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Memories of Us: A Second Chance, Amnesia Romance Novel

Page 21

by Kennedy L. Mitchell

  Footsteps sounded against the hardwood.

  “Welcome back.” Bradley smiled when he rounded the corner.

  “I should say the same to you. Heard you’ve been back a couple of weeks.” The rehab center had given daily updates on his progress and when he'd completed the program. “How do you feel?”

  “Good,” he said with a smile. “Great even. I know it's a long road, but to be this clearheaded is fucking fantastic.”

  “Has your father tried to come by?”

  Bradley shifted on his feet. “No. We don't know where he is. No one’s seen him since the day I dropped him at the motel. Can't say I'm sad about it.”

  In full understanding, I gave a quick nod. “Where's your sister?” Why beat around the bush; not like I was there to see him.

  His smile widened. “In the barn taking inventory of the supplies. She's come alive since you hired her as the full-time vet for the ranch. Thanks for everything you did, man. Really, thank you.”

  I nodded and turned for the door.

  The familiar scent of hay and manure filled my nose the moment I stepped into the barn. A few horses watched as I stalked toward the supply room in search of the woman I couldn't get off my mind.

  The past four months had been torture. Access to email was slim where we were, and even then Ryder wasn't the best at communicating what was going on. All she said in the last email was I needed to get my ass back to Texas as soon as possible.

  So here I was.

  I wasn’t stateside for more than a few hours when I requested emergency leave. That was three hours ago, which meant I had twenty-one hours to figure out what was going on here and get my ass back to Kentucky.

  Beks’s voice filtered through the otherwise quiet barn. “What are you doing in here? You should be on this other shelf with your friends. See, all the antibiotics go there, and you go here with your vitamin friends.”

  A shoulder on the doorframe, I watched her work as she talked to herself. A soothing sense of relief calmed my ticking temper at the mere sight of her. Damn, I missed her. For the first time in months, I could breathe.

  “I didn't know vitamins had friends,” I said.

  Her hands stilled midair. Achingly slow, she turned to lock those bright honey brown eyes with mine.

  “You're here,” she breathed. Wide-eyed, she held the clipboard tight to her chest and smiled.

  The distance between us felt like a canyon. “Is that a good thing?”

  The clipboard clattered to the ground, her boot heels pounding against the stained concrete floors as she ran full speed and leaped into my outstretched arms.

  “It's a great thing. I missed you.”

  Capturing her lips with mine, I sighed at the intense connection between us. Damn, I missed this.

  “I missed you too, baby,” I said against her lips. “I'm leaving the army.”

  The words shocked her, and me. It wasn't until right then that I knew for sure this place was my home. She was my home. Yes, I loved my job, but Beks was my anchor, my life. This was where I belonged.

  “What?” Beks pulled back to lay her head against the wall, eyes searching mine. “Why would you do that? You love it.”

  “I love you more,” I whispered. “These past few months have killed me. Every day apart from you, a piece of the man I want to be, the man I am when I'm around you, went dormant. You make me whole in ways I can't describe.”

  The course pads of my thumbs brushed away her silent tears.

  “I love you, Rebeka Harding, and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. I want to build a family and give our children what we never had. You and me, together, happy, and hopelessly devoted to each other.”

  “Is that a proposal?” She sniffed with a trembling smile.

  “I don't have a ring.” Dammit, I should've thought of that on the way here, but I was too damn excited to see her. A ring was the last thing on my mind.

  “Sir Fancy Pants, I don't need a ring. All I need is you.” Her heart hammered from her chest to mine. A broad smile crept up her cheeks, creasing the edges of her almond-shaped eyes.

  “You're killing me. Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, Brenton. It's a yes.”

  Beks’s sweet lips molded around mine and parted at the begging request for access. For several minutes we clung to each other, savoring the connection. Soon every day would be with this perfect woman. I’d have the internal peace she offered me, and I wouldn’t allow one day to pass from this point forward without telling her what she meant to me.

