Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance

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Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance Page 11

by T Christensen

  “The schedule will remain the same, so we begin with math. Get out your math books and tear out pages ninety-eight and ninety-nine.”

  Most did, with more talking than usual. A few students stared at Tessa with an I’m not going to, so what are you going to do about it expression. She met the ringleader’s eyes, and with a normal tone of voice declared, “Declan, I will expect your math book to be out in one minute. If it isn’t, I will take a marble out of the jar. If your work or anyone else’s doesn’t get done, you will stay in at recess to complete it.”

  She held his narrowed eyes for a couple seconds and then met the other students’ gazes. Tessa moved on with the lesson while hyperventilating on the inside. Good to know she’d had all of a minute before her first student tested her.

  After the minute she noted that the followers had taken out the requested pages, but Declan still sat in his chair with his arms crossed. Without missing a beat, Tessa took a marble out of the jar and put his name on the board under the heading inside recess.

  As the day wore on, other students tested her authority, and Declan became more triumphant. When school was done for the day, Tessa was both mentally and physically exhausted.

  What had she been thinking when she’d requested her old elementary school? She wanted to be a librarian, not a classroom teacher. Why hadn’t she picked an easier school?

  At four p.m., Tessa was sitting in her car trying to find the energy to drive home. She really wanted to hear Jordan’s voice, but he was practicing until six. Hearing his deep, sexy voice always made her body shiver with delight, and she really needed that pick-me-up right now. Tessa reached for her phone and texted him. Maybe he could call her at a break.

  T: Can you call me later?

  She stared at the screen, gripping the phone in her hands like it was a matter of life or death if Jordan called. With each moment that passed, her hope deflated. Tessa tossed the phone onto the passenger seat. Once again she was acting like a sixteen-year-old girl, waiting for the phone to ring.

  Slumped in the driver’s seat, Tessa tried to convince herself that today was just a bump in the road. She was going to have to find more of her backbone to survive fourth grade at Jefferson Elementary. On paper two months had sounded like a short time. Right now Tessa wasn’t sure she would make it through two days.

  When the sound she heard finally registered in her tired brain as her phone, Tessa snatched it up. Hurriedly, she swiped her finger across the screen.


  “Tessa? Where are you? Are you okay?”

  Jordan’s voice was like a breath of fresh air. She closed her eyes and answered, “I’m in my car.”

  “Just sitting there?”

  “Yeah, I’m hiding from my problems.”

  Jordan’s bark of laughter lifted her spirits.

  “I might have to try that. Does it work?” His amusement made her lips tug up into her first smile of the day.

  “Not as well as hiding under the covers or a blanket.” As a little girl Tessa had always made a beeline for her blanket when she was sad.

  “Hmm, we’ll have to try that together,” Jordan drawled.

  Tessa’s body leapt back to life, and she found the energy to get out of the parking lot. “Thanks for calling, Jordan. I’m feeling better.”

  “What’s the problem you’re hiding from?”

  “Are you at practice?”

  “Yeah. I only have about two more minutes of break.”

  Her heart burst. Jordan had used his break to call her. She didn’t want to keep him, so she kept it light.

  “Just a miserable first day of teaching. Go back to practice. We’ll talk later.”

  “Okay, babe. I’ll call you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat at the ridiculous endearment. “Bye, sweet cheeks.”

  Another laugh rang in her ear before the line disconnected.


  Chapter 17


  The next couple of weeks were filled with the stress of being a new full-time teacher and a full-time student. Tessa had taken a leave of absence from the library but still had tutoring. There was no way she could go two months without a paying job.

  The highlight of her days was when she finally talked with Jordan. His crazy schedule and the ease with which he handled it made her days seem simple. He got up early to work out, went to class, did homework between classes, went to practice, ate supper, and then did more homework.

  Today was Saturday, the last weekend before the college basketball season started. Tessa was eagerly making her way to a library study room for a tutoring session with her boyfriend. They had talked every day but hadn’t seen each other since their lunch date a week ago. Most of Jordan’s upcoming games were on the weekend, so it would be a while before they saw each other again.

