Her Private Avenger

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Her Private Avenger Page 20

by Elle Kennedy

  Despite all the traveling, they kept tabs on what was going on in the States. D.C., in particular. The most recent news had been Senator Edward Kerr’s resignation from the United States Senate. Morgan had phoned him with her condolences, but neither she nor Quinn felt too sympathetic about the senator’s exit from the senate, because luckily for Senator Kerr—and unluckily for the Simms family—no charges had been brought up against him for his role in Layla’s death. His part in the crime would forever go unpunished, and it was something Morgan was still having a tough time accepting.

  “Why do you look so worried?” she asked, setting down her glass on the rickety little table she’d dragged out onto the beach their first day there.

  “Because of you,” he said darkly. “What was that message about? Complications? Change of plans? What on earth were you talking about?”

  She gave a shrug. “I just wanted to let you know we might need to alter some of the plans we made.”

  “Such as?”

  “The trip to Australia. Oh, and definitely the one to Russia we had planned for the winter—I’m dropping the story about the underage prostitutes. I should have been freelancing all along.” The dimple in her chin popped out. “I like choosing what to write, and scrapping stories when needed.”

  Quinn frowned. “Why do you need to drop the Russia piece”

  Another innocent little shrug. “It’s not safe to travel in the third trimester.”

  His heart nearly stopped.

  Morgan grinned.

  “Did you just say what I think you said?” he blurted.

  “Yep.” She let out a mock sigh. “You knocked me up.”

  Quinn stood frozen for a moment, while the hot sun burned a hole in the back of his head. When his brain resumed its ability to function, a grin spread over his face and he dropped to his knees, sending grains of sand flying in all directions.

  He yanked Morgan into his arms and kissed her with fervor. “Are you sure?” he said, pulling back.

  Her entire face glowed with delight. “The doctor confirmed it yesterday. I’m three months along.”

  Tiny bursts of joy went off in his body. He quickly did the math. “So this October…” He looked at her in wonder. “Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?”

  She wrinkled her forehead, as if the question was utterly absurd. “Of course I know. The suspense would have killed me.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh. “Right, I should’ve known.”

  Morgan cocked her head, and a strand of blond hair came free of her ponytail and fell into her eyes. She pushed it away and said, “Do you want to know?”

  He only hesitated for a moment. It would be nice to be surprised. On the other hand, his motto was be prepared. And he wouldn’t know what color to paint the damn nursery if he waited until October.

  He gave a brisk nod. “Okay, tell me.”

  Morgan’s eyes twinkled. “Girl.”

  Quinn’s heart squeezed with emotion. He could already see his daughter’s face in his mind, the spitting image of her beautiful mother. He suddenly let out a groan, abruptly got to his feet and took two steps.

  “Where are you going?” Morgan demanded, looking perplexed.

  He sighed. “To buy a shotgun. That way I’ll have it on hand when our baby girl starts dating.”

  Morgan let out a melodic laugh. “Oh, quit being melodramatic. That won’t happen for at least, what? Thirteen years?”

  “Try thirty,” he said stiffly.

  She laughed again, then beckoned at him with one delicate hand. “Stop sulking and get back over here, Adam. We still have a lot more celebrating to do.”

  With a grin, he sank onto the sand again and wrapped his arms around his gorgeous wife. As their lips met, he knew without a doubt that he’d finally found what he’d been yearning for his entire life. Love. Happiness. Acceptance. Family.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7507-6


  Copyright © 2010 by Leeanne Kenedy

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18





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