Desire Me (Her Best Friend's Father Book 4)

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Desire Me (Her Best Friend's Father Book 4) Page 12

by Ayden K. Morgen

I growl loudly and take her mouth again, unable to stop myself from kissing her breathless. Hearing her call me Mr. Gregory gets me so fucking hot it's ridiculous. I jerked off for four goddamn years to fantasies of her screaming it while I fucked her dirty.

  When she's whimpering and moaning, trying to grind against me again, I pull back, making her drop her leg from around me. "Clothes off," I order, yanking my own shirt over my head and tossing it toward the bathroom door. "I want those legs spread so I can see what belongs to me."

  She struggles upright and tugs her shirt off over her head, taking her bra with it.

  I palm my cock. Her nipples are tight little pebbles, begging for my mouth. They're darker now that she's pregnant, and so damn sensitive. I love getting my hands and mouth on her tits.

  I rake my gaze down her body, lingering on her baby bump. I expect it to settle me a little, to remind me that I need to be gentle with her, but it just makes me harder.

  "I never knew pregnant women could be so hot," I mutter to her, kicking my boots off and popping the button on my jeans. "But seeing you pregnant with my kid keeps my dick hard."

  My phone rings in my pocket.

  "You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I growl, tempted to smash the damn thing. Instead I jerk it out of my pocket and then curse loudly when I see Kincaid's name on the screen. I shoot Mila an apologetic look and then swipe to answer. "What's up?"

  "Someone broke into my house."

  "What the fuck?"

  "I'm going to fucking kill Kaleo when I find his sorry ass," he seethes.

  "You need me to come?" I ask, frustration coursing through me hot and fast. The last thing I want to do is leave this room right now, but I'm the one who dragged him back here from Seattle. If he needs me, I have to go.

  "Nah, just send a car over here to take the fucking report. I'll deal with this shit myself."

  "Will do," I mutter and then he disconnects on me.

  "Do you have to go?" Mila asks, her voice soft and sweet…and so damn disappointed it kills me a little. She's been on her own far too much since I made her mine.

  "No, baby," I promise, shooting a text to Octavio to ask him to send a squad car by Kincaid's to help him out. I hesitate for a minute and then fire off another to Luke, asking him to swing by and check it out. Kincaid doesn't play well with others. Luke's less likely to piss him off than whoever LAPD will send over there. Once Luke texts back to say he’ll handle it, I turn the damn thing off and toss it on the dresser, cocking a brow at Mila. "You've still got clothes on. If you don't want me to rip them off you, you better lose them now."

  She flashes me a grin that lights her up from the inside out and then shimmies her leggings down her long legs, kicking them off once they're at her ankles.

  "What the fuck?" I growl, my brows snapping together. "Where are your panties?"

  "Um…" She glances around the room and then down at her bare pussy like she's really looking for them before she looks up at me again and shrugs. Despite the casual move, her eyes blaze with challenge, letting me know she went without them on purpose. "Oops," she mumbles and then spreads her legs, letting me see how wet she is for me. "Guess I forgot them."

  My blood boils and then flashes to steam in my veins. I prowl toward her, grasping her ankle.

  "You've been running around without panties on with Luke in the house," I growl, pissed off and turned on at the same damn time. I yank her toward the end of the bed, causing her to flop backward. Before her head hits the mattress, I place my free hand behind it and ease her the rest of the way down. Once she's on her back, I flip her over, lifting her to her hands and knees.

  "Roman!" she shouts, throwing her head back when I smack her ass hard, watching the plump flesh jiggle and bounce. Her left cheek turns pink, causing my cock to jerk.

  "You wear panties around Luke." I bring my hand down on her right cheek. The smack echoes off the walls, my palm stinging.

  Mila jerks beneath me, crying out in pleasure.

  I smack her left cheek again, earning another loud cry of my name.

  "Fuck, you love that." I wrap her hair around my fist, pulling her head back. She's completely at my mercy and she knows it. She fucking loves it. She writhes and squirms, whimpering my name and moaning. I slap her ass again and then again before leaning forward to rake my teeth down the side of her throat.

