Quinn's Lady

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Quinn's Lady Page 11

by Amanda Ashley

  Serepta laughed again though there was no humor in it. “Told you I was dead, did they?”

  Annis nodded. How was it possible for the witch to know what she was thinking?

  Serepta shrugged. “I can read your thoughts child, because I drank your blood.”

  Eyes wide with horror, Annis lifted a trembling hand to her neck. “Is that why you brought me here? To…to feed on me?”

  “No.” The witch licked her lips. “It was just a nice bonus.” Unlocking the cell with a flourish, she grabbed Annis by the arm and dragged her into the corridor. “Come along,” she said. “We’re going to take a little trip.”

  Before Annis could protest or even ask where they were going, they were there. Serepta hustled her into an Airship and pushed her into a seat.

  The pilot shut the doors, ran his hands over the controls, and, in moments, they were airborne.

  Annis stared out the window. “Where are we going?”

  “To see a dark wizard about getting my magic back.”


  If Lanna was pleased or surprised to find Serepta and a young girl standing outside the coven’s door, it didn’t show on her face. With a beckoning hand, she invited them into the house.

  “Wyrick is expecting you,” she said. “Wait here.”

  Wide-eyed, Annis stared at her surroundings, her legs so weak with fear, she was afraid they would collapse beneath her at any moment. She knew little of magical power, but it was here, in this room, weighing her down like an invisible hand.

  There was a whoosh in the air and a man appeared before them. He was shorter than she, with long, snow-white hair and penetrating dark eyes. Power radiated from him, stronger than that which already filled the room.

  When he moved toward her, his feet didn’t touch the floor. He stopped directly in front of her. Annis flinched when he placed his hand over her womb.

  “A virgin,” he murmured. “Pure and perfect. And lovely.”

  “We have a deal then?” Serepta asked.

  “Done and done.” Taking Serepta by the hand, he led her a few steps away. And with each step, his form grew taller, wider, until he towered over her. As he grew larger, so did his power. He drew Serepta into his arms and his cloak wrapped around her, like the wings of a giant black bat. When he spoke, his voice rumbled like thunder, though Annis didn’t understand the words.

  Power swirled through the room like a whirlwind, growing even stronger, heavier.

  Fearing certain destruction, Annis fell to the floor, her eyes tightly closed, her arms over her head.

  Time lost all meaning. Gradually, the power drained away, and with it, the sense of impending doom. When she risked opening her eyes, the wizard was again a small, seemingly harmless old man. But Serepta…Annis blinked up at her. She looked the same and yet…her eyes blazed with new life. The vampire pallor had left her skin, her hair appeared thicker, more lustrous.

  Serepta smiled at the wizard. “I wish you many strong sons.”

  The wizard inclined his head. “I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams. And should you ever wish to join us, we would welcome you into our coven.”

  “My thanks, Lord Wyrick. But first I have several scores to settle.” A wave of her hand, and she was gone.

  Annis shrank back when the wizard reached for her. Voice trembling, she asked, “What do you want with me?”

  “A child,” he said. “Come along. Your rooms await.”


  A child. The thought made her shudder. She had never been intimate with a man. Never even been kissed. Occasionally, her wayward thoughts had led her to wonder what it would be like to be with a man. Of course, she had pictured him man as tall and blonde, with beautiful blue eyes and a kind smile. Someone who would love her. Someone who would patiently teach her the ways of love. Instead, she would be forced to surrender her virtue to an old man who scared her half to death.

  A child. The wizard’s words continued to play and replay in her mind as he led her down a long, winding corridor and into a suite of rooms fit for Marri herself. The walls were a pale blue. A carpet of a slightly darker shade covered the floor. A matching spread covered the bed. Lights set in the ceiling filled the room with a warm, golden glow. A small fire crackled in a white stone fireplace.

  “I think you will be comfortable here.” He gestured at a wardrobe. “You will find clothing in there. Your bath is through that door. If you need anything, you have but to ask.”

  “I need to go home.”

  He smiled sympathetically. “I am afraid my need for a child outweighs your need for home.” Bowing in her direction, he left the room. The door closed with a quiet click.

  She waited a moment, then went to try the handle. She wasn’t surprised to find it locked.

  Curious, she opened the wardrobe doors. Inside, she found a dozen gowns in a variety of colors, as well as shoes, boots, undergarments, hats and gloves. All in her size. She shook her head. How was that even possible when he had only just met her?

  Turning, she surveyed the room again. If she had to be a prisoner, she thought, she couldn’t have asked for a nicer jail. But this place would never be home. She would never see Marri or Nardik again. Never again know the peace and serenity of the convent.

  Her life, as she had known, had been ripped away. And nothing would ever be the same again.

  With a sob, she sank down on the floor and wept.

  Chapter 20

  Serepta stood in the center of the Black Castle’s great room, her arms uplifted, her laughter filling the air as she magically rearranged the furniture and repainted the walls. Copying a bit of Wyrick’s home decor, she had gathered several of her old instruments of torture and hung them over the fireplace.

