Incubus Inc.: Book 2

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Incubus Inc.: Book 2 Page 13

by Randi Darren

“I wouldn’t test my people. There’s a few with itchy fingers,” Sam said, quite thankful to Carissa in this moment. She was likely the one who’d seen what was going on and took the shot.

  The Judge growled, an ominous feeling building around her as she stood there.

  “Don’t blame me,” Sam said. “Something was stolen and I’m just retrieving it. If I were to die, and you judged me, you’d be on my side. Wouldn’t you? Or do you claim to no longer serve the purpose you were made for.

  “That you’ve forsaken it just as you forsook your Father when he called upon you to aid him.”

  All the pressure that was building around the Judge vanished in a single instant.

  Replaced by an overwhelming and deep sadness. Of anger, guilt, and absolute self-loathing.

  The Judge let her face lower, her eyes dropping to the ground in front of her.

  “Give him the Log,” the Judge said with a cold edge to her voice.

  “But what—”

  “Give-him-the-log. You stole something that was not yours,” the Judge said. “Besides, we cannot use it without assistance anyways.”

  “Then perhaps this is an opportunity,” Sam said. “I think I’d be willing to speak with Reix on your behalf, Judge. Maybe you can come to an agreement on the Log’s usage.”

  The Judge lifted her head up and glared at Sam.

  “He wouldn’t assist us,” she said simply, as Reixhitz’s First Spirit dug around in a personal plane.

  “And how do you know? What’s your goal?” Sam asked.

  “To kill the Silent One or bring back my Father,” the Judge said. “Because you’re right. I… I abandoned him when he needed me most. I didn’t… I didn’t understand that I wasn’t just a position at that point.

  “And when the Higher Planes were exterminated of its caretakers I realized my error. Now I’m working to fix that. I must continue to call on my Father and ask his forgiveness. To help us. Because our world is dying.”

  “You’ve spoken to him?” Aster asked her tone sharp.

  “Briefly,” the Judge admitted after a second, her eyes moving to Aster. “It… wasn’t a good talk. He’s quite hurt by my actions. He hasn’t responded to anyone in the years since.”

  The fact that anyone could reach out to the Originator was a surprise. That he’d responded was a bigger one.

  The First Spirit of Reixhitz laid down what looked like a silver book the size of a two-year-old Human child on the ground.

  “I’ll speak with Reixhitz on your behalf,” Sam said. “I think I could likely convince him to help. Besides, he promised me a few answers from the Log just for finding it.”

  “Ah? Is… is that so?” the Judge asked, looking considerably happier than she had just moments before.

  “Indeed. Maybe we can come to an arrangement,” Sam said, locking eyes with the Judge. “I’m sure we can figure out something I’d want for something you want. Did I mention you were beautiful, Judge?”

  I’m going to feast on her if I can. I bet she’d be even more power than Aster.

  No one misunderstood what Sam was after. Each and every person looked slightly mortified, embarrassed, or curious.

  A number of the women in the group looked like they were envious and sickened at the same time.

  The Judge looked determined.

  “I’m sure we can make a deal,” she said, clearing her throat.

  “I want to ride her face,” Aster muttered under her breath.

  “Me, too,” Jes added.

  Me, three.

  Twelve - Judged -

  “The Judge is allowed in,” Sam said loudly. “As are anyone else Aster, or Zeus as you knew her, allows in. Everyone else, please remain outside until we come to terms.”

  Aster snorted at that, her face turning toward her old pantheon.

  “I hope they die out there,” she said under her breath.

  Shrugging his shoulders at that, Sam dropped down from the top of the walls and hit the ground with a thump. He needed to talk to Reixhitz quickly before he finished up with the Judge.

  Jogging quickly for where he’d left his portal, he went straight through it. Opening a portal up to his prime plane apartment he shared with Irma, he stepped through that as well.

  “Reix,” Sam said, mentally pushing on Reixhitz’s plane. “We need to renegotiate quickly.”

  There was a determined push back against him from the plane.

