A Chance at Loving You

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A Chance at Loving You Page 6

by Christine Gray

  “I’m sorry for what I said.”

  My stiff nod is my only answer. Nathan runs his hand through his chestnut colored hair. I have to admit, he possesses the best of Austin. Tall, bright blue eyes, yet his broad shoulders and muscle mass he got from his mother’s side. I know he’s not going to let it end with that.

  “W-why would you do that, Dani? Why give yourself to that piece of shit?”

  His pain almost seems to match mine. Remember, I said, almost. At this point, anyone that crosses me is instantly on my hit list. I’ve got no fucks to give. I’m hurting, and if you aren’t smart enough to give me space, then you must not mind getting caught in the fire.

  “You mean, why his piece of shit and not your piece of shit?”

  Dad clears his throat.

  “Nate, she doesn’t mean-“

  “The hell I do,” I glare towards Mama. “Don’t talk for me. He’s been after me for years, because he’s trying to be like daddy, right? How many times have you gotten Amy to suck your wittle dick?”

  Nathan works his mouth but doesn’t respond.

  “Why the hell you bitchin’ me out?”

  “Because you need to get over it,” I scream.

  “Oh, like you should have? I can still smell his cum on your goddamn breath,” Nathan roars.

  I lunge for his head. Nathan gives me a few hits before I’m pulled off of him.

  “It’s okay. Let her go,” Nathan reassures my parents. “She’s just pissed at being played,” he adds like a punch to my gut. “It hurts to finally realize that your hero isn’t shit. Trust me, I know,” he whispers.

  I didn’t notice I caught him in the bottom lip until he smears it with a brush with the back of his hand. The elevator chimes. The car slows. I can tell Nathan has one more arrow to shoot. It’s in the way the corners of his mouth twists wickedly.

  “I didn’t want sloppy seconds, but I’ll fuck you still the same to piss the old man off.”

  I can’t get to him fast enough. No need. Daddy reaches him first with a sharp left hook to the side of Nathan’s head.

  “Let him have it. Stand back,” Mama orders while fitting us both into the far corner to watch.

  Daddy slinks out of his dinner jacket, hands it to Mama, and removes his cufflinks. Unlike Jay Z in his elevator attack, there is no one to save Nathan from my Dad’s hard fists. There is no mercy. Nathan dances, hands up with a grin of what he expects to be a landslide due to my Dad’s age. What he doesn’t know is my old man was raised in the streets. For some people, no amount of money can erase those traits. He can’t land a punch, but my old man sure the hell does. Each drop of his fists tend to make Nathan stagger on his feet. Being nice, Dad backs away whenever Nathan begins to slump against the walls. Nathan pushes off after catching his breath to give it another go, only to be put back into the same position after a few more punches.

  Those caught by surprise when the doors open know better to try to break up the fight. Instead, they watch on in wide-eyed horror. Not until he’s done does Dad back away.

  “If I ever see you again, I’ll-“ he pants.

  Mama pauses to spit on the poor boy before leading me off the elevator. Although I’m a grown woman, after all that’s happened, I feel like a dumb kid, again. How many times had my parents try to warn me about my obsession with Austin? How many times they tried to tell me that some dogs can’t learn new tricks…and he wasn’t one to learn? If it was just sex, I could get over being played, but it wasn’t just sex for me. He had to have known that. I told him…Dad did, too, and Austin still-“

  “We’ll stay the night.”

  I nod my agreeance at my Mom. I see nothing, as I walk into my room. Standing by the bed, it’s just like old times, huh? Me devastated over finding out Austin was fucking a new bitch, and my Mama doing her best to get me out of my funk by watching TV in bed and pigging out.

  “Not this time,” I state, firmly. “Mama!”

  My shout brings them both to meet me in the hall.

  “All of this was the best thing that could have happened. I won’t turn into a goddamn crybaby over it, either.” I straighten my shoulders. “We’re going to go out. We’re going to eat, drink, see the nightlife, and celebrate our family.”

  Dad steps forward to extend his arms. Mama on his right, me on his left, we lock arms and march for the door. Austin just lost the best thing that’s ever happened to him. That’s a fact he’ll have to suffer with, not me.

