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Wrong Page 10

by K. Webster

  My body shivered at his erotic command, and I complied willingly. His hands pulled my panties down to about mid-thigh, where he left them, before he slowly dragged his hands up along the sides of my body. It nearly drove me crazy, and I shoved my ass out farther, begging him to touch me more.

  I felt a finger slide into my core and whimpered at the surprise intrusion.

  “Baby, you’re so wet for me. I’ve barely touched you and I can see you want me badly. Do you want me like I want you?”

  I nodded frantically so he would know how much I wanted him. His finger slipped back out and I whined in frustration.

  “If you want me, then no more games, Pepper,” he said as his cock, wet with pre-cum, teased my own moist entrance.

  I nodded again but moaned when he barely stuck the head in.

  “Babe, that’s not good enough. I need to hear the words. You belong to me, and I will take good fucking care of you. I’m waiting to hear the words so I can shove my cock into you and give you a hot orgasm. Say it, Pepper. Tell me you want me and that you belong to me.”

  I tried pushing back towards him so he would push himself all the way in, but he gripped my hips hard with both hands and held me still. He wanted me to tell him that I belonged to him, but I didn’t belong to anyone. This was just feeding my weakness.

  His hand came around to my front and started taunting my clit with alternating quick and slow movements. It was all so stimulating.

  “I want you,” I moaned into the duvet as I fisted it with each hand. His cock stayed where it was, tip in and unmoving. And while he teased my clit, I knew he was still waiting.

  “Pepper, say the words and I will ram you so hard you’ll feel it in your gut. I want your pussy to clench around my cock as your orgasm burns through you. Don’t you want that baby?” he crooned.

  A hot tear escaped out of my eye. I did want him—so badly. His body was my drug, and I was completely addicted.

  “Babe, please. I need you so much. You’re everything to me. Why won’t you give yourself to me and let me take care of you?” he asked softly as he rocked his tip in and out of me.

  “I’m scared of who I will become,” I whispered honestly as another tear chased the other one.

  “Fuck, Pepper, you’re you. Perfect. I hope one day you can trust me.”

  Without warning, he shoved himself all the way in, and I wailed in pleasure. My orgasm had been waiting by like a crouching tiger, but the moment he’d plowed into me, I’d started to unravel. His finger was still rubbing my clit but had progressed to a faster pace. The electric heat of my orgasm finally surged through my body as he pounded into me. I was so wrapped up in my own pleasure that I hadn’t even realized he’d come until I felt it running down my legs.

  He pulled out quickly and went to the bathroom. Upon returning, he took a warm rag and cleaned me between my legs. Once he left to return the cloth to the bathroom, I shed the rest of my clothes and climbed under the covers. Still naked, he slid in next to me and pushed his chest against my back. His arm wrapped possessively around me, and we stayed quietly like that for some time.

  I could sense that he was upset with me, and suddenly I felt very emotional. Weak. Damn, I hated the feeling, but it was a package deal with Jordan. Without him, I could be tougher, but what was the point? He was protective, intelligent, and sexy as hell. If I pushed him away just to feel solid, it would mean Cole would win in continuing to ruin my life. I was over it. Completely over the way Cole had changed my life. It ended now.

  “He doesn’t own me anymore. I’m yours if you’ll have me,” I whispered just loud enough that he could hear me.

  His hand guided me over onto my back and he brought his lips to mine, gently kissing me. He ended the kiss so he could look into my eyes, his face serious.

  “You’ll always be mine, Elizabeth.”

  Tears rolled down my cheeks at being called my real name. And just like that, it was done. I was Jordan’s and he was mine.

  “Lou, do you think we could meet up to discuss a few things?” I asked.

  Last night had been amazing as Elizabeth and I gave our bodies to one another. And yes, I was fucking calling her by her given name now. We were connecting on such a deep level that I’d never be able to live without her. It had been hard not to stay in bed with her all day, but I still had a company to run. I’d already spent the better part of the morning getting Mr. Cox set up in the conference room with access to all the information he would need.