  She had her magic back! And it was stronger and more potent than ever. Her dungeon was filled with handsome young men, all eager to do her bidding. All very tasty. She had never felt better, been stronger, or more certain of victory. She had warded the castle and the grounds against intruders, cast a spell over it that prevented the use of magic by other witches within its walls.

  Soon, all those who had thwarted her would pay the price for their treachery - her mother, her father. Quinn.

  Ah, Quinn. He would be the first to die. As strong as she was, it wouldn’t hurt to have the dragon’s power at her beck and call when she confronted her parents.

  But there was no hurry. Lowering her arms, she regarded her handiwork. Everything looked fresh and new again. As it should be. Because she felt new again. Reborn.

  Leaving the castle, she went into the garden to bask in the sun’s light. How she had missed it! The grounds seemed barren without the statues, she mused. But that was easily remedied. But, again, all in good time.

  Reclining on one of the benches, she turned her thoughts to her parents. Wouldn’t they be surprised when they saw her again, stronger and more powerful than ever before.

  She hoped they were enjoying what little time they had left.

  Chapter 21

  Annis scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding with trepidation, when the bedroom door opened. Would this be the night the wizard forced himself upon her?

  She froze, more frightened that she had ever been in her life, as a man appeared in the doorway. She had expected Wyrick. She had seen no one else in the three days she had been here. But this man…She blinked up at him. He was tall and blonde and, except for the fact that his eyes were dark brown instead of blue, he could have been the man of her dreams.

  He smiled when he saw her - a warm friendly smile that made his eyes twinkle. “Annis?”


  “I am Rajj.”

  She nodded, uncertain of what her response should be.

  He closed the door behind him and moved toward her, forcing her to look up to see his face.

  “I see Wyrick has not told you about me. I should have guessed as much.” He laughed softly. “My father told me of you, but his words did not do you justice. You are quite lov
ely.” He cocked his head to the side. “Do you know why you are here?”

  “Yes,” she said, blushing. “To give the wizard a child.”

  Rajj threw back his head and laughed.

  “I see nothing humorous in this situation,” she snapped, her fear momentarily swallowed up in her anger.

  “You are not here for Wyrick,” Rajj said, still chuckling. “You are here for me.”

  Annis stared at him. “For…you?”

  “My father told me if I did not find a suitable woman by summer’s end, he would find one for me. And here you are. I hope you are not too disappointed.” He circled her, like a hungry tiger studying its prey. And then he frowned. “You have no magic.”

  She shook her head. Maybe he wanted a witch for a wife. Maybe he would let her go home. But his next words dashed her hopes.

  “It matters not. My magic will pass to our child. The maids will be here soon to help you prepare.”

  “Prepare? Prepare for what?”

  “For our mating. Tonight.”

  “Tonight?” The word emerged from her throat as little more than a high-pitched squeak.

  Nodding, he drew her into his arms. “I will be gentle, sweet Annis,” he promised.

  “But…can’t we wait a few days? To…to get acquainted?”

  He smiled indulgently, like a parent humoring a child. “You will know everything you need to know about me when the night is over.”

  And with those parting words, he kissed the top of her head and left her standing there, not knowing whether to be terrified or relieved.

  A trio of women descended on her a short time after Rajj’s departure. One prepared a fragrant bath. One stripped her of her clothing. The third removed the sheets from the bed.

  The one who had prepared her bath scrubbed her thoroughly from head to foot.

  The second woman laid out a long, white gown that sparkled like diamonds in the candlelight.

  The third remade the bed with black silk sheets, then pulled a small crystal bottle from the bag she had brought with her.

  Annis stared at the bottle, fearful of what it might hold.

  The first woman helped her out of the tub, wrapped her in a warm, fluffy towel, dried her hair, then brushed it until it shone like liquid gold.

  The second woman slipped the gown over her head.

  The third applied a bit of makeup, then sprayed her with sweet-smelling perfume.

  Then, as one, they bowed and left the room.

  Standing in front of the mirror, Annis studied her reflection. She had never thought of herself as pretty, but the woman gazing back at her was lovely. Her blond hair seemed to shimmer in the light, her eyes looked larger, darker, her lips were glossy and pale pink. And the gown…it clung to her like a second skin. Not quite transparent, it outlined every curve. What would Marri think if she could see her now? What would Reverend Mother think? No need to worry, she thought bleakly. She would never see her sister or the cloister at Aisly again.

  She felt the sting of tears at her eyes, quickly brushed them away when Rajj stepped into the room.

  He paused, his gaze moving over as if he were examining a piece of merchandise he was thinking of buying. And then he smiled. “Annis. You are truly beautiful.”

  “Am I?”

  “The most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  She basked in the admiration she read in his eyes, felt her heart skip a beat when he took her in his arms.

  His fingertips caressed her cheek, threaded through her hair. “Do not be afraid.”

  She could fight him, she thought. But he was bigger, stronger. And he had magic. There was no way to win. And yet, how could she simply surrender her virtue to a stranger?

  “Annis. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  His voice sank into her very being and when she looked into his eyes, she knew he would never hurt her.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she murmured. And then frowned when he blushed.

  His amused laughter poured over her like summer sunshine as he hugged her close. “Neither do I, my lovely lady. We will learn together.”

