Get In Shape With Resistance Band Training: The 30 Best Resistance Band Workouts and Exercises That Will Sculpt and Tone Your Body At Home (Get In Shape Workout Routines and Exercises Book 4)

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Get In Shape With Resistance Band Training: The 30 Best Resistance Band Workouts and Exercises That Will Sculpt and Tone Your Body At Home (Get In Shape Workout Routines and Exercises Book 4) Page 1

by Julie Schoen

  Copyright 2013 Julie Schoen And Little Pearl Publishing

  All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. No part of this report may be altered in any form whatsoever, electronic or mechanical -- including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated, and signed permission from Julie Schoen, the author, and This content cannot be sold under any circumstances -- you have only personal rights to this product. All images are copyrighted and are owned by the author and/or publisher. No images can be copied, altered, or reused without consent.


  This book contains general information and is for informational purposes only. You should use proper discretion, and consult with a health care practitioner, before following any of the exercises, techniques, or plans described in this book. The author and publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained in this book.

  Get In Shape with

  Resistance Band Training

  The 30 Best Resistance Band Workouts and Exercises That Will Sculpt And Tone Your Body At Home

  By Julie Schoen and Little Pearl


  Get In Shape

  3 Effective Workout Plans

  10 Minute Workout Plan

  20 Minute Workout Plan

  30 Minute Workout Plan

  The 30 Best Resistance Band Exercises

  Exercise Index

  Bonus Workout Soundtracks

  Want To Get In Shape Faster?

  Add These Books To Your Daily Workout Routine!

  Discover Other Great Books By

  Julie Schoen


  As a woman, it seems like being envious comes with the territory. And now with the advent of social media, A-Lister celebrities, supermodels, and flawless fitness fiends flash before our eyes with the tap of a finger. Ever since I remember receiving my first “girly” magazine as a teenager, I recall that instead of obsessing over the latest make-up tips, the hottest designer labels, and trendiest hairstyles, I went immediately to the question, “What do they do to look like that?”

  Put In The Work

  Long, sculpted legs, flat tummies, lean arms, and backs that make men want you to walk away, there are plenty of enviable women running amuck in the world today. But rather than get jealous, which I most certainly could, I look at these gorgeous women as a source of inspiration and strength.

  Most of the killer bodies owned by supermodels and celebrities don’t just appear out of thin air; those women put in hours upon hours of intense training and loads of sweat. They are willing to get up at the crack of dawn, work out, and then squeeze in even more training sessions throughout the day.

  And while most of us can’t commit eight-hours a day to working out (and even if I could, would I?), we can, thankfully, learn from the celebrities, seeing what training methods work best and which exercises have the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time.

  Getting In Shape No Longer Means Joining A Gym

  Praise the lord that getting in shape no longer means buying a pricey gym membership and suffering through the grunts and projectile sweat from the nearby muscle! No, today women can get in shape in the comfort of their own home, or even take their workout outdoors, which means no more fighting over equipment, no more long drives to the gym, and, hallelujah, no more public restrooms.

  Why I Love Resistance Bands

  One of the most popular at-home workouts that have been a mainstay in the celebosphere for some time now is resistance bands. Inexpensive and highly effective, celebrities like Stacy Keibler, Elsa Pataky, Olivia Munn, Lauren Conrad, Elisabeth Rohm, Kelly Rowland, and La La Anthony all have been caught training with resistance bands in recent months.

  Professional trainers love resistance bands because of their portability, but most of all they offer endless possibilities. Literally every muscle of your body can be worked with resistance bands and the intensity levels can be easily altered without having to purchase new equipment. This means that even if your body is totally imbalanced with super strong legs and cooked spaghetti-like arms, the same band can be used to challenge your lower body while also building strength in the upper. And because of the angles that resistance bands can provide (literally hundreds), they are able to work muscles in range of motions that would be difficult if not impossible with other types of equipment.

  From Pilates instructors to professional trainers, models, celebrities, and fitness gurus, everyone loves resistance bands. Throw them in your purse or travel bag, and you don’t even know they’re there. And for those of us who live in small spaces, bands mean that our living rooms don’t have to look like a gym in order for us to get a thorough workout at home.

  So whatever your fitness goals might be – lose a few pounds, tone your legs, perk up your butt, or just feel confident in your favorite outfit – you can be sure that if it works for the women who get paid to look good, it will work for you!

  Have Fun and Get Ready To Get In Shape!


