Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance

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Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance Page 4

by T Christensen

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I can’t even explain it to myself, Lindy! He unsettles me, and I’m always embarrassing myself.”

  Tessa finally looked at Lindy, and her hurt expression had morphed into a broad grin. “You like him!”

  She rolled her eyes at Lindy’s sing-song voice.

  “I’ve never seen you attracted to someone.” Lindy was in awe.

  “Lindy, he is the king on campus. We aren’t going to get together.”

  Tessa could see the desire to argue in her face. She added softly before Lindy could say anything, “He wants me to tutor him.”


  “With all of his games coming up, he wants me to help him stay on track in Composition.”

  Lindy thought about it for a minute. “Are you sure this isn’t a ploy for him to get together with you?”

  “Well, I did think that at first. He seemed to take it as a challenge when I wouldn’t tell him my name. When we met tonight, though, I believed that he really did need a tutor.”

  Tessa turned her phone to Lindy, so she could see Jordan’s text. “See, he was just setting up a time with me. I need to get over my—whatever it is—when I’m around him and tutor him.”

  Lindy still didn’t seem convinced, but she put the car back into gear and started driving again.


  As the day progressed, anxiety took over more and more of Tessa’s body. Every time she looked at a clock, time seemed to be moving at supersonic speed. Now it was seven p.m., and she was sitting at a library table waiting for Jordan.

  By seven-fifteen, her anxiousness had turned into irritation. Tessa was done waiting for him.

  She gathered her stuff and put it in her backpack. As soon as she stood up to leave, Jordan turned the corner.

  “Where are you going?”

  The surprise in his tone made her simmering blood boil. Tessa snapped, “I’m leaving. We said seven. It’s now seven-twenty.”

  “Didn’t you get my text?”

  Tessa had been so busy watching the wall clock tick that she hadn’t even thought to look at her phone. Wordlessly, she reached into her backpack.

  There it was, front and center in her notifications. She groaned internally. Was it possible to rewind time to have a do-over?

  J: Practice ran late. Be there by 7:30.

  Dammit, why did this have to start off with her being an idiot?

  “Sorry,” she mumbled and sat down.

  Thankfully Jordan didn’t pursue her mistake. He sat down and slid a fifty in front of her. As she put the money in her pocket, Jordan elaborated.

  “I wish I could tell you I won’t be late again, but Coach doesn’t believe in sticking to the schedule. If the team is being sloppy, lazy, or anything else that doesn’t involve perfection, we’re running suicides.”

  “What’s a suicide?”

  Jordan scoffed. “Have you ever played organized sports?”

  “No. Gyms and sports don’t agree with me.”

  He scanned her body. “You don’t look like someone who doesn’t go to a gym.”

  Jordan didn’t release her from his intense regard. Tessa widened her eyes. With a breathlessness that annoyed her, she said, “We’d better get started. Do you have your syllabus?”

  Jordan reached for his bag while she took a quiet, controlled inhale. He handed her the paper, and Tessa scanned it. “It looks like most of what you’ve done so far are free writes and response papers. How have those gone?”

  “Our free writes aren’t graded and are usually done during class. I struggle to get them done. The response papers are usually okay. I’ve been getting Bs or Cs on those.”

  “So why am I here?” Tessa was genuinely confused. He may not be getting As, but it didn’t sound like he was failing.

  “It’s my creative writing.”

  “What about your creative writing?”

  “It sucks.”

  “How so?”

  Jordan looked around, and Tessa followed his gaze. There were a surprisingly large number of girls casually browsing through books in the medical section part of the library by their table.

  “I don’t know why!” he whispered emphatically.

  Tessa could hear Jordan’s frustration, but his description didn’t give her much to go on. She decided on a different approach.

  “Do you have something I can see? Maybe examples of your technical and creative writing.”