  “What is it?” Reixhitz asked in Sam’s mind.

  “Found the Log. Been through Limbo, The End, and Retribution’s home. Need to change the deal, otherwise I’m going to have to fight the Judge, the Tenders, your First Spirit, a few Original Weres, and Angelics to get it back,” Sam said quickly.

  “I… my goodness,” Reixhitz murmured. “Alright. And what is this negotiation then?”

  “Two of the six questions for the next thousand years,” Sam said. “Grant me that and I’ll get the Log back today for you.”

  “Two of six for the next thousand years? Are you out of—uuugh. Fine. Fine. Okay. Two of the six, for the next thousand years. Done,” Reixhitz said, and then pulled away from Sam.

  Nodding, Sam turned and went back into the fort, crossing over both portals to do so.

  Waving a hand at his portal as he entered the fort, he closed it down to a speck. There was no sense in advertising how they’d be escaping if they didn’t have to.

  And besides, I’ll have to find a bed for the Judge, which means she’ll need to come through here.

  Coming through the gate was the Judge and the Fates. No one else entered.

  The portcullis clanked down into position as soon as the four women had crossed the threshold.

  The Judge was looking around for a moment before her eyes settled on the Scales.

  Walking over to join her, Sam couldn’t help but look at them as well.

  “The plane is ending,” the Judge murmured. “The Scales themselves are breaking. The souls I was forced to put before judgement were becoming more and more dark. The Tenders themselves were finding souls that were vanishing. They had no belief in anything at all, and so, vanished into nothing.

  “And without Father… there are no new souls being created. There will eventually come a time when there are no new souls to be birthed.”

  “I imagine that’s quite a ways off,” Sam said. He knew for a fact that there was a mind boggling number of souls waiting for their chance to be born that’d never graced any of the planes before.

  “Even if it is, things are speeding up. We’re heading for an end,” the Judge said. “One that I had a hand in fostering by not… by not helping him.

  “Instead… I sat and judged my younger brothers and sisters as they fell. Rather than returning them to the field to fight for the universe. For Father.”

  Sam nodded at that. It was the truth.

  “The Fates can’t see anymore, by the way,” said the Judge. “After they… after they betrayed Aster, their sight ended.”

  “Poor things. Rewarded for their betrayal with a loss of their portfolio. Granted to them by someone who was betrayed,” Sam countered. “Who would think that betrayal brings bad things?”

  The Judge clearly took that as the personal attack it was meant to be. Sighing, the dark haired woman looked to one side, away from Sam.

  Sam had a dislike for betrayers for obvious reasons.

  “Next you’ll tell me that your brothers and sisters who sided with the Silent One regret what they did,” Sam said. “And I’ll have about as much sympathy for them as I would an insect, Judge.”

  “I… yes. It does all seem rather obvious from your point of view, I imagine,” the Judge said. “To the point that I must concede the conversation. It would seem all of our problems are of our own creation.

  “Well, that’s why I’m here. I’m working to correct the errors I made. As is everyone else out there. Mistakes happen and disagreements can be had. But one can work to correct it and fix things. Can’t they?”
  “Up to a point,” Sam said as charitably as he could manage. He would never give Jenaphila the time of day, let alone hear anything she had to say about correcting things. “So, shall we deal, Judge?”

  “Please… stop calling me that. I’m… I’m not the Judge anymore. Not really at least. My name is Eugenia. Named so twice. That’ll do just fine,” said Eugenia. “And yes… let’s deal. Though I suspect I already know what you’ll ask for, Torment of Lust.”

  “I’m rather transparent, I admit,” Sam said with a smile. “I can offer you one or two questions from the Log every decade for the next thousand years. Approved and assisted through Reixhitz himself. The cost would be different for one than two, of course.”

  “Of course,” Eugenia said and then sighed. “And what is my virginity worth then?”

  Her… really? Outstanding!

  She probably has no idea what it’s worth given her distance from mortals outside of judging.

