And now let us turn the clock back a few hours, that we may relate howHilda and Ruth made the well-laid plans of Ferrars of no effect, so faras himself and another were concerned.
Mr. Myers had left the ladies of his party safe in their snug quartersat Hampton Court, and went early to the city to meet Ferrars, as hasalready been related; but if he expected them to remain in _statu quo_on such a day, and in easy reach of Bond Street, it speaks ill for hisknowledge of women, especially of Ruth Glidden, who knew her Londonwell, and who--when Mrs. Myers began to long to see the inside ofHowells and James, and their royal array of painted and other rarechina, and Hilda looked yearningly over the guide-books for thecity--took matters into her own hands.
There was no reason why they should not go to town, especially, so sheprivately informed Mrs. Myers, as Hilda was moping. She could guide themanywhere where they might wish to go.
And this is how the three ladies came to be seen at Marshall andSnelgrove's, linen drapers, so called; at Redmayne's and Redfern's, andat Jay's, for Hilda's sombre bedecking. Jay's has been called the"mourning warehouse" of the world, not because Jay keeps on tap aperennial and unfailing supply of tears, but because "all they(feminine) that mourn" may be suitably clad--at enormous expense, by theway--by Jay and Co.
And here it was that our little party, sweeping into one of the superbparlours where models display Jay's sombre wares, came face to face withMrs. Jamieson, who, seated upon a broad divan, was gazing at a littleblonde, of her own size and colouring, who displayed for her benefit aflowing tea-gown of soft, black silk, lighted up here and there withtouches of gleaming white.
Of course there were greetings and exclamations, and such converse asmay be held in so public a place; and Ruth, who, somehow, made herselfspokesman for the party, exclaimed that they had "just run over for thatlittle outing, and because Hilda needed the change. Oh, yes, they werewell escorted; Mr. Myers was with them, and also Mr. Grant."
At the name, which was the only one by which she knew Ferrars, Mrs.Jamieson flushed and paled, and the smile with which she received thisnews was slightly tremulous. And then she told them how she wasstopping, for a short time, with a friend in Bloomsbury. Her husband'sbusiness affairs, that had called her so suddenly back to England, werenow almost settled. And then she should leave London for a time. She hadbeen thinking of a place in Surrey; she hoped to be in possession soon,and then surely they would not return too soon for a visit to her amongthe Surrey Downs? And where were they stopping?
Upon which Ruth confided the fact that they were not yet in permanentquarters. They must be settled soon; however, meantime, etc., etc., etc.
They parted soon, and it was only when they were riding homeward that itoccurred to them that Robert Brierly's name had not been spoken, andthat Ferrars, perhaps, would not be best pleased to know of theirunpremeditated excursion.
As for the little widow, she went back to Bloomsbury in a state ofexcitement unusual for her.
To know that "Ferriss Grant" was in London, and that she might see himsoon, set her pulses beating, and her brain teeming with plans fortheir meeting. What had brought him to London just now? What, indeed,save herself? Unless--and here she paled, and her little hands wereclenched till the black gloves burst across the dainty palms--unless itwere Ruth Glidden.
What was Ruth Glidden to the Grants? she asked herself futilely, and whywere they together? And then for ten minutes Mrs. Jamieson wished shehad never seen Ferriss Grant.
"I was very well content until then," she assured herself. "And myfuture seemed all arranged; and now----" she longed to meet him, andyet--
"If he had but waited, or if I had not been so hesitating! Now I must goon, and he must not know. A month later and I might have received themall in my sweet Surrey home, have met him with full hands, and therewould have been no need of explanation, while now!" She struck her handstogether, and set her lips in firm lines. "I must see him once, and thenwe need not meet until all is arranged. If I only knew where to send anote."
She had been absent since luncheon, and upon her arrival at home shefound this brief note awaiting her:
"DEAR MADAM,--Being in London for a short time only, and with little leisure, I take the liberty of asking if I may call upon you in the morning, at the unfashionable hour of eleven o'clock?
"Yours respectfully,
It was late when she reached Bloomsbury, and she had little time todress for dinner and the evening, for she was going out again, but shereplied to this note, bidding him come, and assuring him of his welcomeat any hour. Then, reluctantly, and with a look of distaste, amountingalmost to repugnance upon her face, she began to dress for the evening.
