The Wayfinder's Apprentice (Shadows of the Umbra Book 1)

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The Wayfinder's Apprentice (Shadows of the Umbra Book 1) Page 4

by K Dezendorf

  Rose couldn’t help but smile at the two, wondering what they would think about her harboring one of their own in her bedroom.

  A soft snore reached her ears and she glanced up to see the elf’s face half buried in her pink comforter, blissfully calm. It was such a bizarre sight.

  Rose flipped to a blank page, her pen getting to work. Deep dark lines defined the long hair. Lighter, smoother ones sculpted the face, reflecting the calm and peaceful expression. Except instead of blankets, Rose made the sheets look more like fluffy clouds. She looked it over for a moment, then as an afterthought, added a half eaten sandwich next to his head. She smiled. Perfect.

  As she kept watch over her new guest, she wondered about what to do next, and how to possibly deliver on her words of helping him get home.

  Chapter 3

  It was a few hours before the elf woke up. In that time, Rose had pulled out a pile of food and snacks as well as various bottled beverages. Water, sports drinks, juice. Chips, crackers, power bars, beef jerky. It wasn’t the best as far as options went, but hardly anything would be familiar to him anyway. All she could do was make sure he was as well fed as she could provide. Which meant she’d been forced to break into her private stash, considering the only other options were molded bread, beer, oatmeal and TV dinners. No one had bothered to go grocery shopping in a while.

  It was still a couple hours before her mom was due back, but she’d been keeping a vigilant lookout.

  The elf shot up into a sitting position, eyes darting around. When he saw her, he relaxed. He rubbed his hands over his face, taking several measured breaths.

  “Hey, sleep well?” Rose asked gently.

  The elf looked at her petulantly. His eyes spotted the sandwich she’d set aside and he snagged it. Rose honestly couldn’t blame him. He looked like he hadn’t seen a decent meal in a long while.

  “Just so you’re aware, this is my house, but you’re not supposed to be here,” she explained as he ate. “We’ll need to keep you hidden whenever my mom is around. But other than that, you should be safe here.”

  The elf just continued to eat, not looking at her.

  Okay, then. Glad they got that cleared up.

  “By the way, my name is Rose. Is there something I can call you by?” Besides ‘hungry’.

  The elf gave her a glance and a small nod.

  “Could you tell me?”

  He looked away.

  “Okay… Well, I could try guessing. Um…”


  The voice was a soft baritone, hoarse and a little ragged, much like Jerome’s would get after a night of concert-going. It startled Rose into momentary silence.

  “So, you can talk,” she stated accusingly.

  He gave her a pointed look. “Obviously.”

  “So then why the silent treatment the whole way here?”

  “You asked me if I understood you. You never asked me if I could talk.”

  Rose opened her mouth to argue, but, frustratingly enough, realized he was not wrong. “Fine, I’ll give you that.”

  Edward… It was a strangely normal name for an elf. But then, it was likely his second name. Macklass had explained to her before how he had another name in his native tongue, but elves tended to adopt second names to be used when speaking with outsiders. Something about how they could never pronounce elven names correctly. Speaking of Macklass, Edward had the similar habit of speaking at such low tones Rose had to lean in to properly hear him.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Edward,” she said, sporting a smile. “If you’d like, I have a shower. You can get cleaned up.”

  His head tilted to the side, expression guardedly curious.

  Right, elf. Probably not familiar with showers. “Here, follow me.” She got up and led him to her bathroom.

  It was modestly-sized with a fuzzy, bright orange bath mat decorating the floor, and on the sink was a frog-shaped soap dispenser. On the far side was a standing shower with only a curtain and a few inches of elevated tile to keep the water in. Rose took a few minutes to explain to Edward how the shower worked. The entire time he watched her, listening intently, and occasionally nodding to show he understood.

  “I’ll go get you some clothes and a towel.”

