My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12)

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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12) Page 20

by Alanea Alder

  Kendrick wheeled around to face Kincaid. "You did this?"

  Kincaid nodded miserably. "I don't know how to undo it."

  Kendrick placed a hand on the wall. "This is porcelain," he announced excitedly.

  Thane rolled his eyes. "We went over that already."

  Kendrick eyed Thane. "I don't think you get it."

  "Oh, no. We do. He used both his elements," Thane replied.

  Kendrick pinched the bridge of his nose. "He used both of his elemental powers at the same time with the exact amount of intensity. If there had been more earth magic, it wouldn't have hardened; if there had been more fire magic, it would have crumbled at the first touch."

  Thane and Justice paled, but poor Kincaid still looked clueless.

  "What'd I do?" he asked.

  Kendrick lowered his hand. "Kincaid, you performed the impossible."

  Kincaid was now looking panicked. "We can open it, right? I finally was able to help with my magic, but it won't mean anything if we can't get those guys outta there."

  Kendrick eyed the cube, a downright frightening look in his eye. "The ones responsible are within?"

  "Yes," Kincaid replied.

  Kendrick rubbed his jaw. "We need to secure this warehouse from any human intervention, buy the damn building if we have to."

  Ari pulled out his phone. "I'll handle that," he volunteered. This was something his family could do.

  Kendrick looked at Thane and Justice. "Later, once the survivors are sorted and the new bodies have been processed and added to our depressingly growing list of deceased, we, along with Law and the twins, will try to crack this nut."

  Justice's eyebrows snapped together in a frown. "Those two?"

  "First off, they are my cousins, so watch what you say. Second, yes, those two. They rival me in earth magic," Kendrick explained pleasantly.

  Thane's head dropped back. "Those two seriously have that much magic?"

  Kendrick smiled. "Runs in the family," he boasted.

  Brie eyed the earthen cube. "We leave it?"

  Kendrick nodded. "Unfortunately."

  Ari dropped a kiss to the back of his mate's neck and smirked when she shivered. "I'll be right over there, love," he said, pointing across the room.

  "Miss you already," she replied, as she adjusted her vest.

  Ari jogged over to where Declan stood talking with Etain. "Hey, big brother. Got a minute?"

  "For you, of course," Declan said.

  "Kendrick can't figure out how to crack that nut, so we have to buy the building," he explained.

  Declan whistled low. "If Kendrick can't figure it out, it must be serious magic."

  "Kincaid threw it around our feral friends with no clue how to bring it down." He looked over his shoulder at his unit brother. "With Kendrick and the Ashleigh brothers seeing his magic first hand, hopefully, he'll finally get the help he needs."

  Declan laced his fingers behind his head. "If he's done something Kendrick can't figure out, he officially has their attention," he said laughing.

  "I'm going to call Rex and get him to start on the purchase. Would you or your unit be able to maintain twenty-four hour watch?"

  Declan nodded. "Easily. We can also ask Noctem Fall's wolves if they'd like to assist. Now that the virus is over, some are feeling a bit on edge over how helpless they were. Guarding a prison where the enemy is entombed may actually help quite a bit."

  Ari was about to call Rex when he looked up at his brother. "You know, with the portal being open here to Éire Danu and with Noctem Falls volunteering for guard duty, you could visit every day if you wanted," he pointed out.

  Declan's face became unreadable, and Ari continued. "Come home tonight, Dec, let's surprise mother by having us all home."

  Declan nodded slowly at first then smiled. "After everything we've seen lately, I would say that is not only wanted, but very needed. We need to celebrate and appreciate our family now more than ever."

  Ari felt his eyes begin to water, so he turned back to face his mate. "I'll give Leo a heads up. You craving anything?"

  "Gods yes! I'd do anything for Leo's London Broil, like five cows worth," Declan said in a breathy voice. "And mashed potatoes and his vegetable medley that he does with whatever witchcraft seasonings he adds to it. Oh! Oh! And his fruit tart!"

  Ari turned back and couldn't help laughing; his brother had a look of pure rapture on his face. "Consider it done, big brother."