  AUSTIN -This

  I make sure to catch her ass in the door. Her exclamation of pain doesn’t give me the satisfaction I’m hoping for. I jerk my bow tie lose. My hard steps take me through the suite, as I make a beeline for the bar. Amy, unfazed, gushes over the rooms. I flinch. The sound of her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I want the bitch gone.

  What seemed like a good time over a year ago came on like a firework; loud, fun to burn out quick with a stink lingering in the wake. Amy was a friend of a friend that seemed to be everywhere at the time. Of course, I knew what her deal was. She’s all about the flash, trips on private planes, and the clout that comes with being allowed in certain circles. With women like her, I don’t mind fucking them because it’s an equivalent exchange. My money and position for fuckin’ in every nasty way I can imagine.

  However, there are times when you brush up against a person that leaves a stain. Amy is the biggest eye sore I’ve had the misfortune to meet. She’s a cold bitch with determination as tough as diamonds. Her calculating ways rivals me in every way.

  As a kid, I remember my cheap ass bought a bracelet for a girl I was trying to get to give it up to me. After an extra coat of clear nail polish, I gave it to her. To this day, I still believe if that damn bracelet would have lasted a few days longer, I would have gotten a piece of her kitty. However, through time, the truth of the cheap metal came to light and turned her arm an ugly green. That’s Amy in a nutshell. High cheekbones, natural, full breast, I could take more ass in the trunk, but she’s passable in the rear. With her professional dying job, I’ve been up close, the carpet doesn’t match the drapes, her red hair really breathes life into her otherwise run of the mill blue eyes. She’s an old baller’s dream of a plaything. Why the hell she’s stuck on making me the one to suck dry, beats the hell out of me.

  “Oh, Austin turn that frown upside down,” she teases, perching on the side of the sofa.

  “Take the ring off,” I demand.

  She smiles and straightens the dazzler on her finger.

  “No,” she beams.

  I growl loudly.

  Suddenly, her annoyance comes to the surface. “Don’t tell me you haven’t fucked that bitch out of your system. Her snatch isn’t that good,” she grumbles. Rolling her eyes, “Okay, you can keep fucking her.”

  “I’m not marrying you,” I state flatly.

  I glance behind me to ensure I’m not on stage. From the way Amy tosses back her head to laugh, you would think it was comedy hour downstairs.

  “Pump your fuckin’ breaks. This,” she wags her finger between us, “is happening. Now,” she begins, getting to her feet, “what’s going to happen is I’ll buy a few things to console myself, I’ll forgive you, and we’ll move on to repeat again, when you step out of line.”

  I can’t even muster enough emotion to get mad. I’m too stuck on stupid to acknowledge my anger.

  “Amy, it took a case of wine over two days and countless rows of coke to get me to put that tacky ring on your finger. I haven’t made a move to marry you because I have no intentions to. If I wasn’t so upset over Dani getting married, I-“

  “Well, that’s just too damn bad,” she tsks. “It would be cheaper to keep me, Austin.”

  I tilt my head.


  Ah, she’s ready to play her card.

  “This just isn’t your time, Austin. The climate has turned cold and unrelenting for powered, privileged movie executives like you. I just might, ‘Me Too’ your ass like Amber did Jonny
Depp,” she takes a moment to let her threat sink in. I guess she misread my deadpan expression as a sign of victory. “I’m thinking Spain in a few months. I want to make sure my wedding puts Rainbow Brite to shame. Like I wanna go to her lame shit. She’ll probably have drums and pipes and shit on an open patch of grass,” she giggles with a deep eye roll.

  I’ve never wanted to slap a woman so bad till now. I marvel over the fact that in all the months Amy has known me, she actually thinks she has the upper hand. She hasn’t realized just how much of a nasty bastard I am. I go back to pouring my drink.

  “You claim it would be cheaper to keep you, but I don’t agree. Seeing you floating in a river would be…priceless.”

  I’ve been on enough movie sets to learn how to speak in a way that would make your heart stop and your blood turn to ice. Amy goes from thinking I’m joking, to doubt, to wondering if I’m serious, to stark fear.

