Tidal Wave

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Tidal Wave Page 4

by Vivian Arend

  Joshua stood his ground. “Oh, the two on one wasn’t my idea. It was hers, and it was a natural reaction to the testosterone dump she got from having every single one of the unmated males in the pod here tonight. You don’t think that was a bad idea? Alexia was just given the Keeper’s necklace, and you go and stoke her fires to an inferno without even taking the time to explain anything.”

  “Back off. You know you’re not allowed near her,” Michael spat out.

  Joshua laughed. “Victoria didn’t warn me off and unless she does, or Alexia, I have as much right as any of you to court her. I’m going after her. I suggest you and I go alone because she really will freak if she sees a gang coming after her.”

  An uneasy truce between them, the brothers headed out the door toward the shoreline. Alexia sat huddled on a recliner in the distance, her arms wrapped around her torso. Anthony’s jacket lay over her shoulders and the wiry blond squatted in front of her, his hand resting on her knee as he spoke to her. Joshua nodded to himself. Anthony was the perfect one to help explain the mess.

  “Oh hell, Anthony too?” Michael complained through clenched teeth.

  “Relax, you know it will take at least two of us to help her make the change. She seems to have already picked you and me, judging from her reaction on the dance floor. As much as I dislike it, having Anthony available as a third will only ensure she completes the transformation safer and quicker.”

  Michael glared at him, his nostrils flaring. He appeared far rougher and on edge then the smooth and relaxed lawyer about town he liked to portray. “Don’t be so sure you’re going to be a part of anything. I have no intention on sharing with you unless I have to. And then it would only be for the one time to help change her and never again.”

  Joshua grabbed his brother by the arm and whipped him around to stand face to face. He forced himself to relax his clenched fists. The thought of anyone, especially Michael, touching Alexia made him crazy, but he had to trust she’d make the right decision. “I remind you again, it’s not your choice.”

  “Victoria brought her to me first. It was a clear sign of approval,” Michael bit out.

  Joshua shook his head in denial. “From what Anthony told me, Victoria had an appointment with you already, and she made sure to go and visit all the rest of the family immediately afterward. That’s beside the point. It’s not Victoria’s decision. The Keeper chooses, and since Victoria passed on the medallion, Alexia is the new matriarch.”

  Joshua softened his voice as he tried to let go of the anger and frustration that had haunted him for so long. Tried to let the sincerity of his desires come through in his message. “In some ways you seem the most logical choice to partner with Alexia right now. You’re very successful in your human business, and you’re one of the strongest merfolk in our pod. You would be able to help her make the first transformation better than any one of us.

  “But she’s the leader. She needs to be supported. And I’m a far better candidate for that than you are. I have no fancy career to be hurt by the time it’ll take me to help her in her duties. I have no long list of outside contacts who will wonder where I’ve gone if I disappear for extended periods of time. I’ve been alone for so long—set apart from the rest of the family—but it’s prepared me to put my own desires aside and simply be there for her. ” He urged Michael to understand, to feel the need that had driven him to wait all these years.

  Michael stared at him unblinking for the longest time before nodding, briefly. “You’re right. It’s her choice in the end and I will honor that decision. But I remind you of the same thing. If she turns you down then I expect you to leave. There are others who could support her as well as you.”

  Joshua motioned toward the beach and they resumed their walk. The warmth of the night air surrounded them, stars sparkling overhead. The few lights of the business area faded behind them as they approached the two already on the beach. Joshua tried not to think about all the things still needing to be dealt with. He ached for Alexia, but even the tension and ritual of this part of the joining met a need deep within him. She would be the one to let him truly be himself. Let his desire to serve her and care for her finally be met.

  The men slowed their pace as Anthony looked up, cautioning them by his expression.

  “Alexia?” Joshua asked quietly. “Are you okay?”

  She lifted her chin and took a deep breath before answering. “I don’t believe I did that.” She shook her head and shrugged in confusion. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you think of me right now.”

