Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance

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Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance Page 2

by T Christensen

  “You got good taste, girl.”

  Tessa swallowed a scream and twisted around to see the girl standing beside her. “What?”

  She wore jeans with a cutoff San Jose sweatshirt that showed off her midriff and had an engaging grin. She gestured with her red SOLO cup up the stairs. “Jordan Davis.”

  The name rang a bell, but she couldn’t place it. “Should I know him?”

  The girl’s mouth unhinged, and she stared wide-eyed at Tessa. Apparently, she should. After a few uncomfortable moments of looking at her like she was from Mars, the girl finally said something.

  “You’re serious. You don’t know who he is. Are you a freshman?”

  Tessa didn’t want the girl to go into apoplectic shock, so she watched her closely as she answered honestly, “No, I’m a senior.”

  “Do you live under a rock?”

  “Nooo. The name sounds familiar,” Tessa replied slowly, “but I don’t know where from.”

  “Jordan Davis is the number one college basketball player in the country. Last year he almost single-handedly brought our team to the Sweet Sixteen, and he has almost every scoring record for the University of San Jose. This year he’s a senior, and the team has some freshman talent, so they are expected to go to the finals. Recruiters are at all of the games. The news is constantly speculating about what team he will play professionally for.”

  “Oh.” Tessa wasn’t sure what else to say.

  She must not have seemed suitably impressed because the girl went on.

  “Besides his obvious good looks,” she said, raising her eyebrows upward a couple times as a reminder of how Tessa had been gawking, “his family comes from money. Girls throw themselves at him.”

  With her hand cupped to the side of her mouth like she was imparting a great secret, the girl added, “Between you and me, I’ve heard he rarely turns down the invitations.”

  Remembering Jordan’s cocky grin when she had been caught staring, Tessa murmured, “That’s easy to believe.”

  The girl’s attention wavered from Tessa, and she took off. Tessa returned her gaze to the stairs where Jordan had disappeared. She had the unusual urge to sneak upstairs to see if she could be a fly on the wall. Guys had never been a distraction for her, so it was a little unnerving that after a brief interaction—if it could even be called that—she couldn’t get the scene out of her head.

  The idea of standing in the corner to see how long Jordan stayed up there frustrated her enough to move. Tessa maneuvered through the growing crowd back to the kitchen. Despite the desire to keep looking over her shoulder and up the stairs, she kept her eyes forward. The counter was packed with red SOLO cups filled to the rim with beer. Tessa grabbed two and made her way back to Lindy.

  Taking a cup, Lindy asked, “Where have you been?”

  Tessa shrugged. “Talking.”

  Lindy eyed her sharply. She knew Tessa wasn’t a talker, but before Lindy could question her further, someone grabbed her attention. As Lindy drifted around the room talking with what seemed like everyone, she dragged her with her. Occasionally Tessa would join the conversation. Mostly she just smiled, pretending she was having a good time and discreetly checking her phone.

  Tessa had never understood the appeal of parties. The music was so loud you had to scream to be heard over it. It was true that you could meet guys, but it seemed to be only for hookups. Apparently she was stodgy since she didn’t understand the appeal of drunk sex.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Tessa spotted Jordan coming down the stairs. As her heart sped up, she gradually maneuvered herself out of Lindy’s group and into a shadowy corner. Jordan strode confidently down the stairs, looking the same as when he went up except for his hair being even more disheveled.

  On the other hand, the girl had a dreamy look on her face. She was a few steps behind Jordan, her makeup not as perfect and her clothes not as pristine as before. When they got to the bottom of the staircase, he turned and gave the girl a devastating smile before they went their own ways.

  Tessa was a little jealous of her, which was ridiculous. She didn’t want to have a hookup at a party and then go separate ways. That wasn’t in her nature, but how good would the sex have had to be to put that dreamy, contented look on her face? Tessa hadn’t even had a kiss that she was reluctant to end, let alone mind-blowing sex.

