Abducted by the Alien

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Abducted by the Alien Page 15

by Sabrina Kade

  “You made it,” Dakota says, cupping the back of my head. “You made it. It wasn’t that bad.”

  I suck in a breath, gather my nerves and slowly move away from her. She’s smiling uncomfortably, but she’s nice enough to give me time to get myself together. Not that bad. Jesus, she’s probably not wrong, but it sure as shit didn’t feel that way when I was sprinting in the woods with giant thuds and roars happening all around me.

  “You are safe here,” a male voice rumbles above me. “Take to the shadows.”

  Dakota nods up at him and then looks at me. “Come on. You’re scared shitless right now, but we’ve got to make sure no one sees you.

  “Like people in your lair?” I guess.

  Dakota shakes her head. “No. I’m not worried about them so much.” I swallow hard. “They have another name,” she patiently explains. “I don’t have time to remember.”

  “And that… and that thing that’s making all the noise? The roar? The rumbling?”

  “She already told you,” the male rumbles. “That is what we are waiting for to pass.”

  My eyes widen. “The thing that’s making the noises. The thudding? That’s a spider?”

  “A frost spider,” Dakota says.

  “Spinesk,” the male corrects.

  “Thank you, Dash. I didn’t think you were good for anything.”

  He snarls under his breath before shaking his head. “The spinesk is close, and from the counts we took last season, there should only be a few left. If they pass without creating damage, we should be safe.”

  “Should be?” Trembles rack through my entire body, and I bury myself against Dakota’s toned frame. She wraps her arms around me.

  “Chill, Dash. You’re scaring her.”

  Another deep snarl. “It is good for her to be scared. Prince Korben said so. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have made this dangerous decision. And for what? For another—”

  “That’s not your problem,” Dakota grumbles, squeezing me tighter. “She’s here. She’s safe. Let’s move on.”

  “We can only hope her scent didn’t attract anything. Otherwise, we will have to move further into the ground. We can only hope he won’t burrow—”

  “Enough,” Dakota says, standing and pulling me right along with her. It’s funny, despite how I nestled into her arms, I’m still a few inches taller than her when standing. Embarrassed, I shuffle back a few feet to give her space but still keep my back to the opening. I made it, and I’m feeling a little brave, but that does not mean I’m going to look at a gigantic frost spider thing that can roar like a cross between a t-rex and a lion.

  “I should go,” I say in a low voice, which is enough to make Dash spin around.

  “You do not wish to see a spinesk?” I can’t tell if he’s joking or not, but there’s something dark and teasing in his tone. Like he knows how afraid I am. And enjoys it. “But it is so close. It will be a joy to see one heading to the south to mate.”

  I shudder. “No thanks. I’m going to find Drazal.”

  His expression grows less playful, more malicious. “You cannot let others see you,” Dash sneers.

  “What are you going to say if she does?” Dakota snaps back. “That she beat you up? That’ll go well.”

  “I will say no such thing! I will say…” he trails off, and the scales on his shoulders push away from his skin.

  Dakota looks triumphant. “Ahh, you didn’t think that far ahead, did you? Dumbass. Maybe you should have spent more time creating a cover story and less time bonking Kansas.”

  Another deep hiss. “She is mine. I will do what I please with her.”

  “Still playing Mr. Possessive-Dick, huh? Well, good for you. We’ll see how long Kansas lasts when you’re acting like this.”

  “I will act how I want with my female. You know nothing.”

  “No,” Dakota says, shooting me a look. “Apparently I don’t.”

  And neither do I. I actually have no idea what either of them are arguing about, let alone that Kansas is with Dash. I thought Dash was with Dakota so that’s why they were watching the lair opening together. I guess things really are different here.

  Dakota, noticing my confusion, spins back to me with a smile. “Don’t worry about him, girl. He’s a dick, but he’s harmless… except when it comes to Kansas.”

  “You know nothing,” he hisses again.

