Stars, Snow and Mistletoe: A Holiday Naughty List Collection

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Stars, Snow and Mistletoe: A Holiday Naughty List Collection Page 34

by S. J. Sanders

  I rocked back and forth and up and down until he was completely inside me. I was stretched so wide it was a miracle he fit.

  I undulated on top of him, and he snapped, flipping us again. He put me on my hands and knees and surged back inside from behind. He curled around my back, his chest hair tickling my sensitive spine. I arched back, and he punched forward, one hand holding my shoulder so I wouldn’t go flying into the wall.

  He bent to my shoulder and took it into his mouth, his teeth lightly holding me still, pressing just enough to sting. He started to pound into me so fluidly that he spiked my temperature, and my belly cramped and tingled all the way down my thighs. I shouted into the bed in surprise and came all over him. He snarled into my shoulder and surged inside, pressing me down into the bed as he shuddered inside me.

  I panted into the sheets and slid down, my hands lying limply and my belly falling slowly, pulling away from him.

  He covered my back with his body and then rolled us to our sides. He wrapped himself around me and murmured sweet words and growls, and I wished again that I could understand him.

  His hand pressed directly between my breasts and over my heart, and he sighed contentedly into my ear. Not even three seconds later, he was snoring softly into my ear.

  I grinned to myself and snuggled closer.



  I woke to soft whispering and squealing laughs. I groaned and rolled over as the little cub pulled at my tail with excited fingers.

  My Delaney snickered as she watched from the end of the bed.

  I snapped my fangs playfully at the cub and pulled him to my chest, relishing in his large grin and loud joy.

  “He’s been trying to wake you for a while now,” she said softly. Her trembling smile and watery gaze locked on her cub’s happiness. I wanted to ask her what has happened to the cub’s father. Her mate. I stiffened at the thought and look away from her. I could not take the thought of another touching her, though I knew there must have once been a male. I hoped furiously that he was good. That he lost his life protecting them. I could not bear the thought of her abandoned. She had not spoken of him and even if we could communicate, I did not think I could bear to hear of him and not hunt the cretin down if he still lived.

  Perhaps it was better not to know.

  She went about her morn, fixing her foul early meal and I watched in awe and lust as she fed her cub. He was in need of them now, but this eve I would claim them for my own once more.

  All day I spend tight and aching. She did not hide her thrill at seeing me so lost in her. Her movements, her scent, her soft curves. So I did not bother trying to hide my need of her and drive her own need.

  I touched her when I pleased, feasted from her lips as her cub squealed in delight. He enjoyed seeing his mother so happy and so I continued to play with her for his enjoyment and my own. She was flushed and breathless as she put him down to sleep mid morn.

  My eyes were hot on her as she tucked him in, and she was squirming and reaching for me as I dragged her from the room and into the small bathing room.

  My large form filled the room and though at any other time this would have frustrated me, now it drove her soft body into mine and so I used it to my advantage to back her into the wall, trapping her.

  Her hands were as greedy as her lips as she attacked me as furiously as a Xixin cub.

  “Please,” she begged me as I cupped her cunt in my palm. She grinded against me as I tore her breast free, diving for them, nipping and suckling.

  She slouched against the wall and I hefted her up, my arm braced beneath her bottom and my tail curving around her arms and trapping them behind her. She panted against my bared fangs excitedly and so I went at her rougher, showing her my desperation as I tore free from my leathers.

  “Hush,” I growled against her soft mouth, sliding into her slick heat. She mewled in excitement and relief and I feared our time together would be cut short if she was not quieter and so I covered her mouth with my own, swallowing her cries.

  It was quick and rough and she trembled and quaked against me, driving me mad with want of her once more.

  She was flushed with happiness and joy as we tumbled from the bathing room. I cleaned her gently and quietly and we laid together as her cub slept.

  She rambled to me about her life, how she feared she could not provide for her Riley. She finally did tell me of the cub’s father and it took all that I was not to storm from the cabin and hunt the cowardly male down and toss his corpse at her feet. But I would not leave them. I could not leave them.

  They were mine.



  We went outside playing in the snow the next day.

  Riley was bundled up and stumbling through the snow and though he couldn’t stay out for long in the cold, I allowed him to enjoy his time with Mak. They rolled around and tossed ice into the air. Mak crawled around growling playfully and nipping at Riley and Riley pulled on his tail and growled back, much to Mak’s delight.

  They both tackled me to the ground and then we are soon soaked and shivering. But it was the best day ever. Every day with Mak was the best day ever.

  He made everything brighter. Lovelier. He is comfort and safety. He loved my baby. It was in his every look and movement. They bonded together so quickly that I couldn’t imagine him ever leaving us. I didn’t know what I’d do without his arms around us.