  The party was getting more chaotic. Most of the dancing was dirty, the hookups were getting lewd, and there were more sloppy drunks. Tessa had been there for three hours and was more than ready to go.

  She scanned the crowd for Lindy. When she spotted her, Lindy was thankfully deeply involved in chatting up a hottie. Now Tessa had a reason to escape without having to argue with her about it.

  Tessa caught Lindy’s eye and held up her phone. She knew that meant to look for a text. After Lindy nodded, Tessa quickly made her way through the crowd.

  She relaxed as soon as she touched the front door. When the refreshing night breeze hit her cheek, Tessa stopped and inhaled as she closed the door. Seconds later, the door opened again and she stumbled forward when someone collided with her.

  As she got ready to brace herself for the hit to the ground, strong hands gripped Tessa’s shoulders and pulled her back against a broad, warm chest. Prickles of awareness simmered along her backside.

  She spoke as she turned around. “Sorry, I wasn’t mov—”

  It was Jordan. She drifted off, and they stared at each other. His eyes were framed with long, dark eyelashes that any girl would be jealous of.

  When he raised his eyebrows, Tessa snapped out of her stupor. It was as if he had pulled her into some alien vortex and she’d been unable to break out. He glanced at her hands braced on his shoulders.

  Tessa quickly dropped them and looked to the ground as she started taking a step back. Jordan’s hands flew to her arms, preventing her from moving.

  “Careful, or you’ll fall off the porch.”

  Shit! She just needed to get out of there and quit embarrassing herself.

  “I’m leaving.” She sounded mad and she was, but only at herself for acting so stupid.

  Jordan broadened his smile, and she saw dimples. Dimples! It took all of her effort to make sure her slack jaw didn’t actually unhinge all the way.

  “I’m not stopping you.”

  Tessa was so busy fixating on his dimples that it took her a second to process his words. As they filtered through her brain, Tessa looked down to where Jordan’s hands were on her arms. He was preventing her from leaving.

  Crap. His hands weren’t there anymore! Why were her arms still tingly warm then? Double crap! Why was she still standing there? It was time to leave!

  Tessa mumbled, “Sorry.” She quickly stepped around Jordan.

  As she scurried down the street, Tessa resisted the urge to look back. She could have sworn she felt Jordan’s eyes boring into her back. The feeling dissipated as soon as Tessa turned the corner, out of sight. She slowed her pace and let go of the breath she had been holding.

  When she got to the car, Tessa texted Lindy. To her relief, she was okay meeting her in the car and didn’t give her any grief about leaving the party.

  For the next hour, Tessa relived what had happened at the party. She couldn’t remember ever acting so stupid. It was like she was a starstruck teenage girl meeting her popstar idol. And just like the teenager, Tessa would probably never see Jordan again.

  With that realization, she let go of her embarrassment and played with her phone. After she had looked at all of her social media and played several games, she texted Lindy. She was tired of waiting for her.

  T: Are you coming to the car soon, or are you leaving with someone?

  L: Yes

  T: FOCUS LINDY! Should I wait for you?

  L: Yes

  Finally, a real answer! Tessa had just relaxed back into the seat when another text came through.

  L: Where is car?

  Tessa huffed out her frustration and then reigned it in. It
wasn’t Lindy’s fault she had bailed on the party. She texted her the name of the corner. If Lindy didn’t appear soon, Tessa would go looking for her. Maybe she should do that anyway.

  Tessa chewed on her lip. She’d been a bad friend. There was no reason she couldn’t have stuck it out at the party and kept an eye on Lindy. Just as Tessa got out of the car, Lindy came around the corner with a guy’s arm around her waist. It soon became apparent that he was directing her steps and not just walking with her.

  It was entertaining watching them. Lindy would stop and flail her arms about. The guy would dutifully nod in agreement before putting his arm back around her to guide her to the car. A few steps later, the whole process would start again.

  As they got closer, Tessa realized it was the same guy Lindy was with when she’d left. She pushed herself away from the car and walked toward them.

