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Proven Page 8

by H. M. Clarke

  “What do your rellies think?”

  “They are happy for me but-”

  “They’re not as impressed as he’d hoped,” Ashe cut in with a smirk. Ryn looked at him in surprise as Ashe was not generally that forthcoming. Pairing with Donal has really started to bring him out of his shell.

  Dagan chose this moment to ride up beside her, Bron had halted a short distance away. “Kathryn, we need to get going.”

  Ryn looked at Bron’s glowering face and then turned sheepishly back to Dagan. “Yes. Right.” She turned back to her friends. “We need to get back to Brookhaven. We’re on business.”

  “Excellent, we were just thinking of leaving ourselves. We’ll ride back to the keep with you.”

  Ryn looked to Dagan who nodded.

  While they waited for Donal and Ashe to collect their horses, Ryn took the opportunity to talk to Dagan out of earshot of Bron.

  “I was under the impression that we were supposed to have two of them traveling with us back to Brookhaven. At least, that was what I heard discussed. You asked for Vannik didn’t you? Why have we only got Bron?”

  Dagan gave her that smug smile of his. “All will be revealed in time. We have the gray horse and that is all that matters. If I could just bargain for Vannik I would have, but you cannot have one brother without the other.”

  “But what does the gray horse have to do with anything?”

  “Kathryn, the grey horse is everything.” And with that, Dagan urged his own horse into a walk and joined Bron where he was waiting for them on the edge of the village.

  Ryn gritted her teeth to stop herself from calling after him. She did not want to show her frustration with the man in front of Bron. Hearing horses behind her, Ryn turned and saw Donal and Ashe and smiled at them. At least now she could have a conversation with someone and get some sense out of it.

  The two men took a position on either side of her and the group began the trek back to Brookhaven.

  After running through a quick catch up on what each of them had been doing today, the conversation fell quickly silent. Ryn did not tell them too much as she did not know what Dagan wanted others to know. Even though he had not expressly forbidden her from telling anyone anything, she felt sure that it was heavily implied.

  A loud rumble bought Donal’s talk to a stop and Ashe was wearing a look of shocked surprise.

  “Was that you Ryn?” he asked.

  Ryn put a hand to her belly and nodded. “I’ve not eaten anything since this morning when we rode out.”

  Donal laughed.

  “It’s not funny. Especially coming from someone who’s just had a nice lunch.”

  “It is past lunchtime isn’t it?” Dagan tossed back over his shoulder. “I think we can stop and see what the cook has packed in those saddlebags for us to munch on.”

  The group made their way to a grassy knoll just off of the road and Ryn got busy going through the saddlebag that contained the food. The cook must have taken quite a shine to Dagan because as well as those fluffy scones that they had for breakfast, she had packed them a small collection of cold meats, bread, cheese, mincemeat pies and apples. Ryn shared these out between herself, Dagan and Bron. Donal and Ashe refused a share (except a mince pie–nobody refuses cook’s cold meat pies) as they had eaten not that long ago.

  Ryn had just sat down on the grass to eat when a loud yelp of surprise came from Ashe who was seated behind her. She turned, a small wedge of cheese in her mouth, to see what had happened. Ryn’s eyes widened in shock and that wedge of cheese fell unnoticed from her lips at the sight she witnessed.

  “Bron, you lily livered, cod swilling, walking fly covered dung heap. Were you really going to leave me here to eat grass when there are pies in the offing?”

  The outburst came from a very naked, and well endowed, man. Tall, stocky. The mirror image of Bron, except that instead of straw colored hair, this man’s long hair was the color of the violent, dappled storm clouds that thundered against the Blue Mountains as the season changed from winter to spring. Caught in both beard and hair were numerous love me burrs from the plants that grew along the road.

  “Now Vannik. Don’t get your knickers in a twist–speaking of knickers, there is a change of clothes for you in the saddlebags you were wearing.” Bron glanced at Ryn’s shocked face. “I think the sight of your nakedness might have scarred the girl for life.”