  “Goodbye, Amy,” I whisper from behind the rim of my glass.

  I maintain eye contact while she backs out of the room. At the sound of the door latching into place, I fish into my suit’s jacket to retrieve my cell.

  “Hello, Mervin. I’m sorry to be calling after hours. I’m fine, just fine. Um, put a freeze on all my accounts, except my Aunt’s, Rivers’ account. It’s time to deal with Amy. Yes, all the credit cards, too. I want her hitchhiking back home. Call the staff. Make sure to change the locks and put in storage all the cars. I don’t want to wait. Yes, the pictures of her fuckin’ around…leak them. You can contact the guy, too, if you feel it’s needed. Do what you think is best. I want her to appear to be the gold digger out for revenge that she actually is.”

  I end the call. My gaze moves around the room to take it in. It really is a beautiful suite. The silence is like a beacon to the loneliness of my life. It’s funny how quickly things can change. 24 hours ago, I was experiencing joy, laughter, and love like I’ve never known. The kind that I make millions off of creating for the masses on the silver screen. The kind that many thinks is just a tale but could never happen to them. Yet, I touched the flame. I reached out and felt the heat, and the sensation warmed me and brought life to my old bones. I was gifted with a glimpse of what could be, and I wanted it, with all my twisted heart…I wanted it, wanted Dani.

  My reaction is a violent one. The glass stands no chance against the wall I fling it towards. It explodes into pieces to leave a stain on the cream-colored wall.

  “SHIT!! FUCK!!” I yell.

  Choosing to take the stairs, I run the four flights up to Dani’s floor. By the time I make it to her room, I’m a sweaty, panting mess. After beating on the door for a few minutes, I accept she’s either ignoring me, or she’s not there. My finger hovers over Phil’s contact in my cell, as I consider calling him. Yet, I don’t. I won’t involve him in fixing this shit. I won’t make him choose between me or his girl, as if there was a choice. I won’t put his relationship on the line by asking for his help or getting him in trouble for talking to me.

  I did this. I was warned. Even before I boarded the plane for Vegas, I should have dealt with Amy, and I damn sure shouldn’t have knocked boots with Dani until things were settled. I fucked up….and I’ll fix it. I swear to God, I’m not going to live or waste any more time without Dani.

  I look like shit hours later when I try again to see Dani. The only thing that’s changed is my clothes. Unshaved, rings around my eyes from lack of sleep, I shuffle my ass off the elevator towards her suite. My advancement slows at the sight of the cracked door. I take a deep breath, hoping room service left the door ajar. I’m deflated the moment I notice the cleaning crew.

  “She’s gone home. Nice roses,” Rainbow gestures to the flowers dangling in my hand.

  I steal a weak glimpse of the fresh-cut bouquet. “It can’t make up for- I tried coming by last night to-“

  “Oh, last night was fantastic!” she claps. Slapping her legs, Rainbow stands to her six-inch heels. “We celebrated till the sun came up…eating, dancing, we hit a karaoke bar. We’ve been all restored in a funny way, I can’t explain. I’m so proud of her. She’s a better woman than I ever was. For the longest, I feared she would walk in my footsteps by putting her life on hold over you…but my baby is going to be just fine.”

  “Listen, Rainbow…my intentions were noble. This wasn’t a game.”

  She pauses to consider my admission.

  “You’re like a brother to me, to Phil. I have no doubt what you’re saying is true, but you fucked yourself, Austin. You should have done it right, instead of trying to have things your way. What were you going to do, huh? String Dani along? Tell her to wait and be patient while Amy paraded around town? Or were you trying her out too, then you would pick the better lay? The issue I have is that you tried to treat my baby like another bitch when you should have respected her as a woman.”

  “I’m going to make things right. I’m never going to call you, mother-in-law, but that’s what’s going to happen,” I promise, firmly.

  Rainbow shakes her head with a smile.

  “Don’t create a bigger problem for yourself. Surely, your memory isn’t failing you, that you would fall for this sweet smile on my face. I just let Phil think he’s the one with the teeth in this family when you and I both know it’s me.”