  We were both broken in our own ways, but together we were whole. And hopefully one day we could continue the healing by giving our children the love and unconditional support we were never afforded.

  One day.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Were you serious about the family part?”

  Brows raised, I tilted my head, not understanding.

  “Because it's a little late to go back now.”

  I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. “I don't understand what you're telling me.”

  “I'm telling you....” Her chest rose and fell in a deep breath. “I'm pregnant.”

  The world stilled, the noise of the barn falling silent as I gaped down into her uncertain eyes. Fear, excitement, uncertainty, and soul-consuming happiness sank in. The corners of my lips tugged my cheeks up until they couldn't rise any higher.



  “Really. Are you okay with that?”

  Pulling her close, I tucked her head to my chest and stroked down her dark curly hair. “Do you hear that?”

  Beks’s head moved up and down.

  “That's the sound of a heart exploding.”

  Two arms snaked around my waist and squeezed.

  Coarse hair tickled my lips as I whispered into her ear, “I can't wait to spend the rest of my life thanking you for saving me.”

  “I know one way you could start,” she said with a flex of her hips against my crotch.

  “So bossy,” I grumbled with a smile as I stepped into the supply closet and slammed the door closed.

  Forever with this woman.

  Sounded like a damn perfect life to me.


  “BUT I’M NOT DUE FOR two more weeks.” My voice broke at the last word giving away my rising fear. “Brenton isn’t even here. She can’t come today.” I was an idiot for not going to Kentucky with B. What was I thinking wanting to stay here just because it was familiar? Going into labor early was always a possibility, but I never thought it would happen. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Now here I was going into labor with my husband states away. Husband was still strange to say even in my thoughts. But I guess that was natural considering it had only been a few months since he proposed and later that day stood before the Justice of the Peace.

  Bending over my round belly as far as I could toward my crotch I yelled, “You can’t come out today. Go back in there.”

  “It doesn’t work that way sweetie,” Ryder said with a nervous laugh at the end. “Come on we have to get you to the hospital. I don’t want the wrath of your husband if you have this baby in the car.”

  “No. I’m not going without him.”

  “Beka....” she groaned. “Stop it with this stupid shit. You know we have to go so stop being difficult. You’re not having this baby here.”

  I crossed both arms across my chest and leaned further into the couch just as another contraction hit making my face contort in pain. “Fuck this hurts,” I cried. “I need Brenton.”

  When I finally peeled my eyes open, Bradley stood over me staring down with concern and determination behind his gaze.

  “I’m not going without him,” I whispered.

  “You don’t have a choice sis. Hate to break it to you, but nature doesn’t give a shit if your husband is here or not. My niece is coming today and not in this fucking house. Now get your ass off the couch and into the truck. I already have
the seat warm for you.”

  Stupid hormones had tears leaking from my eyes at his thoughtfulness.

  “Here,” Ryder shoved her cell phone against my ear. “Maybe you’ll listen to him.”

  Knowing who was on the other end of the line, I sat up straighter and cleared my throat. “Where are you?”

  “Beks I swear on everything we own I will kick your fine ass if you don’t get in the fucking truck right now,” Brenton said calmly. But I heard the undercurrent of worry and frustration. He was my husband after all.

  “Where are you?” I asked again allowing my voice to shake. I didn’t want to do this without Brenton there. I was strong on my own, but I needed his strength to get through this, I needed him here.

  “Figuring out a way to get to Midland. Baby, you have to go to the hospital okay. Listen to Ryder and your brother. I love you but get in the damn truck.”

  In the seconds it took for me to glance between the two staring at me Brenton was already talking again.

  “Get your fine ass off the couch.” The clear command in his tone, one I loved in the bedroom, struck home.

  “Big ass,” I grumbled back.

  “My ass. Now up.”

  Reaching out a hand to Bradley I grunted as he pulled me up. An arm wrapped around my waist he held me steady until I had my balance.

