Atomic Rex: Challenge of Gurral

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Atomic Rex: Challenge of Gurral Page 9

by Matthew Dennion

  Chris smiled at his future son-in-law. “I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed either, but I’m a hard worker who will do anything to protect the people I love. I’ve also found it to be a good idea to defer to a woman who is smarter than me when it comes to big decisions. To trust her judgement and do my best to help her out.” He shrugged. “How can I blame anyone else for doing the same thing?”

  Chris held out his hand and when Sean took it, he shook it. “Don’t sell yourself short on being smart either. Emily has been trying to convince me for years that it’s a good idea to keep Ramrod around but she never explained it to me in a way that makes sense the way you have.” He shook his head. “I’m still not sure if I think it’s safe to keep Ramrod nearby but you have at least given me reason to reconsider what I was thinking.” He looked Sean in the eye. “Sean, I will be proud to have you as part of my family and as my daughter’s husband.”

  Sean’s eyes lit up. “Thank you, sir. That means a lot coming from you.”

  Chris smiled. “All right, now get going out there and feed that overgrown sheep before he gets hungry and starts heading this way.”

  Sean nodded. “Yes, sir.” He then climbed back onto his cart and started heading out to feed the monster that was serving as a deterrent to other more violent threats.

  Chris started heading toward Steel Samurai 2.0 and as he walked, he thought about what Sean had said in regards to himself and the mech. The majority of Steel Samurai 2.0’s long range weapons were long gone. He had enough high caliber bullets for maybe one more kaiju attack and he only had two missiles left. With the current lack of technology, there was no way to create new ammunition. He and Kate had managed to take back most of the giant arrows that the mech used when firing his crossbow and they still had his sword, but weapons might have been the least of their worries.

  Chris sighed as he saw the wear and tear on the hull of the over thirty-year old mech. They had managed to make some repairs to him using the remains of other mechs but there was really nothing else to salvage to repair the robot. There was also no way to mine, refine, and produce more parts for the aging war machine. Chris knew that both he and Steel Samurai 2.0 were nearing the end of their fighting days. As Sean had said, they had also run out of spare parts to build new mechs with. The people in the settlement and the people who would come after them would need some new way to protect themselves. Chris sighed as he thought to himself that maybe learning to use certain monsters to their benefit was their only hope.

  Chris was brought out of his melancholy thoughts when he heard Emily calling for him. He turned to see his daughter walking toward him with her mother. Chris smiled from ear to ear as Emily walked up to him and hugged him.

  Emily kissed her dad on the cheek and then gave him a skeptical look. “Dad, did you see Sean on his way out?”

  Chris nodded, “Yes I did.”

  Her voice took a deeper but playful tone. “Did you give him a hard time about going to feed Ramrod?”

  Chris shook his head. “Actually, he explained to me why you think it’s a good idea to keep Ramrod around. He made some points that will force me to reconsider my position.”

  Emily sighed. “Dad, for years I’ve been telling you that if we properly reinforce Ramrod that he will become accustomed to having us around and it will lead to a mutually beneficial relationship for both us and him. I have also explained on numerous occasions that we can take what we learn from our relationship with Ramrod and apply it to other situations to create similar relationships with other monsters. You've always told me that was a bunch of crap and that the damned monster would kill us one day. What could Sean have possibly said to you that caused you to reconsider?”

  Chris shrugged. “He just said that you thought if we kept Ramrod happy by feeding him, he wouldn’t attack and that he would scare away other monsters.” He looked up at Steel Samurai 2.0. “He also said that Ramrod was the first step toward finding something that can replace this old girl when she’s finally had her last battle.”

  Emily threw her hands out in front of her. “That’s exactly what I’ve been telling you for years!”

  Chris shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

  Kate quickly interjected into the conversation. “It’s Okay. Both Sean and your father speak the same lunk-head language.” She smiled at her husband who gave her a sarcastic smile in return. Kate turned back toward Emily. “The important thing is Sean was able to help him see what you are trying to do with Ramrod.”