  Uncharacteristically, Michael chuckled, and it was enough to make Alexia lift her head to flick her gaze between the two of them. “I’m thinking you are about the hottest thing I’ve ever held in my arms, and I’m trying to decide what I need to say to convince you to go back where you were.”

  Crimson spread over her face, visible in the moonlight. “You’re not disgusted with me?” She cursed softly. “I’m disgusted with me.”

  Michael joined Anthony to sit on the sand facing out to sea. They watched the waves rise and fall gently, so different from the storm that had whipped out of nowhere the previous night. Anthony spoke for them all. “None of us are disgusted with you. There’s more to the story than you know and once we explain a bit, I don’t think you’ll feel so embarrassed. We need to tell you about Jaffrey’s Cove. About your grandmother.”

  Joshua took a seat at the foot of the recliner where he could easily see the three of them. He was within arm’s reach of Alexia, and he wanted to touch and reassure her she’d done nothing wrong. She stared at Anthony and seemed to have calmed, the tension in her body easing.

  She sucked in a quick breath. Joshua followed her line of vision and spotted them. The rest of the single men of the pod had left the dance floor, shifted and were playing in the waves not far offshore.

  “The dolphins. There are so many of them tonight.” Alexia spoke in a whisper, the sound of a zephyr across the water. “They’re beautiful.”

  Joshua smiled. “They are.”

  He raised his gaze to hers and she shook her head in confusion. “Why do I feel like I know you so well? I haven’t seen you in years.”

  He hesitated.

  Anthony broke in. “Alexia, we need to tell you something pretty unbelievable. Have you noticed anything different about your grandmother over the years?”

  Alexia wiped at her eyes then gave a wry smile. “You mean other than she’s a conniving old lady? She has the whole town eating out of her hand. I knew she was bossy but never noticed before today just how much. Plus she’s talking about giving up her home, and I don’t see why she needs to do that since she’s still mobile and strong. A little forgetful at times, but definitely lucid enough to be alone.”

  Anthony nodded slowly. “Victoria is well respected and loved by all the town folk, but not because she’s a nice old lady. Victoria has been our leader for many, many years and—”

  “Your leader? What kind of leader? She’s not into politics or anything I know about.”

  Anthony took a big breath. “Oh boy. This is tougher than I thought it would be.” He rubbed his chin for moment before he caught sight of the dolphins at play.

  “A demonstration?” Joshua suggested. It would be the easiest way to explain.

  Anthony nodded and the three men exchanged glances.

  “Umm, guys? What does this have to do with how I behaved tonight?” Alexia rose to her feet. “I think I’ll just go home—”

  “Wait. There’s something you need to see.” Anthony took her by the elbow and led her to the shoreline. He gave a long piercing whistle, and Alexia visibly shivered. Joshua stepped behind her, slipped his arm around her waist soothingly, calming her when she tensed.

  “It’s okay, Alexia. Do you see the dolphins? In the surf?” he asked.

  She nodded. Joshua lowered his chin to her shoulder, breathing in her sweet scent as her breath quickened. The dolphins approached, leaping over the waves until they we
re in chest-deep water. A couple of them chattered at the gathering on the shore, their placid smiles showing as they turned their heads to the side to watch with bright eyes.

  “Raise your arms in the air, Alexia. Tell them you want to see them.”

  She turned her head to the side and her lips brushed his cheek before she pulled back slightly. “Tell them what?”

  Joshua lifted his hand to caress her neck, delighted as she relaxed back into him so naturally. She might be mentally overwhelmed by her behavior, but her body knew him. Knew what she needed.

  “Tell them to change.”

  She snorted softly. “Maybe I’m not the one who’s acting crazy.”

  “Trust me.”

  Alexia elevated her arms into the air and the dolphins stilled, rising and falling in the swells of the water. “Okay, dolphins, change!” she shouted. She giggled for a second then the sound froze on her lips. Joshua tightened his hold on her as the increase of tension spread throughout her. She sucked in air, her pulse racing wildly.