  “Okay, okay I’m going. So bossy.” My smirk dropped as I doubled over with a curse at the sharp cramping around my middle. The phone tumbled to the floor.

  “Beka,” Ryder yelled. Her small arm wrapped under my shoulders and urged me toward the door. “I hope you packed good snacks in your overnight bag. You’re stressing me the fuck out.”

  Even though the pain I couldn’t help but laugh.

  From the cowskin rug, Brenton’s bellowing voice called out to me.

  “Get the phone,” I said between deep breaths. “Before B strokes out.”

  As Ryder ushered me toward the door mumbling a string of curse words I heard Bradley telling Brenton what was going on. Once outside Ryder and I stopped at the top of the stairs knowing full well we should wait for Bradley in case I toppled forward–I was a little top heavy these days.

  “He’s on his way,” Bradley stated and tucked his shoulder beneath mine. “Don’t worry, knowing your husband he’ll break every law out there to get to you in time.”

  “And if not you’ll have me,” Ryder grunted as she shoved me into the truck. “Now let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “THIS SHIT IS LEGIT,” I said to the ceiling.

  “See aren’t you glad we forced you to come to the hospital?” Ryder squeezed her tiny hand around mine. “He’ll get here don’t worry.”

  I glanced at the clock. It’d been thirty minutes since the epidural, over an hour since we checked in.

  A faint knock at the door drew our attention as my OBGYN walked in.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked and gripped the hand, not in Ryder’s.

  “Better, that drug shit is amazing.”

  He just chuckled and patted my hand before looking at the monitors. “Doesn’t look like you’ve had any recent contractions. Sometimes the epidural can slow down the process at first, but it will pick back up soon. First ones take the longest dear so be patient.”

  With that, he scribbled a few of notes on my chart and shuffled out of the room.

  I smiled at the ceiling. Baby Grace wanted her daddy here, so she slowed her roll.

  “Be patient, little lady, he’s on his way,” I whispered and closed my eyes.

  Deep breaths in and deep breaths out.

  Stay calm, and Grace will be calm.


  Until it wasn’t.

  “What are you telling me?” I asked my doctor looking between him, Bradley and Ryder. Two hours later and Brenton still wasn’t there and, to top off my stress, Grace was sending mixed signals on the monitor.

  “I’m telling you to get your head around an emergency C-section Mrs. Graves. Because there is a good chance, it will happen. Your baby’s heart rate keeps rising, but you’re not far enough along for you to push her out the old-fashioned way. I’ll come to check on you in ten.”

  As he walked out the door, he yelled at a nurse walking by to prepare an operating room.

  “This can’t be happening.” Tears streamed down my face splashing on to my paper thin gown. “Brenton, where are you?”

  “I’m here.”

  All eyes shifted from where I was having a mental breakdown in the hospital bed to the fatigues dressed–sexy as hell–man in the doorway.

  In two steps he was at my bedside and his lips pressed against my forehead.

  “You made it.”

  Smiling down he wiped away each tear focusing on me like I was the only person in the room. “I wouldn’t have missed it. Why are you crying? Are you in pain? Fucking doctors I’ll go get them to give you something-”

  I gripped his hand before he could storm out. “No, no pain. It’s Grace. I might need an emergency C-section because shes stressed, I’m fucking stressed, and I’m not ripe enough down there to push her out.”

  Brushing a few stray hairs from my face, he pressed his lips to mine. “Ryder, Bradley. Leave. I need a moment with my wife.”

  Damn, I loved that tone. So strong. So dominant. Even though I was already numb below the waist, just his voice relaxed my muscles and soothed my rising stress.

  After the two were gone Brenton dipped his hand beneath the cheap blanket to rub his calloused hand along my belly.

  “Our baby,” he whispered.

  “Our baby.”

  “You’re doing great baby, relax. I’m here, and I won’t let anything bad happen to you or her.” Leaning down he moved the blanket down and my gown up exposing my belly. “And you little lady calm down in there. I’m here now so no more waiting. Daddy is here.”