  She swore Jordan growled before he started pounding on his laptop and then turned it toward her. As she pulled it closer, he crossed his arms and glowered. She ducked her head to hide the grin tugging at her lips. Tessa had never seen Jordan anything other than confident and cocky. It was amusing to see him pouting.

  “What?” he snapped.

  She quickly smoothed out her face and said with hopefully a believable amount of innocence, “Nothing.”


  The growl reached inside of her and made her shift in her chair. She quickly lowered her head to read the words on the screen.

  “Hi, Jordan!”

  Tessa jerked her head up. A model-perfect girl stood at their table playing with her long black hair. She looked like she had just come off a Ralph Lauren spring runway. The dressy white shorts and navy sweater weren’t over the top, but it was obvious they were expensive. Navy wedges completed the outfit and showed off her long, tan legs.

  In comparison, Tessa looked like she was supposed to be at home cleaning the house. She had on cheap black yoga pants and a long sweatshirt. Not to mention she hadn’t put on any makeup before coming and her hair was in a sloppy ponytail.

  Jordan’s arms were still crossed, but his demeanor had changed. He nonchalantly lounged back in the chair, inclining his head as he said, “Emily.”

  Emily did a pretend pout, and Tessa thought her eyebrows would fly off her forehead. She had never seen a girl do that who wasn’t in a movie.

  “You haven’t called.”

  “My tutor,” Jordan gestured to Tessa before continuing, “and coach have prevented me from having any playtime.”

  Emily didn’t even glance at Tessa. She scooted closer to Jordan and murmured, “Do you want a break now?”

  “You know I do, but not with you,” Jordan spoke casually as if he hadn’t just insulted her.

  Emily blanched and then her game face was back in place. Lowering her hand onto Jordan’s leg, she said, “Are you sure?”

  The two stared at each other, and the intensity ratcheted up. It made Tessa uncomfortable and mad. She thought Jordan was serious about tutoring, but it was like she wasn’t even there.

  She wasn’t sticking around to listen to this or wait while Emily convinced Jordan to take a break. Luckily she hadn’t unpacked again, so Tessa picked up her bag and walked away.

  She was pretty sure Jordan wouldn’t follow her, but she took a peek as she turned the corner. He was still sitting at the table, his attention focused on Emily. Tessa ignored the jab of hurt and concentrated on the anger sizzling in her veins. As soon as she was outside, she sat down on a bench and sucked in some calming breaths.

  She wasn’t even sure why she was so mad. If it had been anyone else, she would’ve just waited the situation out. It would have amused her to watch the play-by-play of Emily, who was trying not to look desperate, and Jordan. However, it frustrated Tessa that he didn’t immediately tell her to go away. Logically she knew she had no right to be upset, but she was.

  When her heartbeat steadied, she got up from the bench and started walking toward Lori’s dorm room. Lori was a fellow elementary education major who was lucky enough not to have a roommate except for when Tessa stayed over.

  She had reached the lobby of the dorm when her phone vibrated with a text. As Tessa waited for the elevator to take her to the fifth floor, she pulled her phone out and read it.

  J: It’s not what you think. Call me.

  Tessa snorted and put the ph
one back in her pocket. Two minutes later, she felt it vibrate again. She ignored it and knocked on Lori’s door.

  “Hi, Tessa! Come on in. Your bed awaits you.”

  Tessa grinned at Lori’s dramatic wave of her hand motioning her into the room. She did a curtsy and inclined her head. “Thank you, madam. I assume the chocolate is on the pillow and the covers are turned down?”

  “But of course. Nothing but the best at Casa Lori.”

  Tessa hugged her. “Thank you, Lori. You know I always appreciate the bed.”

  “And I always tell you that you are the perfect roommate. Hardly ever here, but great company when you are.”

  Lori closed the door and walked to her desk with a laptop and several open books on it. “I have some homework, and then I’m all yours.”

  “No problem. I need to finish mine up as well.”