  Emily grabbed her dad’s hands. “So, you agree with what I am trying to do with Ramrod?”

  Chris shook his head. “Let’s at least say that I agree we need to start thinking of new ways to protect ourselves from kaiju.” He paused for a second. “I can also agree that you are marrying a very good young man.”

  Emily kissed her father. “I’ll take that as a win for now. We’ll talk more about how to address the monster situation later.” Emily then walked away as Chris and Kate entered Steel Samurai and started to make their way to the cockpit in its head.

  As the doors closed on the elevator, Kate turned to her husband. “I’m glad you’re finally starting to come around to Sean.”

  Chris shrugged. “I always thought Sean was a good guy but today he proved he’s smarter than I thought and he confirmed how much he loves Emily. I’m actually really happy Emily is going to marry him. It’s the other thing that’s weighing on my mind now.”

  Kate gave her husband a quizzical look. “Yeah, I was a little surprised you’ve softened your position on the Ramrod thing as well.” She shrugged. “Heck, even I’m not really keen on the idea of a giant monster hanging out so close to the settlement.”

  Chris sighed. “Well, again I’m not either but Sean built upon what you said earlier today and it really hit home with me.”

  Kate’s eyes went wide. “What I said about Ramrod?”

  Chris shook his head. “No, what you said about Emily and Kyle’s generation and how they grew up in a world different from the one we did. A world without the expectation that weddings should be big extravagant events. They never knew a world where the kaiju were an invading force. They have only known the kaiju as potential threats like earthquakes or hurricanes. They see them as things that are just a part of the world they have to live with. I also realized that you, me,” Chris banged his hand on the interior of Steel Samurai 2.0, “heck even this old girl won’t be around forever. Sean helped me to realize that us patrolling in our mech, killing any mutants that get too close, and hoping to use it to deter kaiju is not a solution that can last forever. Emily, Sean, Kyle, all the kids that are no longer kids who grew up in the settlement are going to have to find new ways to live with the kaiju and still be safe.” He shrugged. “I don’t know if convincing Ramrod that it’s a good idea to look at the area around the settlement as his own is the best idea but it is something different. If the next generation wants to survive and the generation after that, they are going to have to find something different.”

  As the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened to reveal the twin chairs of Steel Samurai 2.0’s cockpit, Kate leaned over and kissed her husband on his weathered cheek. “Emily’s not the only girl who married a guy that is smarter than most people give him credit for.”

  Chris smiled at his wife. “Thanks. Now, what does Kyle think we need to check out today?”

  They two of them walked to their chairs as Kate ran down their options. “There’s nothing definitive to go on but Kyle thinks we should sweep the Pacific Ocean a little farther out than usual. He says he hasn’t seen any kaiju in Japan for a while. He’s worried they could be heading here.” She checked the mech’s radar. “Looks like the typhoon that was hitting Hawaii has taken a turn northeast. We should be able to fly below it or at least take the mech underwater if the storm is too dangerous to fly through. Option two, is Kyle saw a blue anomaly in Mexico like the one Atomic Rex disappeared into. He wants us to make sure nothing came out of it.” />
  Chris nodded. “So, a private sea voyage and then a trip to Mexico.” He smiled, “Another one of those things that sounded way better before monsters wrecked the world.”

  Kate grinned at her husband “We can still find a way to make the best of it.” Chris smiled back at her and then they grabbed the controls and sent Steel Samurai 2.0 rocketing into the sky.

  Chapter 11

  Pacific Ocean

  Steel Samurai 2.0 was flying low over the Pacific Ocean as the water still raged from the typhoon that had recently passed over it. Chris was keeping his eyes fixed on the waves below him. It was difficult to see through all of the silt and seaweed kicked up by the recent typhoon. As Chris was doing his best to navigate by sight, Kate was watching the mech's radar and sonar feeds.