  “Calm your tits,” she says, rolling her eyes.

  “What does that mean?” Dash asks. “Maybe I will calm your tits!”

  “Seriously, shut the hell up so I can explain the directions to Phoebe so she can get out of here and look for Dranzal.”

  “It’s actually pronounced, Drazal—”

  “That is, unless you want her to stay? Maybe you want everyone to know she beat you up and that’s how she got into the lair?”

  I wince, sneaking a look at Dash and like I assumed, he’s completely puffed out like a pissed off kitty-cat. I want to warn Dakota to take it easy, but she barely notices. Or cares. She turns back to me, and with a fly of her lips, she tells me the paths I need to take to get to the prison lair. She warns me about not getting caught, but some of the girls know what I’m up to and will do their best to keep their men away from the halls.

  “I didn’t know this was such a big deal. I didn’t know you care so much.”

  “Who says we care?” Dakota’s answer is so simple that I actually wait a few seconds for her to start laughing and say she’s kidding. But her face doesn’t change. “I’m sorry, but this is more like it’s something to do. Some way to piss these guys off and there’s nothing we enjoy more than pissing off clients.” She shrugs. “Not too much, but enough to remind them that we’re not mindless animals like dumbass thinks.”

  “Dumbass?” I squeak.

  “Dash.” She rolls her eyes. “Ass. He actually only participated in this because he assumed you would die, and it would set a good example for the rest of the females to behave themselves. But look! You’re alive! That’s why he’s so grumpy. Pay him no mind. He’s in the middle of a mid-life crisis. Only his involves finding out humans aren’t highly-trained monkeys.”

  I frown, wishing Dakota hadn’t told me all of that. The idea that some of these guys think we’re so below them makes me hesitant all over again.

  Luckily, Dakota notices my warry looks in his direction and gently shoos me away. “Go now. It’s a good time. Most of the guys are getting their pleasure on. It’s about time for you to do the same thing, eh?” She winks only once and shoves me toward a darkened hallway.

  I’ve made it this far. There’s really nothing else I can do other than keep going.

  I still can’t help sparing another glance at Dash’s back. His mate is… Kansas, I think.

  Don’t think of that now, Phoebe. Focus. Get to Drazal. Right now.

  My heart warms at the idea of seeing Drazal, and I take light steps deeper and deeper into the lairs.

  For the first time, I feel exhilarated.

  This must have been how all the girls felt when they realized they found the perfect mate.

  I’m about to be next.

  I hope.



  The cave is silent for much time other than the faint pounding of feet overhead. I keep glancing at the ceiling, half expecting it to cave in from the weight, but that’s only because I have nothing to do but worry. There is no one to talk to, and most of the males have gone to pleasure to their mates. Only Wixlass, who is too frail and tiny to be anyone’s mate was kind enough to stop by and let me know that flenhein is all but complete. The last spinesks are moving slowly but isn’t enough to cause much worries.

  Still, my heart aches here. I don’t want to sit in the dark and think about what I can and cannot have. I should be out there protecting Phoebe. I can only think about how afraid she is right now, and she has every reason to be. I have failed her. I have always failed her. And though Chocal is no danger to her, the next one who
finds her could be.

  I take a seat on the floor and push my hands through my hair, wishing things could be different.

  Why did I have to want Phoebe? Why did Iriel have to want her? Why will he not give up? Why will I not give up?

  All of these questions, with the right answers, would solve my problems but of course, nothing will change. Because there is no other female for me. I only want Phoebe, and though I have failed her before, and will probably fail her again, I cannot change how I feel. I want to keep trying. I want to keep learning. I want to give everything I have to become the male she’s always wanted. I want to become a male she’ll fight for. I want to become someone she’ll be brave for—

  The door opens suddenly.

  And there she is. Phoebe.