  “It’s impossible.” She whipped around to stare at Michael and Anthony who shrugged and gestured back at the ocean.

  “If it was impossible you wouldn’t have seen it,” Anthony pointed out. “Improbable is a better word.”

  “Thank you, Mr. English teacher,” Michael groaned. “You want to tell the rest of the story now?”

  “Wait,” Alexia cried, her finger pointing to the sea where a dozen hard male bodies all stood in the chest-deep water. “How did they get there?” She leaned forward slightly and squinted. “Holy cow, is that Braden? And Jake?”

  “And the rest of the guys from the dance floor. Yes, it’s them, and you saw how they got there,” Anthony said. “You saw them change from their dolphin forms.”

  Alexia’s heart beat rapidly under his hands, and Joshua tried to soothe her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. His touch seemed to help and he moved even closer, his torso snug against her. He whispered in her ear. “We’re shifters, Alexia. Some people call us merfolk. We can live on the land and in the ocean in our human forms, but we can also change into dolphins for longer journeys. Plus we like to play as dolphins.”

  “Are you telling me you’re mermaids? With tails and stuff?”

  Anthony laughed. “Umm. Do they look like maids out there in the surf?”

  Joshua turned her in his arms and kissed her forehead briefly. “It’s just a name, Alexia. But yes, mermaids exist, not as sirens luring sailors to their deaths. We’re human, but we’re more than human. There’s a chemical in our blood that allows us to change forms and even breathe underwater.”

  Anthony spoke over his shoulder. “Some merfolk have the ability to shift into another form as well, St. El—”

  Joshua interrupted, “You’re one too.” He didn’t want to confuse the issue any further by mentioning things better left unsaid for a while longer. Things like he had a form that looked like St. Elmo’s fire. That he could travel over the water and track her medallion.

  Things like the fact he’d already made love to Alexia. He’d tell her soon enough, just…not yet.

  Alexia’s eyes grew huge, the moon making her brown irises glow with an unearthly light. “I’m a merfolk? But how?”

  Michael shook his head as he came to take Alexia by the arm. His dark eyes flashed his irritation at Joshua. “Nice diplomatic announcement.”

  “First, my lady, you should let the rest of the boys go back to playing.” Anthony pointed to where the men still stood in the moonlit sea. “Wave goodbye and they’ll know you don’t need them any longer tonight.”

  She hesitantly shook a hand and the group in the ocean disappeared, some shifted back to dolphin, some dove into the waves in their human forms. Alexia watched until they faded from sight, the final hand waving from far out at sea. She closed her eyes and shuddered.

  Joshua scooped her away from Michael, disregarding both their protests. “We’ll take you home to finish the story there. The night is growing cooler and you’re shaking.” He pressed his lips to her forehead again, his gaze meeting with Michael and Anthony. In silent agreement they turned from the shore.

  It was time.


  Alexia opened the door and wandered into the empty house. Lost in the swell of emotion raging through her mind and the sexual tension racing through her body, she made her way blindly to the living room not even checking if anyone followed her. She occupied herself with trivial things. Lit the kindling in the fireplace, added wood until it blazed and a warm glow filled the room. Sat back and stared into the flames.

  The day had gone from strange to stranger.

  Gram didn’t need her help. Instead the conniving old sweetheart seemed to be trying to set up Alexia with one of Jaffrey Cove’s finest eye candy. And Gram was the leader of people who could turn at will into dolphins.

  Alexia gave herself a shake. She needed a drink.

  She startled as a hand pressed on her shoulder, momentarily forgetting anyone was there with her. Wordlessly, Anthony handed her a wine glass before he sat nearby on the floor and leaned back against the couch. Alexia stared into the ruby depths, the scent of the smoky liquid rising to her nose, mixing with the other scents in the room that teased and tickled.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Beside her a strange sense of emotion flowed from Anthony, desire and nervousness overlaying each other in equal amounts. He worried about how she was taking the revelation that legends existed, astonished to be in the same room as her, near enough to touch her. He wanted her. A pure, sweet emotion full of adoration and longing.

