Crimson Ties

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by V L Moon

  Crimson Ties

  The Crimson Nights Saga

  V.L. Moon & J.T. Cheyanne

  GENRE: MM/Erotic Paranormal

  WORD COUNT: 207,577

  Not everything in Heaven is as holy as it seems...

  In Crimson Ties, the second installment of the Crimson Nights Saga, Laziel is nowhere to be found, and with the ferocity of Malachi Denali's vampiric temperament growing out of control, Rome's Vatican enclave and those that dwell there risk everything to keep their King’s throne out of Darklon De Sangue’s treacherous hands.

  As Darklon's mental state deteriorates, his treasonous plans to overthrow Malachi know no bounds. With Arial dancing upon a deadly double-edged sword and working to gain Darklon's trust, this continuing saga keeps everyone on tenterhooks as new treaties are strengthened and friendships are forged by oaths and blood.

  Will Laziel return in time to save Malachi from those that threaten the male he loves, or will the fury of Malachi's distain for emotion see Laziel ascend if he refuses to accept the hand that destiny has dealt him and the gift of his angel's love?

  With emotions running high, and Malachi's past turning up to haunt them both in the form of the mysterious Vischeral Bourne, the twists and turns may prove too much for Laziel and his vampire. While Malachi and Laziel struggle with fate, an alliance with the wolves and the secrets behind the Nephilim and their sadistic Queen threaten to rock the very foundations of the supernatural world.

  Who knows what ties will bind and which will fade away.

  With a high element of supernatural romance and erotic sexcapades between male lovers, Crimson Ties may not be to some people’s taste, but for those brave enough to step into the wicked world of Laz and Lachi, we hope that you will read and thoroughly enjoy…

  Crimson Ties, The Crimson Nights Saga

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  Crimson Ties

  The Crimson Nights Saga

  V.L. Moon & J.T. Cheyanne

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  Copyright © V.L. Moon & J.T. Cheyanne, 2014

  First Edition August, 2014

  Published by: Laz & Lachi Publications, L.L.C.

  ISBN: 978-0-9899725-1-2

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, Laz & Lachi Publications, L.L.C., [email protected].

  No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without permission from Laz & Lachi Publications, L.L.C. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights and livelihood is appreciated.

  Edited by Angela Dykes

  Cover design by Tracey Weston

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  This book contains material that may be offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  This book is dedicated to Tracey “Soxie” Weston. As with every book we’ve written, you have made our males look fabulous. From the beginning, you’ve given us everything we’ve asked for even when our requests were outrageous. You have our heartfelt thanks and our utmost appreciation for all of your hard work and patience in meeting our crazy demands.

  We are blessed to have you as part of our team.

  To all of our blogger friends and supporters; the time and energy you put into your reviews and the promotion of our stories on your pages is greatly appreciated. You know who you are. We think you are all positively amazing. We are so thankful for all that you do.

  Our wonderful friends, old and new, Susan, Alina, Bran, Raven, Kim S., Kylie, Scott, Greg, Warren, Madi, and our extended Facebook family – we love you.

  Thank you to our awesome Beta Readers. You guys are the best!

  Last, but not least…to my wife. You are my muse, my work of art and the love of my life. Marrying you was a dream come true.

  I love you.

  V.L. Moon

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  Given time, every creation must ultimately face its eventual end.

  Even angels die…

  Chapter One



  Deep beneath Rome in the underbelly of the Vatican, a quiet chaos reigned. As the sun’s light finally faded from the cracks in the foundation of their world, the vampire enclave came to life. In his office directly beneath the largest area of destruction, a lone vampire stood panting, listening and seething.

  Fear permeated the air as muted footsteps hurried down silent hallways. The inhabitants of the enclave rushed about their business before escaping to hide behind closed doors. Whispered directives for repairs saturated the air as the Vatican enclave, home to Malachi Denali, King of the Vampire Race, teetered upon the precipice of panic. The feral roar of their leader still rang in their ears, and hearts pounded in terror as the virulence of his ire permeated the closed society. None dared approach Malachi or his office; a good thing as it spared their lives. Amid the melee, a female emerged from the living quarters and strode purposefully toward the warped set of double doors the others skirted.

  He sensed her determination along with the fear of the others. He relished the terror and shoved out his fury to further it along. Yet, she came to him undeterred, without being called. At her back, two males kept pace. One vampire, one wolf. Even from the distance, they both reeked of sex and the essence of the female who steadfastly ignored them.

  He knew when she stopped at the doors hanging listlessly from ripped apart hinges; heard her small inhalation of surprise at the destruction of his once immaculate office. Fury such as he had never known fueled his vampiric nature heightening his senses and feeding the beast that thirsted for blood, death and destruction. He turned flame red, burning eyes upon her, daring her to enter. Which she did without any apparent qualms.

  “Sire.” Briefly, admiration for her courage broke through the turbulence of his mind. He turned slowly to fully face the three who stood just inside the entrance. Savagely, he beat back the monster that roared to the surface when the two males moved to form a protective wall before the female. They thought they could stop him if he wanted her? A sneer curled his lips away from his fangs. His beast wanted the fight, hungered for the metallic coppery taste of their blood. But, these were not his enemies.