  I was quickly coming to need him. His touch was like fire. It burned so good that I found myself running to the flame. If we had lived in a normal world, I think I would have worried about my growing attachment, but we didn’t. Is it healthy? Probably not. I was lonely and lost and starving for affection. But this world was dangerous and sad and Mak was good and loving. He was the best thing that had ever happened to us and the greatest gift I’d ever received.

  Healthy or not, I couldn’t give him up. I wouldn’t.

  But I was also too afraid to ask him. Was he staying? For how long? I was terrified his answer will be no. He was an alien and I was a human. What kind of future could we possibly have together if he was needed elsewhere? Here we were in our own little world. This little slice of woods and snow was ours.

  But it was a dream. And all too soon that dream was shattered.

  I gathered Riley to go into the house while Mak chopped more wood when the woods around us exploded with life.

  Birds and woodland creatures fled the clearing with a startling screech of noise and then the Vitat were there.

  Mak roared so loud I winced and covered Riley’s ears. Mak roared again and shoved me toward the cabin with a furious push. I stumbled and tripped up the steps as three terrifying aliens leaped onto Mak’s back and took him to the ground. I wanted to help him but my baby was screaming and terrified and all I could do was put myself between him and the death now knocking at our door.

  I threw myself into the cabin and locked Riley into the bathroom, barricading him behind the door. He screamed for me and I sobbed as I ran around the cabin, yanking knives from drawers and shoving anything and everything at the windows and door. Trying to block those things from getting inside.

  Mak’s wrath shook the walls of the cabin and it was a comfort to me. If he was still roaring his rage that meant he was still alive. But he was all alone out there and there were so many of those things.

  He was battling those things on his own and I could do nothing to help him.

  With my baby screaming in fear and my Mak roaring in pain, I had never in my life felt so helpless as the first of those things barreled into the cabin door and broke right though.



  I heard her scream and I tore the head of the Vitat from its cold, slimy form and tossed it through the air.

  I thundered my rage as I charged for her and my cub.

  I allowed my guard down. I got content in my newfound happiness and failed them. If anything happened to them…

  I could not live myself.
r />   She was on the floor. Brandishing small knives, her arms swinging as she furiously defended her cub as mercilessly as any Xixin mother would. The Vitat snapped at her delicate wrists and I lunged, tearing the beast from above her.

  I felt no mercy as I tore into the creature. Tossing his lifeless form outside, I strode to my female and helped her to her feet, roaming my hand up and down her vulnerable form anxiously.

  “I’m okay,” she panted, squirming from me and rushing to the crying cub. The door to the bathing room was in tatters and I bit back another furious roar. So close, it had been so close to getting to the cub.

  But as I gazed at her comforting her cub, I felt a surge of pride. It had been mere moments that she had fought off the Vitat. But I knew warriors that had gone down sooner in battle. But not this female. Not my female.

  She would make a fine mate and even finer mother to my cubs and I could not be prouder to call her and Riley my own.

  I did my best to comfort them both but soon the blood of the enemy was too much for them and I was forced to clean myself of the foul fluid.

  Delaney was quiet as she followed me around the dwelling, scrubbing the blood from the floor and walls.

  It wasn’t until I left to bury the carcasses that her solemn silence was broken. She cried out for me and demanded I stay.

  My words did nothing to calm her and I was forced to pry her from me. I could not explain that the stench of death would draw more of them to us.

  And so she and the cub watched from the door anxiously as I cleaned up the mess.

  My female ushered me inside the moment the sun went down and barricaded the door. I would need to leave soon to patrol the area but I knew she would not leave my side. I would have to wait until eve and they both slept.

  I watched her anxious trembling movements as she rushed around the home, cleaning and cooking, busying herself and her mind. She forced vile food on me, declaring I needed to eat. I could not bear to deny her and so I choked it down once again.

  My cub was just as quiet. His face red and afraid. I held him to me tightly, purring words of comfort and my love until he fell asleep.

  It was after my female pushed his bed to the side of her own and laid him down, that I pulled her down with me, curling around her and petting her in soothing strokes.

  I shushed her as she rambled her fears and worries. “We cannot stay here,” I told her solemnly. Uselessly. She did not understand. The more I tried to explain myself, the more fearful she became, misunderstanding me.

  “I’m not leaving,” I purred gently. “Not without you.”

  Her arms banded around me tightly and I grew frustrated. I could not stand to see her this way. If I did not think it would injure her mind, I would grab them both and leave this feeble dwelling immediately. But I needed her calm.

  I rolled her to her back, trapping her beneath me and palmed her wet cheeks between my hands. My tail curled around her thigh, spreading it and allowing my hips to drop between hers. It was only then she breathed a broken breath and focused on my face. I shook my head at her and pressed my lips to hers gently. “What am I to do with you?” I asked, humming. “You are a fretful thing and will not listen to me.”

  She blinked at me. “I don’t understand you, baby.”

  I sighed.

  “I am not a babe, but if it is with that soft look you call me this, I will take it,” I said solemnly.