  “Mr. Compton, I don’t see what there is to discuss. You still owe me six hundred thousand dollars.”

  I scowled into the phone. I needed to pull more information from him but he wasn’t even going to give me the time of day.

  “Lou, please. You obviously had a relationship with my father. Honor your friendship to him by hearing me out.”

  The sigh on the other line was loud but one that conceded to my request.

  “Fine. I have time after a meeting this afternoon. Can you come by around 4:30?” he questioned.

  “Certainly. Thanks, Lou.” I hung up and checked my emails. Andi had sent me a few about some customer appointments I had later in the week. She’d already put them on my calendar for me. Then I found one from my Elizabeth and opened it up.


  I forgot to tell you that my mother invited you to dinner tonight. My parents live near your mom’s house. My mother’s a great cook. I’d love for you to come with me. They’ve never seen me in a relationship. You’d win them over instantly for the pure fact that you were the one to break through to me.



  I smiled at her email. Of course I wanted to meet her parents. They needed to know that I cared deeply for their daughter and I wasn’t going anywhere. I loved that she’d used her real name to sign the email. It proved that she was serious about trusting me.


  There’s no way I would miss it. I can’t wait to dazzle your parents with my charm. Tell them it will be closer to six by the time I get there. I’ve got a meeting at 4:30, but I’ll come just as soon as it’s over.


  Andi walked into my office with a frown on her face and plopped down into the chair in front of me.

  “Your brother is so freaking difficult!” she shrieked at me. Oh boy.

  “What did the prick do now?” I questioned. Those two had some serious issues that always threatened to tear them apart, but then miraculously they would be in love again. They were extremely confusing to any outsiders.

  “He has a surprise for my birthday tomorrow. I told him not to buy me anything, but he’s acting really secretive, which means he’s hiding something big. Every time I try to ask him about it, he just smiles at me innocently. Jordan, you need to find out what he’s doing and tell him to cut it out,” she huffed out at me.

  Yep. Those two were completely dramatic.

  “Andi, who cares if he does something for you? You’re his girlfriend and he loves you. Don’t you think you’re being kind of snotty about it?”

  “Jordan Compton! I am not being a snot! Your brother just acts irrationally, and I’m afraid he’ll do something outrageous and expensive. Just tell him I want a low-key birthday tomorrow.”

  “Fine, I’ll tell him, but he never listens to me. You were warned. Can you tell me Eliz—er—Pepper’s parents’ address? I’m meeting her there for dinner tonight.”

  Her eyes widened and her sour mood dissipated. A grin broke out over her face.

  “Shit, Jordan! You about called her Elizabeth! Nobody calls her that. The fact she even told you her name means the girl is in love with you. Here, I’ll write it down for you.” She happily jotted down the address and skipped out of my office.

  That girl was just as crazy as Jackson.

  Mr. Cox, who now insisted that I call him AJ because he was close to my age and it just felt weird, prepped me for my meeting. My attorney couldn’t meet with us on such short notice and tried to t
alk me out of going, but I wouldn’t hear of it. When I walked into the conference room, Lou and his attorney sat stone-faced as they waited for me.

  “Mr. Compton,” Lou acknowledged, and his attorney nodded his head at me.

  “So what is it that you’ve thought it necessary to bring us in for an impromptu meeting?” Lou’s attorney asked, cutting right to the chase. This guy was such a dick.

  “Sir,” I began, but he cut me off.

  “Call me Calvin.”

  “Calvin, I’m having trouble locating the money. I wanted to ask if there was any way we could push back the date. I’ve given you half of the money as a token of good faith. Certainly, businessmen like yourselves can understand the need to want to find the funds properly and not wipe out your working capital.”

  “Mr. Compton,” Calvin interrupted, “we already discussed a deadline and we’re going to have to stick to that. Lou has some prior commitments that cannot be broken.”

  Ignoring Calvin, I figured I would hurry and try to pull information out of Lou.

  “Lou, who was the unnamed partner? Please, it would help me out.”

  Lou sighed, and Calvin just rolled his eyes at my questioning.