  I swallow hard. There aren’t many people I tread lightly with. Rainbow Summers Mathis is on the top of a shortlist, the daughter of a strong Medicine Man. I’ve seen things. Things done in the dead of night that can’t be explained. Things that people of our Tribe whisper about of Skinwalkers and others going missing. Rainbow has never left the ways of the Tribe, and her father’s teachings are too strong for me to ever contemplate crossing her.

  “I will remain neutral…for now. Whatever Dani wants, I will support.”

  I Nod. “Will I ever have your friendship, again?”

  “Focus on winning my baby’s heart.”

  “Understood,” I remark, firmly.

  How the hell am I going to do that?



  I wish I wasn’t coming home to an empty house. However, that’s the case. After sharing the good news with Mitch yesterday morning, I couldn’t give him an update of gloom. So, I laughed, lied, and listen to him brag about his fabulous love life with Candy. I’m not even mad at him, either. Those days of being pissed over someone else's happiness is over. Nope, I’ll celebrate with them. Honest and true, this time with no hidden malice in my heart.

  I might have gotten my heart stumped on, but for some reason, I’m alright. No, that’s not completely true. I know why I’m not in a hole or hanging from a rope. It’s because I finally realize it’s NOT ME. Before, I thought there was something wrong with me as if I was lacking, and that was the reason why Austin didn’t see me. I tried changing myself, cooked up a silly scheme all the while thinking that it would take him in my life to give it meaning, and make me complete.

  Don’t get me wrong, Austin is everything I thought he would be. However, I saw that I was able to offer everything to him, too. I could tell by his expressions that he was mesmerized by our sex. Our conversations were deep and meaningful. I could hold his interests outside of the bed on a level beyond our normal friendship. He was happy, and once I took control of my hurt and anger, I could see he was extremely upset when he lost me. Nah, I’m good. I’ve gone to the mountain top, scratched that itch.

  I take note of the signed divorce papers that Mitch had drawn up months ago. His elegant handwriting is big and bold on the sheets of paper. Digging in my desk, I produce a pen to complete the paperwork. I’m not going to hold up his life or mine any longer. All done, I leave my office to head to the kitchen. The meal the cook prepared for my arrival smells like heaven. The aroma seeps through the oven to fill the air.

  Dinner for one isn’t so bad.

  I resist the notion that I’ll need to fill the void more sooner than later. I am going to take my time, get to know myself, and figure out what I want before ju
mping into something. No longer is it all about one man. My tunnel vision is clear to see the landscape around me.

  “What the…”

  The barking dogs outside gets my attention.

  “What the hell is wrong?”

  I lean over to knock on the window in an attempt to make them shut the hell up. The dumb duo is always barking at a squirrel or a leaf falling. The boring life of a pet makes them look for the smallest thing to act up about.

  “Shut up!” I snap, as I jerk the side door open.

  Annoyed that the dogs aren’t listening, I step out onto the deck. It takes me a moment to locate them in the yard below.

  “What’s the,” I begin, as my eyes roam from the base of the tree the dogs are fighting to climb, up the bark to the branches above.

  Suddenly my eyes widen.

  “Help, please!”

  I blink in confusion. Surely, there isn’t a man in my tree. Quickly I run down the steps and into the yard. I crane my head to the side to see who the hell would be-


  “Please, Dani…the dogs!” he shouts.

  With one hand, he’s clinging to a low hanging limb. With the other hand, he’s trying to wave the dogs franticly away.

  “You’re trespassing,” I point out.

  “I wasn’t going to waste my time calling.”

  “Or coming to the front door,” I grumble.

  “I didn’t want to give you the chance to send me away,” he pants.

  His hold slips a bit, giving the dogs hope that they’ll get his ass.

  “Down, DOWN!” he shouts, as he doubles his efforts to remain out of their jaws. “I-I’m here to talk…please, Dani,” he begs.

  “I can hear just fine,” I smile, crossing my arms.

  Watching his sweaty face turn redder gives me a bit of giddy satisfaction. Wrapping his arms and ankles around the limp, Austin lifts his body a bit higher.

  “I’m sorry for not telling you about Amy. For me, it wasn’t an issue, but I should have considered how it would look to you…and your feelings.”


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