When Ferrars reached his rooms, after leaving the cafe, his lips wereset, and his eyes gleamed dangerously, for a little time he paced thefloor, and then, impelled by some thought, he looked to see if anyletters had arrived during his absence. Yes, there they were, half adozen of them. He glanced at their superscriptions, and then opened alittle perfumed and black-bordered envelope. It was Mrs. Jamieson'sreply to his note of the afternoon, and he read it and put it downslowly.
"I shall be prompt," he said to himself, "to keep that appointment, andI wonder whether its outcome will make me more or less her friend. If itwill alter or modify my plans; and if, having met this once I shallhave the courage, the hardihood to meet her again, and to say what Imust say if we meet." He put down the little note and took up the onenext in interest.
The handwriting was that of Ruth Glidden, and the stationery that of afashionable Piccadilly dressmaker.
"DEAR MR. F."--so ran the note--
"I am aware that you did not wish us, any of us, to be seen of men in London until certain things were accomplished, and I take upon myself all the blame of the little journey we, Mrs. Myers, Hilda, and myself, took this afternoon. We felt quite safe in visiting a few shops 'for ladies only,' but at the third we met Mrs. Jamieson. This may, or may not, be of moment to you. At all events, I have eased my conscience, and Hilda's, by letting you know. Nothing of any moment was said on either side, and no questions were asked.
"Yours penitently,
Over this womanlike note Ferrars wrinkled his brows, and finally smiled.
"I had not meant that they should meet until--but pshaw! What does itmatter? Everything seems urging me on and shaping my course. So be it!It is time for the last stroke, and to-morrow, before this hour, Ishall be a free man, or a failure."
Ferrars was prompt in his appearance at the Bloomsbury cottage, and Mrs.Jamieson had been for a long half-hour awaiting him alone in the littledrawing-room Her face was somewhat pale, and there was a hint ofagitation in her greeting, and a shade of gravity in his.
She talked of Hilda, and was full of pleasure at their meeting; and byand by she spoke of Ruth, her beauty, her grace, and style. Was it truethat she was an heiress? And was she not, in some way, related to MissHilda and himself. Or perhaps to the Brierlys?
It was the first mention of that name by either, and Ferrars, lookinginto her eyes, answered:
"She bore the same relation to Robert Brierly that Hilda bore toCharles. They had been lovers since childhood."
"How sad, strange, and romantic! How pitiful!"
"The sadness outweighs the romance, and it is strange that the same handshould have struck at the happiness of both their friends. I have askedmyself," he went on musingly, "what would be the fate of the destroyerof so much happiness, if these two girls could be made judge and jury,with the slayer at their mercy."
"Ugh!" The lady shuddered and turned her face away. "The thought isunnatural!"
"I don't know; women have been dread enemies before now, and aregenerally good haters. They make great criminals, too. But I fancy awoman must always betray----"
nbsp; "Mercy!" She crossed the room suddenly to change the position of atranslucent screen through which the sun had begun to filter. "You arepositively gruesome, Mr. Grant! Let us change the subject. Or, first letme ask if they have found any trace of the cr-- the person?"
"The clues have been very unsatisfactory for the most part. But theladies both hope to see justice done yet. We all hope it, in fact."
"And what is most lacking?"
"From the first, the motive seemed most difficult to discover. But wewon't dwell upon this longer now, Mrs. Jamieson."
"Ah! And I was just getting up courage to ask you to tell me what hadbeen done, what progress had been made; I was so near to being awitness, you know, and----"
"And of course you are interested, I quite understand that. If youreally care to hear, Mrs. Jamieson, I will tell you the whole story whennext we meet. It is quite interesting. I will tell you that and otherthings." He arose and stood before her. "I must not tarry now. Shall yoube at liberty this afternoon?"
"I am so sorry. I am promised to my hostess. She thinks I live toosecluded a life. But I am about to make a change." She brightenedvisibly as she told of her Surrey prospects, and her hope of seeing hisparty, and himself, there. And then her smile faded.