  “Pffish,” was all the man said in response as he knelt to go through the tack and saddlebags that now lay on the ground around him.

  “But... he was a horse,” Ashe said weakly as he stared in shocked amazement at the man, who was now pulling clothes out from one of the saddlebags.

  “He was a horse, but he is also a mage,” Dagan announced. He had not moved from his seat on the grass at all during the commotion. Ryn felt amusement run through the link between them. “I’m just surprised he didn’t appear sooner.”

  “I told him to not scare the girl, but the fact that you had mince pies could not keep him contained any longer. Vannik loves his mince pies.”

  Now Ryn had her answer as to why the grey plough horse was so important. She looked long and hard at Dagan, who ignored her, so she picked up her dropped cheese wedge, brushed off the bits of grass that had stuck to it and then popped it back in her mouth. She was still hungry and she will have words with Dagan about this later.

  “There had better be some of those pies left or there’d be The Sorrows to pay. You hear me?”

  “We hear you Vannik.”

  “How do you do that?” Donal suddenly blurted out. He had been sitting crossed legged, staring avidly at Vannik as he dressed as if the man had been sent down by Bellus himself to bless them all.

  “Do what? Get dressed? Most probably the same way you do.”

  “No. Become a horse. Can you change into anything else? Like a bird or a dragon?”

  Vannik turned and looked at Donal, stroking his thick grey beard as he thought. Ryn then noticed that his eyes were the same ice blue color as his brother’s.

  “I could probably change to something else with practice, but a horse is easiest for me. I suppose you would call it my ‘sprit animal’, my totem.”

  “Can any mage transform?”

  “No Donal, they can’t.” Dagan’s voice broke into the conversation. “Shapeshifters are rare, and they have to have an affinity for it within their magic. Vannik is the only one registered in Mrycea at the moment.”

  “That you know of,” Ryn heard Vannik mutter. If Dagan heard him he didn’t say anything.

  Donal’s face fell. Ryn knew that his brief hope that he could transform into a hawk and fly was dashed.

  “That’s a shame,” Donal muttered before scooping up his mince pie and consoling himself with a bite.

  “Can you transform?” Ryn asked Dagan. She felt a hesitation to answer through their link, but outwardly he showed no change in his demeanor whatsoever.

  “Didn’t you hear me? I said that Vannik is the only one registered with the Tribunal who can shapeshift.”

  “I heard. What is your affinity then? I know that Donal loves his fireballs and flame twisters and is good to have around if you need a campfire started.” Ryn shot Donal a smile as she spoke and Donal nodded agreement. “I was a little too busy to watch you yesterday. The only thing I remember is that huge bang that scared the crap out of me.”

  “My affinity? I fall into the Spheres of cold and lightening. I can manage some fire and spirit magic, but it is weak.”

  “You can work in four of the five elemental Spheres?” Donal said in surprise.

  “I can work in all five. I can manage some earth magic as well.”

  Donal whistled appreciatively.

  “I take it that’s good then?” Ashe asked looking at both Donal and Ryn.

  Donal gave a weak laugh, but it was Vannik who replied to Ashe.

  “Magi, much like you pig stickers, have a skill in one area. Using you as an example. Judging by your longsword and
shield, I’d say you were good at using both, but if I handed you a pike, a longbow or even a Saksa battleaxe, you wouldn’t be able to use it effectively. The same happens with Magi. We have an affinity for one Sphere and in most cases cannot even touch another. Our magic channel stops us. But every now and then, a mage comes along that can touch two or more. I bet the same happens with you warriors. Now and then you will see someone who can pick up and use any weapon with ease.”

  “It takes a lot of practice though to get that good,” Ashe countered.

  “And it takes a lot of practice for magi to get that good as well.”

  “You are his sister, you should know what he can do,” Bron suddenly asked jerking his head in Dagan’s direction. “Why do you need to ask..?”

  “Sister! Wh-”

  “Shut it Donal,” Ryn hissed.

  “She’s not my sister.” Dagan’s voice rose over them all. “But she is Blackwatch and has been assigned to me.”