  No matter what your day looks like, I know that you can find the time to squeeze in a 10-minute workout. Even in just 10 minutes, 5 times a week you will start to see incredible results. If you have more time, you can be sure that the body you will have in just a matter of weeks will be worth a little less sleep or a missed episode of Duck Dynasty.

  The Equipment

  Two quality resistance bands are all you will need – one flat and one tube with handles. Although similar, the two different types are used for different exercises and are hard to interchange. Speaking from experience, the tube-kind tends to be a pain if you try to place them on your feet since they will constantly roll off and snap you in the face. There are different types available and some are definitely better than others. Don’t go for the cheapest brand as they tend to be made from material that wears and stretches quickly. Expect to pay around $15 - $20 for the handled tube band and $10 - $15 for the flat.

  Storing the bands is simple – toss wherever! But be sure to not leave them in direct sunlight or outdoors for too long because they will start to turn brittle and may even crack and break.


  Some brands of resistance bands offer varying levels of intensity. While you can choose whichever intensity you think you’ll be most comfortable with (or be like me and just choose your favorite color), know that it is fairly simple to adjust the intensity.

  To change the intensity of flat bands, simply step or hold the band in a different spot. The tube bands with handles can be modified by tying a knot further down the end to stop the handle from going all the way down – this is great for modifying for shorter height as well as strength. You will find, however, that each exercise will require different lengths of bands. For example, a much longer band will be necessary if you need to step on the band while bringing your arms all the way over your head. For this reason, although it’s possible to tie and untie knots during your workout, it’s most convenient to have a few bands ready to go – a flat, a long tube with handles, and a modified, shorter tube with handles works best for me.

  If you are losing sleep o
ver which band intensity to choose, go with the medium or hard – you’re stronger than you think you are!

  10 Minute Workout Begin by warming up with a few minutes of intense cardio, such as running sprints, jumping rope, or mountain climbers. Choose 3 band exercises, doing 1 set of 30 to 40 reps of each exercise on one side. Then do the same exercises with the same amount of reps on the other side. Try to rest as little as possible between exercises.

  20 Minute Workout Choose 6 different band exercises, doing 3 sets of 12 reps of each exercise. If the exercise is only done on one side, do 6 reps on each side to finish 1 set. In between sets, rest for 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

  30 Minute Workout Choose 8 different band exercises, doing 2 sets of 12 to 16 reps of each exercise. If the exercise is only done on one side, do 6 to 8 reps on each side to finish 1 set. Do 1 set of all of the exercises and take a 2 to 3 minute rest before repeating the exercises in the same order for the second set.

  Insider Tips For Anchoring

  When performing many resistance band exercises it is necessary for you to anchor the band, which can seem confusing or a pain in the butt at first. Have no fear! Here are some secrets for getting the most out of your resistance band workouts:

  When using the tube band with handles, it’s simple to anchor by placing one end of the tube with handles over the top of a door. By closing the door you will have successfully anchored your band.

  To increase the intensity for certain exercises place both ends of the tube with handles over the top of the door. Shut the door and grip the center of the tube to perform your exercises.

  If the exercise requires you to anchor the band but keep both handles free for you to use, you can take a spare tube band (or something similar), tie it in a small loop with a large knot, secure the knot over the top of the door, and close the door. The loop should hang over the top of the door so that you can place your resistance tube through the loop, having it anchored with both handles free.

  Exercising outside will give you more options for anchoring the band, especially if there are nearby trees or fences. Some exercises work better when the band can be anchored at shoulder or hip-height.

  The easiest anchor, however, is always a friend. So if you have the ability to workout with a friend – do it! And remember, they’re more than just a convenient way to secure your band; they’re great motivators too!


  Each exercise lists the ideal resistance band to use (Tube with Handles or Flat) as well as the muscle groups that are targeted. Many of the exercises can be performed with either band, but be aware that when using the tube band, especially around the feet, there is a chance that it will roll off and could possibly injure you.

  Also be sure that whatever you are anchoring the band to is secure so as to avoid any serious injuries that could result from an object falling on top of you.

  Using resistance bands can take a few times to get used to, so be patient. After a bit of trial and error you will discover the best ways to use the bands for each exercise so as to best adapt to your body’s specific needs. And believe me, the results you get from these workouts will be well worth a few minutes spent here and there tying knots or bribing a friend (or a kid) to hold the bands in place.

  Get creative, have fun, and get ready to look awesome!

  1. Side Reach

  Resistance Band: Tube with Handles

  Targets: Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps, and Core

  Anchor the band at head-height or higher, doubling the band to increase intensity if necessary. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, holding onto the band with both hands. Bring your palms together and reach your arms up straight by your ears. Keeping your feet still, lean to the side until you feel the muscles of your core starting to work. Slowly bring yourself back up to standing position.

