Guilty as Sin

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Guilty as Sin Page 16

by Rita Hestand

  The priest came back inside with two women and their children. They took a seat in the front pews and the Priest had them come to the front of the alter.

  "I will give you a traditional ceremony, it will be rather short compared to some, but still just as lawful, if that is alright. I have a mass in an hour."

  "That's fine with us." Moon nodded.

  He blessed them and proceeded. They repeated what he told them, said their "I do's" and it was over. He told him he could kiss her if he wanted.

  Moon took her into his arms and kissed her long and warmly. The women watched and whispered, as they broke apart with a smile.

  Moon thanked him and gave him something. Lissa wondered what it was but didn't ask until they were well out of the church. "What did you give him?"

  "A nugget of gold."

  "What were you whispering to him?"

  "That I'd rather him not mention where it came from."

  "Oh, good idea. So, now what?"

  "Now we go home. Our home, Lissa."

  Lissa felt a little disappointed that there would be no honeymoon yet. She'd never made love with any man and never thought she'd have the opportunity, but Moon had other ideas, she supposed.

  Still, she was married, and she wasn't complaining.

  As they walked about, Lissa asked him, "What is my Indian name."

  "That is a good question. Little Fawn, Morning Dove, White Dove. Any of those appeal to you?"

  "White Dove."

  "Good, that's what I told the priest your name was. He gave me a piece of paper, saying we are married now."

  "Oh, I forgot about that." She smiled.

  "You could also call yourself Mrs. Moon."

  She smiled brightly at him, "I like that."

  After hours of walking over fallen limbs and huge branches, Lissa was very tired.

  "Can we rest a while?" she asked.

  "Yes, I will find us some supper." He told her.

  She nodded and pet Cole. She gathered some wood for a fire and started it before Moon got back.

  "I see you've been busy."

  "I'm hungry," she told him.

  "I have brought back two rabbits." He told her.

  "Sounds good to me, rabbit is a clean light meat, and very tasty cooked on the spit." She told him.

  "I could have gotten us a deer, but it takes too long to dress them out."

  "Rabbit's fine."

  "Did you have any trouble on the trail by yourself coming here?" He asked as he skinned the rabbits himself and watched her. His eyes strayed to her leg where the dress had splits up the side. He could hardly take his eyes from her.

  "Actually no, just had to stay away from farms and ranches and out of towns mostly. I hadn't planned on stopping at the fort but then I figured they wouldn't have posters there."

  "You were wise to stay there."

  "I used everything you and Jack taught me though. I ate good, and didn't have much trouble, of course I dressed like a man too."

  "Well, you no longer have to do that." He told her with a grin.

  "I can live with being an Indian, I think. What do you think of my hair?"

  "I like the red better, but it will do." He told her.

  "But at least I'm a tan red-head and you don't have to worry about my skin color too much."

  "That's true. Since we've traveled together, you skin has darkened from the sun a lot. You were pretty white when I first met you."

  "I didn't get outside much. But I usually tan pretty well in the summer. Did you see any posters of me coming down here?"

  "I didn't stop at many towns myself."

  "Oh, well, I suppose dressed like this no one will suspect." She told him. "This dress is lovely."

  "Yes, and it fits you perfectly."

  "How did you do that?" she asked.

  "It wasn't easy, but you are very little except… "

  "Yes, I guess I am." She looked at him shyly.

  "I'm not used to the slits on the sides of it, but I guess it has it's advantages, it's easier to sit with them."

  "You look beautiful. Even when you were a man, you looked good."

  "Well, I'm glad my husband approves." She told him.

  "Husband, that is a new word I must get used to." He told her with a grin.

  She smiled, "Having regrets so soon?"

  "No, I am happy to be your husband."

  "Are you?" she asked with a flirty smile.

  "You will see, soon." He told her with a grin.

  They ate and talked, and Cole was fed too. Then it was time to sleep. She wondered if there would be a wedding night here. She waited to see where he would lay his blanket, but he didn't.

