Book Two: Thirty Days, Book 2

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Book Two: Thirty Days, Book 2 Page 9

by Bibi Paterson

  “Wow, that’s amazing, Taylor. I don’t think many people would do that. Most corporations would probably just buy the plants for a pittance and then not give a damn about the tribe.” I feel so proud of this man sitting across from me. He might be a multimillionaire, but he never forgets that not everyone is as fortunate as him.

  Taylor shrugs off my compliment. “When I was travelling in my gap year, I saw first-hand some of the devastation logging was causing. If I can help, then why not? And if I get some cuttings, then that is just an added bonus.”

  “Taylor Hudson, you are too modest for your own good,” I scold gently before leaning across the table and gently kissing Taylor on the cheek. A faint blush appears on Taylor’s cheeks, and I realise that while Taylor compliments me all the time, I can’t remember the last time I returned the favour. It’s not like I don’t think these things, but I guess I am still finding my feet in this relationship and don’t feel confident in making the first move when it comes to anything. I silently make a vow to myself to start. We all need to feel loved and appreciated.

  Taylor shoos me out of the kitchen so that he can wash up, so I curl up on the couch with my book, losing myself in the story once again. When Taylor finally comes through, he is carrying his guitar. “Do you mind?” he asks.

  “Not at all. I haven’t heard you play for ages.” I smile, remembering the first time I heard him play. I scoot up the couch to give him some room and go back to reading my book, listening absently to the chords as he warms up.

  It may not sound like the most fun evening to some, especially as Taylor could probably get us into the finest restaurants and hippest clubs, but for me this is perfection. A scrummy dinner followed by hot chocolate and a saucy romance novel whilst listening to Taylor strum away. As I read through a particularly steamy scene, I find myself growing wet and ache to feel Taylor’s fingers on me. I listen to the tune that Taylor is playing, but it is not recognisable and I am a little confused when I hear him mutter ‘penguins’ under his breath. I think back to the vow I made a little earlier and wonder if I have the nerve to do it…to initiate sex.

  With my heart hammering and my stomach full of nerves, I decide to do something I have never done before and, to be honest, never thought I would want to try. I stand up off the couch and move in front of Taylor, interrupting his playing by gently taking the guitar out of his hands and placing it on the side. I kneel down in between Taylor’s legs and capture his mouth with mine. After a second’s hesitation, Taylor is kissing me back with passion, his hands on either side of my face. Before I know it, Taylor is trying to pull me to my feet, but I pull back and Taylor looks at me, confused.

  “Pl…please, Taylor, I want to do this…” I trail off, unsure of how to phrase what ‘this’ is.

  A couple of warring expressions flit across Taylor’s face, and I can tell he doesn’t want to give up control, but something in my expression must speak to him because a soft looks comes over his face. “Okay, babe, you take the lead.”

  I let out a breath I wasn’t even aware that I had been holding on to and with shaky hands slide them under Taylor’s shirt. Seriously, this should not be so scary. It is not like I haven’t touched Taylor before. Shit, after the positions he has had me in, this should be a piece of cake. Aware that I am overthinking things, I take a deep calming breath and try to focus on what my hands are doing. Leaning forward, I start nuzzling Taylor’s neck whilst undoing his buttons. I bite gently on Taylor’s earlobe and I hear him hiss out a breath. “Fuck, babe, that feels so good.”

  Gaining confidence, I pull open his shirt and slide it off his broad frame. I take a second to admire Taylor’s chest before continuing my trail of kisses down his throat and across his pecs. I tug on one of his nipples with my teeth, like he so often does to me, and he lets out another hiss of satisfaction. Bolder now, I let my hands wander down and begin to gently stroke his erection through his trousers. My attempt to unbuckle his trousers is laughable, and after a couple of seconds of my struggling, Taylor gently removes my hands. “Here, let me.” Taylor stands, removing his trousers and boxers in one fluid movement, and there it is, right in my face.

