Mate Not Needed

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by Michelle Ziegler

  Mate Not Needed

  A Fated Mates Romance

  Michelle Ziegler


  I’d run away, except he’s what I want.

  I’m doing what's best for the pack, even if that means an arranged mating. Tonight though, I'm ignoring duties and telling fate to screw itself. You can find me hiding behind a costume tonight at a masquerade party. Halloween is the season I can pretend to be anyone but myself.

  The thing is, I never thought I’d actually meet someone. He has me panting for more, but he also makes me question my future. How do I tell my father, the alpha, that I've met my mate and I can't be the link to the mountain pack.

  Behind the mask he’s the mate I’ve dreamed about. When the morning comes, can I walk away?

  Copyright © 2019 Michelle Ziegler

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical method, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial users permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher addressed “Attention: Permission coordinator,” at the address below.

  [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living, or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.


  To my brother and sister-in-law who finally found their happily ever after.


  There's a lot to go into each and every book. My family always comes first, but they also support me and this crazy 'job.' My husband has no idea how valuable he is.

  I have to thank my new beta readers, as well as some of my very trusted ones! Thanks Kathy M. And Lucia V. for your support. Without you, I would never have gotten this done. Heather can read between the lines to figure out some of my more interesting issues. Beverly and Donnise were a huge help and my awesome cheerleaders! My mother is always a reader who helps error check the error checkers. T. Finn for her proof reading services.

  The Romance Chicks for thinking this up and Aidy Award for twisting my arm!

  Of course, my review team is a group that has my undying gratitude!

  Lastly - thank you readers! Thank you for giving me a chance and escaping into my world!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Coming Soon from Michelle Ziegler

  Also by Michelle Ziegler

  Holidays with the Romance Chicks

  About the Author


  Ellen stretched out Mr. Bones and curled her lip. He looked like a pervert rather than a spooky Halloween decoration. Pushing his legs closer, she frowned as they simply chattered and fell apart again. The damn thing was so old his joints wouldn't even hold his legs together.

  "Ellen. Stop playing with that thing. He doesn't have a penis, you don't need to keep playing with his crotch."

  "I'm just trying to give Mr. Bones some dignity."

  Tilting her head, she wondered why he even had to be a guy skeleton. That just seemed sexist. Whatever.

  He'd have to just stay there. The bar would be a huge hit on this year's bar crawl. Ellen made a mental checklist. She'd already contacted the local witch's guild to get someone out to enchant the cauldrons and a few other odds and ends at The Drunken Alien.

  Her bar was transforming, little by little. She was determined to make this her best, and maybe her last Halloween running the place. This had been pretty much her only freedom from the pack, and now that would probably come to an end. She swallowed. This was her pack's bar. Once she was mated off, well, her mate would most likely stop her from being able to work here anymore.

  She didn't want to think about that. A man, a wolf, she didn't know.

  "This sucks."

  "What sucks?"

  Ellen shrugged, turning toward her best friend, the one person she'd been able to choose for herself.

  "You know what sucks, Colby."

  He went back to gently stringing up some spider webbing.

  "Yeah. I guess you don't need to repeat the obvious. I was hoping you'd gotten past that. You're right though. Couldn't you have said no? I mean, aren't arranged marriages a thing of the past?"

  Ellen looked up and to the left. Didn't that shut off your tear ducts? Because she wasn't allowed to cry anymore.

  "I suppose. Unless you're part of a pack that still believes in the old ways."

  Colby pursed his lips. "This is ridiculous. What about that whole fated mate thing?"

  He'd said it. The one thing that sat at the back of her damn mind. She couldn't find him. If she could, she'd have been out of this damn arrangement. It was a fairytale, for her anyway. Time had run out and her father, the alpha, was tired of letting his oldest daughter find her own mate.

  What was wrong with her? Was something wrong with her? I mean, it was supposed to be instinct to find your mate but, instead, she wasn't getting any younger and her parents had arranged a marriage to another pack. Another Alpha's son. The son of a pack in the mountains. Wonderful.

  "Gee thanks, Colby. I didn't need that right now. I was doing fine, distracted with decorating. Don't you think if I could force that whole fated mate thing I would? I can't find him."

  Colby sighed.

  "I'd marry you in a heartbeat, baby-girl. Too bad you also lack a penis like Mr. Bones there."

  She tried to force a smile.

  "It's sweet all the same."

  Colby let the fake webbing drop away, taking up her hands.

  "Tell you what. I'd marry you anyway. Anything to keep you here, happy."

  Fighting back a tear, Ellen nodded. "Not quite the proposal I've dreamed of. But, the sentiment is sweet. I can't marry you or anyone. I love my pack, even if they are old fashioned. They wouldn't have mated me with anyone less than I am worth. My father loves me. If he didn't, I wouldn't have been able to work at this bar. Pack territory or not, most of the women don't work, especially not in a bar."