  The anticipation swirling inside her gave Tessa an extra spring in her step, and she couldn’t stop smiling. She swung open the study room door and to her surprise, Jordan was already there. He lifted her up and wrapped his long arms around her. She pressed her face into his neck and inhaled.

  When Jordan set her down, he became a man with a purpose. He swung her around, took off her backpack, and backed her up against the wall.

  “Hi, babe,” he husked and swooped down.

  Time stopped while Tessa enjoyed the intense kiss that claimed her body. She relished the heat rushing through her with his demanding kiss and wandering hands. After several minutes Jordan lifted his head and rested their foreheads together.

  “Hello to you, too. Let’s get to work, so we can do that some more,” Tessa teased but then didn’t attempt to actually move away from him.

  Jordan stepped back and groaned, “Fine.”

  He threaded their fingers together before leading her to the table. Tessa read his latest writing assignment and made some notes for him. While he worked, Tessa did lesson plans.

  Eventually they headed out, stopped to get a pizza, and drove to Jordan’s pool house. The whole time Tessa felt like she was walking on clouds. It didn’t matter what they were doing. She relished time with Jordan.

  They watched Star Wars: Episode III. Jordan had been appalled that she hadn’t seen any of the Star Wars movies. It was now his mission to ensure she saw all of them. Tessa wasn’t sure why he made her watch them when he was always distracting her.

  Even now as Tessa was watching the movie, Jordan swung her legs over his lap. When he started nibbling his way up and down her neck, she tried to ignore it. After about fifteen seconds, Tessa turned her head to catch his lips.

  The teasing kiss soon turned blistering. It wasn’t long before their shirts, along with her bra, hit the floor. Tessa pulled on Jordan’s shoulders and shuddered when they finally had skin-to-skin contact. With her back against the cushions, his chest sizzled against her bare one. Her body burned at every point of contact.

  Jordan reached for her leggings, and Tessa raised her hips. She looked up at him, confused when his hands didn’t start pulling them down.

  “Is this okay, Tessa?” Jordan rumbled.

  She didn’t need to think about her answer. “Yes.”

  With her panties and leggings off, Jordan kneeled above her, hungrily perusing her body. With his touch gone, Tessa was self-conscious. She lifted her hands to his shoulders, intent on pulling him back down when he said, “You are gorgeous, Tessa.”

  The awe in his voice gave her pause. Tessa had been called pretty, but in an off-the-cuff way like it was expected, not personal. She was overwhelmed with all the unfamiliar emotions Jordan brought out in her, and tears sprang to her eyes.

  He cupped her cheek, his thumb sweeping back and forth. “Why the tears?”

  “You make me believe what you’re saying.”

  “That’s because what I’m saying is true.”

  Jordan lowered his head and worshipped her lips then broke away to continue downward. By the time he had reached her belly button, Tessa was a wh
impering inferno ready to burst.

  She eagerly tracked his progress. When he lifted his eyes and caught her gaze, Tessa could only stare back.

  “Has anyone been past this point, Tessa?”

  “No,” she breathed out.

  Jordan swept his tongue across her belly button and continued until he reached the nub aching for attention. Tessa lifted her hips, but Jordan guided them back down to the sectional.

  “Please, Jordan. Please.”

  She was beyond incoherent, and when Jordan’s fingers joined his tongue, she exploded into a million pieces. Tessa didn’t know how long she had been drifting on the sensations flowing through her before she felt herself being lifted.

  When Jordan slid her under cool sheets, she registered that she was in a bed. Tessa sighed blissfully when he slipped his arm under her shoulders and urged her closer.

  She happily complied and rolled to her side, tucking her head under his chin and enjoying his rapidly beating heart against her ear. The stillness surrounding them was peaceful. Tessa was in awe that she could be at ease lying naked next to a guy. Although, Jordan wasn’t naked. She needed to fix that.