  Alexia looked into his face and his eyes darted away from her direct gaze. How did she know what he felt? His emotions were as clear as if he had spoken. She remembered Anthony as the stalwart peacemaker during her summer visits. He was the one who’d calmed the storms that constantly erupted among the volatile Marley clan. He’d never given any indication that he’d been attracted to her, never flirted like some of his older kin. She brushed a hand over his arm and he shivered. His eyes closed and his body leaned closer to her like he couldn’t help himself.

  A snarl rose behind her. Michael. His scent darker, richer. Powerful and compulsive, filling the room with strength. She felt how hard his body was, knew he wanted to bury himself in her softness and possess her. He slipped to the floor on her other side, his blue eyes watching her carefully.

  “We need to explain the rest. Are you warm yet?” Michael’s gaze dropped over her body, sweeping up her torso to land on the medallion.

  Was she warm? She was melting. Taking a deep breath, she not only smelt the men in the room, she felt their heat. Felt the pulse of their hearts loud enough to vibrate the walls of the room. Felt the sexual intent in their glances and the tightness in their bodies.

  The arousal that had built through the day fought to surface, sensitizing her skin, knotting her stomach, pulsing in her core. She sipped at her wine, letting the rich flavor swirl on her tongue and burst in her mouth. This was insane. Here she sat in Gram’s living room, a man on either side oozing sex appeal, and she soaked it all in. She wanted to flirt, to broadcast back to them just a bit of what she was feeling. Flicking a glance at Anthony, she licked her lips. His nostrils flared in response, his gaze locked on her mouth. She smiled and took another sip, watched him as she swallowed, the corner of his mouth twitching.

  Alexia couldn’t see him but sensed Joshua was in the room as well. He stood farther away, leaning on the glass doors separating the living room from the kitchen. His hard body called the loudest and she swung her head to look at him.

  His emotions rang the clearest. He wanted her most of all. To touch her, hold her. Be claimed by her. His outward calm was a façade, his easy stance denied by how hard his body throbbed with need, how his jaw clenched when he glanced at his brother and cousin.

  He wanted her alone. He was willing to offer her everything.

  Alexia stopped and took a deep breath. However she was able to se
nse these things, they were real. Her fingers rubbed the medallion and a strange peace descended on her.

  They were hers. All of them. She was due their homage. It was only right Michael and Anthony knelt on the floor, close enough she could touch them at will, whenever she desired.

  She looked at Joshua again. Why was he not at her side as well? She wanted him there. Lowering her lashes, Alexia considered for a minute before she rose to her feet and strolled to him. His blond hair glowed in the reflected light of the fire. Golden flecks she didn’t remember shone in his green eyes. Alexia offered her wine glass, and he wrapped his fingers around hers, trapping them between his warmth and the cool crystal. He brought the glass to his lips and took the final drops into his mouth. This time she couldn’t stop staring at the moisture that clung to his firm mouth, and his beautiful smile that followed. She ran a fingertip over his bottom lip. His tongue flicked to wet it, the smell of the wine heady around them, joining with the salty scent she recognized as his.

  Her womb clenched, wanting his intimate touch, and his eyes flashed, like he’d sensed the spike in her arousal.

  “You need to let us tell you the rest of the story, Alexia,” Joshua whispered as he took the glass from her and placed it on a side table. Linking his fingers through hers he led her back to the couch in front of the fire. She tugged at him when he would have joined the others on the floor, instead drawing him onto the couch and curling up at his side. One hand slipped behind his back to nestle her body into his.

  Heat flared between them, exquisite and exciting. Alexia couldn’t resist. She slid her other hand under his shirt and rubbed her palm against the bare skin of his firm abdomen.

  “Hmmm, that’s good. You feel so good, Joshua.”

  “Alexia. Stop touching him now. We have to explain things before you move too fast and make a mistake you’ll regret,” Michael barked at her, a tone of command in his voice, and she hesitated before turning to face him. His desires had shifted and something didn’t feel right.


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