  Chris took a quick look over at his wife. It still amazed him that a person with no pilot training at all had so quickly managed to master operating a mech. This was in conjunction with her having no experience as even a Girl Scout leader and finding herself the de facto leader of what was left of the human population. Chris shook his head as he wondered at how it took the end of the world for him to find the most beautiful and resourceful woman on Earth. As if finding Kate wasn’t enough, the fact that she loved him still astounded him. Not in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would be with a woman like Kate.

  Kate noticed Chris looking at her and she grinned. “What is it? You’re giving me that look again.”

  Chris shrugged. “It’s the same old thing it always is. I’m wondering how someone like me ever ended up with a woman as amazing as you.”

  Kate smiled. “Like I’ve told you before, living out the real-life fairytale of saving me from a monster helped a lot. You know, that and pretty much saving what was left of the world.” She laughed. “And you know chicks dig cars, so when you showed up in mech it totally won me over.”

  They both laughed before Kate looked back at her monitor. “Now don’t start talking about how great I am until we make sure there are no monsters heading our way.”

  Chris kept his eyes fixed on his wife as his voice took on a more serious tone. “That’s why I always tell you how much you mean to me, just in case it’s the last time I get the chance to.”

  Kate took a deep breath. “One of the many reasons I love you is because somehow against all odds you find a way to succeed against the kaiju and protect me, our kids, and everyone else from these monsters.” She smiled. “I know what you’re fishing for and we don’t have time for one of our little breaks. Once we confirm that there are no stray monsters just off the coast, and we check out that anomaly, then we can find some place to park the mech for an hour or so. Besides, I thought we took care of that this morning?”

  Chris shook his head. “When it comes to you, I don’t think I can ever have enough being taken care of.”

  Kate winked at him and then focused her attention back on the radar.

  They had flown for roughly two hours in the direction of Hawaii when Kate got a hit on the sonar.

  She waited for the hit to show up again before she brought it to Chris’ attention. “We’ve got something on sonar. Something big, much too big to be a typical whale. It’s also moving really fast for something its size.”

  Chris took a deep breath. “What’s its current heading?”

  Kate waited for a third sonar hit and then she made a projection as to where the creature would make landfall. “If it continues on its current course, it will land in Southern California in a few hours. It could come ashore anywhere from fifty to seventy-five kilometers south of the settlement.”

  Chris sighed. “That’s way too close for comfort.” He looked over at his wife. “So, I guess we attack the creature and lead it toward South America for Atomic Rex to deal with?”

  Kate thought about the question for a minute before responding. “We still have that anomaly in Mexico to check out as well. What if we lure this monster toward where Kyle noticed the anomaly? If something did come through the anomaly, we can find out what it was and draw it into a battle with the kaiju we’re tracking. After the monsters battle each other, we can draw the winner toward Atomic Rex.”

  Chris nodded. “What if nothing came out of the anomaly?”

  Kate shrugged. “Then we’ve taken a small detour to make sure all is safe while still luring this monster toward Atomic Rex’s last known position.”

  Chris smiled. “All right, sounds like we have a plan. How deep is the monster below water?”

  Kate checked the sonar readings again. “Several hundred meters. It’s way too deep for us to attack it from the air and have it follow us.”

  Chris began adjusting the controls on the mech and hit a few of the buttons on the control panel. “I’m closing all of the external ports so we can take Steel Samurai 2.0 underwater.” As the mech was descending below the waves, he looked toward his wife. “Kate, just a reminder, we’re out of torpedoes. If we are going to engage whatever this monster is underwater, we are going to have to do it in close quarters combat.”

  She smiled at her husband. “After all these years of being married, you still find ways to take me on the most romantic dates. I mean, what girl wouldn’t want to join her husband in piloting a giant mech underwater to fight a monster that threatens one of the few remaining pockets of humanity left on the planet?”