  “Well. Since this is your first time, that definitely offsets things,” Sam said honestly. “I’d say… sex with me once a week for the next thousand years would definitely be an appropriate amount for an answer from the Log every decade.”

  Eugenia took in a short breath, then let it out.

  “Okay,” she said. “And what’s the cost of both answers every decade?”

  “To be honest, the second answer is for me so it’d cost a bit more. Perhaps… for both answers, sex three times a week. In whatever way I wished it, so long as it was something one could expect in a normal relationship,” suggested Sam. “This would be whenever I wanted, mind you, throughout the week, for a thousand years. Though I must tell you, there is the possibility of another woman joining us in our… contractual obligations.”

  “A second woman? I… suppose if I must. And yes, I’m aware of what all this would entail. I judged more men and women in relationships than you’ve ever met in your life,” murmured Eugenia. “In effect… this is a relationship of convenience. I provide myself to you, you provide me with log answers.”

  “Quite right,” Sam said, eyeing the Judge. He was insanely hopeful she’d take him up on the three times a week. He’d be visiting her as often as possible. The amount of Essence he generated from having Aster was already massive. Having the Judge would likely be magnitudes higher.

  If he had to tell Irma no in order to have a go with Eugenia, he would. The simple reality was, she was just worth too much to not go after at every opportunity.

  Getting the Judge into the sack would be a single step away from the Originator himself.

  Not that Sam would ever swing that way. It just didn’t interest him in the least.

  “Hm. I can agree to this, but if I end up reestablishing my relationship with my father, I’ll just pity you in advance if you’ve treated me poorly up to that point,” Eugenia said, smiling up at him. It was the first time he’d seen her truly smile and it was equal parts beauty and frightening.

  “Have no fear, Eugenia. I’ll treat you quite kindly. So much so that you’ll never look at another man in the same way after me.

  “Now… we should conclude our contract then with celerity,” Sam said, gesturing to the fort. “I’m sure we can find a suitable bed and have this all settled in thirty minutes or so.”

  “I suppose it’s a good thing I never had an eye for men in any way. I’ve only recently considered the prospect of intercourse or dating.

  “As to our contract… yes. Let’s… get this… contracted… then,” said Eugenia with a nod of her head.

  Several minutes later, Sam had escorted the Judge herself into a bedroom.

  “I’m going to just keep my dress on,” Eugenia said moving over to the bed. “Don’t rip it or muss me. It’ll be bad enough that they’ll all assume I’ve been deflowered, worse if they have any proof of it.

  “And to confirm… I get two answers from the Log every decade for a thousand years. In return, I have sex with you three times a week for a thousand years. We perform whatever sexual act you wish for, so long as it’s something one could expect in a normal relationship.”

  Laying down in the middle of the rather clean looking bed Eugenia took hold of her dress and began to lift it up.

  Sam had to momentarily consider what was about to happen.

  He’d be bedding the Judge, a woman considered to be the daughter of the Originator, in the bed of the angel of Retribution. The single most combat proficient angel on either side he’d ever heard of.


  “And the possibility of another woman joining us during sex. At which point you’d have to perform with and for her, just as you would with me,” Sam said. He needed to make sure to always include Jes.

  She was his partner, after all.

  His Branded.

  Other than Aster, he wouldn’t have another Branded.

  “Ah, yes, the other woman,” Eugenia said, putting her bare bottom down on the bed after hiking her dress all the way up to her hips. “That’s fine. I’ll treat her as a wife, and you as a husband, for a thousand years.”

  Eugenia then spread her legs apart, giving him a spectacular view of the very soft and pale looking Judge of the afterlife. She was absolutely hairless, smooth, and perfectly sculpted in every way.

  She didn’t have much in the way of muscle but she looked amazing to Sam.

  The Originator certainly blessed you with a lot of beauty for a woman who’d never be seen by anyone but the dead.

  Wasting some Essence, Sam simply dismissed everything he was wearing to one side. The entire ensemble appearing in a pile.

  “Oh,” murmured Eugenia her eyes tracking down the front of him. “Well. You’re certainly an extremely handsome Incubus.”