  Long, soothing strokes of his fingertips along my stomach calmed her and me.

  “Now I’m going to find the doctors, find out what's going on, and make sure they know who you are.”

  A twinge of pain shot up my spine. I looked at the monitors showing I had a strong contraction that I couldn’t feel – thank you drugs.

  “And who am I?” I asked taking a deep breath.

  “You’re everything Beks. You and this little girl right here. You two are my world, and they need to know that.”

  “Brenton,” I said and gripped his hand tight. “Something is happening.”

  Brows furrowed he watched me for a second before realization clicked in.

  “I’ll go get the doc-”

  My OBGYN barged through the door cutting him off. “Okay, Mrs. Graves we have OR-” At the sight of Brenton he paused. “Mr. Graves glad you could make it.”

  “Something is happening,” I said. “Can you check me one more time?”

  He nodded.

  After the quick check, he slid the latex glove off and tossed it in the trash. “Guess you both were waiting on him to get here. Let me grab a nurse; then it’s time to push.”

  Ten minutes, and a lot of sweat and curse words later, the doctor placed a bright red baby girl on my chest. “Congratulations you two.”

  All around us the doctor continued to work and the nurses scurried around, but Brenton and my attention were on the precious creature we made.

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “Just like her mom,” Brenton sniffled as he ran a hand over her gloopy head. “Damn you’re amazing Beks. She’s perfect.”

  Against my bare chest Grace wiggled with her eyes sealed shut.


  Hesitantly I took my eyes off my baby girl and looked to B.

  “It’s not your choice anymore. You and Grace are coming back to Kentucky with me until I finish up my contract with the army. No more of this long distance shit. You, me, and her together from now on.”

  “Okay,” I said with a broad smile.

  He eyed me suspiciously. “Okay? No pushback?”

sp; “I don’t want to be away from you either. And...” With a hand wrapped around the back of his neck, I pulled him down to press my lips against his ear. “When I’m all healed down there that’s when I’ll give you push back. Where’s the fun in it if my sass isn’t returned with your hand across my ass?”

  His loud laugh made everyone turn their attention to us.

  But we didn’t care.

  Eyes locked with each other. Hands resting on our new beautiful baby girl. We didn’t care about anything other than us — our little family.

  “I love you, Mrs. Graves. Forever.”

  “And I love you too, Mr. Graves. Forever.”

  The End

  Play List

  NIALL HORAN & MAREN Morris – Seeing Blind

  RaeLynn – Queens Don’t

  Dierks Bently – Different for Grils

  Beve Rexha & FGL – Meant to Be

  LANCO – Greastest Love Story

  LANCO – Born to Love You

  LANCO – Win You Over

  Danielle Branbery – Sway

  Lady Gaga – Million Reasons

  Cam – Burning House

  Christina Perri – Human

  Lauren Daigle – You Say

  Loren Allred – Never Enough

  Zac Efron & Zendaya – Rewrite the Stars

  Ana endrick and Justing Timberlake – True Colors

  Disturbed – The Sounds of Silence

  B0RNS – The Emotion

  B0RNS – Past Lives

  Miranda Lambert – Tin Man

  Kacey Musgraves – Space Cowboy

  Brett Young – Mercy

  Kiana Grannis – Can’t Help Falling in Love

  Alex & Sierra – Little Do You Know

  Heather Masse – Bird Song

  Meghan Trainor – ALL THE WAYS

  Lady Gaga – Shallow


  I ALWAYS SAVE THIS part to the last and here I am a few hours from publication writing the acknowledgements. So here we go...

  I started writign becuase of my two favorite alpha readers – Emily and Christine. You two are everythign in this writing process. It’s you who makes me want to write the next book and keep you guessing each morning with new chapters. Thank you for supporting me in all this. All the late night texts, last minutes pages, and anxiety laced calls – you’ve walked me through them all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. With out you two all these stories would be stuck in my head.


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