  “Surely you know that it was Nadia Compton. She and your father seemed to be really close even though I believe she is married to your brother. The woman is shrewd in her business dealings, not one I would want to cross.”

  My teeth clenched in anger. I had known she’d been involved by seeing the checks, but it still pissed me off to hear it.

  “I thought you didn’t deal in illegal activities, Lou,” I stated, probing him.

  “Son, I have never dealt in anything illegal. Now, I am sorry if your father and quite possibly Nadia were involved in something fraudulent, but I assure you, I was not. They presented an opportunity to me in the most professional way. I am due my cut and I expect it by the end of our prior agreement.”

  “First of all, Lou, I am not your son. Second, I don’t know how you can turn a blind eye to all of this! I can smell something fishy and I just came into this mess!” I was furious now at his ignorance.

  Calvin stood up and walked over to me. “Mr. Compton, I think it’s time you leave.”

  Standing quickly, I faced Calvin. “You both can plead ignorance, but if there is anything illegal going on, you both could be implicated!” I shouted in Calvin’s face. His face was turning red, and I knew he was getting pissed.

  “Your fucking father was a sorry-ass motherfucker that my friend and client somehow got involved with. Do not come in here and attempt to threaten either one of us. My client is innocent of any illegal activity. You need to leave, little boy, and go finish running your legacy into the ground. Your incompetent father gave you a head start.”

  Before he could even finish, I popped him in the nose with my fist. It happened before I could stop it, and blood gushed immediately, soaking his shirt. His red face was mixed with anger and shock, but he made no moves to hit me back.

  Lou’s voice boomed over at me, reminding me of my father. “Jordan, get out of here before I call the police. There will be no more ‘meetings.’ Only you depositing the money. End of discussion. Out!” he roared.

  I glared at Calvin and then stalked out of the room.

  “What about this one?” my mother asked, holding up a pearl necklace. I held it up to me so I could see it in the mirror. The dress was at the apartment, but I remembered how low the neckline was on it.

  “Nah, it doesn’t go with the whole ‘red dress’ look. I need something sexier.” She nodded her agreement and continued to peruse the pile on the bed.

  “Ah, here you go. This is gorgeous,” she exclaimed, smiling, holding up rather large teardrop diamond necklace. It was beautiful and would go perfectly with the dress. I took it from her to look at it closer.

  “Mom, it’s exquisite. I think this is the one. Do you have earrings and a bracelet to match?” I asked, clasping it around my neck so I could admire it in the mirror.

  She handed them over so I could try them on. “Honey, I feel like we’re dressing you up for the prom you never attended. I can’t help but feel ecstatic over this gala. Your father and I look forward to meeting your boyfriend. The relief on your dad’s face was evident when I told him you had a love interest. He’s always worried that you would have been too jaded to ever successfully have any future relationships after what that jerk did to you.” Her eyes were teary, and my own misted over as well.

  “Mom, he’s wonderful. You are going to love him. He adores his family, he’s successful, and he is drop-dead gorgeous. I’m still amazed at how much he likes me,” I admitted honestly.

  “Sweetie, you are beautiful and intelligent. Any man would be lucky to have you.” I grinned at her and took the jewelry off.

  When the doorbell rang, we both shrieked like teenage girls, running for the door. I opened the door to a brooding Jordan. After he saw me, his face morphed into a grin.

  “Hey, babe,” he greeted, embracing me.

  “Hi, Jordan. Meet my mother, Sandra.” I gestured to her. She grinned as she held out her hand for him to shake. Instead, he brought her in for a quick hug, and I swear she blushed.

  “Nice to meet you, Sandra. I got these for you.”

  She gasped when he handed her the box of Godiva chocolates. I just rolled my eyes. He knew the way to a woman’s heart.

  “Why, Jordan, how adorably sweet of you. Thank you for the chocolates. We can certainly enjoy these after dinner with some wine.” Smiling, she walked back towards the kitchen to check on the lasagna.

  “I missed you.” He chastely kissed me on the lips.

