Never Love a Hitman (The Carlotta Family Book 1)

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Never Love a Hitman (The Carlotta Family Book 1) Page 4

by Eden Rose

  She giggles. “I did just spend the whole day with a complete stranger in a helicopter and riding horses through the surf, I think you owe me an answer for free.”

  I chuckle. “All right. You get one free one. Is this what you want to cash it in on?”

  Calista’s eyes pin me in place in the middle of the walkway to the resort. “I think so.”

  “No thinking. You have to know. This is the only free one you get.”

  “Yes. This is the one I want.”

  “Mmm…” I start trying to think of something to say that won’t give it away that I’m a hired hitman. I’m a made member of the Carlotta’s Crime Family and I have about ninety-eight thousand dollars back at my hotel room. Or maybe how I contemplated changing my scenery.

  Probably scenery. The first one makes me feel like a stalker.

  I give her a wink and let her think for a minute before answering. There’s no right answer to the question. If I lie to her then I’m just as fucked up as the rest of the men but if I tell her the truth, she’s probably going to run. “I’m here on vacation. Just needed some time to regroup.”

  “Running away from a woman?”

  “That’s two questions now and I only gave you only one for free.”

  Calista scrunches her nose making the skin around her nose look wrinkled. Does the woman have to be so cute? “Fine.”

  I kiss her gently on the mouth before walking into the hotel. We get onto the elevator and there’s this heavy feeling of sexual tension in the air. I want to push her sexy body against the glass of the elevator but I don’t. I won’t be able to stop.

  She’s looking over at me with heat and lust in her eyes. I know she wants me as much as I want her but I only have one chance at giving myself something different. I can’t rush it because it will ruin everything.

  Calista’s unique scent that has been floating around me all day is heavier in the closed space of the elevator. She’s breathing deeper and biting her lower lip. Each floor that we pass, she’s coming closer and closer to me. Her hand reaches out to touch me but is interrupted once we hit our floor.

  I watch as she drops her hand from touching me and her face blushes. Should I let her off the hook? Probably not.


  Is it possible I have imagined everything? We were in an elevator and he didn’t even make a move! I was right there… Next to him and he didn’t even do anything to make a move. Nothing. Not even a kiss.

  Maybe Victor is just being nice to me because he feels sorry for me or something. Oh fuck no! Is he just being nice because he feels sorry for me? If so, I will die.

  Shoving my key into my door, I hurry through the open door and close it before Victor could say anything else to me. I’ve embarrassed myself enough around the man and I don’t need any more help.

  What kind of woman jumps on a helicopter with a man she just meets and then expects him to fuck her against the glass elevator on the first official whole day of knowing him? A skank, probably. Am I a skank? I just ended my engagement with Josh but I’m dangerously in stupid with Victor already.

  My head’s spinning but the cool air from the beach helps calm me down. The housekeepers left the sliding glass door open for me to have fresh air when I came back in. This is one thing we don’t get in Arizona. Fresh air like this. It's always too damn hot for windows to be open like this.

  I take the few steps to the door and step out onto the patio. The air is crisp but hot all at the same time. It's a crazy sensation to shiver but be warm all at the same time.

  That’s when I see it. A gold box sitting on one of the chairs on the patio with a pink ribbon around it. There’s a rose lying across the box with a ribbon wrapped around it.

  Feeling giddy, I prance over to it and pluck the rose up. Bringing it to my nose, I smell the beautiful scent of the red rose. There’s something about the way roses smell that make my heart melt. With the rose still in my hand, I open the box carefully so I don’t rip anything.

  Inside the gold box is white tissue paper with a sticker holding it together. The sticker is for one of those department stores that everyone wants to go to because they are known for being fabulous. Of course, I’m not able to afford that with my meager earnings as a doctor.

  “What is this?” I whisper to myself mainly because I need to make sure I’m not dreaming. Who would sneak onto my balcony and stash a box from a prestigious department store on here?

  “Ohmigod!” I scream out just as I see the outline to the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. The paper doesn’t stand a chance with me because now I want to hold the dress in my hands.

  Now that the paper isn’t in my way, I see the beautiful pink lace dress nestled in the box. My greedy fingers can’t wait to touch the dress and I pull it out of the box with my breath caught in the back of my throat.

  The dress is a hot pink with a gorgeous metallic overlay to it to make it look shiny. It's shorter than I normally would like it but I love the dress. The neck line is cut in a sailor cut for just enough cleavage to show out of it.

  All in all, the dress is beautiful.

  Plus, my size.

  Who would have given me a dress like this? Victor? My parents? Or, fuck… Maybe it's Josh.

  Probably not Josh since I called off our wedding the night before we were supposed to get married.