  “Tessa!” Lindy screeched and then stumbled. The guy grabbed her, saving her from falling flat on her face.

  Tessa hurried forward and Lindy engulfed her in a bear hug. She could smell her beer breath as she started rambling.

  “Tessa is good to see you. I missssed you. You shouldda stay and taken care of me, but Deion did.” Lindy threw herself over to a grinning Deion, who put his hand back around Lindy’s waist.

  “Isne he sweet?”

  As entertaining as drunk Lindy was, it made Tessa’s guilt come roaring back. “Yes, he is.”

  She turned her attention to Deion. “Hi, I’m Tessa. Thank you so much for walking her to the car. I can get her from here.”

  “Let me get her into the car for you.”

  Tessa didn’t argue. Lindy was draped all over him. She opened the door and watched as Deion helped Lindy’s uncoordinated limbs into the passenger seat. As he started to straighten up, Lindy grabbed his head with surprising quickness and smacked a kiss on his cheek.

  “Thaaank youuuu, Deion.”

  Deion untangled himself, still grinning as he replied. “You are welcome, Lindy. Remember you have my number—use it.”

  “Okey dokey.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes and turned to Deion. “Thanks again. Do you want a ride somewhere?”

  “No, I’m heading back to the party.”

  Tessa climbed into the driver’s seat. As soon as she turned the engine on, Lindy was powering down her window and sing-songing to a laughing Deion who waved as they drove off.

  Tessa listened with half an ear while Lindy explained all the happenings at the party. Every once in a while, she would ask a question that was hopefully on topic to keep Lindy talking. If she fell asleep before their half-hour drive was over, there would be no waking her up to get her into bed.


  Chapter 3


  Bleep, bleep, bleep!

  Tessa buried her head under her pillow as she searched to shut off the offending noise. It wasn’t uncommon for her alarm to go off at six-thirty a.m., but last night’s sleep had been short and restless. For the first time in a long time, Tessa hit snooze.

  It was her Saturday to open the library. She knew she would be disappointed if she had to hurry through the opening tasks and wasn’t able to enjoy the calm and quiet, so she pushed her tired body out of bed.

  With her hair in its usual ponytail and mascara on her lashes, Tessa made the half-hour trek to one of San Jose’s city libraries. It was close to campus, so it was easy and convenient to walk there when she was at school. It wasn’t as much fun to make the commute on the weekends, but the lure of having the library all to herself was enough motivation to see past the long drive.

  Tessa stopped at a Starbucks along the way and enjoyed the sweet pick-me-up from the caramel macchiato. The empty freeway caused her mind to wander, and Jordan’s blue eyes popped into her head. The hair on Tessa’s arms stood up as she remembered the moment their eyes had connected. Well, Tessa had thought they were connecting, until he winked. What she had thought was a moment in time had ended in her embarrassment.

  Tessa found herself wishing she was more like Lindy. Maybe then she wouldn’t have made such a fool of herself. Lindy was open and carefree. Everyone loved her. Tessa was reserved and cautious. Lindy’s effervescent personality drew guys like flies to honey. Tessa had no problem talking to guys, but when they showed interest, she would withdraw. If she did go out on a date, the moms' voices would swirl around in her head.

  “Guys are the sweetest on earth until they get what they want from you.”

  “Don’t give out the milk . . .”

  When they were giving their sage advice it was hard not to roll her eyes, but annoyingly, their warnings ended up being like birds chirping in her ear. As soon as a guy showed any interest in her, the birds started gathering.

  Last night on the porch, it had been different. Tessa had been too dazed by Jordan’s appearance to hear the birds. Even thinking about how up close and personal Jordan had been to her was making her squirm. Tessa was anxious knowing the chirping birds did not make an appearance with the guy who had danger signs flashing all around him.


  Tessa enjoyed the sun shining on her face and the gentle breeze stirring around her as she ate a sandwich on a bench outside the library. The morning had gone quickly, and the books had fed her soul. She loved her job, and she loved libraries. People weren’t interested in chatting and getting to know each other there. It was one of the rare places where they kept to themselves.