  Bron stared coldly at the Magister. “The Blackwatch has an interest in Henly too? Is that why we are heading to Brookhaven?”

  “The Blackwatch has an interest in helping me. That is all you need to know.”

  “Why lie to me Drake?”

  “It was more for your neighbors Bron. Dead Man’s Hollow is not known for their love of Magisters. I was going to tell you once we were at Brookhaven and your brother was no longer being your horse.”

  “I can understand that. I don’t listen well when you are sawing that bit through my mouth. It hasn’t been toughened up like the other nags here.” Vannik took a mince pie from those stacked on top of the food bag and bit into it. “Hmmmmm,” he hummed as he chewed. Quickly swallowing the bite, “These are bloody brilliant,” he then finished that pie and grabbed another.

  “Is there anything else that we should know about?”

  Dagan shook his head.

  “I don’t care if he turns out to be the Lord Tribune himself as long as he keeps me supplied with these pies.”

  “Vannik, please don’t think with your stomach…” Bron groaned as he ran a hand subconsciously down his beard, fingertips checking the intricate braids.


  Vannik and Bron doubled up with Ashe and Donal as Vannik refused to transform again. He was sick and tired of smelling like a horse and carrying Bron on his back. Ryn didn’t blame him, but she did feel sorry for Ashe who had to put up with Bron’s complaining all the way back to Brookhaven Town.

  Dagan placed both brothers up at the Weeping Maiden, one of the better Inns in Brookhaven, with a promise to Vannik about bringing him more of cook’s mince pies the next day. They made plans to meet up at lunch the next day to discuss using Vannik’s spy network to track down Ben Henly.

  “Why not have them both stay at the Keep where we can keep an eye on them?” Ryn asked as they headed towards the main gate. Donal and Ashe waved them their goodbyes as they had to report to the watch commander that they were back.

  “Bron complains a lot but actually says very little of import. Vannik, on the other hand, will say whatever comes into his head. I would prefer to keep them out of sight from the Knights Commander for the time being.”

  “So, you’re saying that Vannik, the leader of Mrycea’s biggest spy organization, can’t keep his trap shut?”

  Dagan nodded.

  “I take it that I’m invited to this meeting tomorrow?”

  “Of course. I need an impartial witness.”

  “You really do not trust anyone, do you?”

  “In my line of work, that’s the only way you survive.”

  “How do you know Vannik won’t speak to the wrong person at the Maiden?”

  “Bron will make sure that he won’t. Anyway, once he’s had his bath and finished that meal I ordered for him, he will be more inclined to crawl into his soft feather bed than swill beer with the unwashed masses in the tap room.”

  “You trust Bron to do that?”

  “I trust Bron to look after himself. And for the moment, his interests align with ours. Once he gets what he wants, then things will be very different.”

  “What about Vannik?”

  “Vannik is not like his brother. Vannik has a conscience.”

  “And Vannik is the one who knows about how to find this Ben Henly fellow?”

  Dagan nodded. “Vannik is the man who runs their spy network. Strange as that may seem. He was also friends with Henly before they were turned into the Tribunal.”

  “So that’s why Bron was excited to help. He wants revenge.”

  “Yes, Bron seems to blame Henly for their downfall, but I’m not so sure of that. But if it means that he and his brother will help us all well and good.”

  Ryn felt a small stirring of satisfaction at hearing Dagan use the word ‘us’ and not ‘me’. Maybe he was a step closer to accepting the Pairing.

  They moved their horses into the mounting yard and dismounted. The stable hands came out from the shelter of the main building for the horses. Ryn gratefully tossed her reins to Finn as he approached and gave him a smile. The boy, barely out of his teens, gave her a lop-sided grin back. “How does it feel to be a full constable Ryn?” he asked.

  “Brilliant. And I just remembered that one of the perks is that I don’t have to curry my horse or bed it down anymore at the end of the day,” Ryn said as she removed the saddlebags from the back of her mount.

  “No. That’s my job Ryn.” The boy grinned again, showing off his crooked teeth and then moved to lead the blue roan away.