  "Please," she whines. "Please, Roman."

  "Nu-uh." I bite her just hard enough to make her moan my name again. "You wear panties when there's another man in this house, Mila. I'm not fucking around."


  "This pussy is mine," I remind her, slapping her ass again so she knows I mean it. I'm a possessive asshole, but I don't even fucking care. "When Luke is in this house, you keep it wrapped in a pretty little pair of panties for me, understood?"

  She whimpers again.

  I smack her ass a final time and then slide my hand down to cup her pussy. Her wet heat sears my palm. Keeping myself from thrusting two fingers inside her and fucking her with them takes all my willpower. I want it just as badly as she does, and she's practically begging for it. I don't give it to her though, instead staying completely still. "Answer me, Mila," I growl against her skin.

  "I understand!" she practically screams at me.

  I reward her by sliding my thumb across her clit in a teasing caress. When she whimpers for more, I push backward, peeling myself off her and taking a step away.

  She cries out in disappointment.

  I slide a hand across her ass to comfort her. "On your back in the middle of the bed, baby. I want your arms up over your head and your legs spread."

  She moans and then shifts around.

  I watch her long enough to make sure she's doing like I told her. Once I'm sure she is, and that she doesn't need my help, I kick my jeans free and then prowl toward the dresser to grab ties. They'll be easier to get untied than ropes, and I want to be able to free her quickly if anything happens.

  I grab three and shove the dresser drawer closed.

  "Goddamn," I mumble, my knees going weak when I turn around to see her sprawled across the bed for me like a willing and eager sacrifice. With her hands clasped over her head, her tits are pushed up and together, the nipples high and tight. Her spread legs show off her pussy, her juices glistening on her bare lips. The soft swell of her belly has my balls drawing up tight, pride and possession roaring through my veins in tandem.

  I cross the room quickly and reach out to run a hand across her soft skin. Goosebumps follow in my wake, eliciting a shiver from her.

  "Christ, baby," I murmur, thrown off-kilter by the evidence that she feels me as deeply as I do her, that her need for me matches mine for her. She's soft and sweet…priceless and precious. And so fucking hot for it, she whimpers, whining in wordless entreaty.

  I work my way around the bed, quickly tying her ankles to the bedposts. Once her hands are wrapped in the silk of my tie and lashed to the bed, I give it an experimental tug. My cock pulses, satisfaction roaring through me and turning my blood to lava in my veins. She's not going anywhere without permission.

  "You need me to stop, say the word," I tell her.

  She nods.

  "I need to hear that sweet voice, Mila. Tell me you understand."

  "I…" She stops and licks her lips. Her chest rises and falls faster, but there isn't a hint of fear in those gorgeous green eyes when they meet mine. The only thing staring back is love, trust…and desire. "I understand."

  "Good." Gentleness dies with that word, the beast inside roaring to the surface. I fall on her like a man possessed, running my lips and hands all across her beautiful body. More goosebumps break out everywhere I touch her, soft whimpers flowing from her lips in an endless, euphoric flood.

  Heat and steam pump through me, searing me with flames from the inside out. I bite one nipple and then tongue it before moving to the other, laving it with the flat of my tongue…pulling it between my teeth…teasing her relentlessly, mercilessly. Unt
il goosebumps give way to sweat and she's pleading with me for release.

  I rake a path down her chest, stopping to nuzzle my face against her stomach for a moment before I move on. The smell of her arousal grows, setting my mouth to watering. I press my nose to her mound and breathe deeply of that heady scent. It's peaches, pussy, and sunshine…all that she is and all that I crave.

  "Roman!" she screams, yanking against her restraints when I spread her lower lips and swoop in to claim her with my lips and teeth and tongue.

  I'm relentless, a predator taking, taking, taking. I snarl against her pussy, covering my face in her smell, in her juices. My tongue spears into her, driving inside her tight hole in ruthless strikes that leave her shaking beneath me. My cock throbs and aches as her muscles lock tight and she screams her orgasm. The shrill sound echoes off the walls like music.