  He dialed Rex and wasn't at all surprised when he answered on the first ring.

  "Ari, are you okay?"

  "Yup, barely a scratch on me. Declan pretty much eviscerated the feral that tried to rip my throat out."

  "What! Where's the damn portal?!"

  "Rex! I'm fine! I need you there anyway."

  "Why? What's going on?"

  "Long story short, we trapped the bad guys in a box we can't open. So we now need to buy the warehouse so Kendrick and the Superwitches can play with it," he explained.

  From across the room, Justice called out. "I'm living for the term Superwitch!"

  Ari ignored him. "Also, can you secretly let Leo know that Declan and Kari are coming home for a visit. We'll need a late night dinner of London Broil, mashed potatoes, vegetable medley, and a fruit tart."

  "Dec is coming home," Rex whispered.

  "Yeah, he is," Ari felt his heart swell. It had been way too long since they had all been in the same room.

  "Consider the purchase done. What about guards?"

  "Noctem Falls has it covered. Just let the queen know we'll need two temporary portals from here in the warehouse to Noctem Falls for the guards to get back and forth. And, of course, we'll need one from here to Éire Danu."

  "If Lionharts own the warehouse and I persuade the queen to make the portals permanent, Declan can visit whenever he likes," Rex said excitedly.


  "Hanging up now. I'll work with Leo to make everything perfect," he promised.

  "Everything you do is perfect, Rex."

  "No, not everything. But I'm working on it. See you soon." Rex hung up, and Ari could just imagine him issuing decrees at the speed of light.

  Declan scuffed his foot on the hard concrete. "He really does care, doesn't he?"

  Ari frowned then punched Declan as hard as he could in the upper arm. He smiled in satisfaction when his older brother howled. "We both do, you big dorkus."

  Declan was primed to pounce on him when they heard Brie. "Ari! Time to go! We have reports to give at the palace!"

  Declan narrowed his eyes. "Saved by your mate."

  Ari looked around to make sure no one was watching, and he stuck his tongue out at his brother.

  Declan's booming laughter filled the warehouse. "See you in a little bit," he said.

  Ari waved. "See ya real soon, big brother."

  He jogged back over to Brie and looked at the collection of stumped witches. "The Lionharts will be purchasing the warehouse outright. Declan and the Noctem Falls' wolves will be providing guards around the clock, and Rex is arranging for portals so transportation to and from the warehouse is easier."

  Thane clapped a hand on his back. "Excellent work."

  Ari shrugged. It wasn't like he was doing any of the actual work himself, just setting things in motion. "We won't be able to stay at the palace long. Declan and Kari are going to take advantage of the portal and will be coming to dinner." He licked his lips. "Leo is making his famous London Broil for Declan, I can't wait."

  Brie eyed him. "To visit with your brother or to eat?"

  Ari shrugged. "Both."

  "London Broil?" she asked, swallowing hard.

  "Oh, yeah."

  "What are we waiting for?" she asked, marching toward the front office where the portal shimmered just out of view.

  Ari watched her ass as she walked away. "What are we waiting for indeed?"

  Chapter Fourteen

  When they stepped through the portal, the first thing Brie noticed was the no
ise. It seemed there was more people in the queen's outer meeting room than the room could accommodate. Everywhere she turned, fae were weeping and holding tight to their loved ones.

  "There she is!" a voice called out. All at once, she and Ari were surrounded.

  "Thank the gods for you!"

  "Gods blessings on you both!" The voices were full of gratitude and warmth.

  The crowd soon parted as the queen made her way over to them. She first went to Ari, pulling him into a tight hug. Moments later, the queen did the same to her. Before the queen pulled away, she whispered in her ear. "Thank you! Thank all the gods for you." The queen stepped back and nodded. "Is there anything I can do for you? A favor I could grant?"

  Ari shook his head. "You never have to reward a warrior for doing his job," he answered.

  The queen turned to Brie. "You are new to our world and not a unit warrior. What can I do for you, as a show of thanks, for the lives of my people?"