  Kimberly Stroner pushed through the preternatural barrier formed to protect her and passed the solid wall of muscle belonging to vampire and wolf. She stalked across the room to stand directly in front of him. Malachi’s heart raced, his fangs lengthened even more. The fire in his eyes bathed her face in their crimson glow. Slowly, as one would approach a wounded beast, she reached out to take his hand. He recoiled from her touch, but she persisted. When her fingers closed around his without incident, the tight set of her shoulders relaxed. He waited, fighting the violence inside.

  “Roman, go find Laziel.�
� Her words, no his name, twisted the mangled shreds of Malachi’s control. He snarled as the abductor’s words marched across his mind. “We have your female. Abdicate, or we kill her. There will be no negotiation.” Malachi growled again. The unearthly sound reverberated around the room and raised the hackles of the wolf and vampire.

  “Fuck that, I’m not leaving you here with him in that condition.” Roman took a step in their direction. A seriously wrong move. Kimberly’s shout registered only after he lunged and pinned the younger vampire to the wall, his clawed fingers digging into Roman’s throat. Blood leaked out over his knuckles.

  “Tobias, for the Creator’s sake, go find Laziel,” Kimberly pleaded as she tugged uselessly at Malachi’s wrist. “He’s the only one who can control the King.”

  The angel’s name twisted in his gut. Malachi flung Roman to the side and dropped into a fighting crouch, daring the wolf to come closer. Everyone stood frozen their gazes locked on him.

  “The angel is not here.” The words emerged on a snarl, badly distorted by the fangs protruding past his lower lip. Wary expressions ranged across the males’ faces. Ms. Stroner bore a look of confusion.

  “Loz has been taken,” he clarified as these three did not know of the angel’s capabilities. A Seraphim, able to take the form of male or female at his whim, Laziel was an anomaly. Only two people knew the carefully guarded secret, Malachi and Laziel. It was the female form that had been taken, kidnapped while in the guise of his vampire fiancé. Kimberly’s face paled, but she stood firm, maintaining his gaze and keeping him focused on her as Tobias moved.

  “When? By who? Has Laziel gone to look for her? Have you called Saul?” Questions fell like raindrops as she tried to keep him distracted from the other two present in the room. It didn’t work. He knew their whereabouts exactly and turned his head as a shuffling in the corner drew his attention. Tobias knelt at Roman’s side, his face a mask of worry and concern as he attempted to stem the sluggish flow of the vampire’s blood. The wolf must have sensed his regard. Angry, tawny eyes collided with his gaze.

  “Get your shit together vampire king, or your new Elder is going to die before he can return to his enclave,” Tobias growled while positioning his body protectively between Malachi and Roman. A possessive gleam flared in Tobias’s eyes. Interesting. Before he could speak, he saw the flash of fangs and heard the wolf’s nearly silent hiss as Roman bit into his wrist desperate to replace the blood leaving his body.

  “Tobias!” Kimberly’s horrified admonishment rang in the silence. She planted both hands against Malachi’s chest and shoved him back away from the wolf and vampire. “Please Sire, he didn’t mean…”

  “He’s right.” Malachi interrupted and drew a shuddering breath. Turning his back, he called upon the years of training with the angel and systematically beat back the volcanic power of his vampire nature. Fangs returned to normal, the red haze in his vision cleared and his features settled into their usual stony expression. When he turned back to face the trio of would be assistance, he wore the visage of the king though the beast still wailed just beneath the veneer.

  “Ms. Stroner, please attend De Sangue’s wounds. Chamberlin, find Saul, and then you’re dismissed for the return home to the States.”

  The young wolf surged to his feet, ripping his wrist free from Roman’s bite. “Wait a damned minute. You can’t just dismiss me. I’m an envoy of the Appalachian Pack, an ambassador for the American Wolf Shifters. I have a right to know what the hell is going on. I won't leave him to your savagery.” Tobias objected.

  Malachi rounded on him, dodged Kimberly’s attempt to block him and got right up in the wolf’s face. He growled long and low, the vibration shaking the glass still left unbroken in the room. “You are in my enclave, pup. Do not forget you are speaking to the fucking king. I can and will have your furry ass dismembered, sucked dry and thrown out of my Court. I don’t give a fuck if you’re the Alpha Prime for the Galactic Universe. You will get the fuck out of my enclave; tuck your tail between your legs and fly back home like a good little wolf. Do I fucking make myself clear?”

  The wolf stumbled backward from the force of Malachi’s rage. He visibly paled, and then swallowed. He turned in the direction of the downed vampire and whined quietly. Something flashed between them before he nodded and edged back toward the wrecked doors. His ravaged wrist splashed pearls of crimson across the floor as he retreated.

  Silence ensued for a heartbeat and then two. “Did someone break in, Sire? Was this done when Mistress Loz was taken?” Ms. Stroner’s quiet voice drew his attention back to her. Dispassionately, he eyed the destruction around him.