  Taylor’s cock is magnificent. It stands proudly to attention and seems bigger than before. But maybe that is just because I have never been eye-to-eye with it. I lick my lips in anticipation as I slowly run my fingers gently up the shaft. The skin is so soft, but I can feel that he is pure steel underneath. I find it such a turn-on that such a resplendent thing has been inside of me that my nerves disappear in an instant. I gently kiss the tip of Taylor’s cock before sliding it into my mouth.

  Taylor groans in approval as I start to swirl my tongue around his length. I didn’t think it could get any bigger, but Taylor’s cock swells in my mouth as I start a gentle sucking motion. I hold on to Taylor’s arse with one hand and use the other to cup and squeeze his balls. Some kind of instinct takes over, negating my inexperience, and I find myself pulling his foreskin back and nipping gently at the exposed head.

  Taylor’s hands have crept into my hair, and I can feel the tension in his stance as I start to bob my head, taking him deeper and deeper. Taylor grunts as I start sucking harder and, for a moment, I think that I have hurt him, so I ease up. “No, that’s perfect,” Taylor says through gritted teeth. I resume the pressure and can feel him twitching in my mouth. “Abs, I am about to come. If you don’t want it, you need to stop now.” I hear his warning, but there is no way I am stopping, and before I know it, I feel him spurting down my throat. I take it all, until I feel Taylor’s cock soften slightly and his body relax.

  Reaching down, Taylor pulls me to my feet. “You are amazing, Abigail James. You will be the death of me,” Taylor says softly, planting a soft kiss on my nose. “But it seems to me that you have a few too many clothes on.” I can see from the wicked grin on Taylor’s face that he is firmly back in control. Pushing me down on the sofa, Taylor pushes up my top, laying a trail of kisses across my stomach. “I don’t think we need these,” he continues, sliding my pyjama trousers down and off my legs. His fingers creep between my soaking folds and I groan as he brushes my clit. Bringing his fingers back up to his mouth, he sucks the juices off them, a suggestive twinkle in his eye. “I think someone enjoyed having my cock in her mouth?”

  “Mmmm,” I mumble in return, feeling embarrassed.

  “Don’t,” Taylor commands, pulling my chin so that I have to look in his eyes. “That was awesome, Abby. Don’t ever be embarrassed by your sexuality. God, the fact that it turned you on sucking me off turns me on even more. Feel!” he demands, guiding my hand down to his cock, which once again is standing to attention.

  Oh. My. “Okay,” I whisper.

  “Good girl,” Taylor responds before resuming his trail of kisses. My clit is heavy and extremely sensitive, and it takes only a couple of light strokes before I am completely on fire. My hips buck the moment his tongue finds my spot and I come apart, shuddering in his grasp. Yet he doesn’t stop. Pumping his fingers into me, he brings me back to the edge of the cliff with his expertise. I come again…and again…and again.

  “No more,” I pant. “Please, Taylor, I can’t take anymore.”

  Lifting his head, Taylor looks at me. “Oh, I think you can.” Just as I think he is going to carry on licking me out, he starts trailing a line of kisses up my body. Dispensing of my top and bra, Taylor turns his attention to my nipples, licking and biting them until I can feel my orgasm building again. With a firm thrust, Taylor is inside of me, my inner muscles clenching greedily around his shaft.

  “Harder,” I beg. “Please, Taylor, more.”

  “Anything for you, baby,” grunts Taylor, before slamming into me with force, hitting my sweet spot and causing me to explode into a million stars. I am vaguely aware of Taylor’s orgasm spilling into me, but everything is white and far away.

  “Are you okay, Abby?” I hear Taylor ask with concern.

  “Hmmm, lovely,” I mumble as everything fades to black

  The Eleventh

  I listen to the chatter between Nicola and Taylor as we drive across to Taylor’s cottage, wondering what life might have been like if I had had siblings. There is such a connection between the two of them, more so than even between Taylor and his twin, that I envy their closeness. But the fact that Nicola trusted me enough to let me help her means the world to me, and truth be told, she is already feeling like my own little sister. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to help her, which is why, when Taylor suggested we spend the night at the cottage with her, I readily agreed.