  Brie thought about the offer. If she refused it might seem like she didn't value the lives of the fae. She looked around the room where the warriors beamed in her direction. "Tonight, one of the most invaluable pieces of equipment was a set of thermal imaging goggles I had on loan from the Monroe SWAT team. Is there any way you could secure these goggles for every unit warrior and Vanguard that may be facing these invisible perps?"

  The queen blinked. "You mean to tell me there is a way for our warriors to see these invisible wretches, and they don't have the equipment they need?"

  Aiden stepped forward. "Your Majesty, as you know, personal wealth cannot be used to supply items for public use. It was a major point of contention my brother faced when updating our clinic. The same holds true for the warriors. We are not able to purchase items with our own funds to add to our armory." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Though, to be honest, we didn't know these goggles existed. We have night-vision goggles, but had no idea thermal imaging technology was now available in tactical gear. That is my fault and mine alone." He hung his head low.

  The queen actually snorted. "And when exactly, Aiden McKenzie, did you have time to re-evaluate the men's gear? It's been less than six months since the first reaper appeared, and in those months, your warriors managed to save and secure Lycaonia, uncover a device that can strip a witch of their magic, discovered what their damned necklaces do and what they are, revealed treachery at the committee level, defended Noctem Falls from an internal incursion, and cured a magic-made virus. You managed to do all this despite not having these special goggles, so what does that actually say about your leadership skills?" she asked.

  "It says he is a blessing from the gods and that we are lucky to have him," Bastien announced loudly.

  "Gods all bless the McKenzie!" a cheer went up.

  Aiden looked shocked as the multiple voices reverberated around the room.

  "And he's an amazing mate!" Meryn yelled, standing on one of the tables, both Ryuu and Pierce at her side, ensuring she didn't just topple off.

  Aiden's eyes became shiny. "Only because you're so easy to love," he said as he walked over to her and plucked her off the table.

  "And we have the next generation Commander on the way," one of the fae shouted.

  "And they will be part fae and tied to our queen!"

  Meryn scowled. "My li'l nugget is gonna be a hacker."

  The queen blew a kiss to her niece. "Considering you used your hacker skills to find my people, I would say that would be amazing too."

  "The little one found us?"

  "What do you mean tied to the queen?"

  "Is she Eamon's daughter?"

  The fae started throwing out questions at the speed of light. Meryn wiggled until Aiden put her down, and she immediately retreated behind Ryuu and Pierce.

  Aiden was about to say something when the portal glowed again, and Declan, along with a beautiful woman, walked through.

  "Kari! Simba!" Meryn ran to where Declan stood smiling. He opened his arms and she jumped right into them. Despite being pregnant, he easily lifted her up and swung her around, causing her to laugh.

  Kari just shook her head. "It has not even been two weeks, Meryn."

  Declan set Meryn down and the small woman grabbed Kari's hand and dragged her over to Portia. "Kari, Portia needs your superpowers getting this mess organized."

  Meryn turned to Portia. "You're going to love Kari. She's all neat lines and boxes like you."

  Kari nodded to the fae. "Pleased to meet you."

  Portia just stared down at Meryn's exuberance. "We may need to add deportment to your daily schedule." She looked at Kari. "Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated. I do feel a bit out of my depth as of late and everyone here has been singing your praises."

  Kari blushed and ruffled Meryn's curls. "What has the little monster been saying?"

  "She said you live and breathe forms, Power Point, and highlighters," the queen answered, walking up to them.

  She and Ari followed behind Declan as he made his way over to his mate. "My Kari is an invaluable asset to Prince Magnus. He regards her as nothing less than his right-hand person and implicitly trusts her in the day to day running of Noctem Falls," Declan announced, keeping his tone neutral.

  Brie didn't have a lot of experience when it came to the political side of the force, but she knew a power play when she saw one. In a single statement, Declan let it be known that his mate was valued highly by Prince Magnus, and impertinence to her would be dealt with swiftly.

  "And while she is here, she will be treated as a close friend of the throne," the queen confirmed.

  Kari eyed Portia's quill and scroll, and her eye began to twitch. "We are expected for dinner at the Lionhart estate, but perhaps tomorrow, you can show me what you have thus far?"

