Hell, although hunters have tried and failed to create a portal to the realm. A human can’t possibly be here.

  “That’s not entirely true,” Lucifer says softly. He still doesn’t look at me. “You’re here, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but that’s because you brought me here. You’re the King of Demons. This is your domain. You can do whatever you want.” I say and as the words fall from my lips another thought comes into mind. If she’s here, that would mean Lucifer brought her here. Wouldn’t it? Or one of the others?

  Merlidon’s snorts pull me away from my thoughts. “If he could do whatever he wanted, so many things wouldn’t be the way they are now, human, trust me.”

  “But you’re right,” Lucifer interjects. “Humans can only come to Hell once they’ve been invited by me. Without the invitation, all efforts will fail. That’s why your portals have been so unsuccessful.”

  “So that would mean…”

  “Yes,” he confirms with a nod. “I was the one who brought Jezebel here.”


  He pauses again. “We had a mutual interest.”

  “A demon and a human? What kind of mutual interest could there possibly be between you two?”

  His black eyes flicker to me and I nearly forget where I’m walking and trip. “Don’t play naïve, Melody? We have a mutual interest, don’t we?”

  “This is different. This is something that threatens the realms.”

  “Couldn’t it have been something similar?”

  “No,” I say with a confident shake of my head. “The last uprising was years ago. No human would have been able to live through that, and that was the only time we’ve had such a major conflict between us that would have concerned you in any way. It couldn’t possibly be that.”

  “You never know, Melody.”

  Blowing air out my nose in frustration, I turn to Merlidon. “What the fuck is he talking about? What mutual interest?”

  Again, eyes shoot to Lucifer. I’m surprised Merlidon is even contemplating telling me. But he dashes my hopes by saying, “You’ll see. We’re almost there.”

  I blow air out of my nose again, this time intending to turn to Brotus, but as we turn the corner he says, “That’s where she lives.”

  The house is … not what I’m expecting. To be honest, I don’t exactly know what I was expecting, but this is certainly not it. The house is sandwiched between two nondescript grey buildings that would have faded into the background had it not been for the groups of unruly demons crowding the outside. They steer clear of the area in front of Jezebel’s house though, but, upon closer inspection, it looks more like they can’t get any closer. Still, that doesn’t stop them from huddling as close as they can get, black eyes rimmed with a hunger that is borderline feral.

  As we approach, they shrink away, ducking their heads as if afraid Lucifer will slice them off with one swing of his sword. The King spares them no attention however and we walk right through the tall iron-wrought gate.

  The building, unlike everything else in this depressing yet incredibly volatile place, is a vivid purple, a beacon of cheeriness amongst the sea of maleficent beings.

  Lucifer wastes no time walking straight up to the door and entering as if he owns the place. Which, in retrospect, maybe he does. Hell belongs to the devil, doesn’t it? So everything here, despite him occupying it or even knowing of its existence, belongs to him.

  Merlidon and Brotus don’t look the slightest bit shocked. I suppose this is something they are used to him doing.

  The air smells different in the house, a sweet, flowery scent wafting past my nose almost immediately after I step over the threshold. The walls are painted a lighter purple, nearly lilac but I’m not really sure. We pass right through a large receiving hall with expensive looking paintings on the wall and intricately sculpted statues watching us go by from the corner.

  Though the house is big, Lucifer clearly knows where he’s supposed to go. He takes a sharp left, feet soundless on the soft carpet covering every inch of the floor, and stops in what looks like a drawing room, walls painted a soft pink.

  Sitting right in the center of the room is who I assume is Jezebel.

  And fuck, she’s gorgeous.

  Blood red curls spill over her left shoulder, nearly matching the vibrant red that stains her lips. She’s draped in a long revealing dress, a high split up the side revealing her glistening thigh and leaving very little to the imagination. Large breasts spill over the top of the dress and bounce lightly as she lifts her champagne flute to her lips and takes a sip, her eyes on us. Or on Lucifer, I should say.

  The look she’s giving him is nothing short of desirous. Her hazel eyes run down the length of him, drinking him in, basically undressing and making love to him right there, and a smile graces her lips.

  I clench my fists.

  Is it jealousy, I feel? No fucking way.

  “Lucifer, dear,” she purrs, her voice somehow musical and sultry at the same time. “I haven’t seen you in ages. What brings you to my humble abode?” At ‘abode’ she waves her hands, several large diamonds glinting from her fingers.

  Lucifer is as unamused with her as a cat is with an old toy and whatever unwarranted feelings of envy had gathered in my chest flee at once.

  Lucifer doesn’t stand. Instead, he takes a seat right next to her, making her twist slightly and causing the slip of fabric over her other knee to fall away. Merlidon leans against the far wall, a short distance away from the door and watches Jezebel with his body rigid with malice, though he continues to twirl his dagger and a smile plays around his lips. Brotus stands behind Lucifer, hands clasped behind him and eyes direct and focused on the woman who dominates the room.