  For a few moments, I worry I have lost my senses. I must be dreaming because this cannot be. Phoebe is supposed to be safely tucked away in the Gathering Room at the first lair with the other unmated females. She should not be standing in front of my prison with sweat on her brow and breasts, panting as though she has sparred for many turnings in a tournament. But I feel this is no dream. The corners of her mouth pull up into a tentative smile when our eyes meet, and though she’s still breathing hard, she doesn’t take her eyes away from me.

  I rise to my feet, not surprised that my cock is hard. If this is a dream, I welcome it with open arms, and either way, my cock cares not about reality and falsity. She is here. She has come to me. She is with me in the prison cave. That is all that matters.

  “What are you doing here?” I try to keep my voice from shaking, but I am already itching to get closer to her. Her cheeks are flushed and the heavy scent of her arousal tingles against my tongue so violently that I almost wince from the sensation. “You should be…”

  “I know,” she squeaks, pushing a hand through her pale hair.

  “But you—”

  “I’m here. This is where I should have been the whole time.”

  I cock my head to the side. “A prison?”

  She shakes her head. “No. With you.” She takes a slow, unsteady step in my direction and though my cock and hearts want to tear at her clothing and pleasure her, I remain steady and still. I am still struggling with my reality. She is here. With me. She has come for me. She said she should have always been with me.

  Does this mean she does not see me as a failure? That she does not think I have failed to protect her? Does it matter either way if she is still here?

  My resolve weakens further as she takes another step in my direction, and my palms itch violently under the bandages as the scales try to splay away. It is incredibly painful, but I keep my expression steady, not wanting a single reason for my mate to move in any direction than toward me. “How? How did you—”

  “Does it matter?” She smiles carefully, revealing her blunt white teeth while taking another step, and she is within reach. “I’m here. I shouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  “I failed you. When you were kidnapped, I should have been there.”

  “I’m a grown woman. Things happen. You didn’t fail anything.”

  Her words cause more pain in my palms and on the bottoms of my feet. My smile becomes strained, but luckily, she looks at the ground. “I did not think you would think of coming here.”

  “Why?” She scuffs her toe against the dirt. “We’re mates, aren’t we?”

  “We are?” Her words make me so excited; I can barely control myself. I reach across the space between us and pull her against my chest. “Say it again. You said that we are mates?”

  She licks her lips. “I… I hope so. I mean…”

  “You Choose me?” I shouldn’t interrupt, but I am too excited to act in a cordial manner.

  She nods. “I’ve always Chosen you, even if I didn’t always act that way. I’m an idiot and a coward and—”

  “These things are not true,” I hiss deeply. “You are not an idiot, and you are certainly not a coward. A coward would have never crossed lairs during flenhein. You did, Phoebe. It must have been scary for you.” I tuck her head under my chin and hug her, ignoring her little moans of protest from a grip that’s probably too tight. I can’t help it. I need to feel her body against mine. Her skin is searing hot and though it is uncomfortable, I would not change it for anything.

  “All right then,” she says awkwardly. “I may not be an idiot or a coward to you, but—”

  “You are not.”

  “You still didn’t respond to what I said.”

  I pull her away slightly. “And what was that?”

  “That… that I… Choose you? That we’re mates? Is that… is that okay?”

  Is that okay? How can she think to ask me such a thing? Of course, it is okay! There is nothing I have ever wanted more in my life. How can she not know this? But she must also want to hear the words directly from me. Dolan mentioned how females like verbal reassurances, and I suppose this is one of those crucial moments.

  “Phoebe,” I say in a low voice, ignoring the pain in my palms and in my feet. “I have wanted you from the moment I saw you. The pale hair, the paler skin. The bright, intelligence in your eyes. I wanted all of it. I will admit much of it started with wanting to protect you, but it is so much more than that now. I want to be with you. I want to watch you grow full of our sprogs one day. I want to watch you become a woman.” I swallow hard, hoping I have chosen the right words.

  This is the worst possible moment to screw things up.