  “My thanks,” Sam said, smiling as he crawled into the bed.

  Eugenia took in a slow breath, her hands moving away from her thighs and then settling over her stomach. She was clearly nervous and unsure how to proceed.

  “I’ll be gentle,” Sam promised, then realized he could do something a little different this time. If only to make it easier for the Judge in the future.

  Settling his head down over her privates he decided to get her “warmed up” so to speak.

  “What are you doing?” Eugenia asked, her voice going up in pitch.

  “Taking care of you,” Sam said, moving his head down between her thighs which had slowly inched inward as if to crush his head between them.

  Using just the tip of his tongue he began to lightly lick at the lips of Eugenia’s nethers.

  “I-I-I think—ah,” Eugenia’s voice faded off as Sam began to trail up toward her hooded pearl.

  Passing over the top of it, staying to the hood, Sam went around to the other side. Lifting his eyes from her pubic mound, Sam looked up at Eugenia’s face.

  She was watching him with wide eyes and a partially open mouth.

  Smiling, Sam continued to move his tongue tip up and down as he went lower and lower.

  “Ah… ah… ahnn?” Eugenia murmured, her head dropping down to the bedding. He couldn’t see her face over her chest anymore.

  Grinning, Sam looked back to what he was working on. Moving his tongue across toward her partially covered entry he experimented, slithering his tongue up and into it.

  Eugenia made an odd squeak as he did it, her thighs trembling lightly.

  Using the flat part of his tongue Sam began to casually lick her from the bottom to the top, always stopping just when he reached her hood. With each and every pass across her he could feel her body shifting down into him. As if trying to get him to do what he was deliberately avoiding.

  Sam turned his head partly to one side and moved the tip of his tongue into the fold just under her lip and dragged up along it.

  And went straight into her clit. Running around it several times slowly with the tip of his tongue, he was surprised.

  Eugenia was moaning hard and deep now, her hips quivering and her stomach and chest shuddering.

ing up with his hands Sam gently parted Eugenia’s privates. Then he moved his fingers up, exposing her clit entirely.

  Moving in, he pressed his lips to it and sucked gently, even as he ran his tongue back and forth across it. Attacking it directly now.

  “Oh… oh my,” Eugenia gasped out, her fingers digging into her stomach.

  Feeling rather pleased with himself, Sam continued to diligently work at her. His tongue slathering back and forth over her firm little pearl.

  Then unexpectedly, she went into a full blown orgasm, the Essence running out of her was like a volcano blowing its top and spewing magma in every direction.

  Surprised, Sam began to devour everything coming out of the Judge. Chasing it all down and letting nothing escape.

  He didn’t spike her though. That’d come next, once he got atop her. He’d make this one last and enjoy every second of it.

  “Ahhhhnnn,” Eugenia moaned softly, sinking into the bed, her orgasm closing out slowly. “Oh… oh my goodness.”

  “Mm, time for the real thing,” Sam said, kissing Eugenia’s thin lips. Then he got up on his elbows and moved up, putting his knees down on each side of her hips.

  “Oh! Ah… yes. Yes,” Eugenia murmured, gazing up at him with sleepy lidded eyes. She was clearly still riding the vestiges of her orgasm. “Is it… does it get better?”

  “Very much,” Sam said with a grin.

  Reaching down with his left hand he grabbed hold of himself at the hilt, and guided his tip into her. Finding her entry, he got the tip wedged in then got his balance.

  Smiling up at him, Eugenia looked like she wasn’t sure what to do but didn’t care anymore.

  Moving his hips forward, the Torment of Lust filled the Judge of the Prime Plane’s womanhood to its fullest.

  At the same time, he slipped into her psyche as if it were a vault left wide open. Feeding her a trickle of Essence magic, he flicked her sensitivity to its maximum and deadened her to any pain she might feel.

  Groaning hard, Eugenia’s hands came up and gripped his shoulders, her eyes closing leisurely.

  He could already feel her body responding hungrily to him. Craving another orgasm and wanting it immediately.


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