  She moved the hand lying on his warm abdomen toward the button of his jeans. Jordan placed his hand over hers. Tessa lifted her head and saw the desire in his eyes and his clenched jaw.

  His dark, raspy voice commanded, “You need to lie still and give me a few minutes.”

  It took her exactly one second to push her hand under his jeans. Jordan’s abdomen caved in with the force of his indrawn breath. Tessa wrapped her hand around his cock, stunned at the girth. Her hand couldn’t fit all the way around it.

  Eager to see, Tessa sat up and straddled Jordan. She worked his jeans down his legs and then her breath stuttered. His beautiful, angry cock stretched up to his belly button. As she made her way back up his legs, Tessa reached out and touched the smooth bulbous tip.

  Feeling his shudder, she raised her eyes and was taken aback by the fire in his. Without breaking his stare, she began to lower down. Her progress halted when Jordan touched her shoulders.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he rasped.

  “I want to.”

  And strangely enough, she did. She’d never wanted a guy’s cock in her mouth before, but now her lips were tingling in anticipation.

  She continued downward, and Jordan slid his hands from her shoulders. Tessa had no idea what she was doing, so she did what she wanted. She wanted to know what he tasted like. Flicking her tongue out, she licked the precome leaking from his tip. Tessa took a moment to let his taste register. It was creamy, salty, and woodsy. She was distracted from her contemplation with the rumble that came from Jordan’s chest.

  She slid her eyes open and marveled at a Jordan she had never seen before. With his labored breathing, locked jaw, and narrowed eyes, he was struggling for control.

  For the first time since she had met him, Tessa felt like she had the upper hand. She tilted her lips in a smile before her tongue darted out to moisten them.

  “Tessa,” Jordan warned.

  Keeping their connection, she lowered her head back down and carefully took the tip into her mouth, watching as Jordan closed his eyes. With her lips over her teeth, she slid down his length. Fascinated, Tessa watched as Jordan hissed in a breath and locked his arm muscles. When his fingers twitched, Tessa knew he was struggling not to take control.

  A picture of his hands in her hair made her scalp tingle and her core ache. Contemplating how to get him to do what she wanted, Tessa decided to use her hand. As soon as it started working in tandem with her mouth, Jordan tensed his legs and threaded his hands through her hair.

  His eyes shot open as he declared, “Fuck Tessa, I have to do this.”

  She hummed her approval as his hands guided her into a frenzied pace. She braced her hands on his knees and enjoyed every second of his unraveling.

  Once his body had deflated, Tessa laid her head on his leg. Jordan pulled her up, and she tucked herself back under his chin, stretching her legs over his.

  “Are you okay?” Concern radiated from his tone.

  Tessa lifted her head. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I was too rough.”

  Tessa loved his consideration, but the thought had never occurred to her. “I loved it.”

  Jordan relaxed fractionally, but he still didn’t look convinced. “You did?”

  “I loved watching the great Jordan Davis lose control.”

  His mouth quirked up. “I enjoyed watching those plump lips make me lose control.”

  Her cheeks flooded with embarrassment, and she looked down. When she felt Jordan’s chest move, she pinched his abs.

  “Stop laughing at me.”

  Jordan flattened her hand against his chest. “I love that you get embarrassed, Tessa.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that, so she stayed tucked away and listened.

  “It’s refreshing. You want to be with me and not Jordan Davis, future NBA star.”

  Tessa pulled away while thinking about how to say what was on her mind. “I’ve seen girls throw themselves at you.” She took a breath. “To be honest, it didn’t always look like you were resisting that hard.”

  Jordan nodded. “You’re right. I’ve taken what girls have offered, but it was never meaningful.” His brow creased. “Are you comparing yourself to them?”

  “The girls I’ve seen you with seem . . . experienced.”

  “Do you think I am pressuring you, Tessa?”

  Her response was instantaneous. “No. I love everything we’ve done.”

  “I don’t expect you to have sex with me, Tessa.”