  She does dominate the room, even in front of Lucifer who always seems to take control of everything with just his mere presence. This house, this little slice of life in the nest of evil, is her dominion. Everything pales in comparison, even me. In fact, I can’t seem to make it away from the doorway.

  “We have something we need to talk about,” Lucifer says, to the point.

  Her perfectly arched brow crooks slightly and she takes another sip of her champagne before setting it down on the table next to her. “You always do have a reason for the things you do. And here I was hoping you had stopped by just to say hi, to check in. I know how much you used to like our little chats.”

  Her smile widens and she gets to her feet. Standing, her figure is the epitome of a woman, curvaceous yet delicate. She moves to the bar in the corner of the room, hips swaying. I wonder how many men she’s en
tranced with that walk.

  “Would you boys like a drink?”

  “No, thank you,” Lucifer replies, his voice painfully polite. “We came here for business. Answer our questions and we’ll be on our way.”

  “Unlike you, Lucifer dear, I have a bit of manners.” She picks up a bottle and inclines it toward Merlidon and Brotus. “Is that a no from you two, as well?”

  Merlidon sneers at her. Brotus doesn’t even blink.

  After a beat, she shrugs, then her eyes find me. My back snaps into a straight line. “How about you, sweetheart? Would you like a drink?”


  Another smile appears on her face and she sets the bottle down then returns to her chair. Once she’s settled, her eyes run over Lucifer again. “Now that we have the formalities out of the way, what did you want to talk about, my dear?”

  “Do you know a Natalia Rose?”

  She folds her hands, delicate fingers holding the flute’s stem lightly. She puckers her lips in thought. “Natalia Rose. Pretty name. If there’s a face to match I’ll certainly remembered her. If not, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

  “It’s funny you should say that, Jezebel, since we found out that you put a ward on her mind.”

  “Me? Now why would I do such a thing?”

  “That’s what I’m here to find out.”

  “I’m sorry, my dear. I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even know how to do such a thing.”

  “Don’t you?” This time, Lucifer is the one raising his brows. “Bold of you to lie to me like that while it’s so obvious that that isn’t true.”

  “Why would I lie to you, handsome?”

  “Because lying is the only thing you’re good at.”

  Her smile widens. “Not true. According to you, I’m also good at wielding dark magic. I’m flattered actually. You think very highly of me.”

  “Cut the shit, Jezebel,” Merlidon steps to the fore, basically gnashing at the teeth. “Brotus saw your mark on the human’s mind. You put up a ward to block her memories and you set it to self-destruct. We already know that so we don’t need you tell us how you managed to do that. We just want you to tell us why.”

  Again, she shrugs. “Hard to tell you why I did such a thing when such a thing never happened.”

  Merlidon is nearly foaming at the mouth at this point. Jezebel is clearly enjoying his reaction, and for some reason that makes me annoyed.

  Of course, when I see the way she’s looking at Lucifer, I’m damn near boiling over. The only reason I don’t say anything is because I don’t know what exactly to say. I, too, don’t understand how a human could possibly wield dark magic to put a ward on another human’s mind, and I search her, watching her every move, her every expression to see if I can sense that she might be something else. But, no. Like me, like Natalia, Jezebel is one hundred percent human. Which only makes this all the more confusing.

  My anger isn’t confusing at all though, nor is my irritation that she’s clearly going around them, toying with them. She’s obviously the type to enjoy playing with men.

  She looks over at me, intrigue filling her eyes. “Who is this, Lucifer?”

  “That is none of your business.”

  “Oh? She looks like a hunter. Is she one of your new play things? And here I was thinking I was special.”

  Excuse me?

  As if she hears my incredulous shock, she looks over at me again. “She’s pretty, Lucifer. You always had a thing for pretty things.”

  “Enough, Jezebel. Tell us what we need to know.”

  “Or what, dear? I know you can’t touch me and neither can your two shadows over here.”

  “Oh, but I fucking can.”

  I uproot my feet from my spot by the door and make my way over to her. She watches me come, that intrigue now replaced by a hint of curiosity. That look flees when I grab her by her hair and wrench her head back.

  “What the fuck?” she screeches and I know because of the way her knees buckle that she didn’t think I’d touch her.

  What she also doesn’t know, is that Natalia was my friend and despite whoever the hell she might be to Lucifer, I don’t mind dragging her through the mud if she doesn’t give me the answers I need. Hell, once all is said I’m done, I’m not sure I’ll allow her to catch another breath. Especially if she is, in any way, responsible for what happened to Natalia.

  “Look, bimbo,” I say to her calmly, despite the volcano of rage roaring through me. “I don’t care what the fuck you and these three guys had going on. I don’t care if you and Lucifer used to fuck day and night. The only reason I’m here is to find out what the Hell you did to my friend because now, because of you, she’s lying in some offshore mansion dead, and whatever turned her into that is after me next. So, you better start talking, dear.”