  Her eyes roamed my face wildly.

  “We are leaving,” I said firmly. “You and our cub will go with me and travel the stars with my brethren. Never to leave my side again.”

  Her face softened as I placed gentle kisses along her lips. “Take us with you,” she pleaded once more.

  I smiled ruefully. “I hear your words, my little human. But you do not hear mine.”

  She huffed a sigh and looked away from me.

  “It is no matter. You will understand in the morn.” I bent down, nuzzling her soft breasts. They smelled of her. Warm and sweet. I growled low and pushed aside the garment covering them. “For now I will show you that you are mine not with words but with my tongue and teeth.”

  The very next morn, I made my intentions clear by gathering both her and the cub and tossing their belongings into sacks. Her soft lips gave me thanks and after allowing her to say her farewells to the home and graves of those that she had loved, I packed her and the cub up and set off to my ship.

  That night, I gave her a translator and we spoke our first words to one another.

  “Can you understand me, love?”

  She nodded tearfully and hugged me tightly. “Say something else.”

  “I am not a fan of your cooking.”

  She choked a laugh. “You’re taking us with you, right?”

  “Of course. I cannot leave my new pets behind.”

  She gaped at me. “Your what?”

  I grinned, winking. “Not pets? How about my mate and cub?” I kissed her lips. “My love?” She melted into me, grinning through watery eyes. “My life? No?” I shook my head sadly. “Will you take me for your pet, then?”

  She smiled big, giggling, and launched herself at me.

  The End.

  Other Works by Erin Raegan

  Galactic Order Series

  Pythen: Galactic Order Book One

  Home World: Galactic Order Book Two

  War For Earth: Galactic Order Book Three

  Juldo Made: Galactic Order Book Four

  The New King: Galactic Order Book Five

  Pythen Blessing: Galactic Order Book Six

  Shadow Assassin: Galactic Order Book Seven (December 2019)


  Defy the Ravaged Series

  Willow: Defy the Ravaged Book One

  Thrive: Defy the Ravaged Book Two

  Hunted: Defy the Ravaged Book Three (December 2019)

  Book Four: TBD

  About Erin Raegan

  Erin Raegan is an obsessed reader, a dedicated writer, and a lover of all things fantastically impossible. When she's not plotting her next project, she spends hours on her kindle, though nothing beats a real book in your hands. She writes science fiction romance under Erin Raegan but she also writes fantasy and paranormal romance under her pen name E.M. Raegan. She can be found at home in Connecticut with her chihuahua Minnie, and her German Shepard Odin, waiting with her son for her active duty husband to come home.

  For more information about Erin Raegan and her books, visit:





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  Drawn To Her Flame

  Diana Rose Wilson

  Azziarh M’harn, King of M’harn and the Amburry System, has ascended his throne with one important necessity missing. He lacks a queen to rule beside him. With no viable prospects and political rivals gathering, Azziarh accepts the lure of a distant, protected world to find his mate. He will do anything and break any law, no matter the cost, to find his heart’s match.

  Gloria Lancaster’s life is mediocre at best. Working as a clerk at a quickie mart in a tiny tourist town just outside Yosemite, she barely managed Christmas gifts for her family. Christmas Eve is going about as well as can be expected when she literally runs into the man of her dreams. Except he’s no mere man. He’s a naked, winged alien with some really strange ‘equipment’ down there—does he have more than one…? She’s drawn to him like a moth to a flame and she doesn’t fear the attraction; she welcomes it. Unfortunately, a shadow agency wants him. The Enforcement will do anything to suppress the truth and prevent the world from knowing
aliens are visiting us—including killing him and trying to silence Gloria. Forever.

  Yeah. Worst Christmas. Ever.

  Warning: This book contains explicit sexual content, a male with a little something extra, and touches on assault. It is intended for mature readers only.


  “I know just the thing you need.” Duke Noeh spoke in a low, conspiratorial tone. “A mate. A sovereign to rule alongside you.”

  Azziarh M’harn, King of M’harn and the Amburry System, flounced the end of one of his ornate sleeves as he pondered this suggestion. “Oh, honestly, that’s your first nugget of wisdom and guidance as my vizier?” One feathery antenna lifted from its curl over his brow, the delicate fringe curving a question. He glanced away from the observation window at last and pinned the other male with a long, penetrating stare before the corner of his mouth curved upward, much the same way as the antenna had. With a small chuckle, he returned his attention to the view.

  The two males were a match in height and size, though the duke carried the bulk of his weight in his middle rather than in his chest and shoulders. Their wings were similar in color and patterns. The lacework powders displayed an artwork of intricate whorls in greens, silvers and light turquoise. The king appeared younger, his features unlined and less care-worn. Like the fine quality of his dress, there was an elegance to him that eclipsed the other male. Compared to the king at such close proximity, the duke seemed rumpled, tired and threadbare.


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