  “I know, but you’re the first guy that I’ve wanted to have sex with.”

  Jordan’s eyes blazed, and his lips came down on hers in a scorching kiss. “That is the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  After a long round of deep kissing, Jordan gradually eased up and away. The only sounds in the pool house were their labored breathing. Tessa knew she should get off him, but she couldn’t make herself do it. Instead, she lowered her forehead to his shoulder.

  “I’d better get you home before we take things further than I know you’re ready for,” he admitted.

  Tessa’s stomach contracted. He was right. It was time to go home.

  The crisp stillness of the night wrapped around them as they walked to his truck. It felt like Jordan, and she was in a bubble of peace and contentment.

  “Decided not to have a sleepover this time?”

  Mrs. Davis’s caustic comment burst the bubble. She was in a lounge chair by the pool, looking at them with raised eyebrows.

  Jordan tightened his grip on her hand and pulled Tessa with him to the pool. With no choice, she followed but made sure to stay behind him.

  Mrs. Davis was lounging in a ball gown with a half-filled champagne glass dangling from her hand. The navy-blue dress swirled around the lounger, and her red-soled heels were on the ground.

  Jordan addressed his mom in a tight, sharp voice. “Mother, just getting home from the Gordman fundraiser?”

  “Yes,” she said acidly. “The fundraiser you should have been at.” Her cold gaze drifted to Tessa, her disdain clear.

  She narrowed her eyes and swung them back to Jordan. “I see you had other plans.”

  Jordan slipped his hand from Tessa’s, and he took a step toward his mom. Wrapping her hands around her waist, Tessa stayed quiet.

  The cold, hard tone he directed at his mom made her breath catch. “I didn’t need to be paraded around at another fundraiser, Mother. I wanted to see my girlfriend tonight.”

  She barely dared to breathe. Tessa had never had this type of confrontation with anyone, let alone her mother. It made her insides recoil knowing she was the cause.

  “You could have brought your girlfriend to the fundraiser.” Mrs. Davis looked pointedly at her disheveled hair and swollen lips. “But I understand why you didn’t.”

flinched like she had been punched and clenched her arms tighter around herself, desperately blinking back tears. No one had ever made her feel so cheap. For the first time in her life, she felt like trash.

  Jordan formed fists at his sides, and he took a menacing step closer. In a voice full of warning, he asked, “What does that mean, Mother?”

  Mrs. Davis blinked and suddenly seemed to realize how angry Jordan was. She softened her face and backtracked. “Sweetie, I only meant that I understand how little time you have for fun since the season opener is next week.”

  Jordan unclenched his fists, but he still stared at his mom with narrowed eyes. Tessa stepped up behind him, making sure to stay out of his mom’s view. When she touched his back, Tessa felt his coiled muscles. She whispered so only Jordan could hear her. “It’s okay, Jordan. Let it go. Can we leave?”

  He looked over his shoulder at her pleading face and gave her a terse nod. Jordan pulled her hand into his and swept by his mom. Tessa kept her head down and followed him. The happiness that been ready to burst from her moments ago was replaced with a swirl of dark and unfamiliar emotions.


  Chapter 18


  The first game of the highly anticipated basketball season was today. Tessa followed the dense crowd to the athletic center where the University of San Jose Bears played basketball.

  She hadn’t talked to Jordan today, but she had sent him a text wishing him good luck. It was ridiculous how long Tessa had taken to compose the simple text. She had wanted Jordan to know she was thinking of him but didn’t want it to be generic or overly emotional.

  Lindy led her to the top row of the student section, and Tessa began scanning the yellow jerseys for the gray number four. She fixated on him as soon as she found him sinking ball after ball behind the three-point line.

  Lindy elbowed her, drawing her attention away from Jordan. “Holy shit, Tessa. How come we haven’t come to a game before?” She gestured wildly toward the court as she bobbed up and down on her toes. “It’s like a big party with the best-looking guys I’ve ever seen in here. When do their warm-ups come off?”


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