  Her hands are already in her hair, trying to pry mine away but my grip is too strong. I am a hunter, after all. My job requires me to take down things a lot stronger than humans. The fact that she doesn’t stand a chance, proves even more that Merlidon wasn’t lying when he said she was human. There’s absolutely no doubt about it.

  I yank on her hair again, whipping out my boot dagger and putting it to her neck. My hands itch to just get over with it; to end her right here, right now. “You better start talking. Or I swear to everything good and holy…I…Will…Gut…You!”

  “Bullshit!” she screams. “I can’t die. Not here. Lucifer took care of that. Didn’t you, sweetie?”

  I’ll have to ask Lucifer about that later. “Maybe not, but I’m sure you still bleed red blood like I do. I’m a bit curious about that though, and I’m eager to test it and see.”

  “Don’t!” she shouts, just as I press the dagger closer. The look on Lucifer’s face is one I’m quite sure is only reserved for the King of demons himself. It’s me who has the dagger to her throat, but…if looks could kill. Jezebel’s eyes travel from me to Lucifer and then quickly back to me. Whatever sympathy she thought she might have gotten from him presented itself in a form completely opposite. “I’ll tell you what you want to know. Just don’t cut me!”

  “Get to talking.”

  “I was approached by someone. I don’t know the person’s face or their name or anything. They just appeared and told me that if I helped them, they would give me exactly what I wanted.”

  “What’s that?” Lucifer asks. He hasn’t moved an inch since I assaulted Jezebel, though I can practically feel his approval. I can feel all their approvals actually, and, on the inside, I’m beaming with pride.

  Her eyes dart to him. “They said they would make me a demon.”

  I frown. “Why the hell would you want that?” In fact, there are so many other questions I want to ask. How did she get here? Why is she still here? And why didn’t she just become a hunter like everyone else with the sight to? I hold them back, however, thinking the one I voiced will be enough to cover most, if not all.

  “I’ve always wanted to be a demon,” she tells me, trembling now, swallowing fearfully then darting downwards when the dagger bites into her skin a bit more. “I’ve just always been so fascinated by it. Not to mention the fact that they live forever. I want that for myself. I thought I could get that through Lucifer but … it didn’t work out, so I’ve been staying here in hopes that I might find some other way. Then he appeared.”

  “It’s a male?” Merlidon inquires.

  “Male, female, I have no fucking clue, okay? All I know is that I was in my kitchen when a light just appeared out of nowhere and started speaking. Sounds unbelievable, I know but I swear to you that’s what happened. The voice was all muffled and hazy, as if it was being masked but I could discern well enough. It asked me to put a ward on the girl’s mind and said that if I did it, I would be given a chance at becoming a new demon. When the light went, she was just there, lying on my floor. I thought, what harm could there be?”

  “Why did the light come to you?” Lucifer asks. “There are so man
y other demons more capable and much more willing to do the same thing.”

  She hesitates and I wind my hand into her hair, pulling even harder and causing her to scream out in pain. “Because I’m the closest to you! When I asked the voice why it was asking me to do it, it said because it wanted you to show up here, Lucifer.”

  At that he frowns, but I’m the one who talks next. “This all sounds like a load of shit to me. You’re telling me that a random light shows up in the middle of your kitchen out of the blue and asks you to put a ward on a lady’s mind so that Lucifer can show up here? How do you even know how to wield dark magic?”

  “A demon taught me,” she answers. Tears are now squeezing past the sides of her eyes. The sight bolsters me.

  “You mean you fucked a demon and then he taught you everything you wanted to know.” Merlidon’s voice is dripping with disgust.

  Jezebel’s eyes sharpen as they dart to him. “A woman’s body is her weapon. Excuse me for using mine to my advantage. I thought that if I knew a bit of dark magic, it would be something like being a demon.”

  “You could have just skipped out on a soul deal,” I say. “That’s the easiest way to become a demon.”

  She shakes her head despite the hold I have on her hair. “No. I don’t’ want to be a low-ranked demon. I want to be like these two. I want to keep my looks, to keep my charm, and have all the powers of a high-ranked demon. The light said it would be able to do that for me.” A wicked smile contorts her face and I cringe inwardly.

  “You’re sick, Jezebel.” Lucifer is the one who speaks, his voice low and deep with antipathy.

  “You didn’t always think that, Lucifer. I fooled you just as well as I did all the others.”

  “Yes, you did.” He stands. “I commend you for that.”

  The sound of something heavy hitting the ground pulls my attention away from Jezebel. When my eyes land on Merlidon, I feel my heart twist inside my chest, the ache of it almost too much to bear.

  “What’s wrong with him?” My words come out as a gasp. Instinct says I should rush toward him, though I know there’s nothing I can do to help. Common says keeps my grip tight on Jezebel.


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