  "Another," I growl, using one hand to hold her open while I work the thumb of the other into her tight asshole. I've claimed every inch of her body since she gave herself to me, but every time I slip any part of me inside that forbidden entrance, she loses her mind in the best way possible.

  "More," she groans, surrendering herself to me completely and offering up her body like a willing sacrifice.

  I give her what she begs for so prettily, thrusting my tongue in her cunt while I work my thumb slowly in and out of her ass until I manage to work first one and then another finger inside that tight entrance. As soon as I do, I take her hard, burying my face in her pussy as I work her toward a second and then a third orgasm at a punishing pace.

  Her body still shakes beneath me when I pull back to untie her legs. As soon as they're free of their restraints, I lock them around my waist and push inside her tight heat. My head kicks back on my neck, a triumphant roar ripping from deep within my chest as I bury myself inside her.

  "Fuck, I love this pussy, Mila," I groan, cracking my eyes open to watch her. She shakes and moans beneath me, rocking her hips in a silent demand for more. I rear back and then push forward, sheathing myself inside her welcoming heat again and then again. Faster and harder until the bed rocks beneath us and I get lost in the driving rhythm and the sounds of our bodies coming together. My balls meet her ass in stinging claps of sound. She gasps and sobs my name, pleading for me to go harder, faster.

  She fights against her bindings, trying to get her hands on me as I fuck her from one orgasm into another, roaring her name in pleasure each time her body goes rigid beneath me and her juices soak me. She writhes and contorts, screaming in pleasure until her voice cracks and fades and sweat slides in rivulets down her flushed skin.

  "Please," she whispers then, a single tear sliding down her cheek.

  "One more, Mila," I demand, knowing she can take it. She can take anything I give her. "Give me one more, baby."

  "I…" She whimpers and then nods, her eyes wide and dazed.

  I lean down and kiss her gently, careful not to let my weight settle atop her. With my hands on each side of her head and her legs around my waist, I fuck her like a man possessed, pounding into her while she moans against my lips, begging and pleading in a nonsensical flood of words that cracks my chest wide open and delivers my heart right into her soft little hands.

  "I love you so goddamn much, Mila," I whisper at her lips, burying my face in her throat as tears sting my eyes, my love for this beautiful woman completely eradicating everything but her and the way she makes me feel. In this bed, with my body wrapped around hers and my name on her lips, she isn't in danger. She's not hunted. She's mine and she's safe. From the memory of Jose Guerrero, from Remi Pledger, from the assholes at the DEA, from the gangs turning this city into a warzone…from everything.

  And so am I.

  Her name rips from my lips in a loud roar of sound as orgasm blasts through me, tearing me viciously apart and taking her with me. Everything but her fades away as we come together, our bodies dancing in peaceful, pleasurable pain for one long moment of perfection.

  When it's over, I unbind her wrists and pull her into me, cuddling her close and raining adoring kisses all over her face. My heart pounds in my chest, but for the first time in hours, I feel calm.

  "Hey," I whisper to her when her eyes flutter and she groans, slowly coming back to herself.

  "You broke me," she says, an adorable pout on her face.

  I grin, pushing her sweaty hair out of her face to kiss her forehead, her cheeks, her eyelids… "You broke me a long time ago," I tell her. "One word from those pretty lips and I was yours to command, sweetheart."

  "Good," she mumbles. "I command you to keep fucking me like that for the rest of our lives."

  I laugh softly, burying my face in her hair.

  She reaches for me, running one hand through my hair and then down my back. I settle beside her, holding her close while she runs her fingertips all over my upper back, tracing patterns that make sense only to her. My hand slides over her hip and then settles on her belly where I hold our little girl in the palm of my hand.

  "I'm sorry about the panties," Mila murmurs. "Finn called and warned me that you were in a mood. I thought you might need incentive to work out whatever riled you up. Are you very mad at me about it?" She can't hide the worry in her voice, despite her best efforts to keep her tone calm and unruffled.

  "No," I promise, pressing my lips to her forehead in silent reassurance. "I'm not mad, baby. But you gotta wear panties around Luke or I may lose my fucking mind."

  "Sorry," she whispers.

  "I didn't know Finn called you."