  “Ryn. Leave those saddlebags for me. Take your stuff back to your room and I’ll meet you in the Dining Hall. The evening meal should be starting soon.”

  “Later on tonight, can we talk?” Ryn asked as she dropped the saddlebags by Dagan’s feet. “You need to tell me more about this Henly person and what is at stake here. You might find that we will work better together if you actually talk to me.”

  Dagan nodded. “Sounds fair. After dinner, once the hall has cleared, we’ll talk.”

  Ryn turned to leave but halted and turned back to face him. “And you might want to tamp down on your mood swings. You might look calm and collected on the outside, but through the link I can feel that you are all storms and tempests on the inside. Remember that before you start spinning me a story.”

  Dagan just stood staring at her. She felt a brief flash of consternation before it disappeared as if shut away behind a door.

  “See? That wasn’t so hard was it?” Ryn then turned back on her heel and walked out of the yard leaving Dagan staring after her.


  Ryn sat at the end of the table, pushing what was left of her food around on her plate with her fork. Donal and Ashe were not there as they are being feasted at Donal’s parents’ place. Ryn wished she was there as well, nothing beats the taste of that savory egg slice that Donal’s mum makes, and Dagan had yet to put in an appearance. If she was not carefu-

  “Ryn! How was your first day out?” Banar invited himself to the bench next to her and to Ryn’s surprise, he was joined by Lily.

  “It was good…” Ryn said a little uncertainly. “We went out to Danzig on Tribunal business and ran into Donal and Ashe while we were there.”

  “Lily and I spent the morning training, didn’t we Lily.” Lily quickly nodded, but before she could say anything Banar continued. “Then after lunch, our officers took us out on patrol. Just around the town, of course, we got to help break up a bar fight-”

  “Where is Dagan?” Lily blurted out, cutting Banar off mid-sentence.

  Ryn shrugged. “He was going to meet me here but…” she ended her sentence with another shrug and went back to pushing the food around on her plate.

  “Lily, what do you want with him? He’s too old for you anyway,” Banar said with a snort.

  Lily clamped her lips and gave Banar an annoyed look before rolling her eyes when she noticed Ryn watching her.

  “Where are Donal and Ashe, anyway? It’s not very of
ten that I find you alone.”

  Ryn stopped herself from pulling a face at his question. “They are both eating at Donal’s parents’ house tonight. Donal had better bring me back some of his mum’s savory egg slice or there will be The Sorrows to pay.”

  Abruptly a flash of consternation and intense anger rushed through her body and Ryn gasped in surprise. And then it was gone, banished like the shadows at midday. Something had happened to Dagan. She started to rise from her seat, worry and fear crowding her senses when Ryn felt a flood of calm come through the link. He was telling her that he was all right. She settled herself back on her bench and concentrated on centering her emotions and she tried to send calm back through the link they shared. She then got the impression that he was on his way to see her.

  “Are you okay Ryn?”

  Banar’s question pulled her back to the table. She shook herself and nodded. “It’s the Link. It’s going to take a bit of getting used to. Dagan will be here shortly.”

  Now it was Banar’s turn to roll his eyes. “Yes…. the Link. Lily takes some getting used to as well.”

  “You’re one to talk,” Lily retorted but the smile on her lips took the edge off of it. Ryn did not know if the smile was for Banar or because Dagan would be there.

  “So…. Ryn…. There was some talk going around this morning that you had a visitor last night in your room?”

  Ryn’s face hardened, and she tried her best icy stare on Lily. The woman just stared right back at her with her fake smile plastered all over her face. This was the reason why Lily was sitting with them instead of with Geia and the others. She wanted dirt. Why couldn’t those three fluff heads this morning have kept their mouths shut?

  “By Bellus’s Bloody Balls! He was not there for That!”

  “What are we talking about?” Banar looked between both women in confusion. “He? Who was in your room? Was it Ashe?”

  “Ashe? Don’t be silly Banar,” Lily said in her sweetest voice. “Can you see Ashe going to a girl’s room like that? It was Dagan who was seen lurking around outside her door.”


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