  Portia nodded. "Many thanks."

  "Dinner?" Meryn asked, piping up. "Whatcha havin'?"

  "Leo's London Broil," Rex answered, smiling as he walked up from behind them.

  "Hell yeah!" Meryn danced around excitedly.

  "Meryn, no," Aiden chided.

  "You both would be more than welcome. In fact, I insist," Rex said as he placed a brotherly hand on each of his brother's shoulders.

  Brie watched as both Declan and Ari tensed a bit, then relaxed just as quickly.

  "Leo would love to feed you again, Meryn," Ari added.

  Rex turned to Kendrick. "In fact, I'd like to extend that invitation to you and your mate as well."

  Kendrick simply nodded. "We'd be honored."

  Meryn tugged on her mate's hand. "Come on! They're having London Broil!"

  Aiden frowned down at his mate. "When did you become such a little carnivore?"

  She stopped tugging and pointed to her belly. "Blame your kid."

  His eyes softened. "Of course," he conceded.

  Meryn turned to Rex. "If I'm going, the boys are going."

  Rex nodded. "I already took that into consideration when I texted Leo our updated numbers. In fact, we're expecting two more. They'll be meeting us there."

  "Yes!" the twins threw their fists in the air.

  Pip gulped. "I can do this. I can do this. I have my special umbrella." He ran off to the other room.

  Meryn looked at the twins. "Say what now?"

  Neil shrugged. "It worked."

  "What worked?"

  "Well, Nigel and I realized that as long as Pip didn't see the sky he was fine."

  Meryn put her hands on her hips and pointed up. "How can you avoid the freaking sky?"

  "With this!" Pip said excitedly, as he returned in a flash.

  "They made me my own special umbrella. This is the night time version." He opened what looked to be a parasol and pointed to the underside. "Nigel and Neil painted it for me."

  Brie caught a glimpse and marveled at the art work. Swirling constellations and shooting stars were meticulously painted on the fabric of the parasol.

  He showed Meryn who looked from the twins to the parasol and back. "You could have let him g
et used to the sky more, so he didn't need this."

  Pip shook his head adamantly. "No. We needed to come to you. It will probably take me months, even years to be fully comfortable with the sky. You needed us now."

  Meryn swallowed hard. "It's a gorgeous umbrella, Pip."

  He stood up straight. "Neil added the stars, and Avery found some silver paint." He hugged it to his chest. "It is my first present, well, besides getting you as a sister."

  Aiden wrapped an arm around each twin. "Good job, boys."

  "Yes, sir," they answered together.

  Pip opened the parasol all the way and held it over his head. "I am ready to go outside now."

  Brie had to admit the parasol added a certain flare to the delicate vampire.

  Meryn looped her arm through Pip's. "Let's go eat lion-squire food."

  Brie cracked her back. "I'm starving, and my back is killing me."

  Meryn chuckled. "It should; you're wearing like fifty pounds of gear."

  Brie gave a half shrug. "Comes with the job."

  Meryn bent down and hoisted a laptop bag to her shoulder, which Aiden immediately stepped forward to take. "I only have to worry about my laptop."

  Ari rubbed her shoulders. "Come on, my warrior, let's head home and get you in the shower and into comfortable clothes."

  She whimpered. "That sounds amazing right now."

  "I expect to see you all in the morning for breakfast," the queen said.

  "Yes, Auntie!" Meryn called back as she and Pip headed out the door.

  Brie caught the queen's expression. "Auntie?" the queen questioned as she blinked.

  Brennus kissed the back of his mate's neck. "It suits you."

  The queen just shook her head. "I suppose." She then turned to move toward the crowd of survivors. Brie felt sorry for the fae queen; her night was only just beginning. Her expression must have shown her concern, because a moment later Ari kissed the back of her neck as well. "Let's go home."


  The closer they got to the Lionhart estate, the more the three Lionhart brothers seemed to vibrate with anticipation. Brie could feel the excitement emanating from her mate.

  Meryn was making Aiden a nervous wreck as she and Pip walked backward so she could talk with Rex. "So, when you say legendary London Broil, do you actually mean it?"


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