  Do all of your reps on one side before switching sides to finish a set.

  2. Squat Press

  Resistance Band: Tube with Handles

  Targets: Legs, Glutes, and Shoulders

  Stand on the center of your band with feet about hip-width apart. Grab onto the handles, one in each hand, palms face forward. Bend your elbows and come into a squat. As you squat make sure you keep the weight in your heels and your knees and your shins far enough back that you can see your toes. Reach your arms as far above your head as possible, adjusting resistance as necessary. Lower your arms back down to your sides as you come out of the squat.

  Come back to a standing position to finish 1 rep.

  3. All-Fours Donkey Kick

  Resistance Band: Flat

  Targets: Glutes

  Come on to all fours. Place the center of the band over the sole of your right foot, holding on to the ends of the band with the palm of each hand. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders. Start to extend the right leg straight back, lifting the knee and the foot off of the ground. If possible, keep the lifted leg even with the ground. Make sure you press through your hands enough so that you don’t sink into the shoulders. Return to the starting position.

  Do all of your reps on one side before switching sides to finish 1 set.

  4. Band Wrap Push-Up

  Resistance Band: Flat

  Targets: Chest, Triceps, and Core

  Come to the top of a push-up (plank position) with the band over your upper back and shoulder blades. Place your hands under your shoulders, holding on to the ends of the strap. The band should be taut with your arms straight. Keep the body straight as you start to bend your elbows and lower your chest down to the ground. Continue to look slightly forward as you lower. Press yourself back up to the starting position to finish 1 rep.

  Until you build more strength, feel free to do as many reps as needed with your knees down on the ground.

  5. Rowing Roll

  Resistance Band: Tube with Handles

  Targets: Core, Back, and Biceps

  Sit with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Place the tube over your feet and grab the handles, one in each hand. With the arms straight, slowly begin to roll down until just your shoulders touch the ground. It’s important to do this slowly in order to work the core. Be sure that your feet stay on the ground as well. As you slowly roll back up to sit. Bend the elbows and pull the tube until your hands are at your chest and elbows are in line with your shoulders.

  Straighten the arms to return to the starting position and finish 1 rep.

  6. Open Close

  Resistance Band: Flat

  Targets: Glutes and Legs

  Lie on your back with your legs extended straight into the air, feet together. Place the band over the soles of your feet and hold onto each end with your hands. Begin to move your legs away from each other, bringing them into a “V” shape. You should feel resistance as you do this.

  Return your legs to the starting position to finish 1 rep.

  7. Boxer

  Resistance Band: Tube with Handles

  Targets: Shoulders, Back, and Triceps

  Anchor the center of your tube band behind you. Place your hands through each handle, standing a foot or two away from the anchor. Bring the handles to shoulder height and stagger your feet one in front of the other, front knee slightly bent. Keeping your elbows wide and away from your body, punch with one hand then the other.

  Hop switch your feet and punch both hands again to complete 1 rep.

  8. Triceps Raise

  Resistance Band: Flat

  Targets: Triceps

  Hold the band behind your back, one end in each hand. Bring your left hand to the center of your low back and your right hand behind your head with the elbow bent. Keeping the left hand still, begin to straighten the right arm overhead. As you extend your arm, be sure to keep it close to your ear. Bend the elbow slowly to return to the starting position.

  Do all of your reps on one side before switching sides to complete 1 set.

  9. Rows

e Band: Flat

  Targets: Biceps and Back

  Sit on the ground with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Place the band over your feet, holding one end in each hand. With the arms extended straight in front the band should be taut. Continue to sit tall as you pull the band back, bending the elbows. Pull the band back so that your hands touch or almost touch your torso -- keep the elbows near the body and squeeze the shoulder blades together.

  With control, slowly return to the starting position and finish 1 rep.

  10. High Low Pull

  Resistance Band: Tube with Handles

  Targets: Biceps, Glutes, and Core

  Secure one end of the tube at door-height or higher. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your right side facing the anchor. Grab onto the handle with your right hand, arm extended straight, and palm facing up. With your left hand on your hip, transfer your weight and lift the right foot off of the ground. Bend your knee and lift the foot as high as possible. As you lower your right foot back to the ground, bend your right elbow and pull the tube towards your shoulder.

  Return to the starting position to complete 1 rep. Do all of your reps on one side before switching sides to finish 1 set.


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