  I look around the balcony to see if there’s a note or something. The crashing of the waves on the beach keep me alert in searching but I don’t see anything.

  With the rose still tucked in my hand, I see a glimmer from the sun. Attached to the rose is a note and I missed it completely. I’ve been so enthralled in this dress that I completely missed the note.

  Pussycat, I will be by at seven sharp to pick you up. Your shoes will arrive shortly. Victor

  Well, fuck me.

  Like clockwork, there’s a knock on the door.


  “Sammy isn’t going to lie down and let you take over his business,” I roll my eyes while talking on the phone with Sal.

  One of the best ways to have a conversation with the man is to do it over the phone. He’s an old school asshole who thinks everything should go back to the way it was. He doesn’t like Facebook or emails or anything modern. If the man could, he would send out pigeons to deliver messages.

  He barks a cough. “Sweet, little Victor. You forget that I have something over him.” Sal states.

  I know exactly what he has over Sammy but how he’s playing the game is dangerous. “Are you sure this is how you want to handle this?”

  “We need to swoop in and get the profit before it's too late. You know that bastard is going to whacked soon.”

  “You think everyone’s going to get whacked soon,” I retort to give him shit.

  “Punk ass kid.”

  “Yeah, but I’m your nephew and you have to love me.”

  He coughs. “I’d still put your ass in the trunk if I had to.”

  I roll my eyes. He’s always threatening to put me in the trunk or to get me whacked. That will never change even if I’m on a different time zone.

  Rubbing the back of my neck, I pace my living room area of the hotel room patiently waiting to go pick up Calista. I’m nervous as hell about taking her out because I also have some business to handle while we’re out too. Fuck.

  “This is how you want to handle it? Are you sure? The blow back of this is going to fuck us over, cafone.”

  “Get it done or I’m going to do it myself and I’m gunning for you next.”


  God damn it! Why can’t the universe just let me have one thing go right for me? Ever since I became a made member, I have done everything I was supposed to do without question but this… This is something completely different. This could get all of us killed if shit doesn’t go right.

  Checking my clock to see if it's time to pick up Calista yet, I see it's five minutes to seven. I reach over to grab the bouquet of roses I got for her a few minutes ago
before I got my next assignment. Why do I feel like a fucking high school kid picking up his girlfriend for prom?

  Fuck it. Here goes nothing.

  Turns out Calista has been sleeping two room down the hall from me and I didn’t even know about it. I’m eager to see how she looks in the dress I picked out for her at the boutique down the road from the resort we’re staying it.

  My hand raises to knock on her door to see if she’s ready and I can hear her inside the room. She’s talking to herself and if I didn’t already think she was adorable before, hearing her psych herself up made her even more precious to me.

  The door opens after my first knock and my breath is knocked out of my body by the image of Calista. The woman’s hair is loose with loose curls in it, her makeup is simple yet elegant and her jewelry matches her dress perfectly. “Wow,” I mumble to myself.

  She does a little spin in front of me for me to see the whole dress and how gorgeous she looks with it on. It’s tight and sensual hugging her body perfectly. The neckline is lower than I would want but she looks beautiful. The dress hits just below her knee and there’s a little slit on the left of the dress.

  “I can’t breathe,” I admit.

  Calista’s little nervous giggle snaps me out of my lustful state. “You look handsome yourself, Victor.”

  I’m wearing a tuxedo perfectly tailored to my body with a bow-tie around my neck. Since I know most women love the smell of Kenneth Cole Black, I sprayed some on before leaving my room. “This ol’ thing?” I wink.

  “Where are we going?” She questions me.

  My mouth slams against hers eagerly. I can’t help it, I have to feel her in my arms and feel her warm lips against my lips. My hands reach around her waist pulling her harder and tighter against me. She’s soft to my hard. My lips tingle from the sensation of hers against mine.

  I push her against the door which is only slightly closed behind her and we fall into the room. My hands slide down her waist to cup her gorgeous little ass. I push my arousal against her pussy making us both groan.


  I’m about to kill whoever interrupted us. I look over my shoulder and see the very person I’m supposed to visit during dinner.

  “As hot as live porn is, you might want to take it inside.”

  Calista gasps, pushing me gently away from her body. “How embarrassing…”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, pussycat. You deserve better than to be thrust against a door getting humped like a dog.”

  She shakes her head and cups my face with her little fingers. “I liked it, Victor.”

  Shaking my own head, I try to clear it from wanting to fuck her against the door. “Let’s go.”

  “Maybe we can revisit the door later?” She murmurs against my ear.

  “Pussycat, I think you and I are going to get along just fine.”