  "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks.

  "What did he tell you?"

  "Just that you were in a mood," she says, still running her hands up and down my back in slow passes.

  I briefly fill her in on what happened today, not leaving anything out.

  "Fuck those guys," she says, growling like a little kitten and hugging me tight.

  The outraged offense in her voice makes me smile. Leave it to her to make the worst of my rage vanish with a few adorably growled words. I press another grateful kiss to her temple. "My fierce warrior."

  "What are you going to do?" she asks.

  "What can I do? If I don't bring him in as promised, they're going to bring Kincaid down. I can't let that happen." I huff a frustrated sigh, staring up at the ceiling. "Finn thinks they might take it out on the rest of the guys on the team. He did what he could to ensure that won't happen, but until he manages to convince the ATF to open enough new positions to bring them all in officially, my hands are tied. I can't risk them any more than I can risk Cassidy and Randolph finding out about Kincaid's past." I scrub a hand through my sweaty hair, the peace I found in her arms rapidly dwindling as everything I'm facing comes roaring back to the surface. Anger simmers inside me, threatening to boil over. "I'm juggling fire here and I don't know how long I can hold it all up. Kaleo broke into Kincaid's house tonight, which is only going to end with his head on a pike. He's a mouse poking a dragon. Kincaid's going to destroy him."

  "You really like Kincaid," Mila observes quietly.

  Do I like him? Yeah. But more than that…

  "I need him," I admit. "I'm running out of people I can trust. If we're going to pull the city back from the brink and get our gangs in line for once, I need him here. Those that don't outright fear him respect him enough to listen to what he has to say. With Francisco making a play for the city, it's only a matter of time before someone else decides to give it a shot too. He can help ensure that doesn't happen." With my cover blown, there's only so much I can do to help. I'm not Kincaid. They don't fear me like they do him. And right now, we need that fear.

  "You'll keep him and the rest of the team safe," Mila says, her complete faith in me evident in her voice.

  I'm not so sure she's right, but I love her for saying it anyway. I kiss her softly, yanking the blankets up over us when she shivers. "How did it go with Faith today?"

  "Good. I really like her." She hesitates for a moment. "I think Octavio i
s right about her, Roman. She knows a lot more about the Zetas than she's saying, but she's scared of them. I think they've been holding her prisoner. She's so jumpy around men. I don't think they were very nice to her."

  From what we know, she's right. The Zetas weren't nice. Faith is riddled with scars and badly healed broken bones she refuses to talk about. I don't tell Mila that though. It would only break her heart.

  "Octavio will find a way to keep her safe," I murmur, hugging her a little closer. "I promise you that he will."

  "I hope you're right," she whispers.

  Fuck, so do I. Because I need him on the streets just as much as I need Kincaid.

  The airport is packed by the time we arrive early the next morning. Mila is a ball of nerves at my side, practically vibrating with excitement as security checks my badge and her ID. The TSA agent—a middle-aged woman with bright blue eyeliner—purses her lips, glancing between me and my badge before she sighs and hands it back to me.

  "Go ahead," she says in a bored tone, waving us through.

  I mutter a thank you and then wrap an arm around Mila's waist to keep her close. There are too damn many people here, pressing in on us from all sides. It's unnerving. Crowds always make me jittery, especially when I've got Mila with me. As if sensing my unease, she slides her hand into mine and squeezes my fingers.

  "Hey," Kincaid says, pushing away from a post and taking a step in our direction.

  Mila freezes at my side, her gaze flickering over the DEA agent. She's not the only one. All around us, people eye him warily, clutching their bags closer as if they expect him to reach out and steal one. Even with his badge hanging on a chain around his neck, they watch him with suspicion. With stark tattoos running up and down his arms, gauges in his ears and a piercing in his nose, he doesn't look anything like the decorated federal agent he is. If he notices the suspicious stares, he doesn't say anything.

  He looks different today…less like he's going to snap at any moment. His blue-gray eyes are more gray than blue today, the usual shadows beneath less pronounced. He's dressed in jeans and a dark t-shirt that stretches across his muscular frame.


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