  When Tessa entered the library after lunch, there was a quiet hum of voices that hadn’t been there before. The college kids had started to arrive. Since she would have shorter periods of uninterrupted work, Tessa grabbed one of the carts and began the afternoon task of putting books away.

  She was shelving one last cart of books when a female giggle drew her attention. The obviously contrived laugh became louder as Tessa walked down an aisle. When it became clear the sound was coming from a table tucked into a corner, Tessa prepared her be quiet glare. She stopped moving when she saw who was at the table.

  Jordan was sitting there with a gorgeous blonde beside him. He swiped his thumb across her lips.

  “Later,” he promised.

  The annoying giggle that was wearing on her nerves pealed out again, and Tessa snapped,

  “Closing is in half an hour.”

  The blonde glared at her. Jordan leaned back in his chair and cocked his head.

  Tessa’s cheeks burned. She turned away and hastily retreated down the long aisle. Once she was safely surrounded by books, Tessa took a deep breath and concentrated on putting the books away.

  She felt the whisper of breath on her ear. “We have to stop meeting like this.”

  Tessa whirled around. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

  “I didn’t sneak. I simply walked up to you.”

  There were butterflies under her skin. Tessa took a step back and asked with suspicion,

  “What are you doing?”

  “Since you seem to be following me around, I thought we should introduce ourselves.”

  And the irritation was back. “I am not following you around. I work here.”

  “I got that. You have the librarian role down. I think you scared Amanda away.”

  Jordan must have sensed her confusion. He nodded to where he had been sitting. “My tutor.”

  “Your tutor?” Tessa couldn’t have stopped her disbelief even if she had tried.

  “Yeah, for Composition.”

  “Seriously? What is your major?”

  Jordan sharpened his eyes, and his body seemed to broaden. He answered with the same flirty casualness, but his body language was far from casual. “I’m a computer science major. Logic and numbers are more of my thing.”

  “Isn’t Composition a freshman course?” Tessa winced at the insensitive words that tumbled from her mouth.

  “Would you be in this much disbelief if I was a freshman taking Comp?” Jordan challenged.

l, no, but you’re a senior.”

  He grinned, clearly satisfied, and relaxed his body. “So you do know who I am.”

  Tessa gritted her teeth. There was no good answer, so she didn’t say anything.

  “Tell me your name,” Jordan demanded.

  Tessa did not want him to know her name. Not when she did idiotic things every time she was in his presence. Instead, she used her librarian voice. “You need to go. We’re closing.”

  On cue, half of the lights turned off. Tessa couldn’t prevent a smirk.

  Jordan narrowed his eyes, but then his dimples appeared. As he was turning away, he tossed over his shoulder, “See you soon.”

  Tessa got chills as she watched him walk away. She shook it off and finished her closing duties.

  Her co-worker Claire met her at the front door when they were both ready to leave. As Claire set the library’s alarm, Tessa put the keys in the door, ready to lock up as they left. Claire shared the news just as they were parting to go to their cars.

  “That handsome young man asked your name as he was leaving tonight.”

  Tessa’s stomach jumped. “Did he have dark hair? Short on the sides, longer on top? Square jaw? Wearing jeans and a black university t-shirt?”

  “Yes!” Claire confirmed. “He said he got so involved in your conversation that he forgot to ask your name.”

  Holding her breath, Tessa asked, “Did you give it to him?”

  “Of course! He was such a charmer. If I were younger, I would be all over him.” Claire waggled her silver eyebrows, and Tessa chuckled despite the fluttering in her stomach.


  Chapter 4


  The next day Tessa found herself more attentive than usual as she walked around campus. To her annoyance, she would hold her breath if a tall, dark-haired guy crossed her path. At lunch, she picked up a discarded university newspaper. Reading the paper was a regular occurrence. What was unusual was Tessa scanning the sports section looking for articles about the basketball team. She threw it down in disgust and found herself eavesdropping on the conversation at the next table.


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