Burning Heart: White Lilies

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Burning Heart: White Lilies Page 7

by Mandy Adler

  Chapter Ten


  “Tonight, we run as a pack just as tomorrow we will win this war as a pack. Keep your spirits high and let your wolves guide you tonight and into tomorrow. Think smart and be careful, I won’t lose anyone over someone wanting to be a hero or any other misguided reasons. We will win this. We will be the pack we were always meant to be. We will be family.” I look over to my mate, who was hugging our two-year-old ward fiercely. “Those going into hiding tonight; be careful, protect our young. Treat Thomas as you would your Alpha until your return. And know just because you are not fighting does not mean you are not doing something remarkable. These pups are our future, without them this pack would die without growth. Take care of them and return to us safely. Say your goodbyes to your loved ones, let them know you will see them soon. And let’s run as a pack before tomorrow’s battle.”

  I waited while the two groups converged to say their goodbyes, just in case anyone was not to return. Lily, James, Abby, Thomas, and I huddled in our small group.

  “Take care of your young.” Thomas and I clasp arms and I pull him into a quick hug. “If James nor I don’t return you are to lead this pack, keep them safe.”

  “All of you will return safe and victorious.” He replied without hesitation. He then walked off to talk to others he was close to.

  “You be a good boy and listen to the grownups, okay?” Abby was saying as she hugged Seth through Lily’s arms.

  “Be strong pup and we will see you soon.” James told him gently. Everyone had grown to love the little pup, they have all chipped in to help take care of him. With so many of us losing our parents in the last battle, everyone wanted to show their support to him.

  Seth nodded, hanging on to Lily’s neck. I took her into my arms and he turned his head towards me. “I will protect her little man. I need you to protect your pack-mates. Can you do that for me? Can you be my eyes and ears while you’re gone?” He nodded his little head quickly, popping his thumb in his mouth. “I knew you could. We will see you soon, I still have to train you to be the next Alpha one day.” He giggled a little at this, making Lily laugh. I kissed his head gently, before wiping the tears from my mate’s cheeks. “They have to get going Lil.”

  “You be a good boy, okay?” She kissed his cheeks gently. “When you get home, I will show you how to make cookies.” She leaned down and whispered, making him giggle in delight. “Abby is awful at it, we need to show her how it’s done.”

  “Hey now! I’ll have you know I am awesome at making cookies… as long as you like them hard as a rock, they make excellent weapons!” Abby chimed in, always her sarcastic self.

  James threw an arm around her shoulders and for once she let him do it, she just leaned against his side, letting him comfort her. That alone told me how worried she was, Abby never accepted comfort from anyone but Lily.

  One of the females named Leah, who was going with the pups came to get Seth. Lily and I hugged him one last time before handing him off for them to keep safe. She knelt down and gave all the rest of the children hugs and told them all to be good and listen to the adults.


  I didn’t know it was going to be this hard, letting Seth go. I didn’t know I would grow to love him so quickly. Or that it would be so difficult to watch all the children leave, this pack was my family now and I wanted us all together. But Zach was right, it was crucial we kept them safe, they were too young to be in the middle of all this.

  I stood beside Zach as he said his speech before we all turned, letting our wolves run as a pack before we run into this battle tomorrow. I hope we all made it home, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

  He must have said the magic words while I was lost in my own head because when I came back into focus everyone was shifting. I quickly followed, letting my wolf out like the others around me. The big black wolf that was Zach rubbed his muzzle against mine, I returned the gesture with all the affection I felt. Abby was standing tall, watching over the wolves she vowed to help protect.

  We stuck together as a pack as we ran, making sure we kept Abby with us. We kept the pace slow, enjoying our time together. A small group broke off to hunt, and we enjoyed the feast. Although Abby munched on a snack she had brought for herself. It was funny how quickly she had fit in this pack, like she was always meant to be here. I laid down beside her and watched the wolves play together. We watched as Zach and James mock fought, the half-heart growls that were coming from them did not sound all that fierce.

  Abby ran her hand through my fur, more for her comfort than mine I think. “You be careful tomorrow Lily-bean. We will don’t know why they want you, and I need you to come home with us. We still have to talk about what is, or isn’t, going on with me and the beta. And you’re like my sister now, I can’t lose you.”

  I nudged her back with my nose, hoping she knew that was my wolf-way of telling her to be safe to. She was my best friend, I couldn’t lose her either.

  We stayed wolves until dawn, just playing and enjoying our pack before the big battle. We would sleep today, before the full moon began. I was hoping and praying everyone made it out of this, but I think we all knew there are always causalities in war. But we would try our best to make sure that didn’t happen.