  Tessa pulled her backpack off and laid it by the empty desk. She reached for her phone to text her mom and was surprised to see several texts from Jordan, all with varying themes of sorry and asking, or sometimes demanding, that she give him a chance to explain. The last one caught her attention.

  J: At least let me know you arrived somewhere safe. I was planning on driving you where you needed to go.

  Okay, she could do that.

  T: I’m at a friend’s and safe. Stop texting. I need to do my homework.

  Dots immediately followed after she hit send.

  J: Fine for now. Later we WILL talk about this.

  A curl of emotion went through her. Tessa pushed it away. She didn’t want to examine it right now. She texted her mom and then changed into her pajamas. Putting her headphones in, she got to work.


  Chapter 6


  Tessa had been hyper alert all day. She kept expecting Jordan to pop up and demand that she listen to him. When she realized her neck was stiff from swiveling it around all day like an owl, Tessa had a strong talk with herself.

  “This is ridiculous. Why are you so worried about this? Enough! Just go about your business. Get a coffee and go home. Do not worry about him!”

  She hoped her mom was home. Most of the time when she was there Tessa felt a little suffocated. Today, she was craving the comforting embrace only a mom’s arms could give.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  The deep voice she had been anticipating hearing all day zipped along her skin as she stood on one of the school’s paths. Surprised, Tessa whipped her head around and cringed at the muscle spasm.

  “Are you okay?” Jordan tilted his head.

  “I’m fine.” Tessa smiled tightly and started to walk away. She knew it was ridiculous, but she had concentrated on avoiding this encounter. Now that it was here, Tessa realized she hadn’t thought about what she would say if he caught up to her.

  It wasn’t long before her hurried footsteps were matched with Jordan’s lazy stride. “I’m sorry for what happened yesterday, Tessa. I handled it wrong.”

  His odd phrasing made her stop and turn to him. “What do you mean you handled it wrong?”

  She might have imagined the fleeting look of relief that ran across Jordan’s face before he put a hand on the small of her back and guided her toward a bench. She pulled away, hoping he hadn’t felt the shiver that ran through her at his simple touch.

  Jordan didn’t allow space for her personal bubble on the bench. His nearness distracted her from anything other than regulating her breathing. When she had it under control, Tessa looked up and around.

  They were the center of attention. People were lingering all around them. All of them were surreptitiously looking at her and Jordan and then whispering to each other. Tessa’s muscles locked, and she started to stand. Jordan put his hand on her leg to prevent her escape.

  Tessa ignored the heat running up her thigh from his touch and concentrated on convincing him to leave.

  “Can we go somewhere else?” She stared pleadingly at Jordan, who was focused on her.

  “It doesn’t matter where we fucking go—people will stare,” he said matter-of-factly.

  Reminded of their audience, Tessa started to look at them. Jordan stopped her with the force of his voice.

  “No. Look at me.”

  When he had her focus back, he continued. “No one can hear what we say. Forget about them.”

  Tessa still didn’t like the feeling of eyes boring into her, but she didn’t want to create more of a scene by walking away. Trying to ignore the crowd, she nodded.

  Some of the intensity had left Jordan at her reluctant nod, but he still wouldn’t let her eyes go. “I did sleep with Emily, but it was only once.”

  A stab of something punched at her heart. Tessa tried to look down, but Jordan’s finger lifted her chin. “I don’t want to hear this,” she insisted in a whisper.

  Jordan ignored her. “I told her up-front it was only for one night, but she keeps trying to get back in my pants. If I hadn’t been an ass, she would still be trying. If I’d tried to stop you from leaving, she probably would’ve taken her bitchy anger out on you.”

  Seriously? She wasn’t an idiot. “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Tessa saw heads turning toward them at her raised voice. She lowered her volume but continued scornfully. “You were protecting me,” she said using air quotes, “from a girl I had never met and would probably never see again?”

  Jordan shrugged. “I’ve seen girls almost come to blows thinking it will impress me.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes, but her anger subsided. Girls did act stupid around him.