  Shutting the door behind her, she exited her room, grabbing a towel from the hallway linen closet. Then she went to her mom and Chad’s room. Picking through Chad’s clothes was probably one of the more repulsive things she’d ever done, but they were the only clothes in her house that might even remotely fit Edward. She pulled out some shirts and pants she didn’t think Chad would miss before returning to her room.

  By then Rose could hear the shower going. She knocked lightly. “Edward, I’m coming in. I’m gonna leave these on the floor.” She cracked open the door and carefully tried to set them down without looking inside. As she attempted to leave, the door flew open with a loud bang, jerking her forward and sending her sprawling onto the floor. A soft cackle echoed in her ear.

  Dammit, Kyan…

  Rose pulled herself up and as she did, she caught sight of Edward peeking out from behind the curtain. She could only see his face and his forearm. Her eyes widened when she saw signs of scarring along the exposed skin and he hurriedly recoiled back behind the curtain.

  Quickly she got up, face burning.

  “Sorry... I’m sorry, I didn’t… I tripped.” Boy, did she feel like an idiot.

  “Get out.” The words were uttered in a sharp hiss.

  “Yeah, okay,” she said in a rush. “There’s a towel and some clothes here for you when you’re done.” Then she escaped the room, slamming the door behind her.

  When Edward finally came out of the shower, Rose fully expected him to be angry, or at the very least, surly about what happened. However, he seemed self conscious and guarded. Rose mentally winced as she came to a possible conclusion: he was probably afraid she was going to ask him about it.

  Rose could not recall the number of times that she’d had to hide or explain away injuries, just so that people wouldn’t suspect what went on at her house. How she dreaded the questioning stares and having to make up a new story every time. Was she curious? Of course. But there was no way she could bring herself to ask him about it. In fact, Rose was perfectly content pretending the whole thing never happened.

  All that aside, he looked very strange wearing a button up flannel shirt and worn blue jeans. Maybe it was the long hair, which looked much nicer and smoother than it did before. In fact, his overall complexion looked a lot healthier. The shower seemed to rejuvenate him.

  He still looks tense. He wasn’t even looking at her. Time to diffuse the situation.

  “Do the clothes fit all right?”

  Edward relaxed, exhaling through his nose before nodding. “They’ll do,” he muttered, then held up the pair of briefs she’d provided him. “I’m unfamiliar with this garment.”

  Rose stared at the underwear and it dawned on her: he was going commando. She covered her mouth with her hand as she both tried not to laugh, and to puzzle out how to explain to him where they go. She never had these problems with Macklass and the others. They had at least been somewhat Earth savvy before she met them.

  “That’s… you put those on under your pants,” she said finally. “They’re… underpants.”

  “They’re too small for under garments,” he said, looking at them with a shake of his head. “No point.” Then he tossed them on the bed.

  Rose mentally cringed, knowing full well where those have been, and quickly reached over to swipe the briefs off her bed and onto the floor. Blech, good riddance.

  “I’m interested in your plan for getting me home,” he said, his tone becoming all business.

  “Uh, well…” Rose twirled a lock of her hair around her finger, giving it a light tug. “Haven’t really thought that far yet.”

  “So there’s no plan.”

  “No, but…”

  He quietly stared at her as though asking, ‘Then w
hy am I here?’

  “For starters, you’re an elf in a human city,” Rose explained, her words deliberately slow and heavy. “A city, I’m fairly certain, you don’t have a single clue about.”

  Edward glared at her. Judging by his lack of argument, Rose could only surmise she was correct.

  “Look,” she said, softening her tone. “I’m very familiar with this city. I’ll figure out a way, and until I do, I’ll keep you safe.”

  He glowered at the ground. “Humans have lied to me before.”

  So, she wasn’t the first human he’d interacted with. She tried not to speculate too much on what that meant, or how it connected to what Kyan told her, or the scarring she saw. There might not even be a connection. Still, her mind went to some very dark places.

  “How did you get here in the first place?” she asked him. “Couldn’t you go back the same way?”

  “I got pulled through,” he said flatly. “I don’t know how, and I don’t have the magic needed to get myself back.”