  I spent most of the day watching her sleep, I knew I should be getting rest before tonight to. I just couldn’t seem to shut it off. My wolf needed the reassurance that she was safe and with us. He wouldn’t let us rest until the threat to her was gone. I never knew the power of true-mating until I had met her, now I know; I would do anything to keep her safe and happy. I would do anything to see her smile or hear her laugh. It’s like a powerful spell she has weaved through my soul, and I would move worlds to keep her with me, always. She has been through so much in her young life, more than any woman should bare. She deserves a moment of rest, a moment of pure happiness, a moment of knowing nothing would ever hurt her or those she loved. That was my mission; to make this world safe for this girl I loved. Come tonight it will all come to a head, I will make our enemies pay for the chaos they have caused.

  As she started to stir I pulled her closer to me, smiling at the way it made her heart race. I loved the effect I had on her even in sleep, if only she knew the effect she also had on me.

  “Il mio bel fiore, it’s time to get up.” I kissed her gently and laughed when she stretched like a cat, instead of the wolf she was. “I want you to remember to stay by me today, Kyle will be at your side, but I want you at mine.” She nodded somberly. I tilted her head up so her eyes met mine. “We will win tonight. And then we have our whole lives to live, things won’t always be like this love, I promise you that.”

  She was quiet getting ready, the entire Lodge was. All we could hope for was a better future for our pups than our parents passed down to us. Our elders started this war, but tonight… we will finish it. Most of the pack was already gathered in the diner, eating their fill before the change. Everyone needed to be at their top strength if we are all to make it of this. Lily never ate when stress hit her, I would have to make sure she got something down before we leave.

  I walk over to where Abby and James are sitting with full plates in front of them. Abby was telling something to James and using her hands animatedly, making a smile appear on his face. There was definitely something between those two, and I would bet my last dollar that they were true-mates. They would handle it when they decided the time was right. All I could do right now is make sure they both made it home so they would have that time. They both deserve it, deserve each other, deserve to find love; the other half of their souls.

  I sat beside them and soon after Lily walked in, looking somber. “Stop worrying Lil, everything will turn out as it should.” I pushed a plate of food in front of her and she gave me a rueful look. I know she hated when I told her to eat, but she needed her strength for tonight. And taking care of her was my pleasure, it was something I knew I could do, unlike bringing ho
me every one of my wolves safely tonight. I was going to try my hardest though, to make sure we all made it back. As Alpha, that was my job. I just had to, there was no other choice in my head.

  Chapter Eleven


  Everyone was silent as we made our way back to the Mage compound, the mood somber. It made the long drive seem even longer, stopping for bathroom breaks and food was the only time anyone spoke and it was to ask what the others needed. We had to take several SUVs since there was so many wolves with us this time. The guys traded off driving while the females made sure everyone had snacks or water. No one complained about the sexist part of the males driving, we were all too tense to care about something that didn’t really matter.

  Finally, we pulled off into a stretch of woods near the compound. We hid the vehicles as well as we could and gathered together under a huge oak tree. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, making the full moon look even more ominous. The glow through the trees made our surroundings appear greenish, liking looking through tinted glass. Zach was walking around making sure to speak a few words to each of our wolves.

  “Take care brother, make sure you come home with us.” I couldn’t help the lone tear as he spoke to his beta, his second, his best friend.

  “You to, Z. Make sure you and Lily return home with the rest of us.”

  “Both of you stop with the sappy. We are going to win this, then we are all going home.” Abby chimed in, slinging an arm around my shoulders. “You just focus on making sure my girl here comes home unharmed.” Zach rolled his eyes, not the least bit peeved about Abby bossing him around.

  “Abby here. Always with the tact.” James laughed. “I’ll make sure the witch comes home, you two take care.”

  Kyle walked up and stood beside me. “I will stay at her side.” He quietly tells Zach.

  Zach gave a quick nod. “I will be with you both, but no matter what happens you stay with her, understand? Protecting her is your mission, while the rest of us work towards the goal of ridding us of these fire mages.”

  “I understand and it is my honor to protect the Alpha female.” They clasped hands in a weird formal way.

  I hated that he assigned me a protector, but I understood it. If he had someone with me at all times he wouldn’t be so distracted by my safety, he could focus more on his surroundings. All in all, it also helped keep him, and those around us safer. And I was willing to do anything to keep everyone safe. I hated that we were in this constant danger, I was ready to go home. I was ready to start our lives together. I wanted to hug Seth, swim in our pool, gossip with Abby, I was even ready to get back to the normal teasing James always gave. This had to end for us to get back to any of that, and that was what we were here to do tonight, one way or another this would end tonight. We will fight for the things we want, the lives we deserve, our way of life, and the happiness of our pack.

  He turned to face the rest of his back, they turned to him, tilting their heads and baring their necks. “You will watch out for each other, protect each other. They are not wolves, they will not fight like one. Keep your eyes everywhere and do not let your guards down. Stay in groups. I do not want anyone on their own, you must have a partner at all times. Tonight, we end this. Tonight, we get back the lives as a pack we were always meant to have. Tonight, we finish what our parents started. Abby has cast a spell that allows our clothes to reappear after shifting back and forth, so do not hesitate to take any form necessary to complete your task.”

  Abby laughed before mumbling to me. “I just hope I did it correctly and the males wont shift with a pretty little dress on.”

