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Ozlander Page 1

by Samantha Liddell


  Let the new Chapter Begin.


  Samantha Liddell

  Ozlander © 2019 by Samantha Liddell. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  My two daughters Patience and Alexis.

  Of all the things I’ll ever do in my lifetime, mothering my children will always be my greatest accomplishment.

  And for Diana,

  Without her there would never have been a Jamie or Claire.


  Chapter one

  In the Land of Oz

  Chapter Two

  The Clan Reunites

  Chapter Three

  A day out at the beach with some Scots.

  Chapter Four

  Another Adventure is Brewing

  Chapter Five

  The Irish Jewellery Theft

  Chapter Six

  Returning to our old Roots.

  Chapter Seven

  Let the adventure begin.

  Chapter Eight

  Clive is no Friend of ours

  Chapter Nine

  The Journey to Bibroohra.

  Chapter Ten

  Going Bush with the Irish Rat

  Chapter Eleven

  2pm fast approaching

  Chapter Twelve

  Film set Action

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dreams really do come true.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Making our way to the Airport

  Chapter Fifteen

  A ride in a Police car

  Chapter Sixteen

  Let the Manor House Adventures begin.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Let the Breakfast Adventures Begin

  Chapter Eighteen

  Let the Garden Adventures Begin

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Gathering

  Chapter Twenty

  Show Time.

  Chapter Twenty One

  The Scottlander Adventure

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Another Crime to solve.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Escaping the Convention

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Cairns Police station.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Cairns Airport

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Brisbane (Home Sweet Home)

  Chapter Twenty Seventeen

  Our Clan

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  The Ring

  Chapter one

  In the Land of Oz

  `Sassenach, Sassenach, Over here,’ I heard my real life lover Scott calling me from the other end of a stunning Australian, beach, The sand was golden brown and hot between my toes which made me run at lightning speed towards my handsome Scottish Soulmate, my feet felt as light as a feather, I felt like I was skimming along the surface of the sand. I was getting closer to my man who was standing only a few metres away from me now, I could see the speckles of orange in his Golden brown hair flickering in the sunlight, I could see the outline of his muscles flexing as he opened his arms out for me to fall into.

  I was close enough now to see the sexy wink he gives me when he is in his flirty mood. I made it, I made it to my destination, into the arms of my Scottish Lover. I felt safe, I felt wanted, and I felt complete. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt his arms pressed up hard against my back and his hand was placed behind my neck, as he walked me over to the clear blue water. The waves crashed against his body as we wadded ankle depth into the ocean. He kissed me ever so lightly, then fell to his knees, I was now sitting on his lap in the warm Australian ocean. The Sun heating our backs as we kissed.

  He whispered, ‘you are mine and I am yours, forever.’ We continued to kiss until something in the distance caught my attention, I looked around to see a bagpipe band marching down the beach, they were dressed in kilts and knee-high boots, and were making such beautiful music as they approached us. Scott and I pulled away from each other.

  My focus continued to stay with the band as I said to Scott, ‘They are just amazing, look at that beautiful sight,’

  He didn't answer so I repeated myself and turned to Scott but he was gone, I was just sitting in the shallows of the beach by myself.

  All of a sudden, I felt cold and alone. The music was getting louder.

  I felt a judder as if the sand beneath me had given way and I was falling deep under the ocean.

  As I caught my breath, I found myself sitting upright in my bed. Sweat dripping from every inch of my body and my Bagpipe Phone alarm going off. I turned to the other side of the bed to find it empty and cold.

  I was in my parent’s spare room. I had awoken from a dream, I was confused. Was Scott even real? Had my trip to Scotland and the beach all been a dream? Was there no Scott? Had I not really met Jamie, Claire, Alistair, and Tammy? Was I still with my husband Paul?

  A feeling of disappointment flooded my body. I felt like I had come so far and reached my destination only to have it all taken away from me.

  As I came back into reality and my senses adjusted to my surroundings, I could smell bacon cooking, I could hear the sound of laughter and joy coming from the kitchen, I heard familiar voices that belonged to my children, Polly and Leah, and then there it was, I heard the voice of a Scottish man, "Aye now crack the egg ever so carefully into the bowl my lassies" he said.

  My heart started to pound when I realised it had not been a dream, Scott was really here. I really had brought a real-life souvenir home with me from my trip to Scotland, and this was not your ordinary tacky souvenir that most people bring home with them to remind themselves of their holiday. This was indeed a real-life Scottish man, kilt and all with the added bonus of his accent. I would have to remind myself next time I go over to Scotland to collect more of these very un-tacky but useful Scottish men souvenirs to give away to my single friends back in Australia. I was losing focus again and going back into my fantasy world. I need to bring myself back to the present.

  Yesterday my children and I had returned home from being in Scotland for the last 6 months and 4 days and we were staying at my parents’ house, now that Paul and I were no longer together.