  “No.” Without explaining further, he circled his desk as cold determination settled around him. He rummaged through the papers and disorder until he found his cell phone, punched the contacts icon and listened for the ring.

  “Will he live?” He directed the question to his secretary, but the male answered.

  “Yes, milord.” Roman De Sangue stood at her side, his eyes clear. Only the stains on his collar evidenced his earlier distress. Such was the glory of the vampire race. “How might I serve you?”

  Malachi held up a hand. “Chapel,” he barked into the phone before hitting the end button. He slid the instrument into his pocket and met Roman’s stare. “My plans for you have not changed. Accompany the wolf back the States. Tell the Packs of the Nephilim attack on your enclave. Warn them of the danger and then return here.”“

  “Yes, Your Highness.” Roman bowed stiffly and turned to face Ms. Stroner. Before he could utter a word, Malachi issued one last order.

  “Take her with you.” The blood on Roman’s clothes screamed at him. With Laziel missing, no one was safe from his temper. The savagery of his nature hovered to near the surface. For the female’s safety, he needed to send her away.

  “Sire…”Roman started, but Kimberly interjected.

  “No!” Her refusal was adamant, but both pleas fell into empty space. Malachi ported out of his office and took form at the altar of the small chapel he’d built for the angel.

  Complete darkness surrounded him with the exception of two candles on the wall to either side of the crucifix. Away from prying eyes and shoved out of the numbness that had blanketed him through the daylight hours; he hit his knees and rested his forehead against the cool black Serendibite. He reached out through the bond he shared with his angel, his Guardian, his Laziel. He bit back a curse at the faint glimmer. His anger fueled his will, and he shoved harder. When he found Her still in control, a growl rumbled into the small room.

  “Loz.” He spoke through the mind link.

  No response.

  Concentrating hard, he pushed against the barrier separating them, a barrier that had never been in place between him and Laziel. He felt the angel, sensed the turmoil rolling through the celestial's mind. But, for the first time in the centuries since his birth, he failed to make contact through the link.

  He roared against it, shouting his rage and shaking the walls once again. Fresh waves of terror washed over him from the vampires above. It barely flickered in his consciousness. Pain and anger ripped through Malachi’s chest. Damn it, Laz; where the fuck are you? Why are you letting Her keep you away from me? Why aren’t you shifting back?

  The last time Malachi had seen the celestial, the angel inhabited the female form, Lorenza or Loz for short, following a celebration in honor of Roman De Sangue’s ascension to Elder of the South American region. Loz had left his chambers while Malachi still slept. Her goal was to be seen and maintain the pretense of being the king’s consort.

  However, video surveillance showed the angel’s abduction in the parking garage of the Vatican enclave. On the tape, Loz appeared to be upset, even crying. Malachi had never witnessed such behavior before. The angel never cried; in either form. Had he injured her somehow? He was by nature a sadist and a masochist; a fierce lover who gave and received pain. When his own race shunned his savage needs, the angel had stepped in a
nd offered himself. But, it had always been Laziel in his bed, never Lorenza.

  Malachi shifted uncomfortably as memories of the night before stormed his mind. Loz’s refusal to allow the male form to take over, the intimacy he usually shunned prevailing over his need for dominance and pain. He remembered her softness, the way her warmth closed around him as she writhed and rode him. The experience had been wholly new to him and not one he cared to repeat. But, he hadn’t hurt her, hadn’t even taken charge.

  The entire time he’d wanted Laziel; demanded the male version show himself. Though he’d reached completion under her skillful touch, it was the hard planes and well defined muscle he craved. He’d ordered the return of Laziel’s strong arms and yearned for the fierceness of their coming together. If it had not been for the familiar scent of his male saturating the room, their joining would never have taken place.

  Without a doubt, Laziel held him heart and soul. Malachi refused to admit it to anyone, even Laziel, for fear of the situation he now faced. Did the ones who held the angel realize they held a kingdom in their hands? For Laziel, Malachi would walk away from everything; sacrifice it all without a backward glance.

  He never wanted a kingship. The angel wanted him on the throne, had dedicated his life to ensuring Malachi ascended. Malachi raked his hands through his hair. The wily fucker had willingly sacrificed himself to his abductors to ensure Malachi stayed safe and protected. Damn it Laz, why did you let them take you? Pain twisted through him again.

  His head fell back on his shoulders, and he glared at the ceiling. “Where the fuck is my angel?” The question reverberated around the room as he glared at the crucifix.

  “It's been my experience, the Creator does not respond to such aggression.” The deep baritone snapped Malachi’s head around. His black gaze drilled into the male leaning against the back wall. Arial Nathanial, Fallen angel and formerly the Guardian of the Gates of Hell, had pledged his allegiance to Malachi and Laziel upon being cast out of Heaven by his own celestial parents. The Fallen’s current assignment saw him infiltrating the enemy camp under the guise of betraying Malachi to his nastiest and most hated enemy.


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