  "Are you not sleeping tonight?" she asked him.

  "Not here, I have prepared us a place." He told her.

  "You have, where?" her eyes rounded on him with surprise.

  He picked her up in his arms and kissed her tenderly, then took her some distance and there, in the middle of a clearing was a small cabin. He set her down and she saw it.

  She stared, "No one lives there?"

  "Nope! It's ours to use."

  Her cheeks bloomed a bright pink.

  Chapter Fourteen

  He carried her inside and to the back room, he set her down and went to lock the doors and windows. For now, he would leave Cole outside, he'd bring him in later.

  She glanced around the room, it was a small bedroom with a real bed in it, and there were unlit candles all about the room, the covers were pulled back and waiting. She gasped. A fire was going in the fireplace.

  How did he manage this, she wondered?

  "Did you know about this place or something?" She asked when he came back not the room and lit a few of the candles. It looked romantic.

  "Or something," he smiled. "No one of the scouts told me about it. Said the man that owned it died a few years back and not many knew it was here as it's tucked in this forest so well. Some of the scouts use it sometime. I got up early this morning, to make it a bit cozier."

  "I can't believe it!" she smiled. "You did all of this?"

  "I have wanted this for a long time. I wanted to do things right. I would not subject you to a cold hard bed of dirt for your honeymoon. Is that not the term used for the wedding night?"

  She turned around to look at him with a huge smile, "I wouldn't care, as long as you were laying on the same cold earth with me."

  He took her face in his hands cuddling her, his thumbs stroking her cheeks, his gaze focusing on her lips. "You are my wife now. And I will do for you as well as I can. I promise you!"

  Then he kissed her so tenderly, she lost breath. She didn't need any breath, he gave her everything with this kiss. "I love you Moon," she whispered between kisses.

  "And I want to make you mine, Lissa, this night and every night for the rest of my life. I thought us impossible until the Creator showed me it was not. He blessed us Lissa and because we have struggled to love each other, it is more powerful than most. I give you my heart tonight." He told her and kissed her again.

  "Oh Moon," she whispered, as his lips went over her face slowly, enjoying each spot he stopped at, first her brow, then her lashes, down to the creamy cheek, across to the top of her nose, and then joining her waiting lips where she greeted him with a warm response.

  "You are the love of my life, the fire in my loins, the sweetness in my heart." He told her.

  "And you are a poet," she smiled as her eyes caressed him.

  "Hardly that," he smiled. "but sometimes a man must say what is in his heart. Would you undress for me, I would like to look upon you?"

  She smiled, "Alright."

  Her hands went to the edge of her dress and she began pulling it up, slowly. She turned away from him, so that he saw her backside first. Her thighs were lean and well-shaped, but nothing prepared him for the temptation of a well-formed hip and butt. His breath hitched. He stared glassy-eyed. She lifted it higher, as her waist was small and indented, then her back, was beau
tifully shaped. She pulled it over her head, and the wig flew off, and she started to pick it up, but he shook his head, "No, I want all of you, not that. Your hair is your crown and glory. I want you, all of you. Your hair is so beautiful, and I want to run my hands through it."

  She smiled again, with a slight blush, she slowly turned around and his eyes widened, as they feasted on her beautifully formed breasts. For a small woman, she had a most womanly set of breasts. He was speechless for a moment as he stared at her there.

  "And to think I helped you bind them." He shook his head with amazement.

  She finished pulling it off and he gasped again as she turned to let him have his first look at her. His eyes feasted upon her breasts, her hips and to the red curls of her womanhood.

  "I'm a little too big here," she motioned.

  He shook his head slowly, his eyes devouring her. "You're perfect."