  I smothered my laugh as Zach continued. “We have advantages our parents did not. We have a pack witch, we have a healthy pack dynamic, and we have been smarter than them. This is our time to show the supernatural world that this is not the pack to mess with. Tonight, we will show them how a pack is supposed to operate. We will prevail.”


  I watched as my wolves cheered. I could feel the nerves of my mate, but she was confident we would win. I was going to make sure we did. I watched as most of the pack shifted, some staying in human form for the time being.

  Connor walked to me and fixed me in a hug. “Your father would be proud of you. You are the Alpha he always wanted to be. Take care of yourself and your mate tonight, this pack needs you both.”

  “Thank you, Connor. Make sure you take care of yourself to.”

  His eyes sparkled as I pulled Lily to me and kissed her head gently, taking in her sent. “I had a feeling when you joined this pack there would be big changes.” Lily blushed under his eyes. “Who knew that this tiny, scared little wolf would help lead a battle to peace for this pack. You, my dear are the heart of this pack, you are the shake-up it needed all along. I’m proud my nephew fought to bring you to this point. Take care of each other.”

  “Okay.” I spoke just loud enough for all my wolves to hear. “Break into your groups as we practiced. Stay with your group. Bring the injured back here, we leave no wolf behind.”

  I watched as they moved into the smaller groups as we had been practicing. Abby and Lily embraced tightly before Abby followed James to the group they were heading. The tears in Lily’s eyes sent a spike of pain through me.

  “They will be okay. With her power and James’ skill, they will not fail.” She nodded and wiped the lone tear that fell. “Stay with me, okay?”

  “Always.” She whispered. We had decided she would stay human, that way she could take the fire and from the mages expel it as we go. Both Kyle and I would shift and protect her.

  We were the last group to move out. Lily was walking in between Kyle and myself, the safest place for her to be. It wasn’t long before we came upon our first group of Mages. Lily shivered at the flames he held in his hand. But only for a moment she then steeled her shoulders and shoved her hand towards the leader of this group. Kyle and I didn’t stay to see what she did, we moved as a team. Taking down the one ones she didn’t have time to. I could hear the blasts as she let go of the power she took. We moved quickly, moving group to group until we could see the compound. Her face was wet from sweat, pulling the powers was taking a toll on her. I leaned into her side, lending as much strength as she would take.

  She placed her hand on my head. “Almost there.” Her voice was weak.

  We waited until several of the groups met up with us before entering. I was relieved to see both Abby and James among the uninjured, along with Connor and Marc.

  “She can’t take much more.” Abby said as she reached our side. “Using too much magic so quickly will drain her. Mages use the elements around them, that’s why these mages have torches and fires everywhere. But hers is a combination of Omega wolf and water magic, she has limits.”

  I shifted to human so I could speak. I turned to my worn-out mate. “From this point on only use magic when you must, let the wolves take down those we can.”

  “But!” She tried to argue but I placed both my hands on her face, bringing her attention to me.

  “No. I will not risk you. You have done enough. Promise me you will not use your magic unless you have to.” I waited for her to finally give a reluctant nod. “Thank you.” I turned to Abby and James, who was still in wolf form. “Take out who you can. If they are dormant and have no power let them live if you can, no sense in killing humans.”

  I shifted back and we made our way inside cautiously. Every wall was lined with flames, torches in every corner. The groups split back up, each group taking a different hall. As we made our way from room to room I was surprised by how many of them seemed to be dormants, majority of them in fact. We tried to just knock those ones out, I had promised my mate that we would leave as many of them alive as we could. I agreed with her, without powers they were no threat to mine.

  “Why do they have so many of them fighting? What is the point?” She asked quietly. I had been wondering the same thing.

  I shifted back to human as we came to a huge circular
room lit along the walls. A feeling of unease settling in at the pit of my stomach. A slow clapping started from the darkness.

  “Quite a show, I must say.” As he stepped into the light I knew what this was… a trap. “You wolves are a lot more resourceful than I thought possible for a bunch of animals.” I took a step forward, ready to rip this guy’s head off. He clucked his tongue. “Now, now Alpha. All we want is the girl. The rest of your pack is free to leave.”

  “You are crazy if you think I’m handing over my mate to you.” I growled. I felt Lily place her hand on my arm, warning me.

  I smelled them before I saw them, we were surrounded. I could hear the howls of my wolves from beyond these walls. I shifted, being able to protect her better in this form than my human one.

  “They are all dormant.” Lily whispered. “I can’t pull any power from them.” She then shifted with us, baring her teeth at the man in front of us.

  They came at us all at once. I let go of the thought of just knocking them out, they were after my mate, my wolf wanted blood. Kyle stayed at her side. The two of them tearing into anyone who got near. We were being overwhelmed. The last thing I saw was Lily clawing into one that had just stabbed Kyle before the lights went out.


  “Good. You’re finally awake.” I groaned as I opened my eyes and saw Sue chained to the wall across from me.


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