  Chris smiled back at her. “Well, if it’s any consolation to you, there’s no other woman I’d rather have in the cockpit than you.”

  Kate scowled. “There sure as hell better not be any other woman in your cockpit, if you want to live long enough to see your daughter get married.” They both laughed as Steel Samurai 2.0 pushed through the rough waters of the Pacific and towards the approaching kaiju.

  The mech pushed forward for another hour toward the monster before they were able to make visual confirmation on the beast. At first, all they could make out was a large shape moving toward them through the veil of silt and seaweed left by the storm. After staring at the undulating mass for a few seconds, the kaiju came into full view. The creature was massive with horns coming off its nose and the sides of its head. When the kaiju body shifted forward, the Myers were able to see the twin blades on its back.

  As soon as they saw the monster, Chris gave a command to the mech’s computer system. “Run the image of the kaiju ahead of us through our database and identify.”

  The computer quickly responded. “The monster is known as Hagan. It is one of the original True Kaiju that attacked Japan when the monster invasion began. Reports on Hagan suggest that it is heavily armored and that the twin sails on its back act as giant razors. The monster has not been reported to have displayed any long-range attack capabilities.”

  Chris groaned. “Heavily armored with horns and razor sails on its back.” He looked over at Kate. “We won’t last long going toe to toe with that thing. Especially not underwater where we can’t duck and dodge blows. We’re going to have to attack on the move. You arm and operate the sword. I’ll take us past the monster just beyond our arm’s reach. When we go past it, you strike it in the head as close to the eyes or mouth as you can. After we go past Hagan, I’ll swing the mech around for another attack. This time hit it on the back of the head. Hopefully, that will piss Hagan off enough that he starts to follow us and turns away from the settlement.”

  Kate nodded as she grabbed the controls in front of her. “Got it.” She then hit a switch on the controls, and as she did so, Steel Samurai 2.0’s right thigh slid open to reveal a colossal sword. Under Kate’s command, the mech grabbed the sword and pulled it out of its leg compartment. Once the mech had the sword fully in hand, the compartment on its leg closed. The mech then moved the sword in front of its face allowing Kate to see both the sword and her target directly in front of her.

  She gritted her teeth as she kept her eyes fixed on Hagan. “Ready.”

  Chris nodded. “All right, going in.” Chris pushed his controls forward. The act sent Steel Samurai 2.0 dashing th
rough the water toward the tank of a monster.

  Hagan saw the mech charging toward him. The kaiju flashed his fangs in response to the mechanical monster’s challenge and charged at the oncoming robot.

  The mech and the monster were headed directly for each other, when Chris changed the course of Steel Samurai 2.0’s forward progress by a matter of a few degrees. When the mech and Hagan were within reach of each other, they attacked. Hagan’s right claw slashed through the water and just missed slicing the mech open while, under Kate’s guidance, Steel Samurai 2.0’s blade struck the monster between the eyes. Steel Samurai’s vaunted sword bounced off Hagan’s thick skull, causing little to no damage.

  After Kate had landed the blow and the robot shot past Hagan, Chris adjusted the controls so that the mech did a wide turn in the water. When the robot had fully circled around, Chris and Kate saw that Hagan had turned around and was now heading toward them.

  Kate tightened her grip on the sword controls. “Well, I think it’s safe to assume we got his attention.”

  Chris nodded. “Let’s make sure we keep it until we can pass him off to another monster to fight.”

  Kate nodded in reply as the mighty mech darted back toward Hagan.

  The giant robot was approaching Hagan from his left side and the monster noticed that once more the robot was coming at him in such a way that it could strike him but he couldn’t strike back. With this realization, Hagan changed his battle tactics. He stopped moving forward and stayed where he was in the water. When Steel Samurai 2.0 had almost reached him, the kaiju bent his upper body forward and threw his weight to the side. This action caused Hagan’s razor-sharp sails to move directly into Steel Samurai’s 2.0’s path.


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