  "Well, I don't think I'd call myself perfect… "

  "I would," he whispered and bent to put his lips around one nipple as his hand took the other and massaged it. His touch was soft and gentle. Every stroke of his hand was a caress. The way his fingertips moved over one beautiful globe, like a feather stroking her. But his lips made love to the other and she swooned, throwing her chest out so he could touch her easily. She obviously hadn't expected him to dip his head and kiss her there. But it was much more than a kiss. He made love to her breast, his lips surrounding the sweet dusty rose of one nipple, his tongue flicking gently over it, as his hand massaged the other breast.

  Lissa lost breath as his soft breath caressed her.

  She moaned a little raggedly, "I've never, this is, I didn't expect… Oh my God," she threw back her head and pushed her chest out toward him once more encouraging him to take what was his, she offered them up to him, and he ran a hand to her back to hold her there. His manipulations stirred something deep inside her. Her stomach roiled with a white-hot fever, she was no longer thinking, just reacting to his kisses. The sensations washing through her from his touches made her quiver with anticipation of what was to come.

  "I never imagined how beautiful you might be." He whispered as he lowered her to the bed and stared down at her. "You are more than I ever expected." He smiled warmly at her now. He laid beside her to kiss and lave her breasts. He was such a tender lover, she felt her whole body ignite with a slow growing fire. The way his tongue barely touched the tip of her nipple in such a teasing manner had her squirming.

  His hand went around her then, pulling her up to her feet once more, in the middle of the bed he cupped her butt bringing her hard against him, "Do you feel what you do to me?" he asked, almost panting.

  Her eyes opened and she nodded, the desire in her matching the feel of his bulging shaft.

  He pushed the covers back and sat on the edge of the bed removing what was left of his clothes. He stared at her naked form, admiring her in the darkness of the room, from her bare feet, to her round bottom to her full breast. "I have never seen a more beautiful woman." He declared. "The curve of your body is so beautiful. And I cannot wait to take you and make you mine."

  She finally found her voice, "I've been yours for a while now, you just didn't realize it." She said breathlessly as her eyes dropped to look at him.

  "Had I known what was beneath all those clothes I would have taken you the day I helped bind your breasts. I still can't believe I was strong enough to resist you that day. I was nearly shaking to keep my hands from you."

  "I'm sorry my breasts are too big," she looked almost sadly at him. "It has been a hinderance all my life."

  He stared into her eyes incredulously. "They are so full, so round, so perfect. You are as if God had made you for me. I could not ask for a more perfect woman, Lissa." His head bent and his lips covered one nipple as his hand massaged the other. "They will feed our babies well. And I will make love to them for the rest of my life. It will be my pleasure to take very good care of them." He promised as he held her in his arms and kissed her sweet lips.

  "You are the only man I've ever looked at like this." She stared as he slid onto the bed beside her. For long moments they both just stared at each other from head to toe.

  He turned his head in question, "I don't understand."

  She let out a shy chuckle. "Oh… I hate admitting it, but when you had a fever, I ran my hand over your chest, I couldn't help it. I'd never touched a man like that before."

  "Like what?" he grinned.

  She blushed, "Don't think too badly of me. My hand fell on your nipple and it hardened to a knot. I'd never seen anything like it, I had to touch it, and it hardened even more. I ran my hands over you, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, but it was so new to me, and the feelings it created made my heart flutter." She admitted. "I've never been that familiar with any man."

  "Did it please you?"

  "Yes," she blushed even more now. "I looked at your hip and your thigh. I have to tell you, I wanted to touch you there too. Am I terribly wicked?" she asked with a sadness.

  "There is nothing wicked about nature Lissa. It was human nature to be curious. Do you honestly think I have not wanted to feast my eyes upon you? That lacy thing under your dress, drove me crazy. And every time you tore you slip off, I wanted to see more of you there too. And then when I helped bind you, my God, how I wanted to run my hands around you and make love to you there."

  "I've always been ashamed of my breast." She bowed her head shyly.

  "Why, they are magnificent." He countered.

  She stared into his eyes. "When I went to school the boys would make fun of me because I matured sooner than the other girls. It embarrassed me. I became ashamed of them as they were always drawing pictures and saying ugly things."