  Phoebe does not look put off. If anything, her eyes have grown hooded and her arousal scent has somehow grown thicker. My tongue darts from my lips without permission and though I want to be ashamed because humans do not do this type of thing, I do not apologize. I want to taste my Chosen mate. I want to taste her pussy as well. Especially if she is going to fill this tiny space with her needy scent.

  “I must claim you,” I say without thinking. “You are mine, and I want no others to touch you.”

  She blushes, lowering her gaze. “Others have touched me in the past.”

  “Yes, but,” I pull her back against my chest. “No others will touch you in the future. No one but me.”

  That’s all she needs before removing her skirt and top, kicking them to the corner of the prison lair. My mouth grows dry as I take in her pure form, remembering how glorious her small, perky breasts are and the little pink buds at the tips. She is slimmer than many of the other females, but that does not bother me. I am still a smaller male. As I grow, I can adjust my strength accordingly so Phoebe will always feel safe in my arms.

  “You are incredible, Phoebe,” I say thickly, enjoying her hot skin against mine. My hands and feet ache to be set free from the bandages, but it is not the appropriate time. I would never be able to touch my mate fully if I released my scales. Still, I wish I didn’t have to feel her through my bandages. I want my hands on her body skin-to-skin so badly a needy mixture between a groan and a hiss escapes my throat.

  She closes her eyes, and I lower my head to kiss her.

  I want to mesh our mouths together, and I want to taste her skin.

  Our lips are about to touch when—

  “You are in pain.”

  My eyes shoot open and I pull back, staring down at her. “W-what?”

  “You think I can’t see it? You’re in pain. Is it… is it those?” She reaches down and takes my larger hands in hers, brushing hesitant fingertips over the bandages. “I’ve noticed it before, but I always felt uncomfortable bringing it up. But now that we’re… mates… I have a right to know. If you want to tell me. I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide them from me.” She continues smoothing her thumbs across the bandages, and my body aches because something prevents us from touching skin-to-skin. “Is it all right for me to ask?”

  “It’s fine. I should have told you about these in the past.”

  “They’re scales, right? You guys have scales on different parts of your bodies, and yours happen to be on two really odd places, right?” S
he grimaces suddenly and purses her full, pink lips. “I don’t mean odd. I mean, they’ve got to be uncomfortable, right? That’s why you wear the bandages.”

  I take in a deep breath. “They are quite uncomfortable. The bandages on my feet are only removed at night and then, if I have a dream that… excites me, I can wake up in quite a bit of pain,” I admit. “The ones on my hands are not as bad, but I hate them because for the first time, I long to touch a female and I cannot. Only my bandages can touch you.” I snort. “I am jealous that bandages touch my mate and I cannot.”

  “But you are.” She pulls my hands up to her face and holds them against her cheeks. “Whether you’re wearing bandages on your hands or not, you’re still the one touching me, Drazal.” She smiles, and my hearts ache from the softness in her expression. She presses her hands over mine, and though I cannot feel every part of her with my palms, my fingers brush across those pale cheeks. I can touch her full upper-lip and marvel at the plushness of her flesh.

  I don’t have to be jealous of the bandages. And though they may cause me pain, Phoebe will be there with me. My scales do not frighten her. She wants to learn more about them. Therefore, she wants to learn more about me.

  Of course she does. She has Chosen me. And I have Chosen her.

  “You’ve never wanted to touch a female before?” Phoebe asks.

  My touch on her face stiffens, and I fight the urge to lower my hands as though I am not worthy. This is Phoebe. I have wanted her for too long to act strangely now. “I have not.”

  “So, does this mean you’ve never had sex before?”

  “It does. Is that a problem?” I cock my head, trying to meet her eyes, but she glances away. It hurts because perhaps, this is something that bothers her. Despite her young face, Phoebe must be experienced. Did she think I would be able to pleasure her better than Iriel? I am not as aged as he is. I have been on Hethdiss for many turns. I had no time to think about bedding females on the fatherland. It is only now that females have become a crucial part of my life.


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