  “I missed you too, Jordan. Daddy is running a few minutes late. Something came up at work. He’ll be here soon.”

  He kissed me again, this time deeper. I sighed as my body involuntarily ignited at his touch. Finally, he withdrew and smiled at me.

  “You better cut that out. Otherwise, we’ll never make it to dinner, babe, and that won’t make a good impression on your folks.”

  I sighed again but grinned back at him. “Fine, but I can’t promise I’ll be able to control myself in the car on the way back home,” I teased. “I took a cab so we could ride back together.” Grabbing his hand, I dragged him into the kitchen.

  “Dinner is about ready, guys. Your daddy is almost home. He just texted me. Why don’t we enjoy some wine while we wait?” She poured three glasses for us, and we chatted easily while we waited for him.

  Jordan, ever the charmer, had Mom eating out of his hand by the time I heard Daddy enter the kitchen. She had resorted to calling him Jordie, making my heart swell inside.

  “Darling, I’m so sorry I am late. I got caught up with some hothead asshole,” he grumbled as he leaned over to kiss my mother’s cheek.

  Jordan visibly tensed at my father’s words, and I sent him a worried glance.

  “Honey, what happened to your nose?” my mother shrieked.

  Daddy’s nose was swollen and his eyes were turning black underneath.

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ve got a guest. Hi, I’m Calvin Jones.”

  When he turned to introduce himself to Jordan, his face turned bright red with fury.

  “Fucking Jordan Compton!” he shouted, causing me and Mom to jump.

  What the hell is going on with these two?

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Jordan muttered under his breath.

  “Daddy, what’s going on?” I asked, grabbing Jordan’s hand.

  “Your boyfriend punched me in the nose!” he yelled over at me. Daddy never got this upset, but he was seething with anger. This dinner was turning to shit really fast.

  “Now, Calvin, calm down. I don’t know what’s going on with you two, but Jordan is a nice young man. And I hate to remind you, but he is also your daughter’s boyfriend,” Mom told him calmly.

  Daddy was having a hard time keeping his cool. Jordan was tense beside me, ready to snap. He was also never like this. I couldn�
��t understand the whole situation.

  “Daddy, I don’t understand. Why would Jordan punch you? How do you two know each other?” I questioned, concern lacing my voice. This was not how this meeting was supposed to go down.

  Jordan spoke up before Daddy could. “Your daddy represents the man that’s trying to take money from my company. He called my father incompetent and insulted my ability run my business,” he fumed.

  My mouth dropped open as I realized what had happened.

  “Get out of my fucking house,” Daddy ordered nastily, glaring at Jordan.

  “Calvin! Absolutely not. You both need to chill out!” my mother shouted at Daddy. Your daughter is dating him, and I suggest you learn to deal with it if you don’t want to hurt her.” His jaw was visibly clenching and unclenching as he considered Mom’s words.

  “I’ll be waiting at the dinner table,” Daddy uttered coldly as he stormed into the dining room, Mom on his heels. Jordan sighed in relief once he’d left the room.

  “You punched my daddy?” I hissed at him.

  His features softened when he looked at me. “Babe, he got in my face and insulted my father. It was instinct. I felt horrible after I did it. I’m so sorry. That was completely out of character for me. This fucking sucks.” He ran his hands through his hair. I could tell he was really upset over the whole ordeal.

  “Come here. We’ll figure it out. Just make it through dinner, Jordan. I’m sure Daddy will cool off.” I smiled at him and pecked his lips. He didn’t look convinced but nodded anyway.

  We made our way to the dining room and Mom patted my Daddy on the shoulder before returning to the kitchen to retrieve the lasagna.

  “Darling, how is the gala coming along?” Daddy asked, not looking over at Jordan as we took our seats.

  “Daddy, it’s going great. Stan and I have been working endlessly to pull everything together, but I am pleased to say that everything is a go. I’m looking forward to showing him my abilities on my first big event. He said that if I prove myself, I’ll be able to handle the entire thing next year. I’m terribly excited!” I beamed, hoping he would get past the whole Jordan thing.


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