  He clucked his tongue. "Alright, fine. Just promise me you'll still come visit. Maybe pass along any wolves who swing the non-traditional way. I have no issues being a beta to their alpha."

  She paused. "You don't get this whole pack hierarchy thing, do you?"

  Colby laughed.

  "I'm part Fae, I don't have to get anything 'wolfie.' I've seen you wolf out once and that was good enough. I still don't get why you don't try a matchmaker or something."

  Chewing on her lower lip, she absently grabbed out some Halloween lights.

  Why hadn't she? Oh right. Because it would break her dad's heart. No. She would do as told. Packs had survived like this for hundreds of years. Those that found fated mates were happier ultimately, but those matched learned to love each other. Well, those not sent to the asshole packs out there. How the hell they hadn't killed each other off was beyond her.

  "Penny for your thoughts?"

  Ellen glanced up.

  "Maybe we should live it up tonight? Halloween's only a day away and there are a few parties throughout the city. Roswell loves their parties, especially those surrounding the unexplained and creepy. Let's finish this up and just go crash them all."

  The squeal Colby let loose pierced her ears.

  "I thoug
ht you'd never ask. I'm so excited. Oh, baby-girl. Let's do this."

  She'd regret this. Well, maybe not. Roswell, New Mexico was the perfect place for her kind to hide in plain sight with all the other creepy and unexplained, from aliens, vampires, witches, Fae, half-breeds of just about anything that mated with a human. Halloween was simply a night to let your freak flags fly. What had she always wanted to be? Think. Think. What could she never be in real life? A supermodel. Yeah, she didn't care about that one though.

  Animal costumes were out. She could be a wolf any time she wanted.

  "I know that look."

  She taped up a few more leaves along the inside windows at the front of the bar.

  "What look?"

  Ellen could practically hear the eye roll from Colby.

  "You're trying to decide what to wear. Let me come up with all that. I'll also find out where the best parties are and we can hit up those."

  She sighed and weighed her options. No. She needed to tell him. "There's a party hosted by another pack, my future pack. I'm not supposed to meet him before the official negotiations tomorrow afternoon, so it's a masquerade."

  A hair fell along her brow, hanging in front of her eye, and Ellen blew it away.

  She hoped Colby would take the bait since she pretty much had to go to this thing.

  He ran up next to her and hugged her. "This is too good."

  Yeah, as long as she was anyone but herself tonight, maybe she could come to terms with being someone else's mate, someone she didn't know or love. Someone she wouldn't meet until the meeting of the packs.


  West glared at the monstrosity of a house his father had rented for a few weeks. It wasn't the house's fault he hated it. It was huge and yeah, it needed to be. His pack moved in, or well, most of the pack had. Coming down from the mountains was fine, they did that from time to time. But, this time it was to meet his future mate. Mating ceremonies were a big deal. They'd do it on her pack's land. Something that meant a lot to her. Whatever. It wasn't like he wanted to be here anyway. He didn't want to know anything about her until he absolutely had to. Tomorrow was that day.

  He ran his hand through his hair. Fuck fate.

  It's not like he hadn't tried to find his mate, and this is what he got. Mated off to another pack. What the hell did he do in another life for fate to hate him this much?

  West jolted forward as Eric clapped him on the back. "What's going on in that thick head of yours? Worried about this whole mated-for-life thing?" He laughed.

  West glared. "Just wait until it's your turn, little brother. You think they will let you slip under the radar? Good fucking luck with that."

  "Aw. Why you raining on my parade. It doesn't matter what they do. You still had to do it first. Bonus for being the younger, much better-looking brother."

  West punched his brother, hard.

  "One of these days you're going to regret your words."

  He smiled as he rubbed his arm. "Nah. Or well, maybe. But for now, I get to go out and party it up. Speaking of, the females are planning a huge party. Some kind of masquerade to not fuck with any traditions of you meeting your mate before the designated time. All local packs are invited. Maybe the coven around here too. You know, play nice with the locals."

  "A party?"

  God. Like he'd ever be able to enjoy anything with his brain a massive twisted string of thoughts and his stomach a mess of knots. Yet, they wanted a party? Wonderful. Of course. How often did they have an excuse to celebrate? The pack had a small, modest town on the mountain. They made a decent living with the trades handed down through generations, a few held jobs in the cities around the foothills, but all in all it was a quiet pack. They kept the peace in those areas. From what he knew about his mate's pack, they weren't much different. They owned a few local businesses in town, but they kept a lot of the old ways. Great. She was probably homely and sheltered.

  He rubbed his forehead. Dammit. He couldn't live with some pathetic female. He needed someone with fire. He wanted someone who could handle him. He was meant to be Alpha someday and that meant his wolf was strong, dominant, and didn't take any shit. It also meant, he wanted his equal in the sack.