  He popped himself on an elbow and leaned to kiss her lips, "There is nothing ugly about you, Lissa. Nothing."

  He stared at her body and his eyes took her all in.

  He reached to chuck his leggings away. Then he turned to her.

  She couldn't bring herself not to look down at his manhood that was at the ready for her. She never seen a man's shaft. She reached to touch it softly, then looked up at him with a hot blush.

  He laid opposite her and for a long while his eyes and hands explored her. He took a finger and feathered it down her arm, down to her small waist and rounded hips.

  Then she touched his cheek, kissed his lips and let her finger go over him, stopping here and there as she admired him.

  "You are so strong, so lean and hard. I have looked upon you so many times, wanting so much more… "

  "Do I please you?" he asked with a tempting smile.

  "You heat my insides when I look at you. I've never felt so wanton with a man before. I've longed to look at you like this. To touch… " she said softly. "Is it sinful this lust I have to feast my eyes upon you?"

  "I am yours and you are mine, and we will soon be one." He told her and took her lips in a kiss that had him moving over her and caressing her everywhere.

  His lips were like a lighted fire, going over her, heating her, making her squirm for more, when his lips touched the tips of her nipples, over and over. She felt his strong hard shaft move against her thigh and she began to move with him. If he kissed her breasts, she would push out her chest to give him his leave. He took what she thought was ugly and he made it beautiful. He filled her with a new confidence she'd never experienced. He would kiss one and fondle the other. She moaned the pleasure his lips evoked. She buried her head against his neck and kissed him until he went lower. When he went lower to caress her belly, she squirmed with wants and needs that would come soon.

  "Oh Moon, this need grows inside me." She whispered.

  "Yes, my love, soon we will be one, and I will quench your needs with my love." He whispered. "I am as eager as you to make you mine, but I will not deprive you of all the pleasures of making love either."

  "The pleasure may kill me… " she cried.

  "Yes, I feel the same. Let it build, let those feeling lose and give cau
tion to the wind. What we do, we do in the name of love."

  But then, he moved lower, and he spread her legs, and for a long moment he just stared. She looked down, "What are you doing?" she asked, reaching for his strong arms.

  "I am looking at you, my sweet. You are so beautiful, God made you so perfect." He smiled.

  His hands went up and down her legs, kissing her there. Then without warning his head lowered and his mouth covered her womanhood, his tongue shot out and licked, and she squirmed, clawing the bed for more. He supped upon her there, wetting her, pleasing her, kissing her with such sweet thrusts of his hot tongue. His nose nudged the sweet womanly lips apart and he found the secret core of her lovemaking. He licked it, and she almost came off the bed, it was such an erotic surprise. "Moon… oh Moon!" she cried, raising her hips naturally to meet his lips and tongue as he laved her over and over until she was moving all over the bed and thrusting herself toward him. It was unexpected, but her body responded quickly.

  She had heard many white women say that making love was just a chore, but this was no chore, this was like some beautiful storm unleashing her inhibitions. She felt her body respond and beg for more of his touches and kisses. She felt a fine sweat pepper her upper lip, as he continued to make love to her with his mouth. She wanted to give him everything. Her body ached for his touches now. She felt something building inside her. Something she had no control over.

  He saw the way her body reacted and smiled, "Enjoy, as I pleasure my sweet Lissa."

  "Oh my God, Moon, how can it feel so wonderful."

  "Let it please you my sweet. Let go and enjoy my lovemaking with you. For I am preparing you for more." He whispered as his breathing became like a pant and his tongue touched her, so she practically danced on the bed for him and suddenly, it happened. As she released herself and relaxed the orgasm took her over. She moved so erotically against him then that he could do nothing but keep laving her, his tongue flicking against the sweet throb of her womanhood. She raised herself in the air for him and let it spread over her with such shocking enjoyment. The sweet swelling core throbbed for his touches. Then she collapsed against him.

  He came up to her breasts, kissing them as little quakes of the orgasm spread through her again.


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