  The insides of my sex are aching from not being filled by Victor. The man does funny things to me but I can’t help it. I want more. I want all of him and I want it all at once.

  We’re walking towards the elevators with his hand in mine. What is it about him that makes me feel as if I’ve known him all along? It’s familiar how he makes me feel. How he speaks to me. How he commands the whole room to look at him as if he’s a king.

  Yep. I’ve fallen in stupid with the man I just met.

  The elevators are full of people which is good. Gives me a minute to cool down my skanky wants and needs. It's bad enough I would have given him everything right then and there. Should I make him wait? I mean, how long do we even have? We don’t have very long before we leave.

  I know that I’m leaving in two days. Risking a glance at him, I see him staring straight towards the mirrored elevator doors. He’s deep in thought. “What are you thinking about?” I whisper to him just as the elevator doors slide open.

  “You want to cash in a question?”


  “I was just thinking about how beautiful you look tonight and how great the past couple of days have been, baby.”

  Baby. Not pussycat. I like them both. Never have I been a terms of endearment type of woman but I like it coming from him.

  Hell, I like everything coming from him.

  There’s nothing about him that I don’t like.

  We ride silently in the limo waiting for us outside the resort. There’s a comfortable silence which is something I couldn’t begin to explain even if I wanted to. I like that we’re able to be in a car and not feel the need for stupid chit-chat.

  “Mr. Bruno, we’re here,” the driver informed Victor.

  In a matter of seconds, we’re out of the car and he’s leading me towards a restaurant. Fresh salty water fills the air from the waves crashing in. The stars are lighting our path to the restaurant with his hand on the small of my back.

  All I keep thinking of is, how is this gorgeously sweet man single? How the hell has no one swooped him up? I’ve only known him for a few days and I don’t want to let him go. The day after tomorrow is going to be a rough day because that’s the day I leave.

  “Mr. Bruno, we’ve been expecting you,” a woman with her tits hanging out states with a pouty smile.

  I hate her on sight. What’s with these women fawning all over Vincent? Plus, what’s with all the blondes who seem to know him by name? What is he doing with me? A brunette. A doctor.

  I’m nothing exciting compared to these skanks who all want him.

  “Lead the way,” he murmurs to her while throwing a flirty smile at her.

  I let out a deep frustrated groan at all the flirting going around us. I’m getting tired of these women thinking I’m not here. “Victor, I’m very excited for this dress you gave me. After the romantic helicopter ride and the horseback riding, you’re spoiling me!”

  Victor looks at me with his lips pressed together in a smile. Seems as if he knows what I’m trying to do. The man is too smart for his own good. “No problem, pussycat.”

  We’re seated under the stars next to an outside bar. There’s only a few other couples out here but it's the most romantic thing I could have even made up. How does the man ooze romance like this? I don’t understand.

  After we’ve ordered, Victor ordered for us both, he slides his chair closer to me and leans over my body. “I don’t know if I should bend you over my knee for doing that or kiss you all over your body.”


  My legs clench together painfully trying to stop the ache of want blooming inside. “You could do both,” I inform him as if it's a no-brainer.

  He smirks. “Pussycat, all I see is you. Don’t worry about all these other toads.”

  And just like that, I forget about them. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  I giggle. “Know what to say to make me feel better when you’ve only known me for a few days.”

  He chuckles then lays a sweet kiss on my lips. “You’re important to me and I pay attention to what’s important to me.”


  Who would have thought my little pussycat had a jealous streak? Who would have thought I would find it incredibly sexy?

  The attitude she just threw at the hostess has my dick straining in my pants. This little spitfire has me hanging on a string. I swear.

  “So, what do you do?” Calista asks me while taking a bite of her salad.

  “Another personal question?” I ask while taking a bite of my own.

  “We’re on a date. Aren’t we supposed to get to know each other?”

  “I work in sanitation. You?” I don’t need to know what she does because I already know.

  “I’m a doctor at a local hospital in Arizona. I gave that part to you for free,” she raises her eyebrows suggestively.

  “So, you think I would give you an answer for free then?”

  She shrugs. Taking a drink from her wine glass she smirks at me. “It would be nice.”

  “I live in Arizona, too.”

p; “Really? Holy hell! What a coincidence!”

  “Who’s hungry?” The waitress asks while holding a tray full of our food.

  That’s when I see the person who I need to have a conversation with. Excusing myself from the table, I wipe my mouth and lay my napkin down next to my plate. “I will be right back, pussycat.”

  She doesn’t say anything as I walk away from her into the kitchen where the cook is. He’s leaning against the cold bar with a cigarette in his mouth.

  This hit could get a lot of people in shit. Plus, the blowback might affect our organization.


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