  Sure, he'd had some killer flings. A few in the pack, but he'd learned pretty quickly mixing flings and pack usually ended up messy.

  "Dude. Stop. I'm sure she's great. How many females have you met that don't measure up?"

  He started to walk, Eric following suit.

  "Eric. Do you have any idea what forever means?"

  He shrugged.

  "I'm serious, do you have any idea what it's like to know there is no out. Once mated, you mate for life or until death." West felt sick.

  Ha. With his luck, she'd be crazy. Great. Why was he the first in three generations to not find his mate? Maybe there was something he was missing. What though? What if he could force fate's hand? He had to try something. Anything.

  "Hey, Eric? When are they planning the party?" The pair walked outside, the heat of the desert hitting. Yeah, he hated this place already.

  "Tonight. That's what I was trying to tell you. We need to go get some costumes."

  Right. With that many wolves in one room, how could he not find his soulmate? The one that would complete him and his wolf. One that wouldn't bore the shit out of him while they lived. Of course, maybe he was looking at this all wrong. Maybe they'd have one of those diplomatic relationships. Maybe she'd be cool with just doing their own thing, once they had a cub to solidify the union. Fucking rules. He would have to sleep with her at least once. Was that how that worked? Get through it once? With his luck, that's not how it would work.

  Damn. He was just fucked if he couldn't find her. If he was stuck getting mated, she needed to be the right one.

  "Fine. Let's go find a costume. I'm not wearing tights though."

  His brother shook his head. "You're taking the fun out of this."

  West was on his last nerve. This had to work. "Eric, for once don't fuck with me. Let's go find something so I can get on with a new plan."

  "I have no idea what you have up your sleeve, but it's usually good. So whatever. Just remember, tights show off your junk to ladies. I mean, Robin Hood probably got tail for days."

  They mounted their bikes parked alongside the house.

  "Eric, Robinhood probably didn't actually fucking wear tights. Whatever. Still no."

  Pulling at the cord securing his helmet, he'd grabbed it off the bike. Pausing for a second, he tried to clear his head. In, out. He was getting mated. He wasn't ready. His wolf wasn't doing much better with the uncertainty of it all either.

  Maybe the freedom of the road would help clear his mind, his soul, and shut the wolf up. His wolf. There was another losing battle. He was fine with the arrangement. They'd been at odds forever about mates. The wolf didn't seem to mind the duty, but he couldn't just stay in wolf form their whole mated life. The human side was going to need a partnership. The wolf needed instinct.

  The engine roared to life, the throaty hum of his customized motorcycle. He wouldn't be getting rid of his bike. She'd better be fine hopping on the back for a while.

  His jeans stretched over his thighs as he hugged the machine between his legs and took off down the street.

  Costume, got it. He'd make this work. Fate was about to suck-it when he found the female he should have been with, not one his mother and father had deemed a good match.

  West followed his brother, praying that tonight would be his answer.


  "Colby, I look ridiculous."

  Ellen watched as he fixed his top hat. "No you don't, you look hot."

  Eyeing herself in the mirror, she thought she looked more like a fancy hooker.

  "It's like Alice of the red-light district."

  "Ellen, dear," Colby said, coming up behind her and resting his hands on her shoulders.

  "It's called sexy Alice-in-Wonderland. And it's a themed costume. Be happy you didn't get sexy Queen of
Hearts like Katie." They both looked behind them.

  Katie yanked at the corset.

  "I'm killing the person who designs adult costumes next time I have a minute, " Ellen said. "Also, why did you get to be the Mad Hatter?"

  He grinned. "Have you seen my ass in these pants? You can't compete. Plus, I don't have those." He pointed to her breasts. "I can't fill out a dress like that. Make sure you don't slap someone with those. Not sure how well they will stay in that dress when you start to actually enjoy yourself and dance."

  He twirled her around. "Now, for the finishing touch."

  Colby slipped a dainty sparkly blue mask over her head and gently rested it against her face.

  She put her hand up and helped him sit it above her nose and on her eyes.

  "Masquerade ball, remember?"

  She smiled. She couldn't forget. Tonight was some kind of answered prayer. The chance to be anyone but who she was. Alice escaping through a mirror. If only.

  "Are you sure you want to come, Colby?"

  He cocked his head. "I will deal with a bunch of dogs, as long as I get to see this little pup smile." Colby leaned his head against her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight in a backward hug.

  She laughed.

  "Oh, God. Please don't call them dogs. They will shred you."

  Katie butted her way to the mirror.

  "Yeah, Colby. And it's not a metaphor for hardcore sex. She means they will take you out back, let you get a head start and then hunt you."

  Katie adjusted her boobs. Katie had the looks. The perfect figure. Not Ellen. She got the curvy genes that made her boobs way too big, her ass completely wrong for most pants, and God, she wouldn't even talk about her hips.


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