"I fear I may not see you again for at least a fortnight. I havepromised Mrs. Latham, my hostess, that I would go over to Paris withher. She has been very good to me," she faltered. "How long shall youremain in England?" she added.
"More than a fortnight at least."
"I shall see you again?"
"Mrs. Jamieson, never doubt it." He was drawing on a glove, as heuttered the words, and across the busy fingers he looked into her eyes."It was to see you that I came to England, and so----" he bowed low,"till we meet." He caught up his hat and stick, and before she could putout a hand had bowed himself from the room, and she heard his quickreceding step across the little vestibule.
For many moments after, she sat where she had sunk down at his suddengoing, and presently the slow tears fell upon the hands that supportedher bowed face.
For years she had been an unhappy woman, living an unloved, unlovinglife. Then ambition and hope had taken hold of her mind, and she hadtested herself, and found, in that small body, the strength to daremuch, and to risk much; and now--how she thrilled at thethought--wealth, success, and love; all would come to her together. Whatelse could his words mean? She had only to be courageous and firm for alittle while. To be patient for a few more days, and then---- She sprangto her feet and flung her arms aloft. She wanted to shout for triumph."Victory!" she said aloud. "Is there another woman in all the world whocan say that she has conquered fate, and gained all the good she hasworked and wished for?"
And just then, the maid's voice broke in upon her dream.
"Madam, the charwoman is here for the money. Do you still wish me togive her the little suit?"
The woman turned as suddenly as if Nemesis had spoken.
"Yes!" she said, and the voice was husky, and the face almost terrorstricken.
Robert Brierly came up the piazza steps, where Ruth sat alone, anddropped upon the topmost one, at her feet. "I have just received a notefrom Ferrars."
Ruth looked up from her bit of needlework. There was a note ofsuppressed excitement in his tone, which she was quick to observe.
"He seems to have changed his mind," Brierly went on, "and bids me comeup with Myers."
"To-day?" The work fell from her hands.
"Now. In half an hour."
"But Robert, after all his caution!"
"Let me read the note, dear," he said, unfolding the sheet he had heldin his hand. "It is very brief and pointed:
"'DEAR BRIERLY,--Come up with Myers, and be sure that you are not observed when you enter Haynes' office. He will know what to do with you. If I have not been an awful bungler--and I don't think I have this time--you will stand a free man to-night, able to go up and down the earth without menace from the assassin's knife, and will have come into your own, which means a fortune.
"Ruth," he spoke softly, "Do you know what that means?"
"Better than you do, perhaps." She spoke hurriedly, as if to gain time,and her cheeks were already aflame. "Your mind was so entirely set uponfinding Charlie's murderer, Rob, that they thought it best not to risk anew anxiety by telling you too much about the other; besides, therecould be nothing certain, you know, until Mr. Myers had investigated.You had a hint of it."
"Oh, to be sure. And I have not been quite blind to their kindlycunning. Will it be a very great fortune, Ruthie?" He caught her hand,and held it fast.
"Because if it is, I intend to come back and lay it all at your feet,formally, abjectly, and with utmost speed."
Ruth wrestled away the imprisoned hand and gave her chair a backwardpush.
"Robert Brierly, if you dare to come to me and offer me a fortune, ahateful old English fortune--that I despise; if you only ask me toaccept you after you are sure of that money, I won't! I will not!Never!"
"Ruthie!" She sprang up, but he was before her. "Oh, you can't escapenow. I intend to propose to you this minute. I'll run no risks, aftersuch a threat as that. Ruth, if you run away, I will shout it after you,and Mrs. Myers and Hilda are half way down the stairs now. Quick, Ruth,dear, will you marry me? I sha'n't let you go until you say yes."
And then, in spite of herself, Ruth's laughter bubbled over.
"You stupid! As if we hadn't been engaged for years! At least I have."
Half an hour later when Mr. Myers and Brierly came out upon the piazzatogether they found Ruth awaiting them there, equipped for a journey.
"Why, Ruth," said the lawyer, "are you going to the city?"
"I am going with you!" the girl replied firmly. "You need not argue. Imean to go. And Mr. Ferrars will not object. He will need me."
The Last Stroke: A Detective Story Page 23