  I thought back to the time Paul had woken me up from my Jamie Fraser dream, yelling at me to go get the kids their breakfast. Wow, what a contrast in events I thought, I had just moments ago woken up from another Jamie Fraser dream which actually starred Scott this time as my Jamie and he was not yelling in my face to make the kids breakfast, he was actually in my parent's kitchen making breakfast for my whole family.

  I could hear him laughing with Polly and Leah, I could hear them singing all together as they made breakfast. My heart melted. How did I get so lucky to meet Scott? Oh, that's right I had found the courage just over 6 months ago to pack up and leave and go on an adventure.

  My heart sunk as I thought about if I had not found that courage and where I would be today. I wouldn't be here listening to my girls and my Scottish lover singing and cooking together that's for sure. I would be picking up Spicy Tomato chips from the carpet that Paul had dropped everywhere, and I would still be in a loveless marriage.

  I heard a knock on the bedroom door, which then slowly opened. Scott appeared holding a hot cup of tea. "One cup of tea await
s for my Sassenach," he said. He placed it down on the bedside table and climbed back beneath the covers.

  “Good morning darling,” he said with a cheeky grin, “I've been up since the early hours of the morning thanks to the heat along with jet lag and those loud birds squawking outside the window.”

  I laughed and said. "Welcome to Australia Scott. Glad you met your new friends the crows. You will be hearing from them most mornings now.”

  He placed a kiss upon my lips and said "As long as I’m lying beside you nothing else matters. Now on your feet soldier, you have bacon and eggs waiting for you, cooked by none other than myself and my two apprentices who are of course none other than Polly and Leah.”

  He pulled me out of bed just as my phone beeped. It was a text from Sophie.

  ‘G'day Mate, so this is the Land down underway? Bloody Hot I must say. We have just landed and will get a taxi to your place, Tell Aunt Olive to put the jug on I’m dying for a hot English tea if she has it.’

  I text back;

  ‘A taxi? No way that will that cost a fortune I will book you an Uber. I know the perfect driver that will get you here in no time.’

  I text Luke our new Uber driver friend.

  ‘Hey Luke, me again Letticia, fancy another pick up from the airport. Sorry, there will be no low or high-speed chases today. My cousin Sophie and her Boyfriend have just landed and need to be dropped off to my parents.’

  He replied.

  ‘No problem, is breakfast included?’

  ‘Of course, how does Bacon and Eggs sound?’

  ‘Bacon, Eggs, and COFFEE! Sounds great. See you all soon.’

  Chapter Two

  The Clan Reunites

  Scott and I walked hand in hand down my parent's hallway, it was a long hallway, but I didn't mind, I felt like I could have held Scott’s hand for eternity. It was such a different feeling from holding Paul's hand for all those years. I never got the same feeling of excitement or passion as I did from holding Scott's hand. When my hand was connected with Scott anything was possible, I didn't know what adventure we would be having next but what I did know was Scott would be right there next to me.

  That was just one of the first reason I had fallen deeply in love with Scott in Scotland. He was a yes man. I man that had believed in me from the very start.

  I am fully aware that I am a dreamer and I come up with some crazy ideas and adventures and finally I had met my match. A man that was happy to go along with them and enjoy it at the same time. We were on the same page and ready to write a whole lot of new chapters together.

  We got to the kitchen door, I open it slowly to be greeted by my two beautiful daughters Polly and Leah in their pyjamas and wearing chef hats made out of folded up newspaper, obviously, they had some help from Scott.

  They were setting the breakfast table with plates, glasses and knife and forks. They even had a vase in the middle filled with freshly picked roses from my parent’s garden. The Vase caught my attention once again. This vase was bought by my mum and she had indeed made a beautiful home for it upon her mantelpiece. I, on the other hand, had no intention of buying a vase anytime soon. Not after my Scotland adventure and falling madly in love with Scott. I had places to see and people to meet before I would settle on a vase.

  Polly and Leah came running over to Scott and me and hugged us. This family hug felt strange but good at the same time. It was strange having Scott in amongst it and not Paul. Polly and Leah seemed to be adjusting to this change very well. It was true ‘Children do accept the world as it is presented to them’.

  Leah grabbed my hand and said. “Breakfast is served, mummy."

  "Mmmmm smells wonderful. And I see you have made name tags for everyone,” I read them out loudly "Mummy, Scott, Grandma and Grandad, Polly and Leah. Great job, but I think you are missing 3 names."

  “Who?" Polly said sounding confused.

  "Sophie. James and Luke" I replied.

  "Nooooo Sophie and James are in Scotland mummy, don't be silly," Leah said.

  "Not anymore they’re not, they are actually on their way here right now. Our new Uber friend Luke is dropping them off. Our Scottish Clan will be reunited” I said with a laugh.

  Leah and Polly jumped up with excitement and quickly started writing out more name tags. Just then my Mum and Dad walked in from pottering around in the garden.

  "Morning Mum, Morning dad,” I said as I kissed them both on their checks. Scott followed suit.