  My thoughts drift back over the morning in Bread. Anna settled in really well with the team, and I could see that Bea was pleased with how fast she was picking things up. Andreas had a slow start with Billy, one of the apprentices we had had in for a trial, but by lunchtime things were running like clockwork and I had a team of very happy campers. And the quote that James had sent across first thing was spot on with what Dad had estimated, so all it had taken was a quick phone call to confirm a start date. By the time we were ready to pick Nicola from her house, I was feeling rather pleased with my morning and ready to do some serious relaxing.

  The only negative in the day, though, was the really awkward moment when Taylor’s mother tried to talk to him whilst we loaded Nicola’s bags in the boot. He has refused to tell me what happened between them when he confronted her over her disgusting comments to me about aborting our baby, but I knew he was refusing to answer any of her calls. Her grovelling at the car window was actually pitiful, and there was a part of me that almost felt sorry for her, well, only almost. Taylor simply ignored her, refusing to even turn his head towards her, that is, until the last moment when we were about to drive away and he finally acknowledged her, “As far as I am concerned, Mother, you are dead to me.”

  From the set of his jaw, I could tell that it had cost Taylor a lot to cut his mother out of his life, no matter how awful she has been, and I couldn’t even imagine how this might impact on his relationships with the rest of his family. All I could do was offer the small comfort of entwining my fingers through his and gently squeezing as I tried to convey my support.

  I stretch my legs and arms out, feeling achy from last night’s activities. I catch Taylor watching me with a sly smile, and I give him a quick grin back.

  “Ooohhh, turn this song up. I love it,” Nicola squeals from the back seat. I turn up Third Eye Blind’s ‘Semi-Charmed Life’, and we all start singing at the top of our voices. For the duration of the song, I feel like I am sixteen again, free, with all of life’s possibilities stretched out in front of me. When the song finishes, we all start laughing, and I know that we are going to have a great time.

  It is not long before we are parking up in front of the cottage, and I am glad to have made it before it got dark as I really wanted a chance to take a walk through the garden. We pile in through the door, and Nicola heads straight up the stairs to dump her bags in her room. When Taylor had the cottage refurbished, he decorated one of the bedrooms for her so that she always has somewhere she can escape to if things get too difficult at home.

  I head out into the garden and wander down to the lake. The weather is chilly, but the last vestiges of sunshine keep it from feeling too cold. I tuck my hands deep into my pockets and spend a few quiet minutes watching the cloud reflections on the water. The crunch of footsteps on the gravel startles me, and a moment later strong arms wrap around me from behind.

  “Hey, beautiful. I thought I would find you out here,” Taylor says quietly into my ear.

  “It’s so peaceful here. I love Brighton, but sometimes the hustle and bustle is all a bit much, you know?” I sigh, feeling like my soul is soaring.

  “How is little Bean doing?” asks Taylor, gently rubbing my belly in slow circles.

  “Better, I think. I am not feeling so nauseous all the time, and at least my chats with the porcelain gods have come to an end. Are you still good to come with me to my appointment?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Taylor plants a soft kiss on my cheek. I stay in his embrace for a few more minutes, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped in his arms, until Taylor suggests heading back inside.

  My stomach rumbles loudly and I laugh. “I think Bean is suggesting that some food is in order,” I say.

  “Come on, you. Let’s see what we have in the fridge. I asked Mrs Dennis to stock up for the weekend, so there should be some good stuff.” Taylor gently tugs my hand and I follow him up the path back to the house.

  I leave Taylor in charge of feeding us and go in search of Nicola. When I find her chatting away on her phone, I leave her in peace and head back downstairs. The living area is cosy with a fire burning away in the stove, so I curl up on the couch, watching Taylor as he moves deftly around the kitchen. Tiredness soon overtakes me, and feeling mesmerised by the flames, I find myself falling asleep.


  A delicious aroma stirs my senses. I crack my eyes open and find that darkness has fallen. I scan the room and see Nicola tucked up on another sofa, watching something on her tablet, the volume turned down low, next to Taylor, who is reading a book. I sit up, rubbing my eyes and then stretching my arms above my head. Noticing the movement, Taylor and Nicola both look across at me with grins on their faces.