  “I don’t need you to protect me, Jordan. I’m a big girl. I can do it myself.”

  He held his hands up in surrender. “Oookay, duly noted. Will you accept my apology and tutor me again?”

  “Why are you fighting so hard for me to be your tutor?”

  For once, it was Jordan who broke eye contact. He looked around at the increasing spectators before returning his gaze to her.

  “Because you’re not one of them.” He gestured with his head to the crowd.


  “You don’t care that I’m Jordan Davis.”

  She still wasn’t following.

  “You don’t agree with everything I say. You don’t blow up my phone, trying to be my best friend. When we met at the library, you genuinely wanted to help me. You asked to see my syllabus and my writing.”

  Tessa had just had a little glimpse into Jordan’s life. How sad was it that he was grateful to her because she was actually trying to do her job?

  “Will you tutor me? We can do it at my house, away from prying eyes and interruptions,” Jordan pleaded.

  After all that, Tessa didn’t have the heart or the desire to say no. She nodded, but she wasn’t sure about going to his home. It was hard enough keeping herself focused every time Jordan touched her on this bench. How would it go in his house?

  “We could go to a coffee shop farther into San Jose. Maybe you wouldn’t be recognized?”

  “If you want to drive forty-five minutes instead of twenty, we could do that.”

  Tessa was seriously considering it until Jordan continued in the low, persuasive voice that had suddenly become her Achilles’ heel. “Going to my house will ensure we can work efficiently without interruptions, Tessa.”

  She sighed. “Fine.”

  “I have practice tomorrow afternoon. I’ll text you when I’m done, and you can tell me where to pick you up.”

  The thought of being reliant on Jordan for transportation and stuck somewhere almost gave her a panic attack. “I have a car. I’ll drive. Tell me where your house is.”

  “Why haven’t you been driving then?”

  “I share a car with Lindy, but I can use it tomorrow.”

  Jordan studied her before asking, “How will Lindy get home if you have the car?”

  “I’ll pick her up when we’re done,” Tessa confirme
d. There was no way she wanted to depend on Jordan. Thankfully, he let it go.

  “Practice is scheduled until five. I’ll text you when I’m done.”


  Chapter 7


  Tessa’s hands were sweating so profusely on the steering wheel that she was surprised they could still guide the car. The closer she got to Jordan’s, the more she tensed up. She was trying to convince herself this was just another student she was tutoring, but she couldn’t quite do it.

  As she drove into the exclusive neighborhood, it became harder to breathe. Tessa’s beat-up Honda looked more and more like it had just rolled out of a junkyard. Hopefully Jordan’s house had someplace to hide it.

  Tessa pulled over to the curb when her phone told her she had arrived. With her car idling, she took in her surroundings. All she could see was a gate and a long driveway that presumably led to the house.

  It was 5:58 p.m. They had agreed to meet at six p.m. She needed to suck it up and keep going. Tessa inched the car toward the gate and then looked at the black box attached to a pole. Now what did she do? Was there a button?

  “Welcome to the Davis Residence. How can I help you?”

  Tessa prayed they could only hear her and not see her. She had managed to squelch a yelp but not a startled jump at the voice coming out of the box.

  “Umm.” Great, now she sounded like an idiot. “I’m here to see Jordan.”

  “Your name, please.”

  She probably should have led with that. “Tessa Parker.”

  The gate silently slid open and Tessa mentally prepared herself to continue on. The palm trees lining the drive up to the house created a calming effect, which ended when the house finally came into sight. Tessa couldn’t stop the awed holy hugeness, Batman from escaping her mouth.

  The two-story white stucco building looked like a resort, not a home. The circular driveway led Tessa to a covered walkway leading to the massive front door. An immaculately sculpted fence of green bushes surrounded the house, along with other exotic plants that Tessa had never seen. The home was so gigantic that she couldn’t see from one end to the other.


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