  “Morning Olive, Morning Kevin.” Scott planted a kiss on mums left cheek Mum went a bit red. I could tell she rather liked Scott and his Scottish accent, plus she could see how happy he made the girls and I. Mums attention then went onto the girls who were making name tags.

  "Sophie and James," she said. She looked over at me confused.

  "Oh yes, we have more guests arriving in the next 30 minutes or so. Cousin Sophie and her boyfriend James.”

  "Oh my Lord,” Mum said placing her hand upon her chest. “That is great news I have not seen Sophie in years." her eyes then moved along to the next name tag. "Luke, who is Luke?" She asked.

  “Our new Uber driver friend from last night mum," I replied cheekily.

  "Oh yes, I somehow feel like we will be seeing a lot of him now. “ She said with a laugh.

  Dad handed mum a glass of cold water, “Come along dear, that’s enough excitement for now. Let's dig in and enjoy this huge breakfast.”

  Just as we were about to also dig in we heard a knock at the door. Polly jumped up, “Sophie!” she yelled, and I went to the door with her. She opened it quickly and was about to jump into Sophie's arms but stopped herself at the very last minute when she saw it was Alistair.

  "Alistair come in, Come help yourself to some Bacon and Eggs cooked by none other than Scott and the girls.”

  Alistair screwed his nose up, "Oh well if they are anything to go by with the bacon and eggs Scott cooked on set, I shall politely decline" he said with a wink.

  "Steady on mate," Scott replied as he gave him a hug. "You will sit and you will eat whether you like it or not,” Scott told Alistair.

  "Oh dear, I feel like in back on set." Alistair said with a laugh. "Well if you insist Scott, I shall do as I'm told.”

  "Aye that you will Alistair."

  My parents were sitting there with confused looks on their faces trying to keep up with all these Scottish accents and the banter that was going on in the room. They were not sure if it was friendly or not. They soon worked out that it was all in good fun.

  "Oh my, the Scots are entertaining people that's for sure, really good storytellers,” mum whispered in my ear.

  We were all finally at the table eating breakfast, apart from Sophie and James who were yet to arrive. "Well If I must say so myself, this food is well tidy Scran." Alistair announced,"

  Dad replied, “Alistair no need to be so rude, the girls and ‘Scott’ may I add did their best in putting this meal together."

  Scott quickly jumped to Alistair defence, "Ohhhhhh Kevin, Scran means this food tastes delicious in Scottish."

  "Oh, does it now? Very well then, yes this food, in that case, does indeed taste well tidy Scran." dad repeated in the best Scottish accent that he could manage. We all ended up in fits of laughter at dad’s attempt in being Scottish.

  Once everybody had regained their composure. I asked Alistair what his plans were and if he would stay for a bit longer. "I wish I could,” he said, “but Holly is starting to put her foot down back in Scotland and is demanding that I return home." He replied, "Plus I have to be back on set to start filming in the next week, so I will be leaving tonight."

  "Well thank you so much for the delivery of this amazing package Alistair," I said as I squeezed Scots arm and gave him a kiss.

  “Aye, my pleasure, he was indeed a high priority package with breakables inside also known as his heart. I'm glad we got him to you in one piece and you accepted him and I could sign him over to you forever."

  Scott interrupte
d and said “Aye, you guys do know I’m right here, right? And that you are happily referring to me as a package."

  “The best package I ever received after my two children of course," I replied. I looked over at my parents who had the same look on their faces as when Alistair had arrived this morning. They were yet again very confused and were finding it hard to keep up. ‘Well that's what happens when you buy a vase’ I thought to myself, ‘you become a confused UN travelled vase also known as my parents that are not in the loop and are sheltered.’ I was only joking of course, I did love my parents very much but they did need to break that vase and broaden their minds with some travel.

  A few minutes had passed since our package conversation had ended when we heard a car come screaming up the driveway. We then heard brakes screech to a stop. We all jumped up and ran outside to see what was happening. We were presented with a cloud of smoke, A Toyota Rav 4 and a Sophie being escorted out of the car by her man, James and Luke following behind.

  Sophie was as white as a ghost. “I've never been so scared in my life. I felt like I was in a high-speed car chase." Sophie announced as she fell to the ground and kissed the grass.

  James let her be for a minute and went over to Scott, “Aye Halo, stranger, long time no see." and they both embraced in one big Scottish man bear hug.

  Meanwhile, mum and dad ran to Sophie's aid and pulled her up and offered her some cold water. Sophie replied, “I’m not sure if it’s the heat or this man’s driving” she started, pointing over at Luke, “but I do indeed feel rather ill.” This didn't stop Polly and Leah jumping all over her in excitement, however.

  We were now all inside with the Aircon cracking in order to keep our Scottish visitors alive. They were all finding the Australian heat rather difficult to cope with. I was starting to get over all the moaning from them so announced "Right everybody get your thongs on, we are going to the beach." Sophie looked a bit confused, Alistair. Scott and James looked confused also but a bit excited too.


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