  “How long have I been out?” I croak.

  “About an hour and a half,” replies Taylor.

  “You were talking in your sleep,” Nicola tells me with a giggle.

  I clap my hand to my mouth, mortified. “No! What did I say?”

  “It sounded like a brownie recipe to me,” Nicola answers.

  “Trust me to talk cake in my sleep,” I laugh. At least it wasn’t anything too embarrassing, especially in front of Nicola. Or even worse, in front of Taylor.

  A beep emanates from the oven and Taylor gets to his feet. “Right, ladies, dinner will be ready in ten. Do you guys want to set the table?”

  “Argh, you are such a slave driver, big brother,” Nicola responds in mock-rebellious teenage fashion.

  “And you are a spoilt brat,” Taylor replies in mock seriousness. “So jump to it before you are grounded.”

  We all laugh at the silliness and I find myself just watching them for a moment. In this instant, I can see exactly the type of father Taylor will be, and my heart swells. I wish I were brave enough to tell Taylor that I love him without him having to say it first, but I still bear the scars, literally and figuratively, of the last time I trusted in Taylor unconditionally, and I find that I am still hesitant to put myself out there so completely.

  I shake my head to dispel the negativity starting to form there and instead move forward to the kitchen to grab cutlery while Nicola hunts down a cloth to go over the table. When we are finally sat down, I gasp at the spread in front of us. Roast leg of lamb with mint sauce fresh from the garden, root vegetables roasted with rosemary, crunchy potatoes and broccoli and cauliflower cheese. My mouth is watering and my stomach growls in anticipation. With a flourish, Taylor sets down a tall cocktail glass in front of both me and Nicola. I can see what looks like pomegranate seeds, and I look up at Taylor questioningly.

  “It’s a pomegranate mojito, virgin of course,” Taylor says, giving Nicola a wink. We both take a sip and declare it delicious. Taylor grabs himself a beer before joining us at the table. We all dig in with gusto, loading up our plates as if we are never going to see food again. The conversation flows as Nicola regales us with tales of teenage drama, and while a secret part of me envies the simplicity of youth, another part of me is grateful to be past all of the bitchiness and bullying that were part of my teen years.

  When everything is finished, we sit back, our bellies stuffed and satisfied. The lamb was so tender and delicious and the vegetables perfectly done that I just wanted to carry on eating even though I was completely full to the brim. “Never mind the actual baby, I think I have also got a food baby in here,” I groan, rubbing my belly.

aylor and Nicola laugh at me. It is just the start; the rest of the evening is punctuated with laughter and mirth as we joke around, playing board games and then settling on a comedy to watch on Taylor’s giant TV screen.

  It’s gone midnight by the time we all call it a night. I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth, swapping with Taylor when he comes from locking up the cottage. He walks out of the bathroom naked just as I am pulling on my pyjamas. “Why are you putting those on?” Taylor asks, arching his eyebrow questioningly.

  “Well, duh. Your sister is sleeping just down the hallway.”

  “And that means you have to wear pyjamas, why?” Taylor responds.

  “Um, because it’s not proper. She’s your teenage sister.”

  “Proper, shmoper,” Taylor says, crossing the room in a couple of strides and taking me in his arms. He lowers his mouth gently to mine, placing a delicate kiss on my lips. “You can’t tell me that that feels improper, can you?” Taylor whispers into my ear as he slowly unbuttons my pyjama top.

  I can feel the warmth spreading through my pelvis, weakening my knees. “We shouldn’t be doing this, Taylor,” I whisper. “Nicola will hear.”

  “Not if we are very, very quiet,” Taylor insists, his fingers trailing across my already heated skin to slip my trousers down over my hips. As they puddle at my feet, Taylor is already drawing lazy patterns on my thigh, moving between my legs up and up into my folds. Slowly Taylor backs me up until I feel the bed behind my knees, all the while never ending his caresses across my body. Gently he lowers me onto the bed, scooting me up until my head is nestled on the soft pillows. His body covers mine as he nuzzles my neck before bringing his lips back down on mine.


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