  This news surprised Rose. He was pulled through? Just like me, only in reverse.

  “How long have you been here for?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” His tone heavily suggested he was not inclined to discuss further.

  Rose wasn’t about to push. “How about this then?” She held up her hand, pinky out.

  Edward stared at her, eyes narrowed in confusion.

  “This is a pinky swear,” she explained with a straight face. “It’s a very sacred oath amongst my kind. Breaking it is punishable by one thousand needles being stuck in your eye.”

  One of his eyebrows rose, and he looked incredulous.

  “There’s a song about it and everything.” Oh, wait. That was crossing your heart. Whatever, this works just as well.

  Edward sighed and shook his head but appeared resigned.

  “Hold out your pinky.”

  He did so, and she latched her pinky around his. His hand gave an involuntary twitch, but then he relaxed.

  Rose met his gaze, her tone very serious. “Edward, I do so swear, to help you find your way home, and protect you at any and all costs until I do. Cross our pinkies, or I hope to die, by a thousand needles in my eye.”

  Edward peered at her intently, as though trying to pull the sincerity of her words right out of her head. Then, he nodded in acceptance.

  Rose bobbed their hands in a pinky handshake, then let go. Edward stared at his hand, as though looking for some physical trace or sign of the pact they just made.

  “So,” Rose said, leaning forward with a smile. “How familiar are you with the magic we call ‘television’?”


  The afternoon passed by uneventfully. The only time Edward needed to hide in the closet was when Rose’s mother came in to ask why she got a call from the school about an absence.

  “Do you think I enjoy getting these interrupting calls while I’m working?” her mother asked. Her voice was heavy, as though every syllable she spared to Rose was just a waste of precious breath. “I had to lie and say you were sick.”

  “I was sick,” Rose lied, holding her stomach. “Lady problems. I wasn’t feeling well so I came home. I was vomiting all day. I won’t be able to go in tomorrow either.”

  She hated how easily lying came to her now. She hated how she was basically living a life of lies whenever she was at home or at school. She couldn’t even be fully honest to Macklass about having been to his world before.

  Her mother sighed, rubbing at her forehead. “Why do you feel the need to cause me so much stress? After everything I’ve done for you, the least you can do is stay out of the way and not cause problems. Is that really so hard?”

  “Sorry, mom,” Rose mumbled. Sorry I’m such a bother. Sorry I can never seem to do anything right. Sorry that my very existence is a burden to you.

  She looked at the cat statue on her dresser, which stared at her with its too-big eyes. Rose wondered, not for the first time, why her dad left and disappeared. If he was still around, then maybe her mother would love her more, and she wouldn’t be beaten by a man who wore fake smiles.

  Her mother stared at her crossly. “Fine, I’ll let the school know. But if your grades drop, you’ll be in big trouble, young lady.” She checked her watch. “I have to cover an extra shift tonight, so you’ll need to feed yourself.”

  I always do.

  Rose nodded placatingly and waited until her mother left. Then she shut and locked her bedroom door before going to her closet. Opening the door, she found Edward had made a nest for himself out of the several spare blankets she provided him. She had to bite down on the smile threatening to break loose.

  “Comfy?” Rose asked quietly.

  Edward gave her a wry look. He was currently working his way through a package of jerky. Out of all the snacks she brought, he seemed to really like that in particular.

  Rose heard the front door shut, signalling her mom left. Finally, I can relax.

  Taking one of the cans of cola, she popped the tab. There was an angry hiss as sugary foam and liquid sprayed up hitting her right in the face and getting up into her nose. She coughed and sputtered, rubbing at herself with her shirt sleeve. Edward was coughing too, his body turned away from her. Though Rose suspected he was laughing at her.

  “Don’t laugh,” Rose said, picking up a shoe and tossing it at him. It bounced off his knee.

  “I’m not,” he denied, though he was still partially turned away from her.