  Chapter 22

  Serepta lapped up the last of her victim’s blood, then cast the dry husk aside. In the beginning, when she had first been turned, she had preferred blood to mortal food, but no more. She wasn’t sure what had caused the change, nor did she care. Still, unpleasant as it was, there was no denying the occasional need for blood if she wanted to survive.

  But now it was time to destroy Quinn and reclaim the fire dragon’s power. How best to accomplish it? She could send him a message, asking him to meet her, but she doubted he would oblige, and if he did, she was certain he wouldn’t come alone. She didn’t want her parents to show up, not yet, not until she had decided how best to avenge herself on them. No, she wanted Quinn alone, bound and helpless. She wanted to hurt him, humiliate him, before she destroyed him.

  She paced the great hall, considering and rejecting a dozen ideas.

  And then she smiled, wondering why she hadn’t thought of it sooner.

  Chapter 23

  With a sigh, Seleena rested her head on Quinn’s shoulder. “I heard from Nardik while you were out. He says there’s still no sign of Serepta or Annis. I don’t know what else we can do.” She paused. “Do you think she killed Annis?”

  Quinn rubbed his shoulder where the dragon had just bitten him. Maybe they needed to find a code name for Serepta. “I wouldn’t put it past her. But I think she’s toying with us. Just biding her time, hoping we’ll relax our guard.”

  “I just wish it was over. It’s been three days. Amerris must be worried out of her mind. Marri, too.”

  “Yeah.” But he was more worried about Seleena. She was in danger as long as Serepta lived. And even though he would willingly sacrifice his own life to save hers, he wasn’t sure he was strong enough to defeat Serepta. And that bothered him more than he wanted to admit.

  With a wave of her hand, Seleena lit a fire in the hearth. “I made a cake today. Would you like a slice?”

  He brushed a kiss across the side of her neck. “I’m not really hungry for cake.”


  He shook his head. “What do you taste like, I wonder?”

  “I’m sure you can guess.”

  “Is that a no?”

  She smiled up at him. “How could I refuse?”

  “You’ve refused me plenty of times,” he muttered.


  “Hey, it’s okay. I understand.”

  “Do you?”

  “Not really. I want you. I know you want me.” He shook his head. “Are you holding out for marriage?”

  “Are you proposing?” She placed her fingertips over his mouth before he could reply. “Forget I said that.”

  “It’s gonna happen, Red. I knew it the first time I saw you. I wish you’d tell me why you’re so reluctant.”

  “You really don’t know?”

  He started to say no and then, in a flash of inspiration, he knew. He leaned back a little so he could better see her face. “It’s Serepta, isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “I can’t forget that you slept with my daughter.”

  “Believe me, it wasn’t my idea.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It happened and I can’t forget it.”

  Just one more reason to kill the witch, he thought.

  Seleena chafed at the tense silence that fell between them. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. She worried her lower lip between her teeth, then stood abruptly. “I’m going outside for a bit.”

  “Is that a good idea?”

  “I just need some air.”

  And some time away from me, Quinn thought. He sat back, his gaze on the wall of moving pictures across from him, though not really seeing the ever-changing images of land and sea and sky. All this time he had assumed she was reluctant to share his bed because he was a vampire. Apparently, he couldn’t have been more wrong. Was it jealousy that made her hesita
te? Perhaps some moral objection? Or both? And what was he going to do about it? Hel, what could he do? He couldn’t undo the past.

  She had been outside about twenty minutes when he started to worry. Serepta had made her way up the mountain once before. Maybe she had again.

  He hurried outside, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Seleena standing a short distance away, gazing at the twin moons. Moving up behind her, he slid his arms around her waist. He had expected a little resistance; instead, she turned in his arms, clasped her hand behind his neck, and kissed him.

  As soon as her mouth covered his, he knew it wasn’t Seleena. It was the last thing he remembered before darkness swallowed him whole.


  He woke to find himself nearly naked in a room that was all too familiar. His arms were stretched over his head, his wrists manacled to an iron bar suspended from the ceiling, his ankles secured to bolts in the floor. The shackles, made of silver, burned his flesh and weakened his preternatural powers. The only furniture was a single chair. There were no windows. There was a grate directly beneath him surrounded by ugly, brown stains.

  How long had he been here? The ache in his arms told him it had been more than minutes. Hours, perhaps. He called on his preternatural powers. Though weak, he sensed no one else within the castle walls.

  Where was Seleena?

  How had Serepta managed to bypass both of Nardik’s spells?

  Where was Serepta?

  How had she managed to overpower him so completely, so quickly?

  Questions for which he had no answers.

  Chin resting on his chest, he closed his eyes and shifted from one foot to the other. Minutes stretched into hours as time marched on, intensifying the ache in his arms and back and shoulders. He wondered how long it would take before the silver burned all the way through his flesh.

  Quinn’s head jerked up at the scent of blood. Someone screamed, the sound filled with such torment it made his stomach clench. The blood scent grew stronger. His fangs extended as his hunger sprang to life. His hands fisted around the iron bar as another scream punctuated the silence, followed by the pungent scent of death.


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