  “You are, you so are.” Though she couldn’t say she minded it that much. It was nice to know the guy was at least capable of smiling. She pulled one of her shirts off the hanger and dabbed at her face. Nice one, Kyan. Real classy. Her thought was met with a phantom chuckle.

  Once Edward had collected himself, he scrutinized her.

  “You look like you want to ask me something,” Rose said.

  “Not really,” he answered. “I’m just trying to fathom why you chased after me.”

  A question in the form of a statement. “Well, I saw your ears, and I just… I knew I needed to help you. And that meant catching you before someone else did.”

  “I could have been anyone. I could have killed you.” His eyes drifted towards her neck. “I almost did.”

  Rose hadn’t forgotten. “Yeah, but…” She weighed her words, careful not to give too much detail. “I know what it’s like being taken away from the things you’re familiar with, and dropped into a place you know nothing about. It’s scary, and lonely. I was lucky enough to find people willing to help me. I wanted to make sure you had someone willing to help you.”

  Edward’s face was pensive as he contemplated her words. “I wish we had met sooner.” The words were muttered so softly, Rose wasn’t sure if he was talking to her or to himself.

  The sound of the front door caused both of them to go on alert. Had her mom forgotten something? Rose got up, leaving the closet to check the window. Dread hit her like a battering ram when she saw Chad’s truck in the driveway.

  No. No no NO!

  He was supposed to be gone for the week. Why was he here? Her mind and heart raced as she heard heavy footsteps on the stairs. Rose turned to go back to the closet, only to run smack into Edward who was standing right behind her. She gave a small yelp, jumping back from him.

  He stared at her in confusion.

  “You need to hide,” she hissed.

  A bang on her bedroom door caused both of them to jump. With no time left to spare, Rose pushed Edward back into the closet and whispered, “Stay in here, and stay quiet.”

  Before he could reply, Rose shut the door. She heard another bang on the bedroom door.

  “Open this door, or it’s going to be so much worse for you,” Chad’s voice bellowed from the other side.

  It’ll be fine. If it was like any other night, he’ll just beat on her for a while and then he’ll go away. It’s gonna be okay. You’ve been through this before. Be brave. It won’t last forever.

p; Taking a shaky breath, she went over and unlocked the door. Rose had to jump back to avoid the door being flung open. The knob hit the adjacent wall, further denting the already concave area. Chad stomped in, and the waft of alcohol let Rose know she was in for a bad time.

  Apparently his trip got canceled, and somehow, it was her fault. Somehow it was always her fault. At first she thought maybe she’d get away with him just yelling at her. Then the belt came off. She instinctively shrank away, but she knew she couldn’t run. Not this time. Not with Edward there.

  Chad backed her into a corner and the first hit landed on her arm. Pain flared across her skin and Rose tried not to whimper as she curled in on herself, trying to shield her face. The belt came down again and again on her arms and legs and back. It’s not that bad, Kyan. I can take it.

  Then the blows stopped and she heard Chad curse in surprise. Rose looked up and her eyes widened as she saw Chad now on his back, with Edward on top of him.

  “Who the hell are you?” Chad shouted.

  Edward pulled back his fist and hit Chad across the face, stunning him.

  Edward snarled, hitting Chad again. The words spilling from his mouth were unrecognizable. Probably elven. Whatever he was saying, it sounded very unkind. He looked wild, manic, his eyes turning red like before. In a panic, Rose rushed over to pull Edward away. Chad flung Edward off, knocking Rose headfirst into her dresser. Lights burst across her vision and for several seconds she could only lie there, stunned.

  Her vision focused enough to see the cat statue on the floor in pieces, its head snapped clean off from its body. The pain steadily faded as hurt and anger frothed through her. Her little glass cat, her only treasure, was ruined. Broken, just like everything else in her life. All because of him. He had come into her life uninvited, and no matter how often she stayed away, eventually, she would always have to come back. She was trapped, a prisoner. Because of him. And now he was going to hurt one of the people that could maybe